All articles - B2B wholesale TK Group

All articles - B2B wholesale TK Group

45249 products

  • Dubai Schokolade 100 Gramm - Kadayif/Kanufa & Pistazie - Vollmichschokolade nach arabischen Rezept TK Gruppe® Grosshandel

    Dubai Schokolade 100 Gramm - Kadayif/Kanufa & Pistazie - Vollmilchschokolade nach arabischen Rezept

    EXQUISITE ARABISCHE REZEPTUR: Diese Schokolade wird nach einem authentischen arabischen Rezept hergestellt und vereint traditionelle orientalische Zutaten mit luxuriöser Vollmilchschokolade. KADAYIF/KUNAFA-KNUSPER: Mit knusprigen Kadayif-Fäden (auch Kunafa genannt) verleiht die Schokolade jedem Bissen eine außergewöhnliche Textur und ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis. FEINSTE PISTAZIEN: Aromatische Pistazien verleihen der Schokolade einen nussigen Geschmack, der perfekt mit der Süße der Vollmilchschokolade harmoniert. CREMIGE VOLLMILCHSCHOKOLADE: Die hochwertige Vollmilchschokolade sorgt für einen samtigen und geschmeidigen Schmelz, der den intensiven Geschmack der orientalischen Zutaten abrundet. ORIENTALISCHE DELIKATESSE: Die Kombination von Kadayif und Pistazien macht diese Schokolade zu einer besonderen arabischen Spezialität, die den Geschmack des Orients in sich trägt. LUXURIÖSER GENUSS: Perfekt für Feinschmecker, die nach einer raffinierten und exotischen Süßigkeit suchen, die über den klassischen Schokoladengeschmack hinausgeht. PERFEKTES GESCHENK: Ideal als exklusives Geschenk für besondere Anlässe oder für Liebhaber außergewöhnlicher Schokoladenkreationen.


  • Halloween Snap Armband, 22x3 cm, 6 verschiedene Designs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Halloween Snap Bracelet, 22x3 cm, 6 different designs

    Halloween Snap Bracelet, 22x3 cm, 6 different designs Experience the perfect Halloween fun with our spooky snap bracelets! These unique bracelets add a touch of spooky and fun and are ideal for any Halloween celebration. Diverse motifs Our bracelets come in six different designs that capture the magic of Halloween – from spooky pumpkins and friendly ghosts to flying witches, nocturnal bats, scary spiders and mysterious haunted houses. Universal fit With a size of 22x3 cm, the snap bracelets fit comfortably on any wrist, whether child or adult. The practical snap closure system allows effortless application and adjustment. Skin-friendly material Made of soft silicone , these bracelets are comfortable to wear and durable at the same time. The material is skin-friendly and safe, even for children's sensitive skin. Versatile Perfect for Halloween parties Ideal for trick-or-treating As a stylish accessory at school Excellent choice as a party favor or alternative to sweets Robust and reusable These bracelets are not just for one Halloween season, but are durable enough to last through many Halloweens. They are easy to clean and provide long-lasting fun and enjoyment. Make your Halloween safer, more durable and more stylish with our charming and playful snap bracelets. Perfect for costumes, party activities or just as a cheerful surprise in a Halloween bag!


  • L.O.L. Surprise Colouring Set (8x Sheets, 6x Pencils, Stiickers) 21x28cm

    L.O.L. Surprise Malset (8x Blätter, 6x Buntstifte, Sticker) 21x28cm

    Entdecken Sie das L.O.L. Surprise Malset, ein kreatives Set, das die Fantasie anregt! 8 Malblätter: Voller Spaß mit verschiedenen L.O.L. Surprise Motiven. 6 Buntstifte: Ideal, um lebendige Farben auf die Seiten zu bringen. Aufkleber: Ergänzen Sie Ihre Kunstwerke mit tollen Stickern. Praktische Größe: Mit 21x28cm ist es perfekt für unterwegs und zu Hause. Perfekt für kleine Künstler, die ihre Kreativität ausleben möchten!


  • Animal World dinosaurussen 9x2x9cm 12 assorti in display (36)

    Tierspielzeug Dinosaurier Set 12 assortierte Figuren in Display (36) - 9x2x9cm

    Entdecken Sie das aufregende Tierspielzeug Dinosaurier Set! Dieses Set enthält 12 assortierte Dinosaurierfiguren, die die Fantasie Ihres Kindes anregen und stundenlangen Spielspaß bieten. Mit einer Größe von 9x2x9cm sind die Figuren perfekt für kleine Hände und ideal für kreative Rollenspiele. Vielfältige Auswahl: 12 unterschiedliche Dinosaurier in einem Display. Fördert die Kreativität: Ideal für fantasievolles Spielen und Geschichtenerzählen. Robust und langlebig: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien für langanhaltenden Spielspaß. Perfekt für Kinder, die Dinosaurier lieben, und eine großartige Ergänzung für jede Spielzeugkollektion!


  • WORLD OF DINOSAURS Dino met verrassingsei 12 assorti 12,5x21,5cm

    WELT DER DINOSAURIER Dino mit Überraschungsei 12 assortiert 12,5x21,5cm

    Entdecken Sie die aufregende Welt der Dinosaurier mit unserem Dino mit Überraschungsei. Diese Sammlung bietet 12 assortierte Designs, die Kinderaugen zum Leuchten bringen werden! Größe: 12,5x21,5cm Überraschung: Jedes Dino-Set enthält ein spannendes Überraschungsei! Vielfalt: Perfekt für Sammler und Dinosaurier-Fans. Ein ideales Geschenk, das die Fantasie anregt und für stundenlangen Spielspaß sorgt!


  • Cocomelon Pop 20cm assorti in display (6)

    Cocomelon Pop 20cm assortiert im Display (6)

    Entdecken Sie die farbenfrohe und fröhliche Welt der Cocomelon Pops! Diese 20 cm großen Figuren sind perfekt für kleine Fans der beliebten Kinderserie und kommen in einem praktischen Display mit 6 assortierten Designs. Vielfältige Auswahl: Jedes Display enthält eine abwechslungsreiche Auswahl an Cocomelon Charakteren. Ideal zum Spielen und Sammeln: Perfekt für Kinder, die ihre liebsten Cocomelon Figuren sammeln möchten. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Hergestellt aus langlebigen Materialien für stundenlangen Spielspaß. Bereichern Sie das Spielzeugregal Ihres Kindes mit diesen bezaubernden Cocomelon Pops!


  • Mattel Jurassic World Extreme Damage 3 assorti 16x20,5cm

    Mattel Jurassic World Extreme Damage 3 assortiert 16x20,5cm

    Entdecken Sie die aufregende Welt von Jurassic World mit den Mattel Jurassic World Extreme Damage Figuren! Diese hochwertigen, detailreichen Modelle sind perfekt für jeden Dinosaurier-Fan und bringen die Spannung der Filme direkt in Ihr Zuhause. Extreme Schäden: Erleben Sie das aufregende Feature, bei dem die Figuren durch Drücken oder Kratzen beschädigt erscheinen. Vielseitige Auswahl: Mit 3 verschiedenen Designs zur Auswahl gibt es für jeden Fan den perfekten Dino. Ideale Größe: Mit Abmessungen von 16x20,5 cm sind diese Figuren ideal zum Spielen oder Ausstellen. Bringen Sie die Abenteuer der Jurassic World zu Ihnen nach Hause und sammeln Sie alle faszinierenden Modelle!


  • Squeeze Unicorn 10cm 4 assorti in display (12)

    Quetsch-Einhorn 10cm 4 assortierte in Display (12)

    Entdecken Sie das quetschbare Einhorn! Dieses zauberhafte Quetsch-Einhorn misst 10 cm und kommt in einem aufregenden Display mit 12 Stück in 4 verschiedenen Designs. Vielseitige Designs: Jedes Einhorn hat einen einzigartigen Look und bringt Freude für jeden Geschmack. Stressabbau: Ideal zum Quetschen bei Stress oder Langeweile – ein perfekter Begleiter für jede Gelegenheit! Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus langlebigem und sicherem Material für unbeschwerten Spaß. Bringen Sie ein wenig Magie in Ihren Alltag mit diesen charmanten Quetsch-Einhörnern!


  • Pluche Eenhoorn Sparkle 3 assorti 23cm

    Plüsch-Einhorn Glitzer 3 assortiert 23cm

    Entdecken Sie die zauberhafte Welt mit unserem Plüsch-Einhorn Glitzer in 3 assortierten Designs! Mit einer Größe von 23 cm sind diese niedlichen Einhörner der perfekte Begleiter für Kinder und Sammler gleichermaßen. Wunderschönes Glitzer-Design: Jedes Einhorn funkelt und strahlt in verschiedenen Farben. Hochwertiges Plüschmaterial: Weich und kuschelig für endlosen Spielspaß. Vielseitige Verwendung: Ideal zum Spielen, Sammeln oder als bezaubernde Dekoration. Bringen Sie ein Stück Magie in Ihr Leben mit diesen charmanten Plüsch-Einhörnern!


  • Pluche Draken 4 assorti 30cm

    Plüschdrachen im Set von 4, 30 cm hoch

    Entdecken Sie das zauberhafte Set von 4 Plüschdrachen, die mit einer Höhe von 30 cm nicht nur zum Kuscheln einladen, sondern auch die Fantasie anregen. Diese süßen Drachen sind in verschiedenen Designs erhältlich und bringen Freude in jedes Kinderzimmer. Einzigartige Merkmale: Vielfalt: 4 verschiedene, assortierte Drachen. Größe: Ideal mit 30 cm Höhe für kleine Hände. Weich und kuschelig: Aus hochwertigem, plüschigem Material gefertigt. Vorteile: Kreatives Spielzeug zur Förderung der Fantasie. Perfekt zum Kuscheln und als Geschenkidee. Hochwertige Verarbeitung für langlebigen Spaß.


  • DREAM HORSE Groei ei -Eenhoorn 2 assorti 7,5x10,5cm in display (12)

    DREAM HORSE Wachstumsei - Einhorn 2 assortiert 7,5x10,5cm im Display (12)

    Erleben Sie die Magie der Einhörner mit dem DREAM HORSE Wachstumsei! Dieses einzigartige Wachstumsei kommt in zwei assortierten Designs und misst 7,5 x 10,5 cm. Ideal als Geschenk oder für Sammler, kommen die Eier in einem praktischen Display mit 12 Stück. Faszinierendes Design: Jedes Ei zeigt ein bezauberndes Einhornmotiv. Wachstumseffekt: Beobachten Sie, wie Ihr Einhorn nach dem Eintauchen in Wasser wächst. Perfekte Geschenkidee: Ideal für Einhornliebhaber jeden Alters. Holen Sie sich das DREAM HORSE Wachstumsei und tauchen Sie ein in die zauberhafte Welt der Einhörner!


  • Diamond Painting canvas 30x30cm 8 assorti

    Diamant Malen Leinwand 30x30cm 8 verschiedene Motive

    Entdecken Sie die kreative Welt des Diamantmalens mit unserer hochwertigen 30x30 cm Leinwand! Diese beeindruckende Leinwand bietet: 8 verschiedene Motive: Vielfalt für jeden Geschmack und Anlass. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Jede Leinwand ist sorgfältig gestaltet, um ein wunderschönes Endergebnis zu garantieren. Einfach zu verwenden: Ideal für Anfänger und erfahrene Künstler gleichermaßen. Bringen Sie Farbe und Glanz in Ihr Zuhause mit der Diamant Malen Leinwand und erleben Sie entspannende kreative Stunden!


  • Pluche Draken Flying Baby 4 assorti 20cm

    Fliegende Plüschdrachen Baby 4er Set 20cm

    Entdecken Sie das bezaubernde Fliegende Plüschdrachen Baby 4er Set in einer praktischen Größe von 20 cm. Diese charmanten Plüschdrachen sind nicht nur süß, sondern auch ideal für Babys und Kleinkinder. Vielseitiges Set: Vier verschiedene Drachen in einem Set, perfekt zum Spielen und Sammeln. Hochwertiges Material: Weicher Plüsch sorgt für ein angenehmes Gefühl und Sicherheit für Ihr Kind. Ideal zum Verschenken: Ein perfektes Geschenk für Babypartys oder besondere Anlässe. Bringen Sie Freude in das Spiel Ihres Kindes mit diesen entzückenden, fliegenden Plüschdrachen!


  • WORLD OF DINOSAURS Speelset 8-delig in schatkist 7x12cm in display (12)

    WELT DER DINOSAURIER 8-teiliges Spielset in Schatzkiste 7x12cm im Display (12)

    Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt der Dinosaurier! Dieses 8-teilige Spielset kommt in einer praktischen Schatzkiste mit den Maßen 7x12 cm und ist perfekt zum Spielen und Sammeln. Vielseitiges Set: Enthält acht verschiedene Dinosaurierfiguren für endlose Abenteuer. Praktische Aufbewahrung: Die Schatzkiste ermöglicht eine einfache und ordentliche Lagerung. Ideales Geschenk: Perfekt für kleine Dino-Fans und als tolle Überraschung. Display-Verpackung: Ideal für Geschäfte und Ausstellungen. Bringen Sie die spannende Welt der Dinosaurier in die Hände Ihrer Kinder und fördern Sie ihre Fantasie!


  • Diamond Painting op canvas 40x50cm 6 assorti

    Diamantmalerei auf Leinwand 40x50cm 6 assortierte Designs

    Erwecken Sie Ihre Kreativität mit der Diamantmalerei auf Leinwand! Dieses Set bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sechs atemberaubende Designs auf einer 40x50cm großen Leinwand zu gestalten. Die Diamantmalerei ist eine fesselnde Kunstform, die einfach zu erlernen ist und Spaß für alle Altersgruppen bietet. Sechs assortierte Designs: Jedes Design bringt seine eigene einzigartige Ästhetik mit. Hochwertige Leinwand: Langlebig und ideal für Ihre kreativen Projekte. Fördert die Konzentration: Perfekt für Entspannung und Stressabbau. Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene: Egal, ob Sie neu in der Diamantmalerei sind oder ein erfahrener Künstler. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Zuhause eine persönliche Note und genießen Sie das kreative Erlebnis mit der Diamantmalerei auf Leinwand!


  • Dinosaurus Speelfiguren 4 assorti 15x20cm

    Dinosaurier Spielzeugfiguren Set 4 Stück 15x20cm

    Entdecken Sie die aufregende Welt der Dinosaurier mit unserem Dinosaurier Spielzeugfiguren Set! Dieses Set enthält 4 einzigartige Dinosaurierfiguren, jede von ihnen im Maß von 15x20cm. Ideal für kleine Entdecker und Dino-Fans, bieten diese Figuren stundenlangen Spielspaß und fördern die Kreativität. Vielfalt: 4 assortierte Dinosaurier für abwechslungsreiche Abenteuer. Größe: Mit 15x20cm perfekt für kleine Hände. Qualität: Robustes Material für langanhaltenden Spielspaß. Bringen Sie die Urzeit in Ihr Zuhause und lassen Sie die Fantasie Ihrer Kinder blühen!


  • Groeiende dinosaurus in ei in doos 8x5,5x10,5cm 6 assorti

    Wachsender Dinosaurier im Ei in Box 8x5,5x10,5cm 6 assortiert

    Entdecken Sie den faszinierenden Wachsender Dinosaurier im Ei! Dieses einzigartige Set enthält sechs verschiedene, assortierte Dinosaurier, die in einem praktischen Ei verpackt sind. Mit den Maßen 8x5,5x10,5cm ist es das perfekte Geschenk für Dinosaurier-Fans jeden Alters. Besondere Merkmale: Wachsender Effekt: Beobachten Sie, wie die Dinosaurier mit Wasser wachsen und lebendig werden! Vielfalt: Sechs unterschiedliche Dinosaurier zur Auswahl, ideal zum Sammeln. Handliche Größe: Perfekt zum Spielen oder zur Dekoration. Bringen Sie das Abenteuer der prähistorischen Welt direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause!


  • Clementoni Disney Encanto Supercolor Glitter Effect Puzzel 104 delig 19x29cm

    Clementoni Disney Encanto Supercolor Glitzer-Effekt Puzzlespiel 104 Teile 19x29cm

    Entdecken Sie das Clementoni Disney Encanto Supercolor Glitzer-Effekt Puzzlespiel! Dieses bezaubernde Puzzle mit 104 Teilen und einer Größe von 19x29 cm bringt die magische Welt von Disney Encanto direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause. Mit seinem einzigartigen Glitzer-Effekt sorgt es nicht nur für Spaß beim Puzzeln, sondern auch für ein funkelndes Erlebnis. 104 Teile: Perfekt für Puzzlespaß für die ganze Familie. Glitzer-Effekt: Verleiht dem Puzzle eine besondere Note und macht das Zusammensetzen noch spannender. Kompakte Größe: Ideal für kleine Puzzle-Liebhaber und leicht zu verstauen. Bringen Sie die Farben und Magie von Disney Encanto in Ihr Zuhause mit diesem liebevoll gestalteten Puzzlespiel!


  • Spongebob Squarepants Pluche 4 assorti 30cm

    SpongeBob Schwammkopf Plüschfigur 4er Set 30cm

    Bringen Sie Freude in Ihr Zuhause mit dem SpongeBob Schwammkopf Plüschfigur 4er Set 30cm. Dieses Set umfasst vier verschiedene, hochwertig verarbeitete Plüschfiguren, die jedem Fan von SpongeBob ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern. Vielfältige Auswahl: Vier assortierte Figuren, die die beliebtesten Charaktere aus der Serie darstellen. Hochwertiges Material: Weicher und angenehmer Plüsch, ideal zum Kuscheln und Spielen. Perfekte Größe: Mit einer Höhe von 30 cm sind die Figuren ideal für Kinder und Sammler gleichermaßen. Tolles Geschenk: Perfekt für Geburtstage, Feiertage oder einfach als Überraschung für SpongeBob-Fans. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Raum einen Hauch von Spaß und Nostalgie mit diesen charmanten Plüschfiguren!


  • Draken in display ± 12cm

    Drachen im Display ± 12cm

    Entdecken Sie die faszinierenden Drachen im Display! Diese beeindruckenden Drachen haben eine Höhe von etwa 12 cm und sind perfekt für Sammler und Liebhaber von fantastischen Kreaturen. Detailreiche Gestaltung: Jeder Drache ist kunstvoll gestaltet und bietet einzigartige Merkmale. Kompakte Größe: Mit einem Maß von ± 12 cm sind sie ideal für jedes Display oder Regal. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal für Geburtstage, Feiertage oder als besondere Überraschung für Drachenliebhaber. Bringen Sie mit den Drachen im Display Farbe und Fantasie in Ihr Zuhause!


  • Kawaii Kuties Pluche Bagclip 6 assorti 12,5cm Serie 1

    Kawaii Kuties Plüsch Taschenclip 6 assortierte Figuren 12,5cm Serie 1

    Entdecken Sie die charmanten Kawaii Kuties Plüsch Taschenclips in sechs assortierten Figuren! Mit einer Größe von 12,5 cm sind diese niedlichen Begleiter perfekt, um Ihre Taschen zu verschönern und einen Hauch von Freude in Ihren Alltag zu bringen. Niedliche Designs: Jede Figur bringt ihren eigenen, einzigartigen Charme mit. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Taschen, Rucksäcke oder als Schlüsselanhänger. Hochwertiges Plüschmaterial: Weich und kuschelig, perfekt zum Anfassen. Hol dir die Kawaii Kuties Plüsch Taschenclips und bringe Farbe und Freude in dein Leben!


  • Pluche Eenhoorn 3 assorti 20cm

    Plüsch-Einhorn 3 assortiert 20cm

    Entdecken Sie das magische Plüsch-Einhorn in drei zauberhaften Varianten, jeweils 20 cm groß. Diese niedlichen Einhörner bieten nicht nur jeden Tag einen Hauch von Fantasie, sondern sind auch die perfekten Begleiter für Kinder und Sammler. Besondere Merkmale: Vielseitige Auswahl: Erhältlich in drei verschiedenen Designs. Hochwertiges Material: Weiches Plüsch für ein angenehmes Gefühl. Ideal zum Spielen: Perfekt für Kinder, die in eine Welt der Fantasie eintauchen möchten. Vorteile: Regt die Vorstellungskraft an. Ausgezeichnete Geschenkidee für jeden Anlass. Leicht zu reinigen und langlebig.


  • Kawaii Kuties Pluche Bagclip 4 assorti 12,5cm Serie 3

    Kawaii Kuties Plüsch Bagclip Set 4 Stück 12,5cm Serie 3

    Entdecken Sie das Kawaii Kuties Plüsch Bagclip Set, das aus 4 bezaubernden Clips in einer Größe von 12,5 cm besteht. Diese Serie 3 bietet eine süße und verspielte Möglichkeit, Ihre Taschen oder Rucksäcke zu verschönern. 4 assortierte Designs: Jedes Set enthält verschiedene niedliche Charaktere. Hochwertiger Plüsch: Weich und angenehm anzufassen. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Taschen, Rucksäcke oder als Dekoration. Sammelobjekt: Perfekt für Kawaii-Liebhaber und Sammler. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Alltag einen Hauch von Niedlichkeit mit diesem charmanten Bagclip Set!


  • Animal World zeedieren 9x2x9cm 12 assorti in display (36)

    Tierische Welt Meeresbewohner 9x2x9cm 12 assortiert im Display (36)

    Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Tierische Welt Meeresbewohner mit diesen liebevoll gestalteten Figuren im Maß von 9x2x9cm. Ideal für kleine Entdecker und Tierliebhaber! Vielseitige Auswahl: 12 verschiedene Meeresbewohner im Display. Hochwertiges Design: Jede Figur ist detailreich und ansprechend gestaltet. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal für Kindergeburtstage oder als Sammlerstück. Holen Sie sich die Tierische Welt nach Hause und lassen Sie die Abenteuer im Wasser beginnen!


  • Linealrechner (20 cm) - Silber & Schwarz, Präzise, Multifunktional, Modern TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Ruler Calculator (20 cm) - Silver & Black, Precise, Multifunctional, Modern

    Ruler Calculator (20 cm) - Silver & Black, Precise, Multifunctional, Modern Discover the perfect combination of functionality and style with our ruler calculator. This innovative product combines a 20 cm ruler with a powerful calculator to give you maximum efficiency. Main features: Multifunctional design: A practical 2-in-1 tool to help you with your calculations and measurements. Elegant appearance: The modern design in silver and black makes it a stylish accessory for school, office and home. Precise calculations: Rely on reliable and accurate functions for all your mathematical needs. Ease of use: Easy-to-read keys and a clear display ensure easy operation, even for complex calculations. Compact and lightweight: Ideal for mobile use – perfect for school bags or desk drawers. Durable and sturdy: Made of high-quality materials that ensure a long service life. Versatile: Perfect for pupils, students, teachers and professionals who value precision. Streamline your work with this modern ruler calculator that combines both style and functionality. An indispensable tool for anyone who appreciates math and accurate measurements!


  • Wachsmalkreide-Set 30-tlg. Gabrielle - Bunt - Hochwertige Wachsmalstifte für Kreatives Zeichnen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Wax crayon set 30 pcs. Gabrielle - Colorful - High-quality wax crayons for creative drawing

    Wax crayon set 30 pcs. Gabrielle - Colorful - High-quality wax crayons for creative drawing Explore the creative world with our extensive wax crayon set , which includes 30 vibrant colors. This set is perfect for anyone who wants to develop their artistic talents! Comprehensive set: 30 colorful wax crayons for a variety of creative needs. Vibrant colors: Brilliant and even color applications on different surfaces that make your artwork shine. Ergonomic design: The comfortable handle allows precise and comfortable painting, even during longer painting sessions. Durable and sturdy: Made of high-quality materials that ensure a long service life. Versatile: Ideal for creative projects, school supplies and artistic work – for artists big and small! Perfect gift idea: Surprise children, artists and painting enthusiasts with a great gift that inspires creativity. With the 30-piece Gabrielle wax crayon set you can bring color and joy to every creative activity!


  • Stehender Weihnachtsmann, 47 cm Hoch - Festliche Weihnachtsdekoration TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Standing Santa Claus, 47 cm high - Festive Christmas decoration

    Standing Santa Claus for festive decorations Ideal height: Measures approx. 47 cm, perfect for tabletops or as a festive centerpiece. Classic design: Wears a traditional red suit and radiates happiness. Robust material: Made from high-quality materials for durability and stability. Versatile: Suitable for decoration in homes, offices or as part of a larger Christmas scene. Christmas spirit: Instantly brings Christmas joy to any room with its charming presence. Standing at approximately 47cm tall, the standing Santa is ideal for tabletops or as a festive centrepiece. With his classic design, featuring a traditional red suit and exuding cheerfulness, he is a charismatic addition to any Christmas decoration. Made from high-quality and robust materials, this Santa Claus guarantees durability and stability. Its versatility allows it to be placed in homes, offices or as part of a larger Christmas scene to instantly spread Christmas joy and create a festive atmosphere.


  • Singender Weihnachtsmann mit Leiter, Kletterfigur, Musikalisch, 70cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Singing Santa Claus with ladder, climbing figure, musical, 70cm

    Interactive Singing Santa Claus for Christmas Decoration Height: Stands approx. 70 cm tall and fits impressively into any Christmas decoration. Musical function: Santa Claus sings popular Christmas songs to enhance the festive mood. Climbing action: He climbs up and down the ladder, providing a dynamic and entertaining spectacle. Easy assembly: Everything necessary for installation is included, quick assembly is guaranteed. Ideal for decoration: Perfect for decorating your home, office or shop windows during the Christmas season. The interactive Singing Santa Claus with Ladder is a charming addition to any Christmas decoration. With a height of approx. 70 cm, he fits perfectly into the festive room and creates a cheerful atmosphere. His musical function, in which he sings popular Christmas songs, brings joy and festivity. Thanks to his climbing action, where he climbs up and down the ladder, Santa Claus offers a dynamic and entertaining spectacle for viewers of all ages. The easy assembly allows for quick installation, so you can immediately enjoy the festive atmosphere. Whether at home, in the office or in the shop window - this Singing Santa Claus is the ideal choice for your Christmas decoration.


  • 3er-Set Gartenschere, vielseitig einsetzbare Schnittwerkzeuge, 20cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Set of 3 garden shears, versatile cutting tools, 20cm

    Set of 3 garden shears, versatile cutting tools, 20cm Discover the set of 3 garden shears , the perfect tool for all garden lovers! This set includes three different shears, specially designed for a variety of gardening tasks. Product features: Practical size: Each pair of scissors has a handy length of approx. 20 cm, ideal for precise work. Versatile application: Perfect for pruning , trimming and shaping plants in your garden. Robust quality: Made from durable materials that can easily handle frequent use. Ergonomic design: The comfortable handle ensures that your hands do not get tired even after prolonged use. With this set of 3 garden shears, you will not only make your gardening more efficient , but also more enjoyable . Get this set and take your garden care to the next level!


  • Strahlende Diamant-Malsets, Großpackung mit 6, je 40x50 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Radiant Diamond Painting Kits, Bulk Pack of 6, 40x50 cm each

    Radiant Diamond Painting Kits, Bulk Pack of 6, 40x50 cm each Discover the fascinating world of diamond painting with our radiant diamond painting kits in a convenient bulk pack! Each kit contains everything you need to create impressive works of art and enjoy hours of creativity. Product features: Creative variety: Each set includes six diamond painting sets in a generous format of 40 x 50 cm. Complete packages: Each set contains all the necessary tools and a colorful selection of colored diamonds. Easy to use: Self-adhesive, pre-drawn canvases allow precise and clean placement of the diamonds. Brilliant works of art: Ideal for creating impressive wall art or as personal gifts for friends and family. Family-friendly fun: Perfect for shared creative activities or individual relaxation. Immerse yourself in a creative experience that is suitable for both young and old. These diamond painting kits are not only a wonderful way to develop your artistic skills, but also offer an excellent opportunity to spend time with family or simply escape the stresses of everyday life. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the dazzling results!


  • Laufender Hund mit Sound, 17cm Hoch, 4er-Set, Interaktives Spielzeug für Kinder TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Running dog with sound, 17cm high, set of 4, interactive toy for children

    Running Dog with Sound, 17cm High, Set of 4, Interactive Toy for Children Discover the interactive dog toy set that will make children's hearts beat faster! With a height of 17 cm , these four lifelike dogs are perfect for little hands and guarantee hours of fun. Product features: Lifelike movement: Each dog toy simulates the realistic movement of a real dog and delights children. Entertaining sounds: The integrated sound effects enrich the gaming experience and stimulate the imagination. Ideal size: At 17 cm high, the dogs are easy to grip and ideal for small children's hands. Pack of 4: The set includes four dogs, perfect for giving as a gift or sharing with siblings and friends. Robust construction: Made from durable material for long-lasting fun, even during intensive games. The interactive dog toy set is the ideal gift for all children who love animals. Let your little ones immerse themselves in a world of adventure and creativity!


  • Diamond Painting Leinwand-Set, 3 Stück, 30x30cm - Ideal für Kreativbegeisterte! TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Diamond painting canvas set, 3 pieces, 30 x 30 cm - ideal for creative enthusiasts!

    Diamond painting canvas set, 3 pieces, 30 x 30 cm - ideal for creative enthusiasts! Discover the creative pleasure with our Diamond Painting Canvas Set , which consists of three high-quality canvases measuring 30 x 30 cm. This set is perfect for all art lovers and offers numerous advantages: Versatile set of 3: Each canvas measures 30x30 cm, ideal for creating multiple works of art in one creative project. Prepared designs: The pre-printed patterns make it easier to place the sparkling stones precisely and guarantee effortless work. Promotes creativity: Perfect for hobby artists who want to expand their skills and learn new techniques. Detailed patterns: The high-resolution designs ensure a stunning, sparkling result that attracts everyone's attention. Ideal gift: This set is ideal as a personal gift or for crafting evenings with friends and family. The diamond painting canvas set is not only a creative hobby, but also a wonderful way to relax and develop your own artistic side. Let your imagination run wild and create sparkling works of art that bring joy!


  • Schiefermagnete mit Sprüchen, 12er-Set – Dekorativ & Inspirierend TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Slate magnets with sayings, set of 12 – decorative & inspiring

    Slate Magnets with Sayings, Set of 12 – Decorative & Inspiring Enrich your home or office with our 12-piece set of slate magnets that are not only decorative but also inspirational. Each magnet is uniquely designed and features a motivational saying that will inspire you every day. Product features: Set of 12 magnets: A variety of sayings for every taste. Unique design: Each magnet features a special, inspirational saying that promotes positive thoughts. High-quality material: Made of natural slate, it offers a rustic and robust look. Versatile application: Ideal for refrigerators, magnetic walls or other metallic surfaces. Perfect Gift Idea: A thoughtful gift for friends, family or colleagues to enhance any room. Decorate your environment with these inspiring slate magnets and be motivated by daily positive messages!


  • Weihnachts-Geschenkpapier, 70x200cm, 10 Rollen Sortiert TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Christmas wrapping paper, 70x200cm, 10 rolls assorted

    Christmas wrapping paper, 70x200cm, 10 rolls assorted Give your Christmas gifts a special shine with our extensive Christmas wrapping paper set . This set includes: 10 rolls with a variety of festive Christmas motifs Each roll measures 70 cm in width and 200 cm in length , ideal for gifts of any size Selection of traditional and modern designs that create a festive atmosphere High-quality, robust paper that guarantees an attractive gift presentation This Christmas wrapping paper set is perfect for all your wrapping needs during the festive season. Whether you're wrapping small gifts or large presents, our generously sized rolls make wrapping a breeze. The different patterns add a personal touch to each gift and add joy and festive cheer. Spread the Christmas joy and let your gifts shine in a new light with our Christmas wrapping paper set !


  • Weihnachts-Streichhölzer, 50 Stück je Schachtel, 4er-Set, Festliche Zündhölzer TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Christmas Matches, 50 per box, set of 4, Festive Matches

    Christmas Matches, 50 Pieces per Box, Set of 4, Festive Matches Add a special sparkle to your Christmas season with our set of 4 Christmas matches . Each of the four festively decorated boxes contains 50 high-quality matches , perfect for lighting candles, fireplaces and much more. Product features: Festive design: Each box is lovingly designed and brings a festive atmosphere to your home. Versatile use: Ideal for lighting candles, fireplaces and other festive lighting. Reliable performance: The robust matches provide a consistent and reliable flame for effortless ignition. Safety conscious: Each box contains important safety instructions to ensure safe use. Environmentally Friendly: Made from responsibly sourced materials, these matches are both safe and environmentally friendly. This set is not only a practical tool, but also an ideal small gift or a wonderful addition to a festive gift basket. Let the festive atmosphere shine and enjoy the magical moments of the Christmas season!


  • Musikalische Weihnachtsgrußkarten, 6er-Set - Festliche Klangkarten Kollektion TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Musical Christmas Greeting Cards, Set of 6 - Festive Sound Cards Collection

    Musical Christmas Greeting Cards, Set of 6 - Festive Sound Cards Collection Experience the magic of the holiday season with our set of 6 Musical Christmas Greeting Cards . Each card in this unique collection brings not only joy but also festive tunes directly to your loved ones. Product highlights: Six musical cards: Each card plays its own festive song, including both classic Christmas carols and modern tunes. Traditional and modern illustrations: The cards are lovingly designed and combine traditional and contemporary Christmas themes. High-quality sound module: An integrated sound module is activated when the card is opened and creates a wonderful, festive atmosphere. Spread the Christmas spirit: Ideal for sharing the joy of the Christmas season with friends and family and creating special moments. Perfect as a gift: Surprise your loved ones with a unique musical experience. Give the gift of joy and a very special surprise with these festive sound cards. Ideal for the holidays to warm the hearts of your family and friends and make Christmas unforgettable!


  • Weihnachts-Taschentücher - Festliche Designs, 2 Motive, 10er-Pack, Weiche & Robuste Stofftücher TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Christmas Handkerchiefs - Festive Designs, 2 Motifs, Pack of 10, Soft & Durable Cloth Tissues

    Christmas Handkerchiefs - Festive Designs, 2 Motifs, Pack of 10, Soft & Robust Cloth Tissues Get ready for the festive season with our high-quality Christmas handkerchiefs . This pack of 10 features two unique, festive designs that are not only practical, but also add a festive atmosphere. Main features: Soft cloth wipes: gentle on the skin, ideal for everyday use. Robust material: Durable and perfect for repeated use. Festive designs: Bring a Christmas spirit to your everyday life. Practical and easy to care for: machine washable for easy care. Ideal Gift: Perfect as a Christmas gift for friends and family. The handkerchiefs are designed to fit easily into pockets or handbags, so they are always at hand. Add a festive touch to any occasion with these stylish and functional handkerchiefs and enjoy the combination of softness and robustness !


  • Einhorndesign Lunchbox für Kinder, 22,5L x 9,5B x 12H cm, 3 Varianten, Brotbox TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Unicorn design lunch box for children, 22.5L x 9.5W x 12H cm, 3 variants, bread box

    Unicorn design lunch box for children, 22.5L x 9.5W x 12H cm, 3 variants, bread box Discover the magical unicorn design lunch box, which is not only functional but also a real eye-catcher for little gourmets! Magical design for little unicorn fans Unique unicorn design: Bring a piece of magic to your child's everyday life with an enchanting design that stimulates the imagination. Three playful variants: Choose from three attractive designs that will delight every little unicorn lover. Safety and freshness for carefree parents Food Grade Material: Made of high quality safe materials that preserve the freshness of meals. Healthy snacks: Parents can be confident that their children are enjoying healthy, fresh food. Practical handling for children Ergonomic carrying handle: Ideal for small hands to carry the lunch box effortlessly. Easy-open lid: Children can access their snacks independently, giving them independence. Spacious and tidy Lots of space: Enough room for sandwiches, snacks, drinks and healthy treats like fruit or vegetables. Separate inner compartment: Keeps food neatly separated to keep it fresh and appetizing. Robust and easy to care for Durable materials: The lunch box is durable and ready for many adventures. Easy to clean: a damp cloth is enough to keep it clean. The unicorn design lunch box for children is the perfect accessory for school, trips or picnics and a gift that spreads joy and excitement. Give your children the opportunity to enjoy every bite with this adorable lunch box!


  • Prinzessin Lunchbox, 3 Sorten, 22,5L x 9,5B x 12H cm, Brotbox für Kinder TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Princess lunch box, 3 varieties, 22.5L x 9.5W x 12H cm, lunch box for children

    Princess lunch box for little queens Offers enough space for a tasty and healthy lunch Design specifically tailored to the passion of young princesses Three different compartments for versatile and organized storage Easy to clean and dishwasher safe for minimal maintenance Safe for children due to BPA-free and pollutant-free materials The Princess Lunch Box for Kids is ideal for little queens who want to enjoy their lunch in style. With an adorable design specifically tailored to the passion of young princesses, every meal becomes a royal experience. Features at a glance: Size: 22.5 cm length x 9.5 cm width x 12 cm height Three compartments: For separate storage of bread, fruit, vegetables or snacks Child-friendly design: With vibrant colors and enchanting motifs Robust construction: Made from high-quality, durable materials Easy to clean: Dishwasher safe and easy to clean Safety: BPA-free and non-toxic for hygienic use The lunch box has three separate compartments that allow for versatile and organized food storage. This way, everything stays in its place and doesn't get mixed up, which is ideal for keeping lunch fresh and appetizing. The lunch box's sturdy construction ensures it can withstand the rigors of daily use, while the smooth interior surfaces allow for easy cleaning. The lunch box is also safe for children as it is free from BPA and other harmful chemicals, giving parents peace of mind that their children's food is kept safe. Whether for kindergarten, school or trips - with this adorable princess lunch box, children are always well looked after and happy. A must for little princesses who want to enjoy their lunch like real queens.


  • Lunchbox mit Ponymotiven für Kinder, robust, 22,5L x 9,5B x 12H cm, BPA-frei TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Children's pony lunch box, robust, 22.5L x 9.5W x 12H cm, BPA-free

    Lunch box for children with cute pony motifs BPA-free for maximum safety Robust design that can withstand daily wear and tear Child-friendly motif with cheerful pony motifs for fun while eating Easy to clean to keep lunch fresh Perfect size to store all your meals and snacks Product description These lunch boxes with adorable pony motifs are specially designed to meet the needs and preferences of children. With a size of 22.5 cm in length, 9.5 cm in width and 12 cm in height, they offer enough space for healthy meals and snacks that children need to meet their energy needs. Product highlights: BPA-free: The lunch box is made without the harmful BPA, making it safe for daily use. Robust design: The lunch box is specially designed for children's activities and can withstand bumps and falls that are not uncommon in everyday school life. Child-friendly motif: The cheerful pony motifs appeal to children and make mealtimes a fun part of the day. Easy to clean: Thanks to the smooth surfaces, the lunch box is easy to wipe clean and keeps the food fresh and appetizing. Perfect size for children: The lunch box fits easily into children's backpacks and offers enough space for all necessary meals and snacks. Not only is this lunch box functional and safe, it also promotes your child's independence as it helps organize their meals. Make mealtime a stress-free and fun experience for kids with these attractive and functional pony-themed lunch boxes.


  • Ponys Lunchbox 14Lx9,5Wx12H Cm - Kinder Brotdose, 3 Motive TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Ponies Lunchbox 14Lx9.5Wx12H Cm - Children's lunch box, 3 designs

    Ponys Lunchbox 14Lx9.5Wx12H Cm - Children's Lunch Box, 3 Designs Discover the enchanting pony lunch box for children - the perfect companion for little horse fans! This lovingly designed lunch box is ideal for school, trips or kindergarten and makes every meal a special experience. Special features: Separate compartments: Keep food tidy and fresh with practical separations. Easy closure: The secure and easy-to-use lid ensures that everything stays well stowed away. Diverse designs: Choose from three appealing pony motifs that stimulate children's imagination. Sturdy and durable: Made of high quality plastic, perfect for daily use. With a size of 14L x 9.5W cm, the pony lunchbox offers enough space for a healthy and varied snack. Each design shows happy ponies in different scenes that will make the heart of every horse fan beat faster. Add a touch of adventure and fun to your children's meals with the Pony Lunchbox! This practical and robust lunch box is not only functional, but also a real eye-catcher that is sure to delight your little ones.


  • Meerjungfrau Lunchbox 14Lx9,5Bx12H cm, 3 Designs - Kinder Brotdose mit Meerjungfrau-Motiv TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Mermaid Lunchbox 14Lx9.5Wx12H cm, 3 designs - Children's lunch box with mermaid motif

    Mermaid Lunchbox 14Lx9.5Wx12H cm, 3 Designs - Children's lunch box with mermaid motif Discover the magical world of underwater adventures with our enchanting mermaid lunch box! This adorable lunch box is the perfect companion for little sea explorers and brings color and joy to every meal. Enchanting designs Choose from three different, colorful mermaid designs that will stimulate your children's imagination and inspire them to sea adventures. Optimal size With a practical size of 14L x 9.5W x 12H cm, the lunch box offers enough space for all your child's favorite snacks and meals. Robust material Made from durable plastic, the lunch box guarantees durability and protects the contents from damage. Secure closure The tight closure ensures that everything stays safely stored and prevents food from spilling, so parents don't have to worry. Versatile Whether at school, on trips or at a picnic - this lunch box makes every meal a special event and is ideal for everyday use. Surprise your child with this wonderful mermaid lunch box and turn every meal into a magical experience!


  • Superhelden Lunchbox-Set, 3er-Pack, 14L x 9,5B x 12H cm, verschiedene Designs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Superhero Lunch Box Set, 3 Pack, 14L x 9.5W x 12H cm, Assorted Designs

    Superhero Lunchbox Set, 3-Pack, 14L x 9.5W x 12H cm, Assorted Designs Make mealtime an adventure with our superhero lunchbox set for little heroes. This set includes three lunchboxes, each with a unique superhero design that will make the hearts of little fans beat faster. Main features: Three dynamic designs: Each lunch box features an exciting superhero motif, ranging from classic comic book heroes to modern favorites. Ideal size: With dimensions of 14L x 9.5W cm, the lunch boxes are perfect for small meals and snacks. BPA-free materials: Made from safe and non-toxic BPA-free materials – for the health and safety of your children. Robust construction: These lunch boxes are robust and durable to withstand the demands of active children. Easy to clean: Thanks to the dishwasher-safe properties and smooth inner surfaces, the lunch boxes are quick and easy to clean. Versatile use: Ideal for school, trips or kindergarten, these lunch boxes are the perfect companion for your child. An ideal gift for superhero fans who want to go to school with a smile every day.


  • Lunchbox-Set Farm 3-tlg, Bpa-Frei, 14Lx9,5Bx12H cm, Lebensmittelecht TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lunchbox set Farm 3-piece, Bpa-free, 14Lx9.5Wx12H cm, food safe

    Lunchbox Set Farm 3-piece, Bpa-free, 14Lx9.5Wx12H cm, food safe Discover the versatile Farm Lunchbox Set - the perfect lunchtime companion for your child! With a charming farm design, every meal becomes a fun experience. Why our lunchbox set is so special: Enchanting design: Three different farm designs that stimulate the imagination and invite children to explore the world of farm animals. Safety first: Bpa-free and food safe to avoid contact with harmful substances and protect your child's health. Robust and durable: Made from high-quality materials that can withstand everyday demands - ideal for school, trips or kindergarten. Easy to clean: The smooth inner surfaces can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth or under running water, which guarantees hygienic use. Practical closure: The secure closure keeps the contents fresh and prevents food from leaking. Make every meal an adventure! Enjoy the practical and safe use of the Farm Lunchbox set and experience the joy of eating together with your child.


  • Dinosaurier-Lunchbox für Kinder, 14 L x 9,5 B x 12 H cm, verschiedene Designs, auslaufsicher TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Dinosaur Lunch Box for Kids, 14 L x 9.5 W x 12 H cm, Various Designs, Leakproof

    Dinosaur Lunch Box for Kids, 14 L x 9.5 W x 12 H cm, Various Designs, Leak-Proof Discover the exciting dinosaur lunch box - a practical and fun accessory for little dinosaur fans! With its unique design and well thought-out functions, every meal becomes an adventure. Creative designs: Choose from a variety of colorful dinosaur designs that will stimulate your child's imagination and make mealtime exciting. LEAK-PROOF: Thanks to the clever, leak-proof design, food and drinks can be transported safely without anything leaking - ideal for on the go! Easy to clean: The smooth interior surface makes cleaning effortless. A simple wipe is all it takes to get the lunch box ready for use again. Secure closure: The tight-fitting lid can be easily opened and closed by small hands, ensures that meals stay fresh and prevents leaks during transport. Lightweight and portable: Despite its sturdy construction, the lunch box is light enough for even younger children to carry easily. Perfect for school, picnics or trips! The dinosaur lunch box combines practicality with fun and adventure. Let your child discover the prehistoric world while transporting their favorite foods safely and in style!


  • Weihnachts-Briefpapier-Set, 5-teilig, festliches Briefpapier-Paket TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Christmas stationery set, 5 pieces, festive stationery package

    Christmas stationery set, 5 pieces, festive stationery package Get ready for the festive season with our 5-piece Christmas stationery set ! This package gives you everything you need to send your Christmas greetings in style. Festive Designs Each set contains a variety of lovingly designed Christmas motifs: snowflakes Christmas trees Festive Ornaments These designs add a special festive touch to your letters and contribute to the Christmas spirit in your correspondence. High-quality paper Our stationery is made of high-quality material that feels pleasant to the touch and ensures that your ink does not smear. This means your writing comes across clearly and elegantly. Versatile With 5 pieces of stationery and matching envelopes, this set is ideal for: Christmas greetings annual reviews invitations to festive celebrations Be ready to compose and send your Christmas mail with this complete set! Ideal as a gift Surprise friends and family with this pre-Christmas gift . The stationery set is perfect for anyone who loves traditional writing and the appreciation of handwritten notes, and it will bring joy and inspiration to any home.


  • Halloween-Puzzle – 13 cm x 12 cm, Set mit 3 verschiedenen Designs, gruselige Themen für Kinder TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Halloween Puzzle - 13cm x 12cm, Set of 3 Different Designs, Spooky Themes for Kids

    Halloween Puzzle - 13cm x 12cm, Set of 3 Different Designs, Spooky Themes for Kids Discover our fascinating Halloween puzzle set, designed especially for kids! Featuring three unique designs, these puzzles will bring spooky joy to the fall season while encouraging your little one's development. Product features: Spooky designs: Each puzzle features a unique Halloween motif, including a haunted house, a friendly skeleton and a laughing witch that capture the festive spirit. Ideal size: With dimensions of 13 cm x 12 cm, the puzzles are perfect for small hands. The puzzle pieces are large enough to grasp and still offer an exciting challenge. High-quality materials: Made from durable cardboard, these puzzles guarantee long-lasting fun and are easy to clean, ideal for use by children. Skill Development: These puzzles help develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. They also help with shape recognition and improve your children's memory. Perfect for Group Activities: Ideal for play dates or family game nights. Encourage social interaction and teamwork among children as they solve the puzzles together. Combine festive fun with educational play with our Halloween puzzle set. Awaken your children's creativity and festive spirit this Halloween season and guarantee hours of engaging play!


  • Jungle-Tiere Rückziehzielzeug, 4 cm, 3 verschiedene Designs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jungle Animals Pull Back Target, 4 cm, 3 different designs

    Jungle Animals Pull-Back Target, 4 cm, 3 Different Designs Discover the exciting jungle world with our Jungle Animals pull-back toy , which has been specially designed for little adventurers. This charming set includes three lovingly designed jungle animals that are not only fun, but also promote children's development. Product features: Three different designs: Choose between a lively lion, a charming elephant and a cheerful monkey - ideal for playing and collecting. Easy to use: With the user-friendly pull-back mechanism, children can simply pull the animals back and release to move them forward quickly. Compact size: At just 4 cm, these toys fit perfectly in small hands and are ideal for on the go. Promoting motor skills: The toy supports the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Durable material: Made of sturdy plastic that is designed to withstand long-term use and the challenges of gaming. Educational value: Perfect for introducing children to the diversity of animals and educating them through play. Perfect gift: A wonderful surprise for birthdays, holidays or simply as a little treat for animal lovers. The Jungle Animals Pull Back Toy is not only a fun toy, but also an educational tool that helps children explore their surroundings while developing important skills. A must-have for every child's room!


Comprehensive solutions for B2B wholesale

The TK Group offers an extensive range of high-quality products specifically designed for B2B wholesale. Our categories cover a wide range of needs and industries, from office supplies and electronics to toys and DIY items. We offer products that meet the highest quality standards and are available at competitive prices.

Categories and product range:

  • Car & Motorcycle Products: Vehicle accessories, spare parts, maintenance products, electronic devices, tires and tools.

  • Textiles & Clothing: Workwear, casual wear, corporate fashion, fashion accessories and home textiles.

  • Camping & Outdoor: tents, sleeping bags, camping furniture, cookware, backpacks, outdoor clothing and survival equipment.

  • Kitchen & Household: Kitchen appliances, cooking and baking utensils, tableware, cutlery, storage solutions, cleaning equipment and home textiles.

  • Toys: educational toys, creative toys, outdoor toys, plush toys, action figures and board games.

  • Electronics: consumer electronics, computers, mobile devices, household electronics, smart home solutions and wearables.

  • Sports equipment: fitness equipment, strength training, yoga and pilates, outdoor sports, team sports, water sports and sportswear.

  • Office supplies & stationery: writing instruments, paper products, filing systems, desk accessories, office machines, calendars and presentation materials.

  • Furniture: office furniture, living room furniture, dining room furniture, bedroom furniture, outdoor furniture, children's room furniture and storage solutions.

  • Hardware store: building and renovation materials, tools, fastening materials, paints and varnishes, electrical installations, sanitary supplies and gardening products.

  • Products up to 10.00 euros: Selection of inexpensive items from the above categories that offer your customers excellent quality at affordable prices.

  • Products up to 5.00 euros: Wide range of inexpensive products that offer high quality at a very low price.

  • Products up to 1.00 Euro: Inexpensive items that are nevertheless high quality and versatile.

Benefits for your business:

  • High-quality products: Our items come from renowned manufacturers and are characterized by excellent workmanship and durability.
  • Diverse range: A wide range of products that cover different needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Competitive prices: Through efficient procurement and logistics, we can offer you attractive prices that maximize your profit margins.
  • Reliable delivery: Thanks to our optimized warehousing and fast delivery processes, we guarantee reliable and timely delivery of your orders.
  • Individual advice: Our experienced team offers you comprehensive advice and tailor-made solutions to select the best products for your business.

Discover the wide range of products offered by the TK Group and benefit from our expertise and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.


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