Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

35879 products

  • Rule 5 Meter Maßband aus recyceltem RCS Kunststoff - Gelb für umweltfreundliche Messungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rule 5 meter tape measure made of recycled RCS plastic - yellow for environmentally friendly measurements

    Rule 5 meter tape measure made of recycled RCS plastic - yellow for environmentally friendly measurements Discover the innovative Rule 5 meter tape measure, the perfect tool for precise and environmentally conscious measurements. Made from recycled RCS-certified plastic, this tape measure combines sustainability with functionality. Product features: Sustainable: Made from recycled, eco-friendly material, it promotes a green future. Design: The striking yellow color ensures excellent visibility, allowing you to measure precisely even in difficult lighting conditions. Length: With a length of 5 meters, this tape measure is ideal for a variety of measuring tasks, both in crafts and in everyday life. Material: Made of high quality and durable plastic, it guarantees reliable use for years. Precision: Carefully tested for accuracy, it offers exact and reliable measurements. Ergonomic: The comfortable handle ensures safe and pleasant working, even during longer periods of use. Easy to use: The easy-to-read scale and the smooth insertion and removal of the tape make it a breeze to use. Compact: The handy format allows for easy carrying and space-saving storage. Environmentally friendly: Support sustainable practices and conscious consumerism with every use. Choose the Rule 5 meter tape measure and combine functionality with an environmentally conscious approach in your everyday life!


  • Rule Maßband - 3 Meter - recycelter RCS Kunststoff - gelb Umweltfreundliches Messwerkzeug TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rule tape measure - 3 meters - recycled RCS plastic - yellow Environmentally friendly measuring tool

    Rule tape measure - 3 meters - recycled RCS plastic - yellow Environmentally friendly measuring tool Discover the high-quality Rule tape measure that offers you precise and reliable measurements. This environmentally friendly measuring tool is not only functional but also sustainable as it is made from recycled RCS plastic . Product features: Total length: 3 meters - ideal for versatile projects Lightweight and compact: easy to carry and use Clear scale: For clear and easy readability Robust housing: Durable and eye-catching in bright yellow Versatile: Perfect for craftsmen and DIY enthusiasts Whether for everyday measurements or special projects, the Rule tape measure is your reliable partner. Enjoy the combination of functionality and environmental awareness with this unique measuring tool!


  • Rule 3 Meter Maßband aus recyceltem RCS Kunststoff - Gelb für umweltfreundliche Messungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rule 3 meter tape measure made of recycled RCS plastic - yellow for environmentally friendly measurements

    Rule 3 meter tape measure made of recycled RCS plastic - yellow for environmentally friendly measurements Discover the innovative Rule 3 Meter Tape Measure that not only meets your measuring needs but is also environmentally friendly. Made from recycled RCS certified plastic , this tape measure combines sustainability with functionality. Main features: Sustainable: Made from recycled material, it supports environmentally conscious practices. Design: The eye-catching yellow color scheme ensures improved visibility. Length: With a tape length of 3 meters, it is ideal for a variety of measuring tasks. Material: Durable and long-lasting for reliable use in any project. Precision: Accuracy tested for exact and reliable measurements. Ergonomic: The comfortable handle ensures safe and pleasant working. Easy to use: Easy to read scale and a smooth mechanism for pulling the tape in and out. Compact: Handy format for easy carrying and storage. Choose the Rule 3 meter tape measure and combine precise measurements with an environmentally friendly approach. Ideal for tradesmen, DIY enthusiasts and anyone who values ​​sustainability.


  • Flare IPX-LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium mit Schlüsselanhänger - Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Flare IPX-LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium mit Schlüsselanhänger - Rot

    Flare IPX-LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium mit Schlüsselanhänger - Rot Entdecken Sie die vielseitige Flare IPX-LED-Lampe, die nicht nur als Flaschenöffner fungiert, sondern auch Ihre besten Begleiter für Outdoor-Abenteuer ist. Dieses durchdachte Gadget vereint Funktionalität und Stil in einem kompakten Design. Besondere Merkmale: Multifunktional: Integrierte LED-Lampe für optimale Sicht und praktischer Flaschenöffner für gesellige Momente. Umweltfreundlich: Hergestellt aus recyceltem Aluminium, eine nachhaltige Wahl für bewusste Verbraucher. Kompaktes Design: Leicht und tragbar, perfekt für unterwegs und passt an jeden Schlüsselbund. Wasserbeständig: IPX-zertifiziert, ideal für den Einsatz bei verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen. Helle LED-Beleuchtung: Bietet klare und intensive Lichtstrahlen für beste Sichtbarkeit, wann immer Sie sie brauchen. Elegantes Erscheinungsbild: Das stilvolle rote Finish hebt sich hervor und verkörpert modernen Stil. Benutzerfreundlich: Einfacher Ein-/Aus-Schalter und durchdachter Flaschenöffner für schnelles Handeln. Robust und langlebig: Hochwertige Verarbeitung sorgt für lange Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal für Outdoor-Enthusiasten und umweltbewusste Freunde oder Familie. Mit der Flare IPX-LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner haben Sie alles, was Sie für Ihre Abenteuer benötigen, in einem handlichen Format. Setzen Sie auf Qualität und Stil, während Sie gleichzeitig einen Beitrag zur Umwelt leisten.


  • Flare IPX LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium, Schlüsselanhänger – Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Flare IPX LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium, Schlüsselanhänger – Rot

    Flare IPX LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner aus recyceltem Aluminium, Schlüsselanhänger – Rot Entdecken Sie das perfekte Zubehör für jeden Anlass mit der Flare IPX LED-Lampe und Flaschenöffner! Dieses multifunktionale Tool vereint gleich mehrere Vorteile in einem kompakten Design: Multifunktional: Kombiniert eine leistungsstarke LED-Lampe und einen praktischen Flaschenöffner, ideal für Partys oder den Outdoor-Einsatz. Umweltfreundliches Material: Hergestellt aus recyceltem Aluminium – robust, leicht und nachhaltig. Kompakte Bauform: Passt mühelos an jeden Schlüsselbund, sodass Sie es immer griffbereit haben. Wasserresistent nach IPX-Standard: Perfekt für jedes Wetter, sorgen Sie sich nicht um plötzliche Regenschauer. Leuchtendes Rot: Ein auffälliges Design, das nicht nur funktional ist, sondern auch stilvoll und leicht in der Tasche zu finden. Die Flare IPX LED-Lampe & Flaschenöffner ist der ideale Begleiter für Abenteuer und alltägliche Herausforderungen. Sichern Sie sich dieses praktische Gadget und seien Sie bestens ausgestattet!


  • Timor Rot Karabinerhaken Schlüsselbund - Recyceltes Aluminium TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Timor Rot Karabinerhaken Schlüsselbund - Recyceltes Aluminium

    Timor Rot Karabinerhaken Schlüsselbund - Recyceltes Aluminium Entdecken Sie den Timor Rot Karabinerhaken Schlüsselbund, der nicht nur umweltfreundlich ist, sondern auch durch seine Funktionalität überzeugt. Dieser Karabiner ist die perfekte Verbindung von Stil und Nachhaltigkeit. Besondere Merkmale: Umweltfreundlich: Hergestellt aus recyceltem Aluminium, bietet dieser Karabiner eine nachhaltige Lösung für Ihren Alltag. Robust & Leicht: Sein robustes Design macht ihn ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch, ohne zusätzliches Gewicht zu verursachen. Sichere Befestigung: Der zuverlässige Karabiner gewährleistet eine sichere Anbringung Ihrer Schlüssel, sodass Sie sich keine Sorgen um Verlust machen müssen. Auffälliges Rot: Das stilvolle Design in leuchtendem Rot sorgt dafür, dass Sie Ihren Schlüsselbund immer leicht finden. Vielseitig Einsetzbar: Egal, ob für Outdoor-Aktivitäten oder im Alltag, dieser Karabinerhaken ist Ihr perfekter Begleiter. Wählen Sie den Timor Rot Karabinerhaken für eine stilvolle und nachhaltige Lösung, die in jedem Moment zuverlässig ist!


  • Cane Schlüsselanhänger mit LED-Licht, aus natürlichem Bambus - umweltfreundlich und praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cane Schlüsselanhänger mit LED-Licht, aus natürlichem Bambus - umweltfreundlich und praktisch

    Cane Schlüsselanhänger mit LED-Licht, aus natürlichem Bambus - umweltfreundlich und praktisch Entdecken Sie den Cane Schlüsselanhänger mit integriertem LED-Licht – die perfekte Kombination aus Funktionalität und Stil. Dieser Schlüsselanhänger ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch umweltfreundlich! Einzigartige Merkmale: Integriertes LED-Licht: Bietet helle Beleuchtung für optimale Sichtbarkeit in dunklen Umgebungen. Nachhaltiges Material: Hergestellt aus natürlichem Bambus – eine umweltfreundliche Wahl für nachhaltige Verbraucher. Kompaktes Design: Leicht und tragbar, perfekt für unterwegs und passt bequem an jeden Schlüsselbund. Elegantes Erscheinungsbild: Das natürliche Bambus-Finish verleiht diesem Schlüsselanhänger einen stilvollen und modernen Look. Benutzerfreundlich: Einfache Bedienung mit einem praktischen Ein-/Aus-Schalter für sofortige Nutzung. Robust und langlebig: Hochwertige Verarbeitung für lange Haltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bei jedem Einsatz. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch, Outdoor-Aktivitäten und als Notlicht für unerwartete Situationen. Tolles Geschenk: Perfekt für umweltbewusste Freunde und Familie – eine durchdachte und nützliche Überraschung! Wählen Sie den Cane Schlüsselanhänger mit LED-Licht und kombinieren Sie praktische Funktionen mit umweltfreundlichem Design. Machen Sie ihn zu Ihrem täglichen Begleiter oder verschenken Sie ihn an jemanden, der die Natur schätzt!


  • Cane Schlüsselring mit LED-Licht aus Bambus – Natürlich & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cane Schlüsselring mit LED-Licht aus Bambus – Natürlich & Praktisch

    Cane Schlüsselring mit LED-Licht aus Bambus – Natürlich & Praktisch Entdecken Sie den Cane Schlüsselring mit LED-Licht aus Bambus, die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität. Dieses umweltfreundliche Accessoire ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch ästhetisch ansprechend. Hauptmerkmale: Umweltfreundlicher Bambus: Hergestellt aus natürlichem Material, ist dieser Schlüsselring leicht und dennoch robust. Integriertes LED-Licht: Beleuchtet Ihre Umgebung bei Dunkelheit und hilft Ihnen, Ihre Schlüssel schnell zu finden. Elegantes Design: Die natürliche Bambusoptik verleiht dem Schlüsselring einen stilvollen Look, der zu jedem Anlass passt. Kompakt und tragbar: Ideal für die Hosentasche oder Handtasche – nehmen Sie ihn überallhin mit. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt für den Alltag, beim Camping oder auf Reisen – dieser Schlüsselring ist ein nützlicher Begleiter. Holen Sie sich den Cane Schlüsselring mit LED-Licht aus Bambus und genießen Sie die Mischung aus Natürlichkeit und praktischer Funktionalität, die Ihr Leben erleichtert!


  • Ace Spielkarten in Weiß - Premium Karten für Poker und Mehr TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Ace Spielkarten in Weiß - Premium Karten für Poker und Mehr

    Ace Spielkarten in Weiß - Premium Karten für Poker und Mehr Entdecken Sie die Ace Spielkarten in Weiß, die perfekte Wahl für alle Kartenspiel-Enthusiasten! Diese hochwertigen Spielkarten vereinen Stil und Funktionalität und bieten Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Spielerlebnis. Elegantes Design Unsere Karten bestechen durch ihr elegantes Weiß und ein klares Design, das nicht nur die Ästhetik Ihrer Spielrunde hebt, sondern auch für eine optimale Lesbarkeit sorgt. Vielseitige Nutzung Diese Premium Karten sind ideal für eine Vielzahl von Spielen, darunter: Poker Bridge Skat Und viele weitere Kartenspiele Premium Qualität Hergestellt aus langlebigen Materialien, garantieren die Ace Spielkarten eine hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit und lange Lebensdauer, selbst bei häufigem Gebrauch. Sie sind perfekt für sowohl professionelle als auch Freizeit-Spieler. Kompakte Verpackung Dank der kompakten Verpackung sind die Karten leicht zu transportieren und zu verstauen, sodass Sie jederzeit bereit sind, Ihre Freunde oder Familie zu einem spannenden Kartenspiel herauszufordern. Erleben Sie die Kombination aus Qualität und Stil mit den Ace Spielkarten in Weiß. Ihre nächste Spielrunde wird unvergesslich!


  • Weiß Chilly 2.0 Großer Eiskratzer, umweltfreundlich aus recyceltem Kunststoff TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    White Chilly 2.0 Large ice scraper, environmentally friendly made from recycled plastic

    White Chilly 2.0 Large ice scraper, environmentally friendly made from recycled plastic Discover the White Chilly 2.0 Large Ice Scraper , which is not only practical but also environmentally friendly! This innovative ice scraper combines functionality and sustainability in a unique way. Product features: Environmentally friendly material: Made from recycled plastic, this ice scraper actively contributes to reducing plastic waste. Efficient design: The large scraping edge ensures quick and effective work, so that you have a clear view again in no time. Ergonomic handle: The sturdy handle ensures a secure grip, even in adverse weather conditions. Temperature resistant: Resistant to low temperatures, this ice scraper is ideal for winter use. With the White Chilly 2.0 Large Ice Scraper you are not only making a smart choice for yourself, but you are also making a valuable contribution to protecting our environment. Protect your car and nature - get it today!


  • Chilly 2.0 Großer Eiskratzer aus Recyceltem Kunststoff - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Chilly 2.0 Large Ice Scraper made from Recycled Plastic - White

    Chilly 2.0 Large Ice Scraper made from Recycled Plastic - White Experience winter with the Chilly 2.0 ice scraper , which is not only effective but also environmentally friendly. Made from recycled plastic , this ice scraper offers a sustainable solution to clear your car of ice and snow. Special features: Environmentally friendly: Made from recycled material for a better environmental footprint. Efficient design: With a large scraping surface for quick and effortless ice removal. Robust durability: The white plastic remains stable and break-resistant even at extreme temperatures. Ergonomic handle: Designed for maximum comfort, ideal for longer applications. Easy to store: Compact enough for the glove compartment, but still large enough for effective work. Get ready for winter and rely on quality and sustainability with the Chilly 2.0 ice scraper !


  • Weißer Frosty 2.0 Dreieckiger Eiskratzer, umweltfreundlich TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    White Frosty 2.0 Triangular Ice Scraper, Eco-Friendly

    White Frosty 2.0 Triangular Ice Scraper, Eco-Friendly Discover the new White Frosty 2.0 Triangular Ice Scraper that not only clears ice and snow from your windshield, but is also environmentally friendly. This innovative ice scraper offers you the perfect combination of functionality and sustainability. Main features: Material: Made from recycled plastic, this ice scraper actively contributes to reducing plastic waste. Efficient design: The triangular shape allows for maximum efficiency in removing ice and snow, getting you back on the road in no time. Ease of use: The Frosty 2.0 is not only light and handy, but also easy to clean and durable - perfect for everyday use. Why choose the Frosty 2.0? With the White Frosty 2.0 Triangular Ice Scraper you are choosing a product that meets your needs and also makes a positive contribution to the environment. Enjoy the winter months without having to worry about annoying ice scraping!


  • Dolly Weißer Kunststoff-Eiskratzer - Zuverlässiges Enteisungstool TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Dolly White Plastic Ice Scraper - Reliable De-Icing Tool

    Dolly White Plastic Ice Scraper - Reliable De-Icing Tool The Dolly White Plastic Ice Scraper is the perfect accessory for any driver preparing for the cold season. With its elegant design in classic white, it blends seamlessly into any vehicle interior while being an extremely practical tool for quickly de-icing your car windows. Main features: Elegant white: A timeless design that is both stylish and functional. Durable plastic: Made of high quality material that ensures durability and break resistance even in the coldest temperatures. Efficient scraping surface: Designed to quickly and effectively remove ice and snow from car windows so you can get back on the road safely and quickly. Ergonomic handle: Provides maximum comfort and control during use, allowing you to work easily even in freezing temperatures. Compact and convenient: Easy to store in your vehicle so you can access it quickly and easily when needed. With the Dolly White Plastic Ice Scraper you are well equipped to master icy winter mornings stress-free. Rely on this reliable de-icing tool and enjoy a clear view of the road!


  • Blauer Astro LED-Schlüsselanhänger - Hell & Kompakt, 100 Zeichen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Blue Astro LED Keychain - Bright & Compact, 100 Characters

    Blue Astro LED Keychain - Bright & Compact Discover the Blue Astro LED keychain , which combines practical functionality with a stylish design. This keychain is not only a simple light source, but also your reliable companion in dark moments. Main features: Bright LED lighting: Enjoy a powerful light source that provides ideal visibility in dark situations. Compact design: Lightweight and handy, perfect for any keychain and ideal for on the go. Robust workmanship: The keychain is durable and designed for everyday use, so it will serve you faithfully for a long time. Versatile uses: Whether for emergencies, camping or evening walks - this keychain is always there. The Blue Astro LED keychain is more than just a keychain; it is your personal light source that offers you safety and comfort. Make it your new everyday companion!


  • Astro LED-Schlüssellicht - Blau Kompakte Beleuchtung für unterwegs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Astro LED Key Light - Blue Compact lighting for on the go

    Astro LED Key Light - Blue Compact lighting for on the go Discover the Astro LED key light , your indispensable companion for every situation! Whether camping, walking at night or just for everyday use, this key light offers you the perfect lighting whenever you need it. Main features: Bright LED lighting: Enjoy clear and bright light that provides you with safety and orientation in the dark. Compact size: With its handy design, the key light fits easily into any bag or pocket so it is always at hand. Robust housing: Made of durable material, it guarantees long-lasting use no matter where your adventure takes you. Easy to use: Thanks to the practical one-button operation, the light is ready for use in no time - ideal for quick use. Stylish design: The modern and elegant design complements any keychain and makes the key light an attractive accessory. Trust the Astro LED Key Light to always be prepared and save yourself the hassle of searching in the dark. Get your key light today and experience the difference!


  • Astro LED-Schlüsselanhänger - Blau - Praktisches und stilvolles Beleuchtungszubehör für Schlüssel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Astro LED Keychain - Blue - Practical and stylish lighting accessory for keys

    Astro LED Keychain - Blue - Practical and stylish lighting accessory for keys Discover the Astro LED keychain - the perfect combination of functionality and style! This keychain is more than just a practical accessory; it offers a variety of benefits that make your everyday life easier. Main features: Bright LED lighting: Enjoy clear visibility in dark environments, providing additional safety and comfort. Attractive blue design: The stylish and eye-catching look makes this keychain a fashionable companion. Compact and handy: Lightweight and easy to handle, it fits effortlessly into any bag or backpack. Secure Key Ring: Keeps your keys securely attached and prevents you from losing them. Versatile application: Ideal for daily use, outdoor activities and unforeseen emergencies. With the Astro LED keychain you are always well equipped! Whether you are taking a walk at night, camping or just going about your everyday life - this keychain provides light, safety and style. Get your copy now!


  • Titel für Spot 5-in-1 Parkscheibe - blau: Multifunktionale 5-in-1 Parkscheibe Spot in Blau - Vielseitig & Effektiv TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Title for Spot 5-in-1 Parking Disc - blue: Multifunctional 5-in-1 Parking Disc Spot in Blue - Versatile & Effective

    Title for Spot 5-in-1 Parking Disc - blue: Multifunctional 5-in-1 Parking Disc Spot in Blue - Versatile & Effective Discover the innovative 5-in-1 Spot parking disc in a striking blue, which is a must-have for drivers. This practical accessory combines several functions in a compact design so that you are well prepared for every car journey. Functions in detail: Parking disc: Comply with the regulations and display the parking time. Ice scraper: Easily remove ice and snow from your windows. Tire tread depth gauge: Check the tread depth of your tires for maximum safety. Shopping cart chip: Easy shopping without coins. Product features: Color: Bold blue for good visibility - easy to find and use. Material: Made of durable plastic for long life. Versatile: Covers multiple needs, ideal for everyday use. Practical: Perfect for every driver who values ​​functionality. Equip your car with this versatile 5-in-1 parking disc and enjoy the benefits of a well thought-out and functional design. A must-have for anyone who regularly travels by car!


  • Colt Handschuh-Eiskratzer - Komfortabler blauer Auto-Schaber für Wintertage TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Colt Glove Ice Scraper - Comfortable blue car scraper for winter days

    Colt Glove Ice Scraper - Comfortable blue car scraper for winter days Experience the ultimate comfort during the cold winter months with the Colt Glove Ice Scraper. This innovative car scraper combines functionality with a unique design. Special features: Comfortable: The integrated glove effectively protects your hands from cold and wetness, so that you have a firm grip even in freezing temperatures. Effective: With the high-quality scraping edge, you can remove ice and snow in no time at all, without much effort. Durable: Made of sturdy material, this ice scraper guarantees a long service life and can withstand even the harshest winter conditions. Practical: The ergonomic design ensures easy handling, making clearing your vehicle a breeze. Colorful: The stylish blue shade brings a fresh accent to the gray winter days. With the Colt glove ice scraper you are well equipped to enjoy the cold season in a relaxed manner. Make shoveling ice out of your vehicle a pleasant task!


  • Colt Eiskratzer mit Handschuh: Blauer Colt Eiskratzer mit integriertem Handschuh - Warm & Effizient TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Colt Ice Scraper with Glove: Blue Colt Ice Scraper with Integrated Glove - Warm & Efficient

    Colt Ice Scraper with Glove: Blue Colt Ice Scraper with Integrated Glove - Warm & Efficient Discover the Colt Ice Scraper with Integrated Glove - the perfect solution for cold winter mornings! This innovative product combines functionality with comfort and ensures effortless ice scraping while keeping your hands warm and protected. Product features: Integrated glove: The practical glove protects your hands from the cold so that you can work efficiently even in freezing temperatures. High-quality material: Made of sturdy plastic known for its durability, combined with a soft, warm glove. Stylish Design: The soothing blue color gives the ice scraper a modern and appealing look that is both stylish and practical. Comfort and functionality: Enjoy the feeling of keeping your hands warm and dry while quickly and safely removing ice from your vehicle. With the Colt Ice Scraper with Glove you are well equipped to tackle even the harshest winter conditions. Get ready for winter - stay warm while you work efficiently!


  • Pitlane Notfallhammer in Schwarz – Zuverlässig & Lebensrettend TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Pitlane Emergency Hammer in Black – Reliable & Life-Saving

    Pitlane Emergency Hammer in Black – Reliable & Life-Saving The Pitlane emergency hammer is more than just a simple safety tool - it is your reliable lifesaver in critical situations. With a well-thought-out design and easy handling, this hammer ensures that you can act quickly and effectively in an emergency. Product features: Reliability: Designed to perform reliably even in the most extreme situations. Lifesaving: An essential tool for any vehicle to help you quickly escape from an emergency. Ergonomic design: Fits comfortably in the hand and enables precise application. Easy access: Thanks to its compact size, the emergency hammer can be stored in the vehicle and is always within easy reach. Trust the Pitlane emergency hammer – your ultimate companion for safety and protection on the road!


  • Schwarzes Hoost Cuttermesser - Effizientes Schneidewerkzeug für Profis TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Black Hoost cutter knife - efficient cutting tool for professionals

    Black Hoost cutter knife - efficient cutting tool for professionals Discover the Black Hoost Utility Knife , the ultimate cutting tool for professionals and DIYers alike. This powerful utility knife offers a combination of functionality and ease of use that makes it an indispensable companion for any cutting task. Main features: Sharp and robust blade: Enjoy precise and clean cuts that handle any task effortlessly. Ergonomic handle: The comfortable handle ensures a secure grip and makes handling easier, even during longer periods of use. Versatility: Perfect for crafts, office and household – this cutter knife is prepared for every situation. Compact design: Easy to carry and easy to store, ideal for use on the go. Quick-change system: Change blades quickly and without tools so you are always ready for use. Safety lock: Guarantees that the blade is securely locked and prevents accidental unfolding during transport. Rely on the Black Hoost Utility Knife for precise cutting and maximum efficiency. Whether you're a professional craftsman or a DIY enthusiast, this utility knife will exceed your expectations.


  • Vielseitiges Hoost Cuttermesser – hochwertig, schwarz, scharf und ergonomisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Versatile Hoost cutter knife – high-quality, black, sharp and ergonomic

    Versatile Hoost cutter knife – high-quality, black, sharp and ergonomic Discover the versatile Hoost utility knife , the ideal tool for any occasion. This utility knife combines functionality, style and comfort in a single product. Here are some of the outstanding features that make it an indispensable companion: High-quality materials: Equipped with a robust blade known for its long-lasting sharpness and durability. Ergonomic design: The comfortable handle ensures precise and safe cutting, even during prolonged use. Elegant finish: The stylish black design gives the utility knife a modern look that looks good in any environment. Versatile: Perfect for DIY projects, office work and creative handicrafts – a real all-rounder! Safe and practical: The retractable blade guarantees safe use as well as easy and space-saving storage. Compact and portable: The lightweight design allows for easy handling and is ideal for on the go. Durability: Convincing quality that guarantees long-lasting use. Perfect for everyday use: an indispensable tool to assist you in every task. Whether for professional use or for creative projects at home, the Hoost craft knife offers you the performance and quality you need. Equip yourself with this versatile tool and experience the difference for yourself!


  • Vielseitiges Multitool Engineer: 6 Funktionen, schwarz-silbernes Design - Praktisches Werkzeug für unterwegs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Versatile Multitool Engineer: 6 functions, black and silver design - Practical tool for on the go

    Versatile Multitool Engineer: 6 functions, black and silver design - Practical tool for on the go Discover the versatile Engineer multi-tool , the ideal tool for those who value functionality and style. With its six integrated functions, it is perfect for any challenge you may face. Main features: 6 functions in one : Equipped with screwdrivers, pliers, file and more - everything you need for repairs and everyday tasks. Robust design : Made of high-quality material, it guarantees durability and a long service life. Compact and portable : The slim design allows the multi-tool to be easily stored in any bag or toolbox. Versatile : Whether camping, traveling or around the house – this multi-tool is the perfect companion for every situation. Stylish design : The elegant black and silver finish gives the tool a modern and attractive look. Rely on the versatile Multitool Engineer – your reliable partner for all everyday challenges!


  • Engineer Multifunktionswerkzeug in Schwarz-Silber – 6 essenzielle Funktionen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Engineer multi-function tool in black and silver – 6 essential functions

    Engineer multi-function tool in black and silver – 6 essential functions Discover the Engineer multi-tool , the perfect tool for engineers and technology lovers. With its modern and elegant design in black and silver, it is not only functional but also looks professional. This versatile tool offers you everything you need for your projects: Six integrated tools: pliers, wire cutters, knife and screwdriver – all in one compact device. Robust and durable: Made from high-quality materials known for their durability and reliability. Ideal for precise work: Perfect for engineers who require attention to detail and precision. Compact and portable: Easy to carry and always ready to use, no matter where you are. Trust the Engineer multi-tool to master your technical challenges with ease. Get ready for a new dimension of functionality!


  • Xina Regenponcho in Ball-Hülle mit Schlüsselanhänger - Praktisch in Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Xina Rain Poncho in Ball Cover with Keyring - Practical in Red

    Xina Rain Poncho in Ball Cover with Keyring - Practical in Red Discover the Xina rain poncho that is not only functional but also stylish. With its innovative ball cover, this poncho is the ideal companion for those who want to look good even in bad weather. Main features: Innovative ball case: Compact and easy to carry, equipped with a practical keychain. Eye-catching red: Increases visibility and adds a vibrant color accent to any environment. Quick to use: Unfolds and covers in a snap - perfect for sudden rain showers. Lightweight and portable: Ideal for festivals, trips and unforeseen emergency situations. Waterproof material: Provides reliable protection against moisture and keeps you dry. With the Xina rain poncho you are always well prepared, no matter where your adventure takes you. Get this practical poncho and enjoy the freedom of being stylish even in rainy weather!


  • Cosmique Beleuchtete Deko-Glocke, Bunt - Stimmungsvolles Licht TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cosmique Illuminated Decorative Bell, Colorful - Atmospheric Light

    Cosmique Illuminated Decorative Bell, Colorful - Atmospheric Light Discover the Cosmique Illuminated Decorative Bell , which not only impresses with its colorful light , but also creates a welcoming atmosphere. Perfect for any occasion, this decorative bell is the ideal choice to enhance your home or special events. Main features: Colorful light: brings life and joy to every room. Versatile: Ideal as a stylish decoration or as atmospheric lighting for cozy evenings. Energy saving: Equipped with efficient LED technology, which is both environmentally friendly and cost-saving. User-friendly: Equipped with a simple on/off switch, it is very easy to use. Attractive design: A great gift or a stylish addition to your own home. Add a touch of elegance and colour to your rooms with the Cosmique Illuminated Decorative Bell . Ideal for any room and occasion, it will surely be an eye-catcher in your home!


  • Cosmique Mehrfarbige Leuchtglocke - Stimmungsvolle, Farbenfrohe Beleuchtung TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cosmique Multi-colored Illuminated Bell - Atmospheric, Colorful Lighting

    Cosmique Multi-colored Illuminated Bell - Atmospheric, Colorful Lighting Discover the Cosmique multi-coloured bell jar that will transform your rooms with fascinating and atmospheric lighting. This bell jar is more than just a light – it is an experience! Unique features: Colorful LED lights: The innovative technology effortlessly switches between different colors, creating a lively atmosphere. Bell shape: With its unique and decorative design, this illuminated bell is a real eye-catcher in any room. Energy efficient: Thanks to the low power consumption, you can enjoy long-lasting lighting without having to worry about high energy costs. Versatile: Ideal for parties, as subtle lighting in the children's room or as a stylish decorative element for any occasion. Easy to use: The battery-operated light bell allows for easy placement anywhere – without any tangled cables. Add a touch of magic and atmosphere to your rooms with the Cosmique multi-coloured light bell . No matter where you use it, it is guaranteed to amaze and delight!


  • Silver Shanghai Business Card Holder - Sleek, Stylish, Durable, and Compact Metal Case for Cards TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Silver Shanghai Business Card Holder - Sleek, Stylish, Durable, and Compact Metal Case for Cards

    Silver Shanghai Business Card Holder - Slim, Stylish, Durable and Compact Metal Case for Cards Discover the perfect companion for your business encounters with our Silver Shanghai Business Card Holder. This holder combines elegance and functionality in a compact design. Elegant design The Silver Shanghai business card holder impresses with its sleek and modern look, which makes it a real eye-catcher. Durable construction Made of high-quality metal, this holder not only ensures an attractive appearance but also long-lasting durability and protection for your cards. Compact and Lightweight With its slim and portable design, the business card holder fits easily into your pocket or bag, so you're always ready to make a lasting impression. Safe storage The holder offers safe storage space and reliably protects your business cards from damage. Easy handling The smooth opening mechanism gives you quick and convenient access to your cards whenever you need them. Choose the Silver Shanghai Business Card Holder - the perfect combination of style and functionality for any professional appearance!


  • Shanghai Visitenkartenetui in Silber - Elegant & Funktional TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Shanghai Business Card Holder in Silver - Elegant & Functional

    Shanghai Business Card Holder in Silver - Elegant & Functional Discover the perfect accessory for every businessman and networker - the Shanghai business card holder in elegant silver. This case combines style with functionality and is the ideal companion for your business occasions. Main features: High-gloss silver finish: The elegant design attracts attention in every business meeting. Robust material: The sturdy metal construction reliably protects your business cards from damage. Compact and lightweight: Ideal for your pocket or carry-on luggage - always ready when you need it. Easy access: The practical snap closure allows easy and quick access to your cards. Versatile: Perfect for business people, networkers and anyone who wants to make a lasting impression. With the Shanghai business card holder in silver, you can rely on elegance and functionality. Make sure that your cards are always protected and always at hand!


  • Vielseitige Saki Werkzeugkarte: 15 Funktionen, schwarz-silbernes Design - Praktisches Tool für unterwegs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Versatile Saki tool card: 15 functions, black and silver design - Practical tool for on the go

    Versatile Saki tool card: 15 functions, black and silver design - Practical tool for on the go Discover the extraordinary versatility of the Saki tool card, which offers you 15 useful functions in a compact format. This practical tool is your ideal companion for every occasion and ensures that you are always well equipped. Main features: 15 in 1 functions: Includes screwdriver, bottle opener, ruler and many other tools to help you in your daily life. Compact size: Fits comfortably in your purse or bag so you can take it anywhere. Robust material: Made of durable stainless steel, this tool card guarantees a long service life and reliability. Modern design: The black and silver design makes the tool card not only functional but also stylish. Versatile: Ideal for repairs, camping, traveling or everyday use - always at hand when you need it! The Saki Tool Card is more than just a tool - it's a solution for all your practical needs. Get this essential tool and experience the difference!


  • Vielseitige Saki Taschen Werkzeugkarte mit 15 Funktionen - Silber/Schwarz: Praktisch, Kompakt, Robust TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Versatile Saki Pocket Tool Card with 15 Functions - Silver/Black: Practical, Compact, Robust

    Versatile Saki Pocket Tool Card with 15 Functions - Silver/Black: Practical, Compact, Robust Discover the perfect solution for all your tool needs with the Saki Pocket Tool Card. This innovative card combines style and functionality in a compact design. Main features: Stylish design: The combination of elegant silver and black gives the tool card a modern look. Multifunctionality: With 15 different functions in one handy card, you are prepared for every challenge. Robustness: Made of high-quality stainless steel, the tool card guarantees exceptional durability. Compact size: The size of a credit card, it fits easily into any wallet or pocket. Versatile functions: Includes useful tools such as screwdriver, bottle opener, knife, ruler and other essential utensils. Ergonomic design: The well thought-out design ensures easy handling and use, even in stressful situations. Practical for on the go: Ideal for outdoor activities, travel or everyday tasks. Perfect Gift Idea: A great choice for DIYers, adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts who value functionality. The Saki pocket tool card is the ideal companion for anyone who values ​​quality and versatility. See for yourself how practical this tool can be in your everyday life!


  • RFX™ Hitz Reflektierendes Schnapparmband: Neongelb, Sichtbar, Flexibel für Sicherheit TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    RFX™ Hitz Reflective Snap Armband: Neon Yellow, Visible, Flexible for Safety

    RFX™ Hitz Reflective Snap Armband: Neon Yellow, Visible, Flexible for Safety Experience safety at a new level with the RFX™ Hitz Reflective Snap Armband . This innovative accessory offers a variety of benefits that make it an indispensable companion for your outdoor activities. Main features: High visibility: The bright neon yellow design ensures maximum safety, even in poor lighting conditions. Easy to use: The snap bracelet can be easily snapped around your arm, leg or bag, allowing for quick and safe use. Flexible material: The band adapts comfortably to any body shape and is therefore ideal for on the go. Versatile: Perfect for various activities such as jogging, cycling, hiking and other outdoor adventures. Durable and Robust: Made of high-quality material, it guarantees long durability and reliability. Lightweight and portable: barely noticeable when worn, making it ideal for sports and leisure. Easy to care: The snap bracelet is easy to clean and reusable, allowing long-term use. Invest in your safety and enjoy the freedom to move outdoors without worry. The RFX™ Hitz Reflective Snap Armband is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to be active and safe on the go.


  • Cooler Antistressball Rund in Blau – Effektives Entspannungstool TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cool Antistress Ball Round in Blue – Effective Relaxation Tool

    Cool Antistress Ball Round in Blue – Effective Relaxation Tool Experience the calming power of the Cooler Antistress Ball in bright blue, which not only serves as a relaxing toy but is also an effective relaxation tool. This stress ball offers numerous benefits that promote your well-being: Relaxing blue: The calming color helps reduce stress and promotes an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Round shape: The perfect ergonomic shape allows for comfortable squeezing while supporting hand training. Robust material: Made of durable and flexible material, this stress ball guarantees long-lasting use without wear and tear. Compact size: Thanks to its handy size, the anti-stress ball can be easily stored in your bag and taken anywhere. Versatile application: Ideal for the office, at home or while traveling to reduce stress and increase concentration at any time. Bring relaxation and joy to your everyday life with the Cooler Antistress Ball Round in Blue – your constant companion for more serenity!


  • Save-me 19-teiliges Erste-Hilfe-Kit, Notfallset, Kompakt - Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit, emergency kit, compact - red

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit, emergency kit, compact - red Be prepared for all eventualities with our Save-me 19-piece first aid kit . This comprehensive set provides everything you need to act quickly and efficiently in emergencies. Comprehensive set The kit includes 19 essential first aid items , carefully selected to cover the most common injuries and emergencies. Compact & Portable The design is compact and lightweight , ideal for use at home, in the car or during outdoor activities. You can take it anywhere! Easily recognizable red bag The eye-catching red bag allows quick access to the contents so you don't lose time in critical moments. Versatile Whether for minor injuries or unexpected emergencies, this set is versatile and offers the necessary safety for you and your loved ones. User-friendly Each kit includes simple instructions to help you quickly take the necessary first aid steps, even if you have no prior knowledge. With the Save-me first aid kit you are well prepared for every situation. Protect yourself and your family with this essential emergency kit!


  • Save-me 19-teiliges Erste-Hilfe-Set - rot: Save-me 19-teiliges Erste-Hilfe-Kit in Rot - Sicher & Umfassend TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit - red: Save-me 19-piece first aid kit in red - Safe & Comprehensive

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit - red: Save-me 19-piece first aid kit in red - Safe & Comprehensive The Save-me 19-piece first aid kit is your reliable solution for emergencies. Whether in the car, at home or while traveling - this kit offers you everything you need for quick first aid. Product features: Components: 19 essential parts, carefully selected for emergencies. Color: Signal red, ensures easy findability in critical situations. Portability: Compact design that is perfect for any environment. Safety: Contains all necessary first aid utensils to enable quick response. Essential: A must-have for any safety equipment, ideal for families, adventurers and every household. Trust the Save-me first aid kit and make sure you are well prepared in an emergency!


  • Save-me 19-teiliges Erste-Hilfe-Set in Rot – Notfallbereit & Kompakt TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit in red – emergency ready & compact

    Save-me 19-piece first aid kit in red – emergency ready & compact Prepare for emergencies with the Save-me 19-piece first aid kit . This comprehensive kit is the perfect companion for home, car or travel. Here are the outstanding features: Comprehensive equipment: Contains all essential first aid items to provide quick help in an emergency. Compact & portable: The set is easy to transport and store anywhere so you are always ready. Quick access: The clear arrangement ensures that you can quickly find the materials you need in an emergency. Lightweight: Ideal for use on the go without adding extra weight. Signal color red: Immediately recognizable so you can act quickly in an emergency. Trust the Save-me first aid kit and make sure you are prepared for any emergency – no matter where you are!


  • Chic Sun Ray Sonnenbrille, Schwarz mit weißen Bügeln - Trendig & Schützend TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Chic Sun Ray Sunglasses, Black with White Temples - Trendy & Protective

    Chic Sun Ray Sunglasses, Black with White Temples - Trendy & Protective Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Chic Sun Ray sunglasses. These fashionable sunglasses combine elegant design with first-class protection for your eyes. Main features: Stylish design: The black lenses harmonize perfectly with the elegant white temples and make these sunglasses a real eye-catcher. UV protection: Protect your eyes reliably from harmful UVA and UVB rays so you can go out in the sun safely. Comfortable: Thanks to the lightweight design, comfortable wearing for hours is guaranteed. Versatility: Ideal for any occasion, whether during sports, leisure time or a relaxing walk in the park. Robust: Made from durable materials that ensure a long service life. Make a fashion statement and protect your eyes at the same time with the Chic Sun Ray sunglasses – your perfect companion for sunny days!


  • Sun Ray Sonnenbrille, Schwarz mit Weißen Bügeln, Eleganter UV-Schutz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Sun Ray Sunglasses, Black with White Temples, Elegant UV Protection

    Sun Ray Sunglasses, Black with White Temples, Elegant UV Protection Discover the perfect combination of style and protection with the Sun Ray sunglasses. These fashionable sunglasses are designed to not only protect your eyes but also to emphasize your personal style touch. Strong UV protection: Enjoy complete protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays so you can move around outdoors without worry. Stylish design: The elegant black frame combined with striking white temples creates an eye-catching look that matches any outfit. Lightweight and comfortable: These sunglasses are designed to be comfortable to wear all day long without pressure points or discomfort. Versatile: Ideal for car journeys, visits to the beach or as a fashion accessory – the Sun Ray sunglasses are suitable for every occasion. Durable materials: High-quality workmanship guarantees long-lasting use and makes these sunglasses a loyal companion. Treat yourself to the perfect eye protection in a stylish design – with the Sun Ray sunglasses you are always well equipped!


  • Bunte Sun Ray Regenbogen-Sonnenbrille – UV-Schutz, Vielfältige Farben TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses – UV Protection, Multiple Colors

    Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses – UV Protection, Multiple Colors Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with our Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses. These sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory, but also offer excellent protection and comfort. Main features: Radiant Protection: Our sunglasses are equipped with UV protection that effectively blocks harmful sun rays so your eyes are always protected. Colorful design: The rainbow-colored lenses create a vibrant look that is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention. Lightweight and comfortable: The feather-light design allows you to wear the glasses all day without causing pressure points. Versatility: Whether at festivals, on vacation or in everyday life – these sunglasses are the ideal companion for every occasion. Stylish: Make a statement with these colorful sunglasses and add color to any outfit. Treat yourself to the protection and style you deserve with the Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses. An absolute must-have for all fashion-conscious people!


  • Bunte Sun Ray Regenbogen-Sonnenbrille – Farbenfroh & Schützend TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses – Colorful & Protective

    Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses – Colorful & Protective Experience the perfect combination of style and protection with the Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses . These vibrant sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory, but also provide you with the protection you need on sunny days. Special features: Vibrant colors: The eye-catching rainbow design adds color to any outfit and makes you shine. Fashionable frame: The stylish frame suits every occasion, be it at a festival, on the beach or in everyday life. High-quality material: The durable frame guarantees a long service life and stylish elegance. Complete UV protection: The lenses offer optimal protection against harmful UV rays and are therefore ideal for sunny days. Optimal wearing comfort: Light and comfortable, they allow comfortable wearing, even over longer periods of time. Practical extra: Each pair comes with a protective case that guarantees safe storage. Add a cheerful touch to your look and protect your eyes at the same time. Get the Colorful Sun Ray Rainbow Sunglasses and enjoy the sunny days to the fullest!


  • Cali 370 ml Keramiktasse mit matter Oberfläche - Weiß-Grau Matt, Hochwertiger Becher, Spülmaschinenfest TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Cali 370 ml ceramic mug with matte surface - white-grey matt, high-quality mug, dishwasher safe

    Cali 370 ml ceramic mug with matte surface - white-grey matt, high-quality mug, dishwasher safe Experience the perfect companion for your daily moments of enjoyment with the Cali ceramic mug . This stylish mug combines elegant design and high functionality in one. Product features: Material: Made of high-quality ceramic with a matte finish for a particularly modern look. Capacity: With 370 ml, this cup offers enough space for your favorite coffee, tea or other drinks. Design: The elegant white and grey colour combination gives your kitchen a classy accent. Ergonomics: The comfortable handle allows for a comfortable hold, even during longer drinking breaks. Care: Thanks to the dishwasher safety, cleaning is effortless and time-saving. Use: Whether at home or in the office, the Cali ceramic mug is the ideal choice for everyday use and makes every sip a special experience. gift idea: Are you looking for a stylish and practical gift? This mug is the perfect gift idea for friends, family or colleagues who value quality and design.


  • Bebo Eco-Friendly Trinkflasche aus Recyceltem Kunststoff - Weiß, 500 ml TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Bebo Eco-Friendly Drinking Bottle made from Recycled Plastic - White, 500 ml

    Bebo Eco-Friendly Drinking Bottle made from Recycled Plastic - White, 500 ml Discover the perfect combination of style and sustainability with the Bebo Eco-Friendly drinking bottle. This bottle embodies a modern, simple design in classic white and is extremely functional. Product features: Classic design: The simple white surface makes this bottle an elegant companion for every occasion. Optimal size: With a capacity of 500 ml, it is ideal to meet your hydration needs at any time. Environmentally friendly: Made from recycled plastic, you are actively contributing to protecting our environment. Lightweight and robust: The bottle is perfect for everyday use, whether in the office, during sports or on the go. Easy to clean: Thanks to the dishwasher-friendly material, cleaning the bottle is quick and easy. Choose the Bebo Eco-Friendly water bottle and set an example for a sustainable lifestyle without sacrificing style and functionality!


  • Oregon 400ml RCS-zertifizierte Trinkflasche aus recyceltem Kunststoff mit Karabiner - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Oregon 400ml RCS-certified recycled plastic water bottle with carabiner - White

    Oregon 400ml RCS-certified recycled plastic water bottle with carabiner - White Discover the perfect companion for your active lifestyle with the Oregon 400ml drinking bottle made from recycled plastic. This bottle combines functionality, sustainability and style in a timeless design. Product features: Capacity: With 400 ml, ideal for everyday needs, whether in the office, during sports or on the go. Sustainable material: Made from RCS-certified recycled plastic, you are actively contributing to reducing plastic waste. Modern design: Timeless white that is both modern and stylish and suits any occasion. Robust and lightweight: Ideal for on the go, easy to transport and extremely durable. Practical carabiner: Simply attach the bottle to your backpack or belt – always within reach! Easy to clean: The bottle is dishwasher safe and therefore easy to clean for maximum hygiene and convenience. Focus on sustainability and style with the Oregon water bottle and enjoy your drinks anywhere, anytime!


  • Sky 650 ml Sportflasche aus recyceltem Kunststoff - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Sky 650 ml sports bottle made from recycled plastic - White

    Sky 650 ml sports bottle made from recycled plastic - White Discover the perfect companion for your active lifestyle with the Sky 650 ml sports bottle . This innovative bottle combines functionality and environmental awareness in a unique way. Product features: Volume: With a generous capacity of 650 ml, this bottle is ideal for everyday use, whether during sports, in the office or on the go. Sustainable material: Made from recycled plastic, this bottle actively contributes to environmental protection. Timeless design: The classic white color matches any outfit and style, whether doing yoga, at the gym or hiking. Light and robust: Its low weight makes it an ideal companion for all adventures, while the robust construction ensures longevity. Easy to clean: The sports bottle is dishwasher safe and can be cleaned effortlessly, saving you time and effort. Choose the Sky 650 ml sports bottle and combine a sustainable lifestyle with modern design. Ideal for anyone who values ​​quality and environmental friendliness!


  • Stilvolle Lilio Keramiktasse 310 ml - rot Perfekte rote Kaffee- und Teetasse TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Stylish Lilio ceramic mug 310 ml - red Perfect red coffee and tea cup

    Stylish Lilio ceramic mug 310 ml - red Discover the perfect combination of functionality and style with the stylish Lilio ceramic mug . With a generous capacity of 310 ml, this mug is ideal for your daily coffee, tea or other favorite beverages. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable ceramic that is both long-lasting and elegant. Attractive design: The bright red color ensures that this cup will be an eye-catcher in any kitchen. Ergonomic handle: The comfortable grip allows for relaxed drinking, no matter what the occasion. Versatile use: Microwave and dishwasher safe for easy everyday use. Perfect gift idea: Ideal for birthdays, holidays or as a special souvenir for friends and family. Make every sip a special experience with the stylish Lilio ceramic mug . Get yours now and enjoy the perfect coffee or tea!


  • Elwood 410ml RCS-Zertifizierter Weißer Isolierbecher aus Recyceltem Edelstahl TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Elwood 410ml RCS-Certified White Insulated Mug Made from Recycled Stainless Steel

    Elwood 410ml RCS-Certified White Insulated Mug Made from Recycled Stainless Steel Discover the Elwood insulated mug, which is not only functional but also environmentally friendly. With an elegant and timeless design, this mug offers numerous advantages: Environmentally friendly: Made from RCS-certified recycled stainless steel, it supports sustainable consumption and reduces your carbon footprint. Effective insulation: This mug keeps your drinks hot or cold for hours, so you can enjoy your favorite beverages anytime. Simple white: The elegant, timeless design suits every style and makes the mug an ideal companion for every occasion. 410ml capacity: Perfectly sized for your coffee or tea on the go, it offers enough space without being bulky. Robust construction: The Elwood mug is robust and durable, perfect for everyday use, whether in the office or during sports. Choose the Elwood insulated mug and enjoy drinks at the ideal temperature – no matter where you are!


  • Elwood 410ml Eco-Isolierbecher, RCS-zertifizierter Edelstahl, Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Elwood 410ml Eco Insulated Mug, RCS-certified Stainless Steel, White

    Elwood 410ml Eco Insulated Mug, RCS-certified Stainless Steel, White Experience the perfect combination of sustainability, functionality and stylish design with the Elwood 410ml Eco Insulated Mug. This mug is made from RCS-certified recycled stainless steel, making it an environmentally friendly companion for your everyday life. Main features: Sustainability: Made from RCS certified recycled stainless steel that is kind to our planet. Optimal size: With a capacity of 410 ml, this mug is ideal for coffee or tea on the go. Keeps warm/cold longer: Enjoy your drinks at the desired temperature for a longer period of time thanks to the excellent insulation properties. Simple design: The classic white design is elegant and timeless, suitable for any occasion. Environmentally friendly: Support a sustainable lifestyle and reduce single-use plastic with this reusable cup. Choose the Elwood 410ml Eco Insulated Mug for a stylish and environmentally conscious solution that is not only functional but also sustainable!


  • Mojave 300ml Weißer RCS-Zertifizierter Isolierbecher aus Recyceltem Edelstahl TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Mojave 300ml White RCS-Certified Insulated Mug Made of Recycled Stainless Steel

    Mojave 300ml White RCS-Certified Insulated Mug Made of Recycled Stainless Steel Environmentally friendly : Made from RCS-certified recycled stainless steel, this insulated mug actively contributes to promoting sustainable consumption. Efficient insulation : The high-quality insulation technology ensures that your drinks stay hot or cold for longer - ideal for those who are on the go a lot. Simple design : The modern white finish makes this mug a stylish companion that suits any environment, be it in the office or on an outdoor adventure. Practical 300ml capacity : Perfectly sized for daily coffee enjoyment - just the right amount for on the go. Robust and durable : This insulated mug is resistant to daily wear and tear, making it ideal for regular use.


Affordable and quality products for wholesale

The TK Group's "Products up to 5.00 euros" category offers a wide selection of inexpensive but high-quality items that have been specially developed for B2B wholesale. Our range includes a variety of products that offer your customers great quality at extremely affordable prices.

Product range:

  • Office supplies and stationery:

    • Pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners
    • Notepads, sticky notes and simple folders
    • Desk organizer and tape dispenser
  • Kitchen and household:

    • Kitchen utensils such as spoons, forks, whisks and peelers
    • Sponges, tea towels and cleaning brushes
    • Small storage boxes and containers
  • Textiles & Clothing:

    • Socks, underwear and simple scarves
    • Basic clothing such as simple T-shirt
  • Toy:

    • Small stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons
    • Puzzles, mini-games and craft materials
  • Camping & Outdoors:

    • Compact flashlights, snap hooks and lighters
    • Small first aid kits and mini outdoor tools
  • Electronic accessories:

    • Charging cables, simple phone cases and headphones
    • Adapters and small electronic gadgets
  • Sports equipment:

    • Skipping ropes, resistance bands and water bottles
    • Small fitness accessories such as handles
  • Hardware store & DIY supplies:

    • Screwdrivers, tape measures and adhesive tape
    • Small tools and accessories

Benefits for your business:

  • Attractive prices: All products in this category cost up to 5.00 euros, which allows you to offer inexpensive solutions to your customers.
  • High quality: Despite the low prices, we guarantee the quality and durability of our products.
  • Diverse range: A wide range of products that cover different needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Fast and reliable delivery: Thanks to our optimized warehousing and fast delivery processes, we guarantee reliable and timely delivery of your orders.
  • Individual advice: Our experienced team supports you with comprehensive advice and tailor-made solutions to select the best products for your business.

Discover the wide range of TK Group products in the range up to 5.00 euros and benefit from our expertise and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.


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