Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

35879 products

  • Maßband Bambus 2m SOKUTAI - Holz für nachhaltige und präzise Messungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Maßband Bambus 2m SOKUTAI - Holz für nachhaltige und präzise Messungen

    Nachhaltig: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem, umweltfreundlichem Bambus Design: Natürliche Holzoptik für ein stilvolles und professionelles Aussehen Länge: 2 Meter Bandlänge für vielseitige Messaufgaben Material: Robuste und langlebige Konstruktion für langfristigen Einsatz Präzision: Genauigkeitsgeprüft für exakte und zuverlässige Messungen Ergonomisch: Komfortabler Griff für sicheres und angenehmes Arbeiten Einfach zu bedienen: Leicht ablesbare Skala und reibungsloses Ein- und Ausziehen des Bandes Kompakt: Handliches Format für einfache Mitnahme und Aufbewahrung Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützt nachhaltige Praktiken und umweltbewussten Konsum


  • SOKUTEI Maßband - 1m - Bambus - Holz Umweltfreundliches Messwerkzeug TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SOKUTEI Maßband - 1m - Bambus - Holz Umweltfreundliches Messwerkzeug

    Hochwertiges SOKUTEI Maßband für präzise Messungen Gesamtlänge: 1 Meter, ideal für kompakte Projekte Hergestellt aus nachhaltigem Bambus für umweltfreundliche Nutzung Robustes Holzdesign für Langlebigkeit und natürliche Optik Deutliche Skala für klare und einfache Ablesbarkeit Leicht und kompakt, einfach zu transportieren und zu verwenden Perfekt für Handwerker und Heimwerker Vielseitig einsetzbar, ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch


  • Maßband Bambus 1m SOKUTEI - Holz für nachhaltige und präzise Messungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Maßband Bambus 1m SOKUTEI - Holz für nachhaltige und präzise Messungen

    Nachhaltig: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem, umweltfreundlichem Bambus Design: Natürliche Holzoptik für ein stilvolles und professionelles Aussehen Länge: 1 Meter Bandlänge für vielseitige Messaufgaben Material: Robuste und langlebige Konstruktion für langfristigen Einsatz Präzision: Genauigkeitsgeprüft für exakte und zuverlässige Messungen Ergonomisch: Komfortabler Griff für sicheres und angenehmes Arbeiten Einfach zu bedienen: Leicht ablesbare Skala und reibungsloses Ein- und Ausziehen des Bandes Kompakt: Handliches Format für einfache Mitnahme und Aufbewahrung Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützt nachhaltige Praktiken und umweltbewussten Konsum


  • SILLITA Smartphone-Ständer in Schwarz - Stabil & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SILLITA Smartphone-Ständer in Schwarz - Stabil & Stilvoll

    Robustes Design: Gefertigt aus hochwertigen Materialien für dauerhafte Stabilität. Elegantes Schwarz: Passt perfekt zu jedem Büro- oder Wohnraumdekor. Vielseitige Kompatibilität: Geeignet für eine Vielzahl von Smartphone-Modellen. Freihändige Nutzung: Ideal für Videoanrufe, Filme schauen oder als Lesehilfe. Kompakt und tragbar: Leicht und einfach zu transportieren, praktisch für unterwegs.


  • IDEA SEED' Samenpapier-Lesezeichen in Weiß - Öko-Innovatives Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    IDEA SEED' Samenpapier-Lesezeichen in Weiß - Öko-Innovatives Design

    Umweltfreundlich: Hergestellt aus biologisch abbaubarem Samenpapier. Wachsen & Lernen: Pflanzen Sie Ihr Lesezeichen und beobachten Sie, wie aus Ideen Blumen werden. Schlichtes Weiß: Elegantes Design, das zu jedem Buch passt. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal als Geschenk für Buchliebhaber und Umweltbewusste. Einfache Anwendung: Legen Sie das Lesezeichen in Erde, gießen Sie es und genießen Sie das Wachstum.


  • IDEA SEED Samenpapier-Lesezeichen in Weiß – Grüne Lesezeichen, die wachsen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    IDEA SEED Samenpapier-Lesezeichen in Weiß – Grüne Lesezeichen, die wachsen

    Mit integrierten Samen: Pflanzen Sie Ihr Lesezeichen nach dem Lesen. Umweltfreundlich: Aus recyceltem Papier hergestellt. Inspirierendes Design: Motiviert zum Lesen und Pflanzen. Perfektes Geschenk für Buchliebhaber: Kombiniert Lese- und Gartenfreude. Lehrreich und innovativ: Fördert Umweltbewusstsein und Kreativität.


  • MEMO SEED Markerblock aus Samenpapier - Weiß, Öko & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    MEMO SEED Markerblock aus Samenpapier - Weiß, Öko & Praktisch

    Innovatives Material: Notizblock aus speziellem Samenpapier, das nach Gebrauch eingepflanzt werden kann. Umweltfreundlich: Fördert das Recycling und unterstützt die Umwelt mit biologisch abbaubarem Papier. Vielseitige Nutzung: Ideal für Notizen, Skizzen oder als kreatives Geschenk. Einfache Anleitung: Jedes Blatt enthält Hinweise zur Pflanzung und Pflege der entstehenden Pflanzen.


  • MEMO SEED Samenpapier-Markerblock in Weiß – Ökologisch notieren und pflanzen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    MEMO SEED Samenpapier-Markerblock in Weiß – Ökologisch notieren und pflanzen

    Integrierte Pflanzensamen: Pflanzen Sie Ihre Notizen, sobald sie nicht mehr benötigt werden. Recyceltes Material: Unterstützt umweltfreundliche Praktiken. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Büro, Schule oder Zuhause. Kreatives und praktisches Design: Fördert umweltbewusstes Denken. Ideal als Geschenk: Inspiriert zu mehr Grün im Alltag.


  • VISON SEED Notizblock aus Samenpapier - Weiß, Ökologisch & Innovativ TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    VISON SEED Notizblock aus Samenpapier - Weiß, Ökologisch & Innovativ

    Umweltbewusstes Konzept: Block aus Samenpapier, das nach Gebrauch gepflanzt werden kann. Schlichtes Weiß: Elegantes Design, das in jedes Büro oder Zuhause passt. Biologisch abbaubar: 100% kompostierbar, fördert nachhaltige Praktiken. Pflanzbar und praktisch: Jedes Blatt verwandelt sich in Pflanzen, nachdem es in Erde gelegt wird. Vielfältige Anwendung: Ideal für Notizen, Erinnerungen oder als kreatives Geschenk.


  • VISION SEED Samenpapier-Notizblock in Weiß – Für nachhaltige Ideen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    VISION SEED Samenpapier-Notizblock in Weiß – Für nachhaltige Ideen

    Samenpapier: Jedes Blatt kann gepflanzt werden, um Kräuter oder Blumen zu züchten. Umweltfreundliches Konzept: Aus recyceltem Papier hergestellt. Perfekt für kreative Köpfe: Inspiriert zu nachhaltigem Handeln. Leicht und kompakt: Ideal für unterwegs. Praktisches Werbegeschenk: Fördert umweltfreundliche Markenwerte.


  • SUORA RPET-Filz Schlüsselanhänger in Schwarz - Umweltfreundlich & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SUORA RPET-Filz Schlüsselanhänger in Schwarz - Umweltfreundlich & Stilvoll

    Umweltbewusst: Hergestellt aus recyceltem PET-Filz. Zeitloses Schwarz: Passt perfekt zu jedem Schlüsselbund und Stil. Langlebig und robust: Für den täglichen Gebrauch konzipiert. Kompakt und praktisch: Einfach zu tragen und überall einsetzbar. Ideal als Geschenk: Kommt in einer attraktiven Verpackung, perfekt für Umweltliebhaber.


  • SEEDLOPE Bunte Blumensamen-Mischung - Beige, Einfach zu säen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SEEDLOPE Bunte Blumensamen-Mischung - Beige, Einfach zu säen

    SEEDLOPE Bunte Blumensamen-Mischung - Beige, Einfach zu säen Verleihen Sie Ihrem Garten mit der SEEDLOPE Bunte Blumensamen-Mischung eine lebendige Note! Diese sorgfältig zusammengestellte Mischung bietet Ihnen: Vielfältige Auswahl: Genießen Sie eine Auswahl an bunten Blumensamen, die Ihre Gartenlandschaft in ein Blumenmeer verwandeln. Stilvolles Design: Die schlichte, beigefarbene Verpackung sorgt für eine natürliche und elegante Ausstrahlung in Ihrem Garten. Einfache Aussaat: Perfekt für Gartenneulinge! Klare Anweisungen machen das Pflanzen zum Kinderspiel und garantieren beste Ergebnisse. Blütenpracht: Ideal für Beete, Balkone und als Nahrungsquelle für Bienen, die zur Bestäubung unserer Pflanzen beitragen. Umweltfreundlich: Sowohl die Verpackung als auch der Inhalt sind nachhaltig und tragen zur Schonung unserer Umwelt bei. Bringen Sie Farbe und Leben in Ihren Garten mit der SEEDLOPE Bunte Blumensamen-Mischung und genießen Sie die Schönheit der Natur!


  • SEEDLOPE – Beige Blumenmischung für einen bunten Garten das ganze Jahr TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SEEDLOPE – Beige Blumenmischung für einen bunten Garten das ganze Jahr

    Bunte Saatmischung: Verschiedene Blumen für Farbakzente. Einfache Aussaat: Direkt ins Beet oder in Töpfe. Langanhaltende Blüte: Genießen Sie Blumen vom Frühling bis zum Herbst. Biene freundlich: Unterstützt die lokale Biodiversität. Ideal für Gärtner jeder Erfahrungsstufe: Einfache Pflege und robuste Pflanzen.


  • Blumenmischung 'SEEDLOPEBEE' - Bienenfreundliche Samen in Beige TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Blumenmischung 'SEEDLOPEBEE' - Bienenfreundliche Samen in Beige

    Bienenfreundlich: Fördert die Biodiversität und unterstützt Bestäuber. Farbenfrohe Vielfalt: Eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Blumenarten für einen bunten Garten. Einfache Aussaat: Ausstreuen, bedecken und gießen – ideal für Gartenneulinge. Beige Verpackung: Elegantes und natürliches Design. Lang anhaltende Blüte: Genießen Sie eine Saison voller Farben und Leben.


  • SEEDLOPEBEE Blumenmischung für Bienen in Beige – Blütenpracht für den Garten TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SEEDLOPEBEE Blumenmischung für Bienen in Beige – Blütenpracht für den Garten

    SEEDLOPEBEE Blumenmischung für Bienen in Beige – Blütenpracht für den Garten Entdecken Sie die wunderschöne SEEDLOPEBEE Blumenmischung für Bienen, die perfekt für jeden Garten ist und das lokale Ökosystem nachhaltig unterstützt. Diese einzigartige Mischung bietet nicht nur eine farbenfrohe Blütenpracht, sondern trägt auch aktiv zur Förderung von Bienen und anderen Bestäubern bei. Warum unsere Blumenmischung wählen? Vielfältige Blumensorten: Genießen Sie die Schönheit einer bunten Gartenlandschaft mit einer Vielzahl von Blumen, die harmonisch miteinander kombiniert sind. Bienenfreundlich: Diese Mischung zieht Bienen an, was nicht nur deren Lebensraum unterstützt, sondern auch die Gesundheit Ihres Gartens fördert. Leichte Aussaat: Die Samen können direkt im Beet oder in Blumentöpfen ausgesät werden, was die Anpflanzung zum Kinderspiel macht. Lange Blütezeit: Erfreuen Sie sich an einer kontinuierlichen Blüte von Frühling bis Herbst, die Ihrem Garten Leben und Farbe verleiht. Nachhaltig und ökologisch: Mit dieser Blumenmischung tragen Sie aktiv zur Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt bei und setzen ein Zeichen für den Umweltschutz. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Garten mit der SEEDLOPEBEE Blumenmischung für Bienen in Beige eine lebendige und nachhaltige Note und genießen Sie die wunderbare Symbiose zwischen Natur und Blütenpracht!


  • INKLESS PLUS Tintenloses Schreibgerät - Holz, Nachhaltig & Langlebig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    INKLESS PLUS Inkless Writing Instrument - Wood, Sustainable & Durable

    INKLESS PLUS Inkless Writing Instrument - Wood, Sustainable & Durable Discover the revolutionary INKLESS PLUS, a writing instrument that changes the way you write. This innovative product combines functionality and sustainability in an elegant design. Special features of INKLESS PLUS: Innovative technology: Writes without ink – no refilling required! High-quality wood: Made from sustainable, durable wood that is both environmentally friendly and stylish. Durable: Designed for long-lasting use without any wear and tear, ideal for everyday use. Elegant design: The natural wood look ensures stylish writing comfort that impresses in any environment. Versatile: Perfect for school, office or creative projects - this writing instrument is a must-have for all writing enthusiasts. Choose the INKLESS PLUS inkless writing instrument and experience the freedom of writing without ink. Enjoy the beauty of sustainable wood and the durability of a well-thought-out design. Write the future!


  • FENTON Holzoptik-Silikon-Kosmetikstäbchen – Präzise Anwendung TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    FENTON Wood-look Silicone Cosmetic Sticks – Precise Application

    FENTON Wood-look Silicone Cosmetic Sticks – Precise Application Discover the versatile FENTON wood-effect silicone cosmetic sticks, designed for precise application of your beauty routine. These innovative cosmetic sticks offer not only functionality but also an attractive design. Main features: Sustainable material: The wooden look handle gives the cosmetic sticks an elegant look and is environmentally friendly. Reusable: These chopsticks are easy to clean and ensure long-lasting use, making them a cost-saving choice. Versatile: Ideal for makeup corrections, product application or even creative nail art projects. Precise application: Perfect for fine details, FENTON cosmetic sticks allow you to achieve accurate results effortlessly. Add a new dimension to your beauty routine with FENTON wood-look silicone cosmetic sticks – for flawless and creative application!


  • TAMAGO Straßenmalkreide - Hochwertige Kreidestifte in Beige für kreative Outdoor-Aktivitäten und Spaß im Freien TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    TAMAGO Street Chalk - High-quality chalk pens in beige for creative outdoor activities and fun in the open air

    TAMAGO Street Chalk - High-quality chalk pens in beige for creative outdoor activities and fun in the open air Discover the world of creativity with TAMAGO street chalk! These high-quality chalk pens in a soft beige color allow you to create beautiful and natural drawings on sidewalks and asphalt. Special features: Natural color: The beige color creates soft and harmonious outdoor artwork. Vivid results: Thanks to their high pigmentation, you can achieve vibrant and highly visible creations that impress every viewer. Durable and weatherproof: This chalk can withstand rain and moisture and offers you long-lasting fun, no matter what the weather. Easy to use: The chalk pens are easy to apply and blend effortlessly, making them ideal for artists of all ages. Environmentally friendly: Non-toxic and environmentally friendly materials make this chalk the perfect choice for environmentally conscious creatives. Whether for children or adults, TAMAGO sidewalk chalk is the perfect companion for anyone who enjoys creative outdoor activities. Let your imagination run wild and design the outside world as you imagine it!


  • Subli LIENZO Untersetzer in Weiß – Stilvoll & Funktional TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Subli LIENZO Coasters in White – Stylish & Functional

    Subli LIENZO Coasters in White – Stylish & Functional Discover the perfect combination of elegance and functionality with the Subli LIENZO coasters in white. These stylish coasters are not only a practical accessory, but also a real highlight for any table decoration. Main features: High-quality material: Made of durable material, these coasters offer long-term use and durability. Simple white: The timeless design matches any type of table decoration and adds an elegant touch to your living space. Surface protection: Protect your tables effectively from scratches and heat with these functional coasters. Versatile: Whether hot coffee, cold cocktails or other drinks – these coasters are suitable for all. Easy to clean: Simply wipe down for quick and effortless maintenance. Add a touch of style to your home while protecting your surfaces with Subli LIENZO coasters. Ideal for any occasion!


  • NAPIER Schwarze Aluminium-Trinkflasche, 600 ml, Ultraleicht TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    NAPIER Black Aluminium Drinking Bottle, 600 ml, Ultralight

    NAPIER Black Aluminium Drinking Bottle, 600 ml, Ultralight The NAPIER black aluminum drinking bottle combines functionality with timeless design. With a capacity of 600 ml , it is the ideal companion for your next adventures and longer-term activities. Features in detail: Color: Elegant and timeless black Material: High-quality aluminum for maximum durability Use: Perfect for sports, travel and everyday life Robust: Designed to withstand the challenges of everyday life Reusable: An environmentally friendly choice that reduces waste Easy to carry: Ultra-lightweight design for effortless transportation Special feature: Fits in most car and bicycle mounts Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with the NAPIER water bottle – your ideal choice for hydration on the go!


  • ALABAMA RPET Trinkflasche 650ml in Schwarz - Umweltfreundlich und Elegant TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    ALABAMA RPET Drinking Bottle 650ml in Black - Environmentally Friendly and Elegant

    ALABAMA RPET Drinking Bottle 650ml in Black - Environmentally Friendly and Elegant Discover the ALABAMA RPET water bottle , the perfect combination of style and functionality. This elegant and eco-friendly bottle is not only a practical everyday companion, but also an environmentally conscious choice. Product features: 650 ml capacity: Ideal for active lifestyles – perfect for sport, work or leisure. High-quality RPET material: Made from recycled material, this bottle combines style and environmental friendliness. Lightweight and durable: The bottle is both durable and lightweight, making it an ideal companion for any activity. Ergonomic design: The non-slip material ensures that the bottle fits comfortably in the hand and is easy to transport. Easy to clean: Thanks to its dishwasher safety, the bottle is easy to clean and hygienic. Choose the ALABAMA RPET drinking bottle and set an example for sustainability without sacrificing elegance!


  • INDICO Dunkelgrauer Kordelzugbeutel aus RPET-Filz - Nachhaltige Tasche für stilvolle Aufbewahrung TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    INDICO Dark Grey Drawstring Bag Made of RPET Felt - Sustainable Bag for Stylish Storage

    INDICO Dark Grey Drawstring Bag Made of RPET Felt - Sustainable Bag for Stylish Storage Discover the INDICO Dark Grey Drawstring Bag that is not only functional but also environmentally conscious. This stylish bag is the perfect solution for your everyday storage needs. Sustainable material: Made from recycled PET felt, this bag helps reduce waste and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. Practical drawstring: The integrated drawstring allows for effortless opening and closing, so you can always quickly access your things. Spacious main compartment: With enough space for books, clothes or shopping, this bag is ideal for everyday use. Versatile use: Perfect for shopping, as a sports bag or even as creative gift wrapping - the possible uses are endless. Stylish design: The elegant dark grey colour and durable material give the bag a modern and timeless look. Go for sustainability and style with the INDICO drawstring bag – the ideal choice for environmentally conscious consumers!


  • TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy in Weiß - Stressabbauendes Sensorikspielzeug TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy in White - Stress-Relieving Sensory Toy

    TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy in White - Stress-Relieving Sensory Toy Discover the TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy , the perfect stress relief and sensory stimulation tool. This innovative toy is not only entertaining, but also helps relieve tension and promote concentration. Main features: Calming Toy: Ideal for reducing stress and anxiety, it provides a relaxing experience for all ages. High-quality silicone material: The durable and easy-to-clean material ensures long-term use without wear and tear. Portable Design: Compact and lightweight, perfect for on the go - take it to the office, school or travel. Sensory stimulation: Promotes fine motor skills and supports sensory perception, especially in children. Versatile use: Suitable for children and adults who have a need for sensory play. Experience the benefits of the TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy and enjoy relaxing moments wherever you are. Make stress and tension a thing of the past!


  • TOCAGAME Pop-it-Fidget Spielzeug in Weiß - Beruhigend & Trendig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy in White - Calming & Trendy

    TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy in White - Calming & Trendy Discover the calming effect of the TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget Toy , which is not only trendy but also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. With this unique toy, you can enjoy a calming experience by gently squeezing the bubbles. Why our Pop-it fidget toy? Calming effect: Promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress. Simple design: The elegant white suits all ages and styles, making it an ideal gift for anyone. High-quality material: Made of durable silicone, our toy is both safe and durable. Easy to clean: Simply washable and hygienic, perfect for everyday use. Versatile: Ideal for school, the office or as a relaxing toy at home. Treat yourself to the TOCAGAME Pop-it Fidget toy and experience the perfect combination of functionality and style. Perfect for anyone looking for a moment of calm in their hectic everyday life!


  • BOWFAN Regenbogenfächer - Mehrfarbige Handfächer für fröhliche Erfrischung TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    BOWFAN Rainbow Fans - Multi-colored hand fans for cheerful refreshment

    BOWFAN Rainbow Fans - Multi-colored hand fans for cheerful refreshment Discover the BOWFAN rainbow fan , which is not only a practical accessory, but also puts you in a good mood! With its colorful design in bright rainbow colors, this hand fan brings joy and refreshment anywhere and at any time. Main features: Colorful design: The vibrant colors promote a cheerful mood and are a real eye-catcher. Lightweight and handy: Compact and easy to transport, ideal for on the go, travel or events. Robust material: Made of high-quality materials that guarantee a long service life and reliable use. Effective cooling: Enjoy pleasant refreshment on hot days, perfect for relaxing summer days. Versatile use: Whether at festivals, in the park or for everyday use – this fan is always the ideal companion. The BOWFAN rainbow fan is more than just a fan - it is your personal refreshment companion and an expression of joie de vivre. Get your fan and bring color into your everyday life!


  • BOWFAN Fächer in Regenbogenfarben – Bunt und Erfrischend für Jeden Tag TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    BOWFAN fans in rainbow colors – colorful and refreshing for every day

    BOWFAN fans in rainbow colors – colorful and refreshing for every day Discover the BOWFAN fan , which is not only a practical accessory but also a living expression of your personality. With its vibrant rainbow pattern, this fan brings color and joy to your everyday life. Special features: Versatile: Ideal for Pride events, festivals or simply as a fashion statement. Compact and portable: Let yourself be convinced by its foldability – perfect for on the go! Practical cooling: An indispensable companion on hot summer days or in stuffy rooms. Joyful design: The cheerful appearance puts you in a good mood and attracts a lot of attention. Bring some excitement into your life with the BOWFAN rainbow fan – a MUST-HAVE for anyone who likes to stay stylish and fresh.


  • Langlebige RASSA COLOURED Canvas Einkaufstasche 270 g/m² in Schwarz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Durable RASSA COLOURED Canvas shopping bag 270 g/m² in black

    Durable RASSA COLOURED Canvas shopping bag 270 g/m² in black Discover the perfect combination of functionality and stylish design with the RASSA COLOURED canvas shopping bag. This bag is made with a sturdy canvas fabric that is not only durable but also extremely hard-wearing. Main features: Material: High-quality, durable canvas fabric for long-lasting use. Design: Elegant deep black with a minimalist look that goes with any outfit. High load capacity: Designed to carry heavy loads, perfect for daily shopping or outings. Easy to use: The bag can be easily folded and stored when not in use. Easy care: Hand washable for easy cleaning and care. Versatile: Ideal for daily errands, as a stylish beach bag or for shopping. The RASSA COLOURED canvas shopping bag is more than just a practical accessory. It is the perfect companion for those who value quality and style. Get this timeless bag and make your daily errands even easier and more fashionable!


  • Schwarze Einkaufstasche Canvas 270 g/m² RASSA COLOURED – Robust, stilvoll, geräumig, vielseitig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Black shopping bag Canvas 270 g/m² RASSA COLOURED – Robust, stylish, spacious, versatile

    Black shopping bag Canvas 270 g/m² RASSA COLOURED – Robust, stylish, spacious, versatile Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Black Canvas Shopping Bag . This bag is not only a practical companion, but also a fashionable accessory for every occasion. Characteristics: High-quality material: Made of durable 270 g/m² canvas, this bag guarantees durability and robustness. Classic design: The simple black gives the bag a contemporary and professional look that goes with any outfit. Spacious: With enough space for large purchases and everyday items, this bag is the ideal companion for any occasion. Convenient handling: The comfortable carrying handles allow for easy and comfortable transport, no matter how much you carry. Versatile use: Perfect for shopping, office, travel or leisure activities - the bag meets all your needs. Easy care: It is easy to clean and therefore ideal for everyday use. Sustainability: Reusable and environmentally friendly, this bag supports sustainable consumption and protects the environment. Choose the Black Canvas Shopping Bag and enjoy the perfect mix of style, comfort and functionality!


  • Beige Einkaufstasche aus Jute FULLA – Umweltfreundliche und elegante Tragetasche für jeden Tag TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Beige jute shopping bag FULLA – environmentally friendly and elegant everyday bag

    Beige jute shopping bag FULLA – environmentally friendly and elegant everyday bag Discover the perfect combination of style and sustainability with the FULLA beige jute shopping bag . This bag is not only a fashionable accessory but also an eco-friendly choice for conscious shoppers. sustainability in focus Made from natural jute , this bag supports a greener future. Ideal for those who value environmentally friendly products. Elegant design The timeless beige gives the bag a classic and elegant look that integrates effortlessly into any wardrobe. Robust and durable The durable materials guarantee a long life and make the bag perfect for everyday use. It is ready to carry all your shopping and personal items. Spacious and practical With enough space for shopping , books and other personal items, this bag is the ideal companion for any occasion. Versatile applications Whether you're shopping, spending your free time or using it as a stylish everyday accessory - the FULLA shopping bag is universally applicable and enhances any outfit. Choose the beige FULLA jute shopping bag and set an example for style and environmental awareness!


  • FULLA Robuste Jutetasche für den Alltag - Naturbeige TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    FULLA Robust jute bag for everyday use - natural beige

    FULLA Robust jute bag for everyday use - natural beige Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the FULLA Robust Jute Bag. This versatile bag is your ideal everyday companion and offers numerous advantages that set it apart from other handbags. Product features: High quality material: Made of durable jute which is both eco-friendly and hard wearing. Neutral beige: The natural coloring allows you to effortlessly combine the bag with any wardrobe. Elegant design: The simple and attractive design ensures that you always look good, no matter where you are. Spacious interior: Enough space for all your everyday essentials, from shopping to personal items. Ergonomic handles: The comfortable handles ensure effortless transport, even when full. Versatile use: Ideal for market visits, as an everyday handbag or even as a stylish storage place at home. With the FULLA Robust Jute Bag you make an environmentally conscious choice without compromising on style and comfort. Make it your new favorite accessory!


  • Stilvolle ZEVRA Einkaufstasche 140g/m² in elegantem Schwarz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Stylish ZEVRA shopping bag 140g/m² in elegant black

    Stylish ZEVRA shopping bag 140g/m² in elegant black Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the stylish ZEVRA shopping bag. This bag is not only a practical companion for your shopping, but also an elegant accessory for every occasion. Product features: High-quality material: Made of lightweight and durable material that ensures longevity. Classic design: Its timeless, functional design offers a spacious main compartment that provides enough space for all your purchases. Lightweight: At only 140g/m², the bag is easy to carry without losing any of its carrying capacity. Easy care: The shopping bag is machine washable and therefore easy to clean and ready for use again and again. Versatile: Ideal for shopping, storage or as a practical bag for everyday use. Choose the stylish ZEVRA shopping bag in elegant black and make a fashion statement while shopping in an environmentally conscious way. Your ideal companion for every occasion!


  • Schwarze Einkaufstasche 140g/m² ZEVRA – Robust, stilvoll, leicht, vielseitig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Black shopping bag 140g/m² ZEVRA – Robust, stylish, lightweight, versatile

    Black shopping bag 140g/m² ZEVRA – Robust, stylish, lightweight, versatile Discover the ideal combination of functionality and style with the black ZEVRA shopping bag . This bag is not only a practical companion, but also a fashionable accessory for every occasion. Product features: Material: Made from durable 140gsm cotton which is both long lasting and environmentally friendly. Design: Classic black gives the bag a modern and professional look. Capacity: Spacious enough to easily carry shopping, books and everyday items. Carrying comfort: Comfortable carrying handles ensure easy and pleasant transport. Versatility: Ideal for shopping, office, travel and leisure activities - a bag for all situations. Easy care: Easy to clean and designed for daily use. Sustainability: Reusable and biodegradable, supports environmentally conscious consumption and protects the environment. Choose the black ZEVRA shopping bag for your everyday life and experience how style and functionality harmonize perfectly with each other.


  • Multicolor Kordelzugbeutel RPET BOW - Umweltfreundlich und vielseitig einsetzbar TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Multicolor drawstring bag RPET BOW - environmentally friendly and versatile

    Multicolor drawstring bag RPET BOW - environmentally friendly and versatile Discover the perfect companion for your everyday life with our eco-friendly multicolor drawstring bag made of RPET. This versatile bag combines functionality and style and is the ideal solution for environmentally conscious shoppers. Main features: Sustainable material: Made from recycled PET, this bag helps reduce plastic waste and protects the environment. Colorful design: The vibrant multicolor pattern creates an eye-catching look and brings joy to your everyday life. Practical drawstring: The bag can be opened and closed with a simple pull, which guarantees safe transport of your items. Large capacity: Perfect for sports equipment, shopping or everyday use, this bag has room for everything you need. Lightweight and compact: The bag is so light that it fits in any bag and is always at hand whenever you need it. With the multicolor drawstring bag RPET BOW you are not only choosing a practical accessory, but also a responsible lifestyle. Bring color and functionality into your life!


  • Baseballkappe Bio-Baumwolle BICCA CAP - schwarz Nachhaltig, komfortabel, hochwertig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Baseball cap organic cotton BICCA CAP - black Sustainable, comfortable, high quality

    Baseball cap organic cotton BICCA CAP - black Discover the perfect combination of style and sustainability with the BICCA CAP made of organic cotton. This high-quality baseball cap not only offers a modern look but also contributes to environmental friendliness. Main features: Eco-friendly material: Made from 100% organic cotton, this cap is a responsible choice for fashion-conscious consumers. Timeless design: The black color ensures versatility and can be easily combined with any outfit. Individually adjustable: The adjustable closure guarantees a perfect fit for every head. Lightweight and breathable: Enjoy maximum comfort, whether during sports, in your free time or in everyday life. Durable and easy to care for: High-quality materials ensure that the cap looks good and remains comfortable even after many washes. The BICCA CAP is the ideal accessory for anyone who values ​​style and functionality. Make a fashion statement and show your commitment to sustainable fashion!


  • Öko BICCA Baseballkappe aus Biobaumwolle, Schwarz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Öko BICCA baseball cap made of organic cotton, black

    Öko BICCA baseball cap made of organic cotton, black Discover the perfect blend of style and sustainability with the Eco BICCA baseball cap made from 100% organic cotton. This cap not only offers a timeless design in classic black, but also numerous advantages that make it an indispensable accessory: Eco-friendly: Made from 100% organic cotton, this cap promotes an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Timeless: The simple black design goes with any outfit and is always on trend. Skin-friendly: The soft cotton ensures a comfortable fit, even on long days. Adjustable: Equipped with an adjustable strap, the cap offers a perfect fit for any head circumference. Suitable for everyday use: Ideal for daily use, whether during sports, outdoors or in your free time. Set an example for sustainability and style with the Eco BICCA baseball cap – your new favorite accessory for every day!


  • SONGO 28ml Schnapsglas: Klar & Klassisch für Shots TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SONGO 28ml shot glass: Clear & classic for shots

    SONGO 28ml shot glass: Clear & classic for shots Experience the perfect blend of elegance and functionality with the SONGO shot glass. This glass is not only a practical accessory for your bar, but also a stylish element for any occasion. Clear transparency: The simple design highlights the colors and aromas of your liquor and makes every tasting a visual experience. 28ml capacity: Ideally sized for shots so you can experience the perfect enjoyment in a single sip. Stackable: This space-saving design allows for easy storage so you can enjoy more space in your bar or kitchen. Thick-walled glass: The robust construction ensures increased durability and is therefore ideal for everyday use. Dishwasher safe: Enjoy effortless cleaning that leaves you more time for what matters most – celebrating! Whether for your next celebration or as a chic everyday glass, the SONGO shot glass brings style and functionality to every drinking experience!


  • FRISIAN Transparente Glasflasche 650ml - Klar, Robust und Vielseitig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    FRISIAN Transparent Glass Bottle 650ml - Clear, Robust and Versatile

    FRISIAN Transparent Glass Bottle 650ml - Clear, Robust and Versatile Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the FRISIAN Transparent Glass Bottle. With a clean, elegant design and a capacity of 650 ml, this bottle is the ideal companion for every day. Main features: Clear visibility: Check your drinks with ease and enjoy the view of the contents. Optimal filling quantity: With 650 ml, this bottle is perfect for everyday office use, sports or on the go. Durable glass: Made from sturdy glass for long-term use without compromising taste. Simple design: Its minimalist design allows for seamless integration into any environment, be it at your desk or at the gym. Hygienic and safe: Easy to clean and harmless to health, it ensures your safety with every sip. Choose the FRISIAN glass bottle for a stylish, healthy and practical lifestyle. Perfect for those who value quality and design!


  • NIRSON RPET-Filz Brillenetui in Dunkelgrau – Öko-Freundlich & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    NIRSON RPET felt glasses case in dark grey – Eco-Friendly & Stylish

    NIRSON RPET felt glasses case in dark grey – Eco-Friendly & Stylish Discover the perfect glasses case that not only protects your glasses, but is also eco-friendly and stylish. The NIRSON RPET felt glasses case combines sustainability with elegant design for the modern consumer. Product features: Environmentally friendly material: Made from high-quality recycled PET felt, this case helps reduce waste and conserve resources. Soft inner lining: The soft inner lining effectively protects your glasses from scratches and damage, so that they always remain in perfect condition. Simple design: In a timeless dark grey, this case is suitable for both professional and fashionable occasions and complements any outfit. Lightweight & Robust: Despite its low weight, the case offers excellent protection so that you can safely transport your glasses anywhere. Sustainable choice: Ideal for environmentally conscious consumers who value quality and sustainability. Choose the NIRSON RPET felt glasses case in dark grey and set an example for sustainability, style and functionality.


  • Denim Kosmetiktasche STYLE POUCH in Blau - Trendy & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Denim cosmetic bag STYLE POUCH in blue - Trendy & Practical

    Denim cosmetic bag STYLE POUCH in blue - Trendy & Practical Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with our denim cosmetic bag STYLE POUCH . This trendy bag is not only a practical companion, but also a real eye-catcher! Product features: Material: Made from durable, high-quality denim fabric known for its strength. Color: In an attractive blue that integrates effortlessly into any look and gives your outfit that certain something. Design: Modern and functional with a secure zipper to protect your essentials. Size: Compact and handy, fits easily in any bag - perfect for on the go! Versatility: Ideal for storing cosmetics or small personal items. Care: Robust material that is easy to clean and ensures longevity. Get the denim cosmetic bag STYLE POUCH and enjoy style and functionality in one. Perfect for everyday use or as a gift for your loved ones!


  • Robuster COCO Kofferanhänger aus Kork, Beige, Stilvoll & Nachhaltig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Robust COCO luggage tag made of cork, beige, stylish & sustainable

    Robust COCO luggage tag made of cork, beige, stylish & sustainable Discover the perfect companion for your travels with the COCO luggage tag made of high-quality, ecological cork. This unique luggage tag combines style, functionality and sustainability in a wonderful way. Product features: Material: Made from durable, eco-friendly cork, which is not only sustainable but also guarantees longevity. Color: The neutral beige allows for a versatile combination with any piece of luggage. Design: Elegant and functional, the tag ensures quick identification of your luggage, helping you avoid loss. Function: Ideal for frequent travelers and environmentally conscious individuals who value style and sustainability. Brand: COCO stands for eco-friendly and practical travel accessories that enhance your travel experience. With the COCO cork luggage tag, you're not only fashionable on the go, you're also actively contributing to environmental protection. Make your next trip unforgettable and stress-free!


  • Gepäckanhänger Kork COCO in Beige - Stilvolles und umweltfreundliches Reisezubehör TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Luggage tag cork COCO in beige - stylish and environmentally friendly travel accessories

    Luggage tag cork COCO in beige - stylish and environmentally friendly travel accessories Discover the COCO Cork Luggage Tag , the perfect accessory for eco-conscious travelers. Made from natural cork , this tag combines style and sustainability while giving your luggage a modern look. Characteristics: Sustainable material: The luggage tag is made of environmentally friendly cork, which gives you a clear conscience when traveling. Beige color: The timeless design allows easy identification of your luggage, no matter where you are. Robust and durable: The durable material guarantees long-term use so that you can enjoy many trips. Viewing window: Thanks to the practical viewing window, you can easily enter your contact details and be contacted quickly if lost. Light and handy: The pendant is ideal for on the go and fits perfectly in your travel bag or suitcase. Equip your luggage with the Cork COCO luggage tag and set an example for stylish, environmentally friendly travel!


  • ERGOPAD EVA Mousepad in Schwarz – Ergonomisch, Komfortabel, Langlebig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    ERGOPAD EVA Mousepad in Black – Ergonomic, Comfortable, Durable

    ERGOPAD EVA Mousepad in Black – Ergonomic, Comfortable, Durable Discover the ERGOPAD EVA Mousepad , specially designed to improve your working experience. This mousepad combines comfort, functionality and durability in an elegant design. Product features: Ergonomic design: Effectively supports your wrists to reduce fatigue during prolonged use. High-quality EVA material: Provides a stable yet comfortable surface that optimizes your mouse movements. Simple black: The timeless design fits seamlessly into any office interior and suits both modern and classic workplaces. Non-slip base: Guarantees a secure hold on your desk so you can concentrate fully on your work. Durable and easy to care for: The material is hard-wearing and easy to clean for long-lasting use. Increase your productivity and comfort with the ERGOPAD EVA Mousepad . Make it an indispensable part of your workspace!


  • Kosmetikspiegel MALAY aus Holz - Eleganter Schminkspiegel, Perfekt für das Badezimmer TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    MALAY wooden cosmetic mirror - Elegant makeup mirror, perfect for the bathroom

    MALAY wooden cosmetic mirror - Elegant makeup mirror, perfect for the bathroom Experience the perfect companion for your daily beauty routine with the MALAY cosmetic mirror . This elegant makeup mirror combines functionality and style in an impressive way. Product features: Elegant design: The high-quality wooden frame gives your room a natural and timeless aesthetic. Versatile: Ideal for bathrooms, bedrooms or dressing rooms – support your daily make-up and styling. Sturdy construction: Made of durable wood, this mirror guarantees long-lasting use and stability. Clear view: Enjoy an undistorted mirror surface that delivers sharp and clear images to optimize your beauty routine. Perfect size: Compact enough for smaller spaces, yet large enough to provide a full view. The MALAY cosmetic mirror is not only a practical accessory, but also a stylish element that enhances any bathroom. Add a touch of elegance and functionality to your room!


  • IMBA Faltbarer Topfuntersetzer aus Holz, Kompakt & Hitzebeständig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet, Compact & Heat Resistant

    IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet, Compact & Heat Resistant Discover the IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet , the perfect solution to protect your table surfaces while adding style to your kitchen! Why you will love this trivet: Heat-resistant wood: Effectively protects your valuable table surfaces from the harmful effects of hot pots and pans. Foldable Design: This trivet folds effortlessly, making it ideal for space-saving storage in any kitchen drawer. Stylish look: With its natural wood finish, the coaster blends harmoniously into any kitchen decor and gives it a rustic charm. Sturdy Construction: Made from durable materials, this trivet is perfect for everyday use. Versatile: Ideal not only for the kitchen, but also for the dining room or as a practical gift for passionate home cooks. With the IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet you are making a stylish and practical choice for your home. Protect your furniture and opt for an elegant design!


  • IMBA Faltbarer Topfuntersetzer aus Holz – Platzsparend & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet – Space-Saving & Stylish

    IMBA Foldable Wooden Trivet – Space-Saving & Stylish Discover the IMBA Foldable Trivet , which is not only functional but also a real eye-catcher in every kitchen. With its well thought-out design, this trivet offers a variety of advantages: Innovative folding design: Optimize your storage space – the coaster can be easily folded up and stored. Natural wood material: Enjoy the aesthetic beauty and durability that only high-quality wood can provide. Heat-resistant: Effectively protect your surfaces from the temperatures of hot pots and pans. Easy to use: Open and close the coaster in no time - uncomplicated and practical. Versatile use: Perfect for the kitchen, dining table or even camping - a must-have for every home. With the IMBA foldable wooden trivet you bring style and functionality to your kitchen. Ideal for anyone who values ​​design and quality!


  • EDUCOUNT Zahlen-Lernspiel in Beige - Spielerische Bildung für Vorschulkinder TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    EDUCOUNT Number Learning Game in Beige - Playful Education for Preschool Children

    EDUCOUNT Number Learning Game in Beige - Playful Education for Preschool Children The EDUCOUNT number learning game is the perfect combination of fun and education for preschool children. Designed to encourage the learning of numbers and quantities in a playful way, this learning game offers multiple benefits: Educational value: This game helps children develop a basic understanding of numbers and quantities and lays the foundation for their mathematical skills. Stimulating design: Friendly colors and inviting shapes arouse children's interest and motivate them to play and learn. Safe and sturdy: Made from non-toxic materials, the game guarantees safety for your little ones while being durable and resilient. Easy to use: The design is ideal for small children's hands, so that little ones can easily interact with the game. Promotes early childhood education: The EDUCOUNT number learning game not only supports the development of math skills, but also promotes cognitive development and logical thinking. Give your child the opportunity to learn through play and develop valuable skills with the EDUCOUNT number learning game in beige!


  • UVE CHARGING + Kabelloses Ladegerät - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    UVE CHARGING + Wireless Charger - White

    UVE CHARGING + Wireless Charger - White Experience the future of charging with the UVE CHARGING Wireless Charger. This innovative charger not only offers you outstanding functionality, but also an attractive design that blends seamlessly into any environment. Main features: Efficient charging: Enjoy lightning-fast and wireless charging of your devices for an optimal user experience. Elegant design: The stylish white finish adds a modern touch to your workplace or living space. Compact and lightweight: Ideal for home, office or on the go - perfect for those who travel a lot. Safe and reliable: With integrated protection mechanisms against overcharging and overheating, your devices are well protected at all times. Universal compatibility: Works with all Qi-enabled smartphones and devices – a true all-rounder! Easy to use: Charge your devices comfortably and without tangled cables. Choose the UVE CHARGING wireless charger and enjoy the perfect combination of functionality and style!


  • NEVON Topfhandschuh in Elegantem Schwarz – Funktion trifft auf Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    NEVON Oven Mitt in Elegant Black – Function meets Design

    NEVON Oven Mitt in Elegant Black – Function meets Design Discover the NEVON oven glove , which not only impresses with its functionality, but also boasts a stylish design. This glove is the perfect addition to any modern kitchen. Main features: High-quality material: Provides reliable protection against heat while looking elegant. Ergonomic fit: Ensures maximum comfort and effortless handling so you can concentrate on your creations while cooking. Modern black: The timeless design blends seamlessly into all modern kitchens and adds a touch of elegance to your cooking experience. Easy to clean: Machine washable, ideal for regular use and easy care. Versatile use: Perfect for hot pots, pans and baking trays - an indispensable tool in every kitchen. Practical hanging loop: For easy and space-saving storage that is always at hand. Experience the perfect combination of protection and style with the NEVON oven glove . Bring elegance and functionality to your kitchen!


Affordable and quality products for wholesale

The TK Group's "Products up to 5.00 euros" category offers a wide selection of inexpensive but high-quality items that have been specially developed for B2B wholesale. Our range includes a variety of products that offer your customers great quality at extremely affordable prices.

Product range:

  • Office supplies and stationery:

    • Pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners
    • Notepads, sticky notes and simple folders
    • Desk organizer and tape dispenser
  • Kitchen and household:

    • Kitchen utensils such as spoons, forks, whisks and peelers
    • Sponges, tea towels and cleaning brushes
    • Small storage boxes and containers
  • Textiles & Clothing:

    • Socks, underwear and simple scarves
    • Basic clothing such as simple T-shirt
  • Toy:

    • Small stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons
    • Puzzles, mini-games and craft materials
  • Camping & Outdoors:

    • Compact flashlights, snap hooks and lighters
    • Small first aid kits and mini outdoor tools
  • Electronic accessories:

    • Charging cables, simple phone cases and headphones
    • Adapters and small electronic gadgets
  • Sports equipment:

    • Skipping ropes, resistance bands and water bottles
    • Small fitness accessories such as handles
  • Hardware store & DIY supplies:

    • Screwdrivers, tape measures and adhesive tape
    • Small tools and accessories

Benefits for your business:

  • Attractive prices: All products in this category cost up to 5.00 euros, which allows you to offer inexpensive solutions to your customers.
  • High quality: Despite the low prices, we guarantee the quality and durability of our products.
  • Diverse range: A wide range of products that cover different needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Fast and reliable delivery: Thanks to our optimized warehousing and fast delivery processes, we guarantee reliable and timely delivery of your orders.
  • Individual advice: Our experienced team supports you with comprehensive advice and tailor-made solutions to select the best products for your business.

Discover the wide range of TK Group products in the range up to 5.00 euros and benefit from our expertise and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.


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