Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

35879 products

  • Nevada Zweifarbige Baumwoll-Tragetasche 7 Liter, Natural-Schwarz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Nevada Zweifarbige Baumwoll-Tragetasche 7 Liter, Natural-Schwarz

    Nevada Zweifarbige Baumwoll-Tragetasche 7 Liter, Natural-Schwarz Entdecken Sie die Nevada Zweifarbige Baumwoll-Tragetasche – die perfekte Kombination aus Stil, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit. Produktmerkmale: Material: Hochwertige Baumwolle in elegantem Natur- und Schwarzton Kapazität: 7 Liter – ideal für alle alltäglichen Besorgungen Design: Stilvolles, zweifarbiges Aussehen, das zu jedem Outfit passt Vielseitig: Perfekt für Einkäufe, Bürobedarf oder Freizeitaktivitäten Nachhaltig: Wiederverwendbar und umweltfreundlich – eine großartige Wahl für die Natur Pflege: Maschinenwaschbar, langlebig und robust für den täglichen Einsatz Ob beim Einkaufen oder im Büro, die Nevada Tragetasche ist Ihr idealer Begleiter. Genießen Sie den Komfort und die Langlebigkeit dieser umweltfreundlichen Tasche und setzen Sie ein Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit, ohne auf Stil zu verzichten.


  • Kompakte Bungalow faltbare Tragetasche in Schwarz, 7 Liter TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Kompakte Bungalow faltbare Tragetasche in Schwarz, 7 Liter

    Kompakte Bungalow faltbare Tragetasche in Schwarz, 7 Liter Entdecken Sie die perfekte Lösung für Ihre Transportbedürfnisse mit der kompakten Bungalow faltbaren Tragetasche. Dieses durchdachte Design kombiniert Funktionalität und Stil, ideal für jede Lebenslage. Besonderheiten: Hochwertiges Material: Gefertigt aus wasserabweisendem Polyester, schützt die Tasche Ihre Sachen vor Nässe und sorgt für Langlebigkeit. Ultraleicht und zusammenfaltbar: Die Tasche lässt sich mühelos zusammenfalten und verstauen, was sie zum perfekten Begleiter für unterwegs macht. Praktisches Fassungsvermögen: Mit 7 Litern bietet sie ausreichend Platz für Ihre Einkäufe, Sportausrüstung oder als zusätzliche Reisetasche. Pflegeleicht: Die Tasche ist maschinenwaschbar, sodass sie immer in einwandfreiem Zustand bleibt. Vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten: Egal, ob für den täglichen Einkauf, einen Ausflug oder als praktische Reisetasche – die kompakte Bungalow Tragetasche ist vielseitig einsetzbar und immer bereit, Ihnen zu helfen. Wählen Sie die Bungalow faltbare Tragetasche in Schwarz und erleben Sie die Kombination aus praktischer Funktionalität und zeitlosem Design!


  • Schwarze faltbare Polyester-Tragetasche Bungalow 7L – Praktisch, robust, vielseitig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Schwarze faltbare Polyester-Tragetasche Bungalow 7L – Praktisch, robust, vielseitig

    Schwarze faltbare Polyester-Tragetasche Bungalow 7L – Praktisch, robust, vielseitig Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität mit der schwarzen faltbaren Polyester-Tragetasche Bungalow. Diese Tasche ist nicht nur modisch, sondern auch äußerst praktisch für den täglichen Einsatz. Hauptmerkmale: Elegantes Design: Das stilvolle Schwarz verleiht der Tasche einen modernen und professionellen Look, der zu jeder Gelegenheit passt. Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus strapazierfähigem Polyester, ist die Tasche nicht nur langlebig, sondern auch reißfest – ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Faltbares Design: Dank des praktischen faltbaren Designs lässt sich die Tasche mühelos verstauen und transportieren, wodurch sie der ideale Begleiter für unterwegs ist. Große Kapazität: Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 7 Litern bietet sie ausreichend Platz für Einkäufe, Alltagsgegenstände und mehr. Leicht und bequem: Die Tragetasche ist leicht und ergonomisch gestaltet, was sie zu einer bequemen Lösung für Reisen, Einkäufe und Freizeitaktivitäten macht. Pflegeleicht: Die Tasche ist einfach zu reinigen und trocknet schnell, was die Pflege mühelos gestaltet. Ob beim Einkaufen, auf Reisen oder in der Freizeit – die schwarze faltbare Polyester-Tragetasche Bungalow ist die ideale Wahl für alle, die Wert auf Stil und Funktionalität legen. Machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Alltag mit dieser vielseitigen Tragetasche!


  • Oregon Premium Sportbeutel 5L – Naturfarben & Öko-Freundlich TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Oregon Premium Sportbeutel 5L – Naturfarben & Öko-Freundlich

    Oregon Premium Sportbeutel 5L – Naturfarben & Öko-Freundlich Entdecken Sie den Oregon Premium Sportbeutel, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch umweltfreundlich ist! Mit einem minimalistischen Design und natürlichen Farbtönen ist dieser Sportbeutel die perfekte Wahl für alle, die Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und Stil legen. Besondere Merkmale: Umweltbewusstes Material: Hergestellt aus leichtem Gewebe, das die Umwelt schont. Vielseitige Farben: Natürliche Töne, die sich mühelos in jedes Outfit integrieren lassen. Kompakte Größe: Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 5 Litern bietet er ausreichend Platz für Ihre Sportutensilien. Einfache Handhabung: Schnell zu öffnendes Design für einen komfortablen Zugang. Komfortable Trageweise: Bequeme Kordelzug-Schulterriemen sorgen für einen angenehmen Tragekomfort. Vielseitige Verwendung: Der Oregon Premium Sportbeutel ist ideal für: Sport und Fitnessstudio Tagesausflüge und Reisen Als praktischer Begleiter im Alltag Wählen Sie den Oregon Premium Sportbeutel 5L und setzen Sie ein Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit und Stil. Perfekt für aktive Lebensstile und umweltbewusste Verbraucher!


  • Schwarze Kumla 4L Kühltasche – Kompakt & Effizient TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Schwarze Kumla 4L Kühltasche – Kompakt & Effizient

    Schwarze Kumla 4L Kühltasche – Kompakt & Effizient Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität mit der Schwarze Kumla 4L Kühltasche. Diese Kühltasche ist der ideale Begleiter für alle Ihre Ausflüge, egal ob zum Picknick im Park, zum Strandtag oder einfach nur für den täglichen Gebrauch. Produktmerkmale: Kompaktes Design: Mit einer Kapazität von 4 Litern ist diese Kühltasche perfekt auf persönliche Bedürfnisse abgestimmt und bietet genügend Platz für Ihre Snacks und Getränke. Tiefes Schwarz: Das elegante schwarze Design macht die Kühltasche zu einem stilvollen Accessoire, das in jeder Situation passend ist. Hochwertige Isolierung: Dank der fortschrittlichen Isolierung bleiben Ihre Speisen und Getränke über einen langen Zeitraum kühl und frisch. Leicht und tragbar: Die handliche Größe und das geringe Gewicht erleichtern den Transport, sodass Sie die Tasche mühelos zu Ihren täglichen Ausflügen mitnehmen können. Robustes Material: Hergestellt aus langlebigen Materialien, ist diese Kühltasche widerstandsfähig gegenüber den Herausforderungen des täglichen Gebrauchs. Machen Sie keine Kompromisse zwischen Stil und Funktionalität – mit der Schwarze Kumla 4L Kühltasche sind Sie bestens für jede Gelegenheit gerüstet!


  • Funktionale Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche, 28L in Schwarz TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Funktionale Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche, 28L in Schwarz

    Funktionale Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche, 28L in Schwarz Entdecken Sie die perfekte Lösung für Ihren Einkauf mit der funktionalen Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche. Diese Tasche vereint Stil und Funktionalität und ist der ideale Begleiter für jede Gelegenheit. Hauptmerkmale: Robustes Material: Hergestellt aus strapazierfähigem, nicht gewebtem Stoff, bietet diese Tasche maximale Haltbarkeit für Ihre schwereren Einkäufe. Großzügiges Volumen: Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 28 Litern ist diese Tasche ideal für große Einkäufe oder als praktische Allzwecktasche. Platzsparend: Dank des cleveren Designs lässt sich die Tasche einfach zusammenfalten und platzsparend verstauen, wenn sie nicht gebraucht wird. Einfache Pflege: Die abwaschbare Oberfläche sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Tasche immer sauber und bereit für den nächsten Einsatz bleibt. Vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten: Ob beim Großeinkauf im Supermarkt, beim Ausflug zum Strand oder als praktische Begleitung beim Sport – die Maryville Einkaufstasche ist vielseitig einsetzbar und passt sich Ihrem Leben an. Erleben Sie den Komfort und die Funktionalität der Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche und machen Sie Ihren nächsten Einkauf zu einem angenehmen Erlebnis!


  • Schwarze Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche 28L – Robust, geräumig, vielseitig, stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Schwarze Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche 28L – Robust, geräumig, vielseitig, stilvoll

    Schwarze Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche 28L – Robust, geräumig, vielseitig, stilvoll Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Funktionalität und Stil mit der Schwarzen Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche. Diese Tasche ist nicht nur ein praktischer Begleiter für Ihre Einkäufe, sondern auch ein echter Blickfang. Hauptmerkmale: Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus strapazierfähigem Non Woven Material, garantiert Langlebigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit. Großes Fassungsvermögen: Mit einem beeindruckenden Volumen von 28 Litern ist diese Tasche ideal für umfangreiche Einkäufe oder als praktische Alltagsbegleiterin. Klassisches Design: Das zeitlose Schwarz verleiht der Tasche einen modernen und professionellen Look, der zu jedem Anlass passt. Praktisches Design: Leicht und einfach zu handhaben, ergänzt durch verstärkte Nähte für zusätzliche Stabilität und Haltbarkeit. Komfortable Tragegriffe: Die ergonomisch gestalteten Griffe sorgen für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl, egal wie schwer die Fracht ist. Vielseitige Verwendung: Ob beim Einkaufen, im Büro, auf Reisen oder bei Freizeitaktivitäten – die Maryville Einkaufstasche ist stets zur Stelle. Pflegeleicht: Diese Tasche ist einfach zu reinigen und wiederverwendbar, perfekt für den täglichen Gebrauch. Erleben Sie die Vielseitigkeit und den Komfort der Schwarzen Maryville Non Woven Einkaufstasche – Ihre ideale Lösung für alle Lebenslagen!


  • Schwarz-Klarer Premium Lancaster Sportbeutel 5L - Transparent & Stylish TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Schwarz-Klarer Premium Lancaster Sportbeutel 5L - Transparent & Stylish

    Schwarz-Klarer Premium Lancaster Sportbeutel 5L - Transparent & Stylish Entdecken Sie den perfekten Begleiter für Ihre sportlichen Abenteuer mit dem Schwarz-Klaren Premium Lancaster Sportbeutel. Dieser elegante und funktionale Beutel kombiniert Stil mit praktischer Anwendbarkeit. Produktmerkmale: Design: Transparentes Material mit eleganten schwarzen Details für einen modernen Look. Material: Hergestellt aus robustem und wasserabweisendem Material, das für Langlebigkeit sorgt. Kapazität: Mit 5 Litern bietet er ausreichend Platz für Ihr Fitness-Zubehör und persönliche Gegenstände. Funktionalität: Dank des transparenten Designs haben Sie jederzeit einen sichtbaren Überblick über Ihren Inhalt und schnellen Zugriff darauf. Einsatzmöglichkeiten: Ideal für Sport, Freizeitaktivitäten und Events – ein vielseitiger Begleiter für jeden Anlass. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Sport-Style einen Hauch von Eleganz und Funktionalität mit dem Schwarz-Klaren Premium Lancaster Sportbeutel. Perfekt für alle, die Wert auf Qualität und modernes Design legen.


  • Lighthouse Non Woven Kühltasche, 21L, Natur/Schwarz, nachhaltig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lighthouse Non Woven Kühltasche, 21L, Natur/Schwarz, nachhaltig

    Lighthouse Non Woven Kühltasche, 21L, Natur/Schwarz, nachhaltig Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kühltasche für jeden Anlass mit der Lighthouse Non Woven Kühltasche. Diese stilvolle und funktionale Kühltasche kombiniert Nachhaltigkeit mit durchdachtem Design und ist der ideale Begleiter für Ihre Ausflüge. Produktmerkmale: Robustes Material: Hergestellt aus strapazierfähigem Non-Woven Gewebe, das sowohl leicht als auch langlebig ist. Großzügige Kapazität: Mit einem beeindruckenden Volumen von 21 Litern bietet diese Kühltasche ausreichend Platz für Lebensmittel, Getränke und mehr. Elegantes Design: Das klassische Schwarz auf Naturgrund vermittelt einen zeitlosen Look, der zu jedem Anlass passt. Effiziente Isolierung: Halten Sie Ihre Speisen und Getränke zuverlässig kühl, egal ob beim Picknick, am Strand oder beim Camping. Nachhaltig: Ein umweltfreundliches Produkt, das Ihnen hilft, bewusster zu konsumieren und die Umwelt zu schonen. Ob für den täglichen Gebrauch oder besondere Anlässe, die Lighthouse Non Woven Kühltasche hebt sich durch ihre Funktionalität und ihr modernes Design hervor. Bereiten Sie sich auf Ihre nächsten Abenteuer vor und genießen Sie die Vorzüge einer Kühltasche, die sowohl praktisch als auch nachhaltig ist!


  • Transit Kulturbeutel in Schwarz - Reisebereit & Praktisch, 100 Zeichen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Transit Toiletry Bag in Black - Travel Ready & Practical, 100 characters

    Transit Toiletry Bag in Black - Travel Ready & Practical The Transit toiletry bag in black is the perfect companion for your travels. With its slim design, it combines elegance with functionality and saves space in your luggage. Here are some of the outstanding features that make this toiletry bag a must-have: Robust material: Made from durable materials that can withstand the challenges of travel. Multiple pockets: Provides ample storage space for small and large items so you always have everything at hand. Easy to clean: Thanks to the quick-drying and easy-care material, your toiletry bag always stays fresh and clean. Whether for a weekend trip or a longer journey, the Transit toiletry bag combines style and practicality and ensures that you are always ready for the next adventure.


  • Serenity Ohrstöpsel mit Etui – Orange, Geräuschunterdrückung für Komfort und Ruhe TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Serenity Earplugs with Case - Orange, Noise Cancelling for Comfort and Peace

    Serenity Earplugs with Case - Orange, Noise Cancelling for Comfort and Peace Experience unparalleled peace and quiet with Serenity earplugs! These high-quality earplugs are not only a stylish accessory, but also offer you the highest level of comfort and functionality. Product features: High wearing comfort: The soft, skin-friendly materials guarantee a pleasant wearing experience, even over longer periods of time. Effective noise cancellation: These earplugs reduce disturbing ambient noise and create the perfect environment for undisturbed rest and concentration. Practical case: With the included portable storage box, the earplugs are always within reach and well protected - ideal for on the go! Eye-catching color: The bright orange ensures that the earplugs are easy to find while also adding a stylish accent. Multi-purpose: Perfect for travel, sleeping, studying and in noisy environments to give you the comfort you deserve. Durable and reusable: Made from robust material, Serenity earplugs guarantee a long service life and sustainability. Treat yourself to the relaxation you deserve and leave the world around you behind - with Serenity earplugs you are ready for peace and concentration whenever you need it!


  • Serenity Hochwertige Ohrstöpsel mit Etui in Orange – Ruhig & Geschützt TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Serenity High Quality Earplugs with Case in Orange – Quiet & Protected

    Serenity High Quality Earplugs with Case in Orange – Quiet & Protected Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Serenity earplugs . These high-quality earplugs are not only a fashion-conscious accessory in a vibrant orange, but also offer exceptional sound insulation for your rest and concentration phases. Product features: Highly effective sound insulation: Block out disturbing noises and create your own personal quiet zone. Vibrant orange: easy to find and a real eye-catcher – stylish and functional at the same time. Convenient carrying case: Keep your earplugs clean and safely stored wherever you are. Soft material: Enjoy maximum comfort, even when worn for longer periods without pressure points. Universal Fit: Designed to fit most ear sizes – ideal for any user. Add a touch of calm and style to your everyday life with the Serenity earplugs . Whether you're working, traveling or relaxing, these earplugs have you covered.


  • Orlando Konferenztasche 3L in Schwarz - Kompakt & Professionell TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Orlando Conference Bag 3L in Black - Compact & Professional

    Orlando Conference Bag 3L in Black - Compact & Professional Discover the elegant solution for your business needs with the Orlando conference bag . This stylish bag combines functionality and professionalism in a compact design. Product features: Volume: 3 liters - Enough space for all important documents and a tablet. Material: Durable fabric - For long-lasting use and resistance to daily use. Functionality: Ideal for meetings, seminars and everyday business use. Compact size: Perfect for organizing your most important documents. Comfort: Adjustable shoulder strap for comfortable carrying - whether on the way to work or to a conference. The Orlando conference bag in classic black is not only a practical accessory, but also a stylish statement. Optimize your business appearance and stay organized, no matter where you are!


  • Großräumige Liberty Non Woven Tragetasche in leuchtendem Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag in Bright Red

    Large Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag in Bright Red Discover the perfect combination of functionality and style with our spacious Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag in bright red. This bag is not only a practical accessory, but also a real eye-catcher. Main features: High-quality material: Made of durable non-woven material, which is both long-lasting and environmentally friendly. Lightweight and Foldable: This bag is lightweight and folds easily so you can take it anywhere. Large capacity: With its generous space, the bag offers enough room for shopping, personal items or other utensils. Water and dirt repellent: Ideal for everyday use, this bag protects your items from moisture and dirt. Easy to maintain: The surface is easy to wipe down, making cleaning a breeze. Versatile: Perfect for shopping, as a practical storage solution or as a creative promotional gift. Choose the Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag for your everyday needs and experience a combination of style and practicality that will delight you!


  • Rote Liberty Non Woven Tragetasche 29L – Robust, geräumig, vielseitig, umweltfreundlich TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Red Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag 29L – Robust, spacious, versatile, environmentally friendly

    Red Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag 29L – Robust, spacious, versatile, environmentally friendly Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Red Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag . This bag is not only a fashionable accessory, but also a practical companion for everyday life. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable non-woven material that is both environmentally friendly and durable. Large capacity: With 29 liters, this bag offers enough space for extensive shopping or leisure needs. Modern design: The striking red color creates a modern and attractive look. Comfortable use: Equipped with comfortable carrying handles that allow easy transport. Versatile: Ideal for shopping, beach visits, picnics and many leisure activities. Easy care: It is easy to clean and reusable, making it perfect for everyday use. Go for sustainability and style with the Red Liberty Non Woven Tote Bag . Get your copy and enjoy the benefits of a functional and environmentally conscious carrying solution!


  • Praktische Zeus Non Woven große Tragetasche 6L in Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Practical Zeus Non Woven large carrying bag 6L in red

    Practical Zeus Non Woven large carrying bag 6L in red Discover the versatile Zeus Non Woven Tote Bag , which not only impresses with its bright red but also with its functionality. With a generous volume of 6 liters, it is perfect for a variety of uses. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable non-woven material that is both sturdy and environmentally friendly. Foldable and lightweight: The bag can be easily folded and stored, making it ideal for travel. Versatile: Perfect for everyday use, events or as an advertising medium for promotions. Easy to clean: The bag can be easily wiped down, which makes maintenance particularly straightforward. Whether you're shopping, playing sports or attending events - the practical Zeus tote bag is your ideal companion. Benefit from its elegant design and usefulness!


  • Rote Zeus Non Woven große Tragetasche 6L – Robust, vielseitig, leicht, umweltfreundlich TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Red Zeus Non Woven Large Tote Bag 6L – Robust, versatile, lightweight, environmentally friendly

    Red Zeus Non Woven Large Tote Bag 6L – Robust, versatile, lightweight, environmentally friendly Discover the perfect combination of functionality and style with the Red Zeus Non Woven Tote Bag. This bag is not only a practical companion, but also an environmentally friendly accessory for your everyday life. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable non-woven material that is both environmentally friendly and durable. Large capacity: With an impressive volume of 6 liters, this bag offers enough space for your shopping and everyday items. Eye-catching design: The bright red color creates a modern and attractive look that will attract attention anywhere. Comfortable handling: Equipped with practical, reinforced carrying handles for a comfortable carrying experience, even when fully loaded. Versatile: Ideal for shopping, in the office, when travelling or for leisure activities - this bag is a real all-rounder. Easy care: Easy to clean and reusable, perfect for everyday use and environmentally conscious behavior. Choose the Red Zeus Non Woven Tote Bag and enjoy a stylish, practical and eco-friendly solution for all your transportation needs!


  • Carolina Natur-Baumwolltasche 7 Liter - Umweltfreundlich & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Carolina Natural Cotton Bag 7 Liters - Environmentally Friendly & Practical

    Carolina Natural Cotton Bag 7 Liters - Environmentally Friendly & Practical Discover the perfect companion for your daily errands - the Carolina Natural Cotton Bag! Combining functionality and style, this bag is ideal for environmentally conscious consumers. Product features: Material: Made from 100% pure cotton in natural color, it ensures durability and robustness. Capacity: With a generous volume of 7 liters, it offers enough space for all your purchases. Design: Its simple and elegant design matches any outfit and is therefore suitable for any occasion. Sustainability: This bag is reusable and therefore an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bags. Easy care: It is machine washable and remains in top condition even after several washes. Carrying comfort: The long handles allow comfortable carrying over the shoulder. Whether you're shopping, doing everyday activities or playing sports, the Carolina natural cotton bag is a practical and environmentally friendly choice that not only looks good but is also good for our planet!


  • Schwarzes Munich Reiseset, Handgepäck-Konform - Ideal für Flugreisen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Black Munich travel set, hand luggage compliant - ideal for air travel

    Black Munich travel set, hand luggage compliant - ideal for air travel Discover the elegant and practical Munich Travel Set , specially designed for air travel. Not only is this set stylish, but it also meets all hand luggage requirements, so you don't have to worry about extra fees. Product features: Durable Material: Made of high quality durable material in elegant black that is both stylish and sturdy. Carry-on compliant: Complies with current carry-on standards, perfect for stress-free travel. Ideal size: Optimally sized for hand luggage, so you can easily store everything you need. Elegant design: The sleek and functional design makes traveling not only easier but also more stylish. Versatility: Ideal for all your travel essentials, whether for business trips or vacations. Easy to clean: Easy to maintain and ready for use whenever you are on the go. With the Munich travel set you are well equipped to make your trip pleasant and stylish. Perfect for everyone who values ​​quality and functionality.


  • Piero Square Keychain - Laser-Engravable Faux Leather - Stylish and Durable Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Piero Square Keychain - Laser-Engravable Faux Leather - Stylish and Durable Design

    Piero Square Keychain - Laser Engravable Faux Leather - Stylish and Durable Design Discover the Piero Square keychain , which is not only practical but also extremely stylish. Ideal for those who value quality and individuality. Main features: High-quality artificial leather: Durable and pleasant to the touch, it offers a noble look and feel. Laserable surface: Perfect for custom engravings and personalizations that make your keychain unique. Modern square design: A contemporary look that is ideal for any occasion. Timeless black color: versatile and always on trend, no matter what outfit you wear. Lightweight and portable: fits easily into any bag or backpack so you can always have it with you. Perfect gift: Whether for special occasions or as a personal accessory, this keychain is a great choice. With the Piero Square keychain you set a sign of style and individuality. Add a touch of elegance to your everyday life!


  • Neta Bamboo Rectangle Keychain - Natural Wood Grain Finish - Eco-friendly & Stylish TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Neta Bamboo Rectangle Keychain - Natural Wood Grain Finish - Eco-friendly & Stylish

    Neta Bamboo Rectangle Keychain - Natural Wood Grain - Eco-Friendly & Stylish Discover the Neta Bamboo Rectangle Keychain, a perfect accessory for eco-conscious people who value style and functionality. This keychain combines high-quality design with sustainable materials to offer you a unique product. High-quality bamboo: Made from sustainable and durable bamboo that guarantees longevity. Natural wood grain: Each pendant is unique, with a unique wood grain that makes it special. Lightweight and handy: Ideal for taking with you, the keychain is lightweight and can be easily stored in your pocket. Environmentally friendly: Made from renewable resources, this pendant is an environmentally conscious choice. Versatile: Perfect for keys, bags or backpacks - a practical accessory for everyday life. Stylish and modern: Add a touch of naturalness and elegance to your everyday life with this contemporary design. Choose the Neta Bamboo Rectangle Keychain for a stylish, sustainable and functional accessory that highlights your personality.


  • Nino runder Schlüsselanhänger aus Bambus - Natur: Hochwertig, nachhaltig, stilvolles Schlüsselaccessoire TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Nino round keychain made of bamboo - natural: high-quality, sustainable, stylish key accessory

    Nino round keychain made of bamboo - natural: high-quality, sustainable, stylish key accessory Discover the Nino round bamboo keychain - the perfect combination of style and sustainability. This elegant pendant is more than just a key accessory; it is a statement for environmentally conscious living and modern design. Main features: Sustainable material: Made from high-quality, environmentally friendly bamboo that conserves resources and protects nature. Natural design: The round pendant impresses with its timeless, natural bamboo look and blends harmoniously into any environment. Robust and durable: The high-quality workmanship guarantees the keychain maximum durability and resistance. Versatile: Ideal for keys, bags or as a stylish accessory – let your creativity run wild. Perfect gift: A thoughtful and elegant gift idea for any occasion that is guaranteed to be well received. Easy care: Easy to clean and scratch-resistant so your keychain always looks like new. Make a statement of style and environmental awareness with the Nino bamboo keychain. Treat yourself to this extraordinary piece or give it as a gift to a loved one!


  • Moreno Schlüsselanhänger aus Buchenholz - Rundes Design, Naturfarben TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Moreno keyring made of beech wood - round design, natural colors

    Moreno keyring made of beech wood - round design, natural colors Discover the Moreno keychain made of high-quality beech wood that combines both functionality and style. This keychain is not only a practical accessory, but also an expression of your sense of aesthetics. Product features: Natural Beech Wood : Made from premium beech wood, this pendant offers an attractive appearance and exceptional durability. Simple design : The classic round keychain in natural wood color blends harmoniously into any environment. Environmentally friendly : Made from sustainable materials, this keychain is the perfect choice for environmentally conscious consumers. Versatile : Ideal for everyday use, can easily be used on bags, backpacks or as an elegant car accessory. Ideal gift : An excellent present for nature lovers or as a small thank you for friends and family. Add a touch of nature to your keys with the Moreno keychain - a practical and stylish accessory for every day!


  • Gian Rechteckiger Buchenholz-Schlüsselanhänger, Natur, Stilvoll & Robust TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Gian Rectangular Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Stylish & Robust

    Gian Rectangular Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Stylish & Robust Discover the perfect keychain that combines style and functionality! The Gian Rectangular Beechwood Keychain is more than just a practical accessory - it is a statement of elegance and sustainability. Main features: Elegant beech wood: Made from high-quality, natural beech wood, this keychain combines durability with timeless style. Simple design: The classic rectangular shape fits perfectly on any keychain and creates a stylish look. Lightweight and durable: Ideal for everyday use - the keychain is so light that it won't weigh down your bags. Eco-friendly choice: Made from sustainably sourced wood, this keychain is a responsible choice for the environment. Versatile Gift: Perfect for house and car keys, this keychain makes a great personal or business gift. Make every day a little more stylish and eco-conscious with the Gian Rectangular Beechwood Keychain . Get yours now!


  • Rechteckiger Schlüsselanhänger Gian aus Buchenholz - Natürlich & Robust TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rectangular keychain Gian made of beech wood - Natural & Robust

    Rectangular keychain Gian made of beech wood - Natural & Robust Discover the elegant and functional Gian keychain , made from high-quality beech wood. This unique pendant combines sustainability with a natural design . Product features: High-quality beech wood: Made from durable and sustainably sourced beech wood. Natural design: The rectangular pendant impresses with its natural grain and texture. Robust and durable: Extremely resistant to scratches and wear, ideal for everyday use. Lightweight and portable: Compact and easy to carry, comfortable to use. Versatile: Perfect for keys, bags or backpacks. Environmentally friendly: A conscious contribution to the environment through the use of renewable materials. The Gian keychain is not only a practical accessory, but also a statement for sustainability and style . Complement your everyday life with this elegant and functional companion!


  • Gioia Quadratischer Buchenholz-Schlüsselanhänger, Natur, Elegant & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Gioia Square Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Elegant & Practical

    Gioia Square Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Elegant & Practical Discover the Gioia Square Beechwood Keyring , a perfect combination of style and functionality. This keyring is not only a practical accessory but also an elegant statement. High-quality beech wood Our keychain is made of sturdy, natural beech wood , known for its durability and timeless appearance. This ensures long-lasting use and an appealing aesthetic. Compact square design The fashionable square design allows you to easily put the pendant in any bag. This way, you always have your keys close at hand without them taking up any space. Environmentally friendly This keychain is made from sustainably sourced wood , making it the ideal choice for environmentally conscious users. Contribute to a better planet without sacrificing style. Versatile use Whether for household or car keys , this pendant is versatile. You can also use it as a charming accessory that underlines your personal style. Perfect gift Are you looking for a unique and practical gift ? This keychain is perfect for personal or business occasions and will surely be appreciated. Experience the combination of elegance and practicality with the Gioia beechwood keychain – your ideal everyday companion!


  • Quadratischer Schlüsselanhänger Gioia aus Buchenholz - Natürlich & Robust TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Square keychain Gioia made of beech wood - Natural & Robust

    Square keychain Gioia made of beech wood - Natural & Robust Discover the square Gioia keychain, which not only impresses with its functionality, but also with its sustainable and natural design. Here are the outstanding features of this unique accessory: High-quality beech wood: Made from durable and environmentally friendly beech wood, this keychain offers a sustainable choice for every day. Natural design: The square pendant shows a beautiful grain and texture, making it a stylish companion. Robust and durable: The keychain is resistant to scratches and wear, making it ideal for everyday use. Light and handy: With its low weight, the trailer can be easily transported and is comfortable to hold. Versatile: Perfect for keys, bags or backpacks, it complements any outfit in an elegant way. Environmentally friendly: Made from renewable materials, this accessory is a conscious choice for environmentally conscious consumers. Focus on style and sustainability with the square Gioia keychain – your perfect companion for every occasion!


  • Giovanni Runder Buchenholz-Schlüsselanhänger, Natur, Stilvoll & Langlebig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Giovanni Round Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Stylish & Durable

    Giovanni Round Beechwood Keychain, Natural, Stylish & Durable Discover the Giovanni Round Beechwood Keyring - a perfect combination of style and functionality. This keyring is not only a practical accessory, but also a real eye-catcher! Natural beech wood: Made from high-quality beech wood, which guarantees durability and robustness. Simple round design: The elegant round shape fits harmoniously into any keychain and gives your keychain a modern touch. Lightweight & Practical: Ideal for everyday use, without additional weight – so you always have your hands free. Eco-friendly manufacturing: Made from sustainably sourced wood, this keychain is an environmentally conscious choice. Ideal as a gift: Perfect for personal occasions or as a small gift for friends and family - the ideal companion for everyone. Choose the Giovanni Round Beechwood Keychain for a stylish and practical everyday life!


  • Giovanni runder Schlüsselanhänger aus Buchenholz - Natur: Hochwertig, stilvoll, nachhaltig kaufen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Giovanni round keyring made of beech wood - natural: Buy high-quality, stylish, sustainable

    Giovanni round keyring made of beech wood - natural: Buy high-quality, stylish, sustainable Discover the Giovanni round beechwood keychain that offers you not only functionality but also style and sustainability. This keychain is more than just a practical accessory - it embodies elegance and environmental awareness. High-quality material The keychain is made from thick, durable beech wood , which is known for its robustness and sustainability. This natural material ensures that each pendant is unique. Natural Design With its timeless, round design in a natural wood look, this pendant fits seamlessly into any style and is the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Robust and durable The precise workmanship guarantees not only high durability but also the longevity of this unique piece. You can be sure that your keychain will remain in top condition even after prolonged use. Versatile Whether for keys, bags or as a stylish accessory - this keychain is versatile and suitable for every occasion. It is the ideal practical tool for your everyday life. Perfect gift Are you looking for a thoughtful gift? The Giovanni keychain is an elegant gift idea for any occasion , from birthdays to special celebrations. Easy-care The pendant is easy to clean and resistant to scratches, making it an ideal companion for everyday use. Choose the Giovanni round keychain made of beech wood and set an example for sustainable style !


  • Gurtband Schlüsselanhänger Alvaro - Schwarz/Silber - Robust & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Webbing Keychain Alvaro - Black/Silver - Robust & Stylish

    Webbing Keychain Alvaro - Black/Silver - Robust & Stylish Discover the Alvaro webbing keychain that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. With its unique design made from durable webbing, this keychain is the perfect combination of strength and style. Product features: High quality material: Made of durable webbing, ideal for everyday use. Elegant design: The combination of black and silver gives the keychain a modern look. Lightweight & Durable: The keychain is not only lightweight but can also withstand intensive use. Secure closure: Equipped with a solid snap hook for reliable attachment of your keys. Versatile: Perfect for keys, ID cards, bags and more – a real all-rounder. Ideal gift: A practical and stylish gift idea for friends and family. Experience the perfect combination of functionality and style with the Alvaro webbing keychain . An indispensable accessory for anyone who values ​​quality and design.


  • Trolley Einkaufswagenlöser Schlüsselanhänger mit Münzfach - Silberfarben TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Trolley Shopping Cart Remover Keyring with Coin Compartment - Silver

    Trolley Shopping Cart Remover Keyring with Coin Compartment - Silver Discover the perfect solution for your shopping needs with our Trolley Shopping Cart Remover Keychain . This practical accessory is not only functional, but also stylish and versatile. Why our shopping cart solution? Practical: Easily release shopping carts without using any coins. Never search for change again! Elegant design: The silver finish adds a touch of elegance to your keychain and matches any style. Compact: Small and lightweight, perfect to carry in your pocket or on your key ring. Durable: Made of sturdy material, this keychain offers long-lasting use, making it a worthwhile investment. Ideal gift: Perfect for everyday use or as a useful little present for friends and family. Add a practical and stylish touch to your everyday life with our trolley shopping cart remover keychain . Enjoy the freedom to shop anytime, anywhere without having to worry about coins!


  • Robuster Lech Rollerclip - Schwarz - Vielseitig, Praktisch und Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Robust Lech Rollerclip - Black - Versatile, Practical and Stylish

    Robust Lech Rollerclip - Black - Versatile, Practical and Stylish Discover the robust Lech Rollerclip , which offers the perfect combination of functionality and elegance . This versatile accessory is not only practical but also stylish and ideal for everyday use. Some of the outstanding features: Versatile: Perfect for securely attaching keys, ID cards and small tools. Robust design: Made of durable material to ensure reliable use for years to come. Easy to use: The roller clip allows quick and easy access to your most important items. Compact: Light and handy, ideal for every day and every situation. Safe: Keeps your keys and ID cards safe and within easy reach. Stylish: The timeless black design combines functionality with an elegant look. Experience the advantages of the robust Lech roller clip and make your everyday life easier and more stylish!


  • Lech Rollerclip Ausweishalter - Schwarz, Stilvolle & Praktische Befestigung TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lech Rollerclip ID Card Holder - Black, Stylish & Practical Attachment

    Lech Rollerclip ID Card Holder - Black, Stylish & Practical Attachment Discover the Lech Rollerclip ID card holder , which combines elegance and functionality. This stylish accessory is the perfect solution for those who value a practical yet chic presentation of their ID cards. Main features: Elegant design: The classic black roller clip blends seamlessly into any environment. High functionality: Attaching and removing ID cards has never been so easy. Robust materials: Made for durability and constant use, ideal for everyday use. Versatile: Perfect for the office, trade fairs and everyday activities. Secure hold: The strong retraction force ensures reliable storage of your ID card. Discreet size: Unobtrusive and practical for any occasion, whether professional or private. With the Lech Rollerclip ID card holder you are opting for quality and style. Experience the perfect combination of functionality and attractive design - ideal for the modern lifestyle.


  • Timor Karabiner Schlüsselanhänger in Blau – Stabil & Stilvoll, Ideal für Outdoor TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Timor Carabiner Keyring in Blue – Stable & Stylish, Ideal for Outdoor

    Timor Carabiner Keyring in Blue – Stable & Stylish, Ideal for Outdoor Discover the Timor Carabiner Keychain, which is not only functional but also stylish. This essential accessory is perfect for all outdoor enthusiasts! Main features: Robust design: Made of high-quality, durable material, this keychain is ideal for all kinds of outdoor activities. Bright blue: The eye-catching color ensures that you can easily find it no matter where you leave it. Secure closure: The integrated snap hook allows for quick attachment and release so that you always have your keys or tools at hand. Versatile use: Whether for keys, tools or for attaching to backpacks - this keychain is extremely versatile. Compact and lightweight: Its low weight makes it easy to transport without adding extra bulk. With the Timor carabiner keychain in blue you not only have a practical tool, but also a stylish accessory that should not be missing from any outdoor equipment!


  • Tao Multifunktions-Schlüsselanhänger mit Flaschen- und Dosenöffner, Schwarz, 100 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Tao Multifunctional Keyring with Bottle and Can Opener, Black, 100 cm

    Tao Multifunctional Keyring with Bottle and Can Opener, Black, 100 cm Discover the Tao multifunctional keychain that will meet your daily needs in an elegant way. This keychain is not only a practical accessory but also an indispensable tool for any occasion. Product features: Robust material: Made of durable metal known for its reliability. Elegant design: In a stylish black, it fits perfectly with any keychain. Compact size: With a handy length of 100 cm, it is easy to transport and use. Versatility: Combines both bottle opener and can opener in one practical tool. Easy care: Easy to clean and rust-proof, guarantees long-lasting use. Whether for everyday use or as a useful gadget on the go, the Tao multifunctional keychain is the ideal choice for those who value functionality and style. Don't miss out on this perfect addition to your keychain!


  • Transparenter Leveler Schlüsselanhänger - Praktisch & Stilvoll, 100 Zeichen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Transparent Leveler Keychain - Practical & Stylish, 100 Characters

    Transparent Leveler Keychain - Practical & Stylish The transparent leveler keychain combines functionality and elegant design in a compact format. This stylish accessory is not only a real eye-catcher, but also extremely useful for anyone who frequently carries out leveling work. Characteristics: Built-in spirit level: Ideal for quick leveling on the go, so you always get precise results. Robust design: Built to last and withstand the challenges of everyday use. Lightweight & compact: Fits easily on any keychain and is therefore easy to transport. Versatile: Perfect for handymen, construction workers and DIY enthusiasts who value accuracy. Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with our transparent Leveler keychain. A must-have for anyone who values ​​precision and elegance!


  • Blau-Silbernes Castor LED-Schlüssellicht - Hell & Praktisch, 100 Zeichen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Blue-Silver Castor LED Key Light - Bright & Practical, 100 Characters

    Blue-Silver Castor LED Key Light - Bright & Practical Discover the Blue and Silver Castor LED Key Light , the perfect accessory for any keychain! This chic and functional key light combines style and practicality in a compact design. Main features: Bright LED lighting: ensures optimal visibility in the dark, ideal for night trips or dark rooms. Compact size: Fits easily on any keychain so it is always at hand. Robust workmanship: Made of durable materials, resistant to impact and wear. Versatile application: Perfect for everyday use, camping or in unexpected emergency situations. Equip yourself with the blue-silver Castor LED key light and experience the combination of functionality and stylish design. It is more than just a key light - it is your reliable companion in every situation!


  • Castor LED-Schlüssellicht - Blau/Silber Praktisches Licht für unterwegs TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Castor LED Key Light - Blue/Silver Practical light for on the go

    Castor LED Key Light - Blue/Silver Practical light for on the go Discover the Castor LED key light , the ideal accessory for those who want to have bright light at their fingertips. With a stylish and modern design in blue and silver, this key light is not only functional but also a real eye-catcher. Main features: Stylish design: The blue light with silver accents gives the key light a modern look. Bright LED lighting: Provides clear visibility in the dark so you can navigate safely at all times. Compact and lightweight: Fits comfortably on your keychain without taking up extra space. Easy to use: With just the push of a button you can quickly turn the light on and off. Robust housing: Made from durable materials designed for everyday use. The Castor LED Key Light is the perfect companion for nighttime adventures and everyday challenges. Make sure you always have light at hand with this practical, stylish key light!


  • LED-Schlüssellicht Castor - Blau-Silber - Praktisches und stilvolles Beleuchtungszubehör TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    LED Key Light Castor - Blue-Silver - Practical and stylish lighting accessory

    LED Key Light Castor - Blue-Silver - Practical and stylish lighting accessory Discover the Castor LED key light , the perfect accessory for those who value functionality and style. With its unique design and powerful lighting, it is the ideal companion for any occasion. Main features: High-quality LED lighting: Enjoy the bright blue LED lights that ensure optimal visibility and keep you safe in the dark. Stylish design: The attractive blue and silver housing gives the key light a modern and elegant look that matches any keychain. Compact and portable: With its lightweight and handy design, the key light is perfect for on the go - always at hand whenever you need it. Easy to use: The convenient one-button operation allows effortless handling, so you have light in no time. Versatile application: Whether opening doors, looking for keys in the dark or as an emergency light - the LED key light is ideally equipped for all situations. Add a touch of elegance and functionality to your everyday life with the Castor LED key light . Order today and experience the perfect combination of style and utility!


  • Schwarz-Silbernes Draco LED-Schlüssellicht - Hell & Kompakt, 100 Zeichen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Black and Silver Draco LED Key Light - Bright & Compact, 100 Characters

    Black and Silver Draco LED Key Light - Bright & Compact Discover the Draco LED key light in elegant black and silver – your perfect companion for all occasions! Bright LED lighting: Enjoy clear visibility in the dark, ideal for nighttime adventures or quick searches. Slim design: With its compact design, this key light fits easily on any keychain without adding bulk. Robust workmanship: Made from durable materials, the Draco key light is perfect for everyday use and can withstand the demands of everyday life. Versatile: Whether camping, traveling or in emergencies - this key light is an indispensable tool for every situation. Don't miss the chance to make your life safer and easier with the Draco LED Key Light !


  • Draco LED-Schlüssellicht - Schwarz/Silber Kompakte Beleuchtung für Ihren Schlüsselbund TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Draco LED Key Light - Black/Silver Compact lighting for your keychain

    Draco LED Key Light - Black/Silver Compact lighting for your keychain Discover the Draco LED key light , the perfect combination of functionality and elegant design. This compact and lightweight light is the ideal accessory for your keychain and ensures that you are always well lit. Highlights: Bright LED lighting: Experience powerful light that gives you better visibility in the dark. Elegant design: In elegant black with silver accents, the key light blends stylishly into any environment. Compact and lightweight: The Draco LED key light fits easily into your pocket or purse without taking up much space. Easy to use: Thanks to the one-button operation, you can quickly turn the light on and off. Robust housing: The durable and hard-wearing material makes it ideal for everyday use. Whether you're out walking, traveling or just in everyday life - the Draco LED key light is your reliable companion that ensures safety and style. Get this practical light now and rely on quality and elegance!


  • LED-Schlüssellicht Draco - Schwarz-Silber - Praktisches und stylisches Beleuchtungszubehör TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    LED key light Draco - Black-Silver - Practical and stylish lighting accessories

    LED key light Draco - Black-Silver - Practical and stylish lighting accessories Discover the Draco LED key light , your perfect solution for lighting on the go. This practical and stylish accessory combines functionality with modern design. High-quality LED lighting Enjoy a bright light source that gives you better visibility in the dark and helps you find your way in any situation. Modern design The attractive black and silver casing gives the key light an elegant look that is both practical and stylish. Compact and portable The lightweight design allows you to conveniently carry the light on your keychain so it is always within reach. Easy to use The one-button operation ensures effortless use, whether in the dark or in difficult lighting conditions. Versatile application The Draco LED key light is ideal for everyday use , whether for opening doors or as an emergency light in unexpected situations. With the Draco LED key light you are perfectly equipped for any darkness – practical, stylish and always at hand!


  • Chloe 550 g/m² Baumwollhandtuch 30 x 50 cm - Weiß – Weich, saugfähig und luxuriös TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Chloe 550 g/m² Cotton Towel 30 x 50 cm - White - Soft, absorbent and luxurious

    Chloe 550 g/m² Cotton Towel 30 x 50 cm - White - Soft, absorbent and luxurious Discover the Chloe cotton towel, which impresses with its outstanding properties and transforms your bathroom into a place of relaxation. Premium Quality: Made from 100% cotton with an impressive weight of 550gsm, this towel offers a luxurious feel against the skin. High absorbency: It dries quickly and efficiently, making it an ideal choice for everyday use. Soft comfort: Gentle on the skin, perfect for bathrooms, guests or when traveling. Compact size: With dimensions of 30 x 50 cm, it is ideal as a guest towel or for on the go. Easy care: Machine washable and dimensionally stable, even after many washes it remains in top condition. Timeless design: The classic white matches any bathroom decor and adds elegance to your room. Durable: Thanks to the high-quality workmanship, it is designed for long-lasting use. Experience soft touches and high functionality with the Chloe cotton towel. Treat yourself to the luxury you deserve!


  • Sophia 450 g/m² Baumwollhandtuch 30 x 50 cm - Weiß: Hochwertiges Handtuch für den täglichen Gebrauch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Sophia 450 g/m² cotton towel 30 x 50 cm - White: High-quality towel for everyday use

    Sophia 450 g/m² cotton towel 30 x 50 cm - White: High-quality towel for everyday use Discover the Sophia cotton towel , the perfect accessory for your bathroom or kitchen. This towel combines high quality and functionality in one. Product features: Premium Material: Made of high quality cotton, it offers exceptional softness and durability. Practical size: With dimensions of 30 x 50 cm, it is ideal for everyday use and fits perfectly in any handbag or bathroom. Optimal density: With a density of 450 g/m², it guarantees a pleasant feel and excellent absorbency. Versatile use: Whether as a face towel or hand towel – perfect for home, in the gym or when travelling. Easy care: Machine washable and tumble dry, making cleaning a breeze. Treat yourself to the quality and comfort of the Sophia cotton towel and experience the difference a high-quality towel can make in your everyday life!


  • Jesse Fahrradsattelbezug aus recyceltem PET - Weiß Nachhaltiger Schutz für Fahrradsättel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jesse bicycle saddle cover made of recycled PET - White Sustainable protection for bicycle saddles

    Jesse bicycle saddle cover made of recycled PET - White Sustainable protection for bicycle saddles Protect your bike saddle with the Jesse bike saddle cover , which is not only environmentally friendly but also impresses with its functionality. This innovative cover is made from recycled PET , making it a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious cyclists. Special features: Environmentally friendly material: Made from recycled PET, this saddle cover actively contributes to environmental protection. Robust and durable: The durable material ensures reliable protection, even with intensive use. Universal fit: The cover is suitable for most bicycle saddle sizes, making it versatile. Easy to use: The cover can be attached quickly and securely using an elastic band. Stylish and practical: The simple white design gives your bike a modern and clean look. With the Jesse bicycle saddle cover you combine sustainability with functionality and style . Make a statement for environmental protection and enjoy the comfort of a protected saddle at the same time!


  • Pieter ultraleichtes GRS Handtuch 30 × 50 cm - rot: Ideal für unterwegs, schnell trocknend und kompakt TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Pieter ultralight GRS towel 30 × 50 cm - red: Ideal for on the go, quick drying and compact

    Pieter ultralight GRS towel 30 × 50 cm - red: Ideal for on the go, quick drying and compact The Pieter ultralight GRS towel is the perfect companion for all your adventures - be it travelling, going to the gym or doing outdoor activities. Here are some of the outstanding features that make this towel a must-have: Lightweight and compact: With its handy dimensions of 30 × 50 cm, the towel can be easily stored and takes up minimal space in your bag. High-quality GRS-certified material: Environmentally friendly and sustainable – this towel supports a responsible lifestyle. Quick-drying: Whether after sports or swimming, the towel dries in a flash and is immediately ready for use again. Vibrant red: The stylish shade ensures your towel is always clearly visible - perfect for easy finding. Versatile use: Perfect for various applications – whether as a bath towel, sports towel or for vacation. The Pieter ultralight GRS towel is not only practical but also a stylish choice for those who value functionality and sustainability. Get your towel and get ready for your next adventure!


  • Schyn Flaschenöffner aus Weizenstroh in Weiß – Öko-freundlich & Stilvoll, Ideal für Heim & Bar, 100mm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Schyn Wheat Straw Bottle Opener in White – Eco-Friendly & Stylish, Ideal for Home & Bar, 100mm

    Schyn Wheat Straw Bottle Opener in White – Eco-Friendly & Stylish, Ideal for Home & Bar, 100mm Discover the perfect companion for your drinks - the Schyn bottle opener made from sustainably sourced wheat straw . This stylish and environmentally friendly accessory combines functionality and aesthetics in a remarkable way. Special features: Environmentally friendly material: Made from 100% sustainable wheat straw, this bottle opener helps reduce plastic waste. Simple white design: With its elegant and modern look, it harmonizes with any decor, be it in your kitchen or bar. Robust functionality: Durable and extremely effective, this bottle opener effortlessly opens all common bottle types. Lightweight & Compact: Ideal for everyday use – easy to handle and easy to store. Perfect for the ecologically conscious: combines practicality with a clear commitment to environmental protection. Make your everyday life greener and more stylish with the Schyn bottle opener . A must for every environmentally conscious connoisseur!


  • Pheebs 200 g/m² umweltfreundliches Küchenhandtuch - heather grün: Nachhaltige Reinigung für Ihre Küche TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Pheebs 200 g/m² eco-friendly kitchen towel - heather green: Sustainable cleaning for your kitchen

    Pheebs 200 g/m² eco-friendly kitchen towel - heather green: Sustainable cleaning for your kitchen Discover the Pheebs kitchen towel , which is not only environmentally friendly but also extremely functional. This kitchen towel in stylish heather green is the perfect combination of sustainability and elegance. Product features: Made from recycled materials: Contribute to a more sustainable future by choosing environmentally conscious products. Lightweight (200 g/m²): Enjoy the benefits of fast drying time and effortless handling. Pleasantly soft to the touch: Gentle on your skin and protects sensitive surfaces in your kitchen. Stylish heather green: An attractive addition to your kitchen decor that embodies modern style. Versatile: Ideal for drying dishes, tables and other surfaces. Enrich your kitchen with the Pheebs Kitchen Towel and experience eco-friendly cleaning that is both practical and stylish. Do something good for the environment while outfitting your kitchen with this elegant towel!


Affordable and quality products for wholesale

The TK Group's "Products up to 5.00 euros" category offers a wide selection of inexpensive but high-quality items that have been specially developed for B2B wholesale. Our range includes a variety of products that offer your customers great quality at extremely affordable prices.

Product range:

  • Office supplies and stationery:

    • Pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners
    • Notepads, sticky notes and simple folders
    • Desk organizer and tape dispenser
  • Kitchen and household:

    • Kitchen utensils such as spoons, forks, whisks and peelers
    • Sponges, tea towels and cleaning brushes
    • Small storage boxes and containers
  • Textiles & Clothing:

    • Socks, underwear and simple scarves
    • Basic clothing such as simple T-shirt
  • Toy:

    • Small stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons
    • Puzzles, mini-games and craft materials
  • Camping & Outdoors:

    • Compact flashlights, snap hooks and lighters
    • Small first aid kits and mini outdoor tools
  • Electronic accessories:

    • Charging cables, simple phone cases and headphones
    • Adapters and small electronic gadgets
  • Sports equipment:

    • Skipping ropes, resistance bands and water bottles
    • Small fitness accessories such as handles
  • Hardware store & DIY supplies:

    • Screwdrivers, tape measures and adhesive tape
    • Small tools and accessories

Benefits for your business:

  • Attractive prices: All products in this category cost up to 5.00 euros, which allows you to offer inexpensive solutions to your customers.
  • High quality: Despite the low prices, we guarantee the quality and durability of our products.
  • Diverse range: A wide range of products that cover different needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Fast and reliable delivery: Thanks to our optimized warehousing and fast delivery processes, we guarantee reliable and timely delivery of your orders.
  • Individual advice: Our experienced team supports you with comprehensive advice and tailor-made solutions to select the best products for your business.

Discover the wide range of TK Group products in the range up to 5.00 euros and benefit from our expertise and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.


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