Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

Prices up to 5.00 Euro - B2B wholesale

23170 products

  • Classic Knitted Scarf TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Zeitloser Strickschal

    Klassischer Strickschal Entdecken Sie den Klassischen Strickschal – ein zeitloses Accessoire, das Komfort und Stil perfekt vereint. Dieser Schal ist nicht nur ein modisches Statement, sondern auch eine hervorragende Wahl für kalte Tage. Produkteigenschaften: Material: Hergestellt aus 100% Polyacryl für ein besonders weiches Tragegefühl. Farbauswahl: In schickem Heather Grey erhältlich, das aus 55% Polyester und 45% Polyacryl besteht. Klassisches Design: Zeitloses, elegantes Design, das zu jedem Outfit passt. Doppellagig: Bietet zusätzliche Wärme und Komfort, ideal für die kühlen Monate. Fransen: Stilvolle Fransen an beiden Enden verleihen dem Schal eine modische Note. Ob im Alltag oder zu besonderen Anlässen, der Klassische Strickschal ist Ihr perfekter Begleiter. Gönnen Sie sich diesen vielseitigen Schal und genießen Sie den Komfort und die Eleganz, die er bietet!


  • Jersey Athleisure Baseball Cap TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jersey Sportliche Baseballmütze

    Jersey Athleisure Baseball Cap Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität mit unserer Jersey Athleisure Baseball Cap. Dieses vielseitige Accessoire ist nicht nur modisch, sondern bietet auch außergewöhnlichen Komfort für jeden Anlass. Produktmerkmale: Material: Hergestellt aus 100% hochwertiger Baumwolle (Jersey) für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl. Schweißband: Aus Baumwoll-Twill für zusätzlichen Komfort und Atmungsaktivität. 6-teilige Konstruktion: Sorgt für eine perfekte Passform und außergewöhnliche Haltbarkeit. 8-fach gesteppter Schirm: Garantiert Langlebigkeit und formschöne Optik. Vorgebogener Schirm: Bietet optimalen Schutz vor Sonne und Wind. Lüftösen: Sorgen für eine hervorragende Belüftung und ein angenehmes Klima. Verstellbarer Tri-Glide Verschluss: Ermöglicht eine individuelle Anpassung für maximalen Komfort. Leicht umzuetikettieren: Ideal für personalisierte Geschenke oder Werbeaktionen. Die Jersey Athleisure Baseball Cap ist das ideale Accessoire für Sport, Freizeit und alles dazwischen. Tragen Sie sie beim Joggen, beim Ausflug mit Freunden oder einfach im Alltag und setzen Sie ein modisches Statement!


  • Ebro Hand Towel 50x100cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Ebro Hand Towel 50x100cm

    Ebro Handtuch 50x100cm Erleben Sie Luxus und Funktionalität mit unserem Ebro Handtuch. Dieses hochwertige Handtuch vereint erstklassige Materialien und durchdachtes Design, um Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Besondere Merkmale: Hohe Qualität: Mit einem Gewicht von 400 g/m² bietet dieses Handtuch eine hervorragende Saugfähigkeit und ein angenehmes Gefühl auf der Haut. 100% Baumwolle: Hergestellt aus gekämmter Baumwolle, garantiert es Weichheit und Langlebigkeit. Robustes Material: Das Zwirn-Gewebe sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer und Widerstandsfähigkeit, ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Hotelqualität: Genießen Sie das Gefühl von Wellness und Entspannung, als wären Sie in einem luxuriösen Hotel. Chlorbeständig: Perfekt für den Gebrauch in Schwimmbädern oder anderen chlorhaltigen Umgebungen. Praktische Schlaufe: Eine integrierte Schlaufe ermöglicht ein einfaches Aufhängen und Trocknen. Pflegeleicht: Waschbar bis 95°C, geeignet zum Bügeln (Stufe 2) und für den Trockner – für eine mühelose Pflege. Entscheiden Sie sich für das Ebro Handtuch und bringen Sie Komfort und Stil in Ihr Badezimmer. Perfekt für den persönlichen Gebrauch oder als elegantes Geschenk für Freunde und Familie.


  • Fully Lined Thinsulate Gloves TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Fully Lined Thinsulate Gloves

    Voll gefütterte Thinsulate-Handschuhe Entdecken Sie den ultimativen Komfort und die Wärme mit unseren voll gefütterten Thinsulate-Handschuhen. Diese Handschuhe sind ideal für kalte Tage und bieten sowohl Stil als auch Funktionalität. Produktmerkmale: Hochwertige Materialien: Die Außenseite besteht aus 100% Polyacryl, das für seine Strapazierfähigkeit und Wetterbeständigkeit bekannt ist. Optimale Isolierung: Ausgestattet mit 40 g/m² 3M™ Thinsulate™ Isolierung, sorgen diese Handschuhe für hervorragende Wärmeisolierung, ohne das Gefühl von Volumen. Komfortables Innenfutter: Das Innere der Handschuhe besteht aus 100% Polyester, einem weichen Trikot, das ein angenehmes Tragegefühl bietet. Praktisches Design: Die gestrickten Fingerhandschuhe sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch bereit zum Besticken, sodass Sie sie personalisieren können. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ob beim Winterspaziergang, Skifahren oder einfach nur beim täglichen Pendeln – diese Handschuhe sind die perfekte Wahl, um Ihre Hände warm und geschützt zu halten. Investieren Sie in Ihre Wintergarderobe mit unseren voll gefütterten Thinsulate-Handschuhen und erleben Sie die Kombination aus Komfort, Stil und Funktionalität!


  • #E150 LSL /women TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    #E150 LSL /women

    #E150 LSL / Frauen Entdecken Sie das perfekte Oberteil für jeden Anlass mit unserem #E150 LSL für Frauen. Dieses Shirt vereint Komfort und Stil auf einzigartige Weise. Hier sind einige herausragende Merkmale: Leicht und angenehm: Mit einem Gewicht von nur 145 g/m² ist dieses Shirt ideal für den Alltag und sorgt dafür, dass Sie sich den ganzen Tag über wohlfühlen. Hochwertige Materialien: Hergestellt aus 100% vorgeschrumpfter und ringgesponnener Baumwolle, bietet es eine hervorragende Weichheit und Langlebigkeit. Sport Grey Variante: Diese spezielle Ausführung besteht aus 85% Baumwolle und 15% Viskose, die für zusätzlichen Komfort und Atmungsaktivität sorgt. Weicher Griff: Der Single Jersey-Stoff fühlt sich angenehm auf der Haut an und macht das Tragen zu einem Genuss. Modisches Design: Der weiter Rundhalsausschnitt mit dünnem Rippstrickkragen verleiht dem Shirt eine moderne Note. Praktische Details: Mit einem Nackenband und Set-in Ärmeln, die für eine optimale Passform sorgen, wird dieses Shirt schnell zu Ihrem Lieblingsstück. Reguläre Passform: Die Seitennaht sorgt für eine bequeme und schmeichelhafte Silhouette, die jedem Körpertyp gerecht wird. Wählen Sie das #E150 LSL für Frauen und genießen Sie den perfekten Mix aus Stil, Komfort und Qualität!


  • #E150 LSL TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    #E150 LSL

    #E150 LSL Entdecken Sie das perfekte Oberteil für jeden Anlass mit dem #E150 LSL T-Shirt. Dieses hochwertige Shirt vereint Stil und Komfort und wird schnell zu Ihrem neuen Lieblingsstück. Produktmerkmale: Leicht und atmungsaktiv: Mit einem Gewicht von nur 145 g/m² ist dieses T-Shirt ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Hochwertige Materialzusammensetzung: Hergestellt aus 100% vorgeschrumpfter und ringgesponnener Baumwolle für maximalen Komfort und Langlebigkeit. Die Sport Grey Variante besteht aus 85% Baumwolle und 15% Viskose. Weicher Griff: Das Single Jersey Material sorgt für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl auf der Haut und bleibt auch nach mehreren Wäschen weich. Praktisches Design: Der Rundhalsausschnitt mit dünnem Rippstrickkragen und das Nackenband bieten zusätzlichen Komfort und eine perfekte Passform. Modische Passform: Die Set-in Ärmel und Schlauchware garantieren eine moderne Silhouette mit Regular Fit. Das #E150 LSL T-Shirt ist die ideale Wahl für sportliche Aktivitäten, entspannte Wochenenden oder als lässiges Alltagsoberteil. Kombinieren Sie es nach Belieben und genießen Sie den Komfort, den es bietet!


  • Sublimation Wallet TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Sublimationsbörse für individuelle Designs

    Sublimationsgeldbörse Entdecken Sie die vielseitige Sublimationsgeldbörse, die nicht nur durch ihr funktionales Design überzeugt, sondern auch durch ihre hervorragenden Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Diese Geldbörse ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die Stil und Funktionalität vereinen möchten. Produktmerkmale: Material: Hergestellt aus 100% hochwertigem Polyester (600D/300D), das für seine Langlebigkeit bekannt ist. Vielzahl von Fächern: Ausgestattet mit unterschiedlichen Karten- und Geldfächern, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Wertsachen ordentlich und übersichtlich zu organisieren. Optimale Sublimationsoberfläche: Die Außenseite der Geldbörse ist ideal für hochauflösende Sublimation geeignet, sodass Sie Ihre persönliche Note hinzufügen können. Veredelung: Der vordere und hintere Bereich kann nach Belieben gestaltet werden, um ein einzigartiges und individuelles Design zu schaffen. Praktische Maße: Mit Abmessungen von 24,5 x 9,5 cm (offen) und 12 x 9,5 cm (geschlossen) ist sie kompakt und dennoch geräumig. Druckfläche: Maximale Druckfläche von 11 x 9,5 cm (2x), um Ihre Designs kreativ zur Geltung zu bringen. Die Sublimationsgeldbörse ist nicht nur eine praktische Aufbewahrungslösung, sondern auch ein ideales Geschenk für kreative Köpfe. Verleihen Sie Ihrer Geldbörse eine persönliche Note und machen Sie jeden Einkauf zu einem stilvollen Erlebnis!


  • Jersey Racerback Tank TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jersey Racerback Tanktop

    Jersey Racerback Tank Entdecken Sie das perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Komfort mit unserem Jersey Racerback Tank. Dieses Tanktop ist nicht nur ein modisches Must-Have, sondern bietet auch eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen, die es zu einem unverzichtbaren Teil Ihrer Garderobe machen. Produktmerkmale: Material: 100% Baumwolle, gekämmt und ringgesponnen für ein weiches Gefühl auf der Haut. Heather-Farben: Eine harmonische Mischung aus 52% Baumwolle und 48% Polyester. Athletic Heather: 90% Baumwolle und 10% Polyester für zusätzlichen Komfort und Strapazierfähigkeit. Vorgeschrumpft: Damit bleibt die Passform auch nach mehreren Wäschen erhalten. Weiter Rundhalsausschnitt: Gewährleistet ein angenehmes Tragegefühl und sorgt für eine modische Silhouette. Ringerrücken: Bietet Bewegungsfreiheit und einen sportlichen Look. Seitennähte: Für eine verbesserte Passform und Struktur. Modischer weiter Schnitt: Lässig und bequem, ideal für den Alltag oder sportliche Aktivitäten. Leicht umzuetikettieren: Perfekt für individuelle Anpassungen und Veredelungen. Ob beim Sport, in der Freizeit oder als Teil eines schlichten Outfits – das Jersey Racerback Tank ist die ideale Wahl für jeden Anlass. Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses vielseitige Tanktop und genießen Sie Stil und Komfort in einem!


  • Camo Snapback TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Camouflage Snapback-Cap

    Camo Snapback Entdecken Sie den ultimativen Stil mit unserem Camo Snapback! Diese Kappe kombiniert Funktionalität mit einem modernen Look und ist perfekt für jede Gelegenheit. Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus 100% Baumwolle (Twill) für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl. Design und Komfort: Der 5-teilige Aufbau mit einem nahtlosen Stirnteil und 4 Luftösen sorgt für optimale Belüftung und Passform. Flacher Schirm: Der flache Schirm verleiht der Kappe einen lässigen, urbanen Look. Camouflage-Details: Das auffällige Camouflage-Design macht diese Snapback zu einem echten Hingucker. Leicht umzuetikettieren: Ideal für personalisierte Drucke und Stickereien, perfekt für Teams oder Events. Retro-Verschluss: Der Plastik-Klipp-Verschluss im Retro-Look bietet eine einfache Anpassung und sicheren Halt. Ob beim Sport, in der Freizeit oder unterwegs – die Camo Snapback ist die perfekte Wahl für jeden, der seinen individuellen Stil unterstreichen möchte. Holen Sie sich jetzt Ihre und setzen Sie ein modisches Statement!


  • Jersey Muscle Tank TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Muscle Tank aus Jersey

    Jersey Muskel Tank Entdecken Sie den perfekten Begleiter für Ihre sportlichen Aktivitäten und Freizeit! Unser Jersey Muskel Tank vereint Komfort und Stil in einem einzigartigen Design. Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus 100% gekämmter und ringgesponnener Baumwolle für ein weiches und angenehmes Tragegefühl. Die Heather-Farben bestehen aus 52% Baumwolle und 48% Polyester, während das Athletic Heather aus 90% Baumwolle und 10% Polyester gefertigt ist. Vorgeschrumpft: Sorgenfrei tragen! Der Muskel Tank kommt vorgewaschen, sodass er auch nach mehrmaligem Waschen seine Form behält. Bequemer Rundhalsausschnitt: Der klassische Rundhalsausschnitt sorgt für eine optimale Passform und maximalen Komfort. Großer Armausschnitt: Ideal für sportliche Aktivitäten! Der großzügige Armausschnitt bietet Bewegungsfreiheit und lässt Sie auch bei intensiven Workouts cool und lässig aussehen. Modischer Schnitt: Der Tank hat einen modischen, weiten Schnitt, der nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch für eine bequeme Passform sorgt. Leicht umzuetikettieren: Perfekt für Marken oder individuelle Designs – die einfache Umstellung des Etiketts ermöglicht eine persönliche Note. Ob im Fitnessstudio, beim Yoga oder in der Freizeit, der Jersey Muskel Tank ist die ideale Wahl für jeden Anlass. Genießen Sie die Kombination aus Funktionalität und modischem Design!


  • Thinsulate Acrylic Hat TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Thinsulate Acryl Beanie

    Thinsulate Acryl Mütze Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität mit unserer Thinsulate Acryl Mütze. Diese Mütze ist nicht nur modisch, sondern bietet auch einen hervorragenden Wärmeschutz, damit Sie in der kalten Jahreszeit warm und bequem bleiben. Produktmerkmale: Material: 100% Polyacryl, teilweise recycelt – umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig. Wärmeschutz: Ausgestattet mit 3M™ Thinsulate-Technologie für optimale Isolation. PFC-frei: Sicher für die Umwelt und Ihre Gesundheit. Design: Mit einem breiten Umschlag für zusätzlichen Komfort und Stil. Personalisierbar: Ideal zum Besticken, um Ihre persönliche Note hinzuzufügen. Verleihen Sie Ihrer Wintergarderobe einen Hauch von Eleganz und Funktionalität mit unserer Thinsulate Acryl Mütze. Ideal für Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Spaziergänge oder einfach für den täglichen Gebrauch – diese Mütze ist Ihr unverzichtbarer Begleiter in der kalten Jahreszeit!


  • Geburtstagskerzen „HAPPY BIRTHDAY“, 13-teiliges Set, Bunte Tortendekoration TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Birthday candles “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”, 13-piece set, colorful cake decoration

    Party decoration: Birthday candle set with 13 colorful letters Complete set: Includes all 13 letters to form “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. Vibrant colors: Each letter in a different cheerful color that brings joy to the cake. Ideal size: Perfectly suited for regular birthday cakes. Easy to use: Simply place it on the cake, light it and enjoy the sight. Unforgettable: Adds a special touch to birthday photos and celebrations. This 13-piece set of colorful birthday candles is the perfect party decoration to delight your loved ones on their special day. The vibrant colors of each letter will add joy and color to the cake and make it shine. With the ideal size, the candles fit perfectly on any birthday cake and provide a festive focal point. The easy application allows you to effortlessly place the candles, light them and enjoy the magical moment while creating an unforgettable atmosphere that makes birthday photos and celebrations special.


  • Mittlerer Sturmaschenbecher, 13cm - Windfest in Schwarz/Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Medium storm ashtray, 13cm - windproof in black/white

    Medium ashtray with storm protection, 13cm - Black/White Windproof design: Prevents ashes from blowing away in strong winds. Stylish colors: Available in black and white tones to match any outdoor decor. Medium size: Approx. 13 cm diameter, ideal for personal or communal use. Robust material: Made of durable materials, suitable for outdoor use. Easy to clean: The smooth design allows for quick and easy cleaning. The medium storm ashtray with a diameter of 13 cm in black and white is the perfect solution for keeping ashes safe, even in windy weather. Thanks to its windproof design, the ashes stay safely in the container without flying away. The stylish colors match any outdoor decor and add a touch of elegance to the area. With its medium size, this ashtray is ideal for personal use at home or for use in communal areas. Made from sturdy materials, this ashtray is durable and suitable for outdoor use. The smooth surface makes it easy to clean and ensures that the ashtray always looks neat.


  • Hirsch Glam Schnellblinkende LED-Leuchte, Groß, 21cm - Elegante Festtagsdeko TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Hirsch Glam Fast Flashing LED Light, Large, 21cm - Elegant Holiday Decoration

    Stylish deer LED light for festive decorations Dynamic Lighting: Provides rapid flashing at 8 cycles per second for vibrant effects. Large version: With a height of 21 cm, ideal for eye-catching placement in any room. Elegant deer design: perfect for a stylish Christmas decoration. Energy efficient: LED technology ensures low power consumption and high luminosity. Easy Installation: Comes with everything you need for quick and hassle-free setup. The Deer Glam Fast Flashing LED Light in a large format of 21 cm is the ideal choice for festive decoration. With dynamic fast flashing and 8 cycles per second, it creates vibrant effects in any room. The elegant deer design adds a stylish touch to your Christmas decoration, while the energy-efficient LED technology ensures that the light uses little power despite its high luminosity. The simple installation makes it easy for you to set up the light quickly and easily, so you can create a festive atmosphere immediately.


  • Sensenfigur, dunkles Design, zum Aufhängen, Halloween-Dekoration, schwarz-grau, Gruselfigur TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Scythe figure, dark design, for hanging, Halloween decoration, black and grey, scary figure

    Scary scythe figure for Halloween decoration Dark Design: The scythe figure has a scary and dark design, perfect for Halloween decoration. For hanging: The figure can be easily hung to create a spooky atmosphere. Black and grey: In the colours black and grey, the figure fits perfectly with any Halloween decoration. High-quality material: Made of high-quality material, the figure is durable and sturdy. Ideal for Halloween: Perfect for transforming your home or party into a spooky atmosphere. Pack of 20 napkins in the maritime AHOI design. Each set contains 2 napkins, perfect for maritime themed parties, picnics or everyday use. The high-quality paper ensures optimal absorbency and strength so you don't have to worry about spilled drinks or leftover food. The napkins are not only practical, but also contribute to a maritime atmosphere that will delight your guests. Whether you're hosting a party on the beach or just want to enjoy the maritime flair, these napkins are the perfect addition to your event. With the AHOI design, you bring a fresh breeze to the table and create a decorative highlight that will delight your guests.


  • Täuschend Echte Eukalyptus Kunstzweige, 2er Set, Ca. 88cm – Dekoratives Element TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Deceptively real eucalyptus artificial branches, set of 2, approx. 88cm – decorative element

    Authentic artificial eucalyptus branches, set of 2, approx. 88cm – decorative highlight Lifelike design: Perfectly replicates the beauty of real eucalyptus branches. Set of 2: Ideal for creating opulent decorative arrangements. Long branches: Each branch has a length of approx. 88cm. Versatile: Beautifies any room, from vases to event backdrops. Easy to care for: No watering required, always looking fresh. These artificial eucalyptus branches are lifelike and attractive and come in a practical set of two. With a length of around 88cm per branch, they are perfect for creating lush decorative arrangements, whether at home or at special events. Their versatility allows them to beautify any room with ease, whether as an eye-catcher in vases or as a decorative element for event backdrops. The easy-care design means they do not require water to always look fresh and attractive.


  • Hochwertige LED Tannengirlande mit 20 warmweißen Lichtern, 190cm lang, festliche Weihnachtsdeko TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    High-quality LED fir garland with 20 warm white lights, 190cm long, festive Christmas decoration

    Exquisite LED fir garland with 20 warm white lights, 190cm long, perfect Christmas decoration Beautiful design: The fir garland is decorated with 20 warm white lights and is approx. 190 cm long, perfect for a festive atmosphere. Versatile use: Ideal for decorations on mantels, railings and door frames to add festive charm. Energy-saving LED lamps: The long-lasting LED lamps ensure long-lasting brightness and save energy. Easy Installation and Storage: The garland is easy to install and store, perfect for year-round use. Sturdy construction: High-quality materials ensure a long service life, ideal for multiple seasons as well as for Christmas, parties and festive occasions. The high-quality LED fir garland with 20 warm white lights is an absolute must-have for the Christmas season and festive occasions. With its beautiful design and a length of approx. 190 cm, it skilfully sets accents in any room. The energy-saving LED lamps not only provide atmospheric lighting, but also long-lasting brightness, which makes the garland particularly efficient. In addition to its versatile use on mantelpieces, railings and door frames, the LED fir garland is also impressive due to its easy installation and storage. This means it can be used all year round to add festive charm to any room. The robust construction guarantees a long service life and makes it a reliable companion for several seasons. Whether at Christmas, at parties or other festive occasions - this LED fir garland is the ideal decoration for a magical atmosphere.


  • Wanddekoration-Bündel mit Flammendesign, zum Aufhängen, 5 Haken, klein, 50 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Flame Design Hanging Wall Decoration Bundle 5 Hooks Small 50cm

    Stylish wall decoration bundle with flame design Unique design: The wall decoration features a flamed finish for a rustic look. Practical function: Equipped with 5 hooks, ideal for hanging keys, jewelry or light clothing. Compact size: The bundle is about 50 cm long and is perfect for small spaces. Easy installation: Comes with mounting materials for easy wall mounting. Functional and aesthetic: This charming wall decoration bundle combines style and order for an attractive entrance area. The stylish bundle wall decoration with flame design adds a unique touch to any room. The flamed finish provides a rustic look, while the 5 hooks offer functionality to neatly hang keys, jewelry or light clothing. At approximately 50 cm long, the bundle is compact and ideal for small spaces. Easy assembly with the included mounting hardware makes attaching it to the wall effortless. This product elegantly combines functionality and aesthetic appeal to keep your entryway organized and stylish.


  • Effiziente Windlicht-Kuppel: Robuste 6-Sekunden-Beleuchtung für drinnen und draußen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Efficient lantern dome: Robust 6-second lighting for indoors and outdoors

    Effective lighting solution: Stylish lantern for every occasion Versatile: Perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Fast activation: Lights up every 6 seconds for constant brightness. Robust construction: effective protection against environmental influences. Stylish design: Beautifies any room with its elegant dome shape. Energy efficient: Low power consumption for long-lasting lighting. The dome lantern offers an efficient lighting solution for a variety of occasions. It is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use and ensures continuous lighting with its quick activation every 6 seconds. The robust construction ensures effective protection from environmental influences, while the stylish design beautifies any room with its elegant dome shape. Thanks to the low power consumption, the lantern is energy efficient and ensures long-lasting operation. It is also portable and lightweight, making it ideal for camping trips, patios or emergencies.


  • Quadratische Schieferplatte, ca. 25x25 cm – Stilvolles Servierbrett TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Square slate plate, approx. 25x25 cm – stylish serving board

    Square slate plate for stylish serving High quality material: Made from sturdy slate for durability. Ideal size: At approx. 25 x 25 cm, it is perfectly sized for various dishes. Versatile use: Ideal for cheese, desserts or small snacks. Easy to clean: Easy to clean with a damp cloth. Elegant design: Adds a touch of elegance to any table or kitchen decor. The square slate board measuring approximately 25x25 cm is the ideal serving board for various occasions. Made from high-quality and robust slate, it offers durability and style. Perfect for presenting cheese, desserts or small snacks, this serving board with its elegant design adds a stylish touch to any table or kitchen decor. Easy cleaning with a damp cloth makes maintenance a breeze. Get this slate board now to present your food in style!


  • Small Verdant Orb, Approx. 9 cm Height TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Small Verdant Orb, Approx. 9 cm Height

    Mini green ball, approx. 9 cm high Eye-catching green tone: Vibrant and attractive, perfect for decorative setups. Compact size: Only 9 cm high, ideal for small spaces and detailed displays. Versatile: Suitable for craft projects, games or as a decorative accent for the home. Robust construction: Designed to withstand regular use without sacrificing appeal. Lightweight and portable: Easy to move and integrate into different environments. Looking for an eye-catching decorative element? The Mini Green Ball, measuring approximately 9 cm tall, could be the perfect addition. Its vibrant green tone makes it an eye-catcher in any room. Its compact size is ideal for small living spaces or detailed shop windows. Whether for craft projects, as an accessory in games or as a stylish decorative piece, the versatility of this ball knows no bounds. Despite its light weight, it is robustly built and remains attractive even with frequent use. Easy to transport and move, it fits effortlessly into different environments and styles.


  • Runder Holz-Dekoteller, klein, ca. 18cm Durchmesser – Rustikales Holztablett, Natürliche Dekoration TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Round wooden decorative plate, small, approx. 18cm diameter – Rustic wooden tray, natural decoration

    Handmade small wood decorative plate made of natural wood Rustic charm: With a diameter of approx. 18 cm, ideal for small items. Natural decoration: The wood look gives your decoration an organic touch. Versatile use: Perfect as a serving plate, decorative bowl or eye-catcher. Sturdy and durable: Made of high quality wood for home, office or special occasions. Easy to clean: Easy to clean with a damp cloth. Small round wooden decorative plate with a rustic flair - this handmade decorative plate made of wood impresses with its natural beauty. With a diameter of approx. 18 cm, it is perfect for presenting small objects and gives your decoration an authentic touch. The versatility of this plate makes it a real all-rounder in your home, office or for special occasions. Its robustness and durability, thanks to high-quality wood, ensure long-lasting enjoyment. It is also easy to clean - just wipe it with a damp cloth and it will shine like new again.


  • Rostiger Gartenstecker 'Herzlich Willkommen' - Metallschild, 75 cm Höhe TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rusty garden stake 'Welcome' - metal sign, 75 cm high

    Weathered garden stake 'Welcome' - metal sign, 75 cm high Decorative: A garden stake with the warm message 'Welcome'. Material: Made of metal with an attractive rust patina. Size: Measures approximately 75cm in height, ideally visible between your plants. Easy to install: Thanks to the sturdy ground spike, placement is effortless. Inviting: Perfect for creating a friendly impression in your garden. The weathered garden stake 'Welcome' is the ideal addition to your outdoor area. Made from robust metal and finished with an attractive rust patina, it adds a charming touch. With an impressive height of 75 cm, it is highly visible and will be an eye-catcher among your plants. Thanks to the sturdy ground spike, the stake is easy to place and its 'Welcome' message creates a welcoming atmosphere. Bring this garden stake into your garden to give your visitors a warm welcome and at the same time beautify your outdoor area.


  • Großer DIY Deko-Ring zum Hängen, Schwarz, Bastelring, ca. 50cm Durchmesser, Kreativer Schmuckring TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large DIY decorative ring for hanging, black, craft ring, approx. 50cm diameter, creative jewelry ring

    DIY decorative ring set for creative projects Versatile: Perfect for dream catchers, wreaths and other decorations. Elegant design: In black for a modern look. Robust and durable: ideal for various craft projects. Easy to use: Suitable for beginners and advanced users. Stylish home decoration: adds a special touch to any room. The large DIY decorative ring for hanging is a must for all craft lovers and decoration enthusiasts. With a diameter of approx. 50cm, this ring offers endless possibilities for creative projects. Whether it is the design of dream catchers, door wreaths or individual decorations, this ring is the perfect basis. The elegant design in black gives every DIY project a modern and stylish touch. Thanks to its robustness and durability, the ring is ideal for a wide variety of craft projects. Both beginners and advanced users can effortlessly use this decorative ring and implement their ideas. With this set you can let your creativity run wild and give your home decoration a personal touch. Create unique works of art and give every room an individual and stylish atmosphere. This DIY decorative ring is the ideal accessory for anyone who values ​​homemade decoration.


  • Großes Herz zum Hängen DIY, Gold, Dekoration, ca. 50x48cm - Perfekt für Zuhause und Events TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large heart for hanging DIY, gold, decoration, approx. 50x48cm - perfect for home and events

    DIY decorative heart for hanging in gold Individual design: The large heart in gold is perfect for DIY projects and allows for individual design according to your own ideas. Versatile: With a size of approx. 50x48cm, the decorative heart is ideal for decorating at home, at weddings or other events. Elegance and charm: The golden heart adds an elegant and charming touch to any room that will attract attention. Easy to assemble: Thanks to the lightweight material, hanging and assembling the heart is quick and easy. Suitable for any occasion: Whether for festive occasions or everyday decoration, this DIY heart is the ideal choice for stylish interior design. The large hanging heart in gold, measuring approx. 50x48cm, offers plenty of space for creative decoration ideas. Whether for beautifying your own home, as a highlight at weddings or for other events, this heart brings a unique touch to any decoration. The DIY function allows you to design the heart according to your own wishes and thus add a personal touch. Its elegant golden color gives every room a special atmosphere and lets it shine with a stylish glow. With its simple assembly, the heart is quickly ready for use and can be easily hung on walls, doors or other places. It is the ideal choice for adding a festive or everyday decoration to any occasion and thus creating an appealing room atmosphere.


  • Adventskalender Bastelset Zug, 41-teilig – Perfekt für kreative Weihnachtsvorbereitungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Advent calendar craft set train, 41 pieces – perfect for creative Christmas preparations

    DIY Advent Calendar Craft Kit Train 41 pieces: Contains all materials for a festive train advent calendar Encourage creativity: Personalize every day with unique decorations Fun Christmas activity: Appealing to all ages High-quality components: Durable and of high quality Ideal for family time: Perfect for festive preparations and as a gift The DIY Advent calendar craft set in train design with 41 parts offers everything you need to create a festive train Advent calendar. Each part is of high quality and durable, which ensures long-lasting use. It's a fun and engaging Christmas activity that encourages creativity and creates a Christmas spirit. Personalize each day of the Advent calendar with unique decorations and surprises, ideal for family time and as a gift or Christmas project.


  • Adventskalender Bastelset DIY, 73-teilig – Perfekt für kreative Weihnachtsvorbereitungen TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Advent calendar craft set DIY, 73 pieces – perfect for creative Christmas preparations

    DIY Advent Calendar Craft Kit - Creative Christmas Preparations 73-piece set: Contains everything you need to create an individual Advent calendar. For all ages: Fun and engaging Christmas activity. High-quality materials: guarantee long-lasting use. Personalization: Every day can be personalized with unique decorations and surprises. Promotes creativity: Ideal for festive preparations and family time. The DIY Advent calendar craft set with 73 pieces is perfect for creative Christmas preparations. It offers everything you need to create a unique Advent calendar, from high-quality materials to customizable elements for each day. This engaging Christmas activity encourages creativity and creates a festive atmosphere, ideal for the whole family. Use this set for a joint craft project or give it as a creative Christmas gift!


  • DIY Adventskalender Bastelset - Hausdesign, 48-tlg. Weihnachts-Countdown Set für Kinder & Erwachsene TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    DIY Advent Calendar Craft Set - House Design, 48-piece Christmas Countdown Set for Children & Adults

    Individual Christmas countdown: DIY Advent calendar craft kit House Design: A charming design, perfect for the Christmas season. 48 pieces included: Complete set with all necessary materials for the Advent calendar. For children & adults: Ideal for getting creative together and enjoying the anticipation of Christmas. Christmas Countdown Fun: Add a personal touch to your Christmas decorations. Ideal for the whole family: a fun project for the holidays. The DIY Advent Calendar Craft Kit gives you the opportunity to create your own individual Christmas countdown. With its charming house design, it is the perfect addition to the festive season. The kit includes 48 pieces, so you have everything you need to create your Advent calendar. Both children and adults can take part in this creative project and feel the anticipation of Christmas together. The Christmas countdown fun allows you to add a personal touch to your Christmas decorations and create a warm atmosphere. This craft kit is ideal for the whole family and promises hours of fun during the holidays.


  • Kleiner Basic-Eimer mit Holzgriff, 2er-Set, ca. 16cm Durchmesser – Kompakter Metalleimer TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Small basic bucket with wooden handle, set of 2, approx. 16cm diameter – Compact metal bucket

    Practical set of 2 small metal buckets with wooden handle Basic design: The set consists of 2 small buckets in a simple basic style. Sturdy wooden handle: The buckets are equipped with a sturdy wooden handle that allows for comfortable carrying. Diameter approx. 16 cm: With a diameter of about 16 cm, the buckets are compact and handy. Versatile: Ideal for gardening, kitchen and storing various items. Durable and space-saving: Perfect for plants, utensils or small items thanks to their stability and space-saving size.


  • Oh Du Fröhliche Filzgirlande, Festliche Deko, Ca. 280cm - Stimmungsvoller Raumakzent TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Oh You Happy Felt Garland, Festive Decoration, Approx. 280cm - Atmospheric Room Accent

    Atmospheric felt garland for festive decoration, length approx. 280cm Good news: The words "Oh, how joyful" in lively felt letters Long version: Approx. 280 cm, perfect for decorating large rooms or as a festive background Quality felt: Made from durable felt for long-lasting use and repeated decorations Easy to assemble: With practical loops for quick hanging Ideal for celebrations: brings a unique and cheerful touch to any celebration or room decoration This felt garland, which is approximately 280cm long, creates a festive and atmospheric atmosphere. The lively felt letters form the cheerful message "Oh, how merry" and are perfect as decoration for large rooms or as a festive background. Made from high-quality and durable felt, this garland offers a long-lasting decoration option that is ideal for repeated use. Thanks to the practical loops, assembly is quick and easy, so the garland can be hung up without any problem. It brings a unique and festive touch to any celebration or room decoration and spreads joy and happiness.


  • 3er Set Bierkasten-Geschenkverpackung, Stabil, Maße 40x30x23 cm - Ideal für Bierliebhaber TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Set of 3 beer crate gift packaging, sturdy, dimensions 40x30x23 cm - ideal for beer lovers

    Practical set of 3 beer crate gift packaging Robust material: The gift packaging is made of sturdy cardboard and is suitable for heavy contents. Classic design: The design resembles a traditional beer crate and is attractive for gifts. Versatile: Ideal for craft beers or other drinks to package them in style. Simple assembly: The packaging is easy to assemble and provides safe transport for the bottles. Perfect for beer lovers: With dimensions of 40x30x23 cm per package, they are an ideal gift for beer enthusiasts. Size: Each box measures approximately 40x30x23 cm. The set contains a total of 3 gift boxes made of sturdy cardboard, which are especially suitable for heavy contents. With their classic beer crate design, they are visually appealing and versatile. The beer crate gift packaging is ideal for the stylish presentation of craft beers or other drinks. Their simple design allows for uncomplicated handling, while their sturdy material ensures safe transport. If you are looking for a practical gift for beer lovers, this set is the perfect choice.


  • Kerzenhaus-Halter, 3er-Pack, ca. 10cmH - Verleihen Sie Ihrem Raum mit bezauberndem Glanz Atmosphäre TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Candle house holder, pack of 3, approx. 10cmH - Add atmosphere to your room with enchanting shine

    Set of candle house holders for a cozy atmosphere Cute house shape: The set contains three tealight holders in the shape of cute houses. Size: Each holder is approx. 10cm high and is perfect for table or shelf decoration. Cozy atmosphere: The candle holders create an enchanting and cozy atmosphere in every room. High-quality workmanship: The holders are of high quality and offer lasting beauty. Add shine: With their enchanting shine, the candle house holders give your room a welcoming atmosphere.


  • Candle Holder Pumpkin, Style 2, approx. 11cmH TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Candle Holder Pumpkin, Style 2, approx. 11cmH

    Pumpkin tealight holder, style 2, approx. 11cmH Elegant design: Handmade pumpkin shaped tealight holder with attractive style 2. Compact size: Approx. 11 cm high, perfect for tabletops or shelves. Charming atmosphere: Designed with attention to detail to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Ideal for fall and Halloween: Perfect addition to seasonal decorations. Versatile: Gives any room a cozy atmosphere. A charming addition to your fall or Halloween decorations is this handmade pumpkin-shaped tealight holder. With an attractive design 2 and a compact size of approximately 11 cm high, it is ideal for tabletops or shelves. The tealight holder has been designed with attention to detail to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Its versatility allows it to spread a cozy mood in any room and is therefore an indispensable element for atmospheric interior design.


  • Großer Deluxe Papierstern, Weiß, Elegantes Design, 40cm Durchmesser TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large Deluxe Paper Star, White, Elegant Design, 40cm Diameter

    Exclusive large paper star in white - Luxurious design, 40cm diameter Elegant appearance: The paper star comes in a clear white, which ensures a noble and stylish appearance. Durable and stylish: Made from high-quality paper, the star guarantees a long life while adding a touch of class. Impressive diameter: With an impressive diameter of 40cm, this star is ideal as a central eye-catcher in any room. Deluxe version: The exclusive design of the star adds a luxurious touch to any interior and creates an elegant ambience. Perfect enhancement: Ideal for embellishing and enriching festive or everyday interiors in a stylish way. The large deluxe paper star in white is an absolute must-have for anyone who values ​​elegance and style. Its impressive diameter of 40cm makes it the perfect eye-catcher in any room. Made from high-quality paper, the star is not only durable, but also gives any room a luxurious touch. Whether for festive occasions or to brighten up everyday life - this paper star sets accents and creates a stylish atmosphere.


  • Großer Deluxe Papierstern in Naturfarbe, Elegantes Design, 40cm Durchmesser TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large deluxe paper star in natural color, elegant design, 40cm diameter

    Exclusive large paper star in natural color with deluxe design Harmonious colours: fits perfectly into any environment High quality material: Made from durable paper for style and quality Impressive diameter: 40cm for an impressive visual effect Deluxe version: accentuates both modern and classic decors Versatile use: Ideal for spacious interiors or sheltered outdoor areas Natural tones can give a room a warm and inviting atmosphere. This exclusive natural-colored paper star has been designed with an elegant design and will blend harmoniously into any decor. Made from high-quality paper, this star is not only durable but also exudes style. With an impressive diameter of 40cm, it attracts everyone's attention and gives the room a special touch. Its deluxe finish enhances both modern and classic decors, making it a versatile decorative piece. Ideal for expansive indoor spaces or sheltered outdoor areas, this paper star is an elegant addition to any room.


  • Großer Edler Grüner Papierstern, Premium Design, Durchmesser 40cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large Noble Green Paper Star, Premium Design, Diameter 40cm

    Exquisite Large Green Paper Star, Premium Design, 40cm Diameter Elegant green color: adds class to any room. High-quality paper: For longer durability. 40cm diameter: Large design as an eye-catcher. Luxurious star design: enriches any decoration. For indoor and protected outdoor locations: Perfect. An elegant addition to your home or office - the large green paper star with its premium design and a diameter of 40cm. The green color adds class and elegance to any room, while the high-quality paper ensures longer durability. With its luxurious star design, this paper star is ideal as an eye-catcher and enhances any decoration. Whether placed indoors or in sheltered outdoor locations, this star is the perfect choice for a stylish atmosphere. Bring a touch of elegance to your home or office with this exquisite green paper star!


  • Produkt Titel: Großer Deluxe Papierstern zum Aufhängen, Rot, 40cm Durchmesser, Festlich TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Product Title: Large Deluxe Paper Star for Hanging, Red, 40cm Diameter, Festive

    Raised Deluxe Paper Star for Ceiling, Red, 40cm Diameter, Festive Bright design: The large paper star with a diameter of 40 cm shines in bright red and has a deluxe finish. Eye-catching decoration: Ideal for creating a festive atmosphere in large rooms and attracting attention. Easy to install: The star can be hung quickly and effortlessly to instantly brighten up any room. Warm light: Creates a welcoming and warm atmosphere (Note: lighting not included). Perfect for celebrations: Great for Christmas parties, parties or as year-round festive decorations. The large deluxe paper star in bright red with a diameter of 40cm is the perfect addition to make any room shine festively. With its sublime design and warm light, it creates an inviting atmosphere and spreads a festive mood. Whether for Christmas, parties or as a permanent decoration - this paper star is versatile and will certainly attract everyone's attention. It can be attached effortlessly, making it the ideal solution to give any occasion that little extra something.


  • Deluxe Taupe Papierstern zum Hängen, Groß, Ca. 40cm Durchmesser TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Deluxe Taupe Paper Star for Hanging, Large, Approx. 40cm diameter

    Exquisite taupe paper star for decoration, large, approx. 40cm diameter High-quality material: Made from high-quality paper in an elegant taupe shade. Easy to hang: Thanks to its light weight, the star is easy to hang and is perfect for any room. Versatile use: Ideal for festive occasions such as Christmas or as stylish room decoration all year round. Robust construction: The stable design ensures long-lasting use and enjoyment of the decorative element. Impressive size: With a diameter of approx. 40cm, the star is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention and sets accents in every room.


  • Kompakter Weißer LED-Engel, Bauchige Form, ca. 10cm Höhe TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Compact white LED angel, bulbous shape, approx. 10cm height

    Atmospheric LED angel with energy-efficient technology Compact size: small and handy, approx. 10cm high. Atmospheric light: Provides soft and pleasant light in every room. Decorative highlight: bulbous shape for an appealing look. Energy-saving LED technology: Guarantees long-lasting and efficient lighting. Ideal for small spaces: Perfect for lighting up small rooms in an atmospheric way. Small LED angel in white with a height of approx. 10cm, which impresses with its compact size and modern LED technology. With its soft and atmospheric light, this angel provides pleasant lighting in every room, be it in the living room, bedroom or hallway. The bulbous shape of the angel serves as a decorative highlight and gives every room a special charm. With its energy-saving LED technology, this angel offers an efficient lighting solution that can be used permanently. Ideal for atmospherically lighting small rooms such as shelves, cupboards or bedside tables and creating a cozy atmosphere. Let yourself be enchanted by this stylish LED angel and enjoy the harmonious play of light in your home.


  • Kleine LED Schneekugel, Weihnachtsmann mit Baum, 9 cm - Winterliche Deko TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Small LED snow globe, Santa Claus with tree, 9 cm - winter decoration

    Mini LED Christmas ball, Santa Claus with tree, 9 cm - Winter decoration Size: This snow globe is approx. 9 cm high and ideal for smaller spaces. Motif: The motif shows a Santa Claus with a Christmas tree inside the ball. Lighting: Equipped with LED lights for a sparkling snow effect. Design: Perfect for spreading Christmas joy in a limited space. Material: Made from durable materials that ensure lasting beauty. The mini LED Christmas ball with the motif of Santa Claus with a tree is an enchanting winter decoration that will create a festive atmosphere in any home. With a height of 9 cm, this ball is perfect for small spaces and can create a sparkling snow effect with the help of the LED lights. The robust material guarantees long-lasting beauty, making this ball ideal for embellishing your Christmas decorations or as a unique gift for your loved ones.


  • XL Jute-Hängering, Natürlich & Robust, Durchmesser ca. 30 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    XL jute hanging ring, natural & robust, diameter approx. 30 cm

    XXL jute hanging ring, environmentally friendly & versatile, Ø approx. 30 cm Sustainable material: Made from eco-friendly jute with natural charm. Generous dimensions: Extra large ring with a diameter of approx. 30 cm for eye-catching decorations. Versatile use: Ideal for crafts, decorations or as a base for wreath designs. Stable construction: Durable and sturdy, perfect for various decoration purposes. The XXL jute hanging ring is an environmentally friendly and versatile decorative accessory. Made from sustainable jute, it adds natural charm to any room. With a generous diameter of approx. 30 cm, the ring is perfect for eye-catching decorations and creative handicrafts. Thanks to its sturdy construction, the hanging ring is durable and robust, making it suitable for various decorative purposes. Whether as a basis for unique wreath designs or as a decorative element in your home, the XXL jute hanging ring is a versatile accessory that sets no limits to your creativity.


  • Großes Deko-Holztablett mit Rindenoptik, Natürlich, ca. 48x13 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Large decorative wooden tray with bark look, natural, approx. 48x13 cm

    Versatile large decorative wooden tray with bark look Natural charm: Made from real bark for a rustic look. Generous dimensions: approximately 48x13 cm, ideal for decorative arrangements. Versatile: Perfect for serving, as a display area or as a decorative element. Unique design: Each tray features an individual bark pattern, making it unique. Natural charm and rustic flair come together in this large decorative wooden tray with an authentic bark look. With generous dimensions of approximately 48x13 cm, it offers plenty of space for creative and decorative arrangements in your home. The tray is extremely versatile and is ideal for serving food and drinks as well as for use as a stylish display area or as a decorative element in various rooms. Thanks to the unique design created by individual bark patterns on each tray, this wooden tray is truly one of a kind. It brings the beauty of nature directly into your home and gives every room a warm and natural touch. Let yourself be inspired by this decorative accessory and set stylish accents in your living room or dining room decoration.


  • Adventskalender Hänger, Festliche Dekoration, Ca. 110 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Advent calendar hanger, festive decoration, approx. 110 cm

    Advent calendar hanger for festive decoration Length of approx. 110 cm: Perfect for the pre-Christmas period and offers enough space for daily surprises. Bags or hooks: With practical storage options for small gifts or decorations. Christmas design: Beautifies any room and brings a festive atmosphere to your home. Robust workmanship: High-quality material for long-term use without loss of quality. Interactive Christmas tradition: Easy to hang and provides a special Christmas experience for the whole family.


  • Ökologischer Weihnachtsbaumständer, Klein, Ca. 25 cm - Natürliche Basis TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Ecological Christmas tree stand, small, approx. 25 cm - natural base

    Environmentally friendly Christmas tree stand for small trees Compact: Small tree stand with a diameter of approx. 25 cm. Natural materials: Made of natural materials, environmentally friendly choice. Secure hold: Ensures a safe and stable hold for your Christmas tree. Ideal for small spaces: Perfect for smaller rooms and Christmas trees. Easy assembly: Quick and easy assembly for a secure stand. Small Christmas tree stand that is ideal for smaller rooms and trees thanks to its environmentally friendly materials and compact size. With a diameter of approx. 25 cm, it offers a stable and secure hold for your Christmas tree. The simple assembly ensures that your tree is quickly and safely upright so that you can enjoy the Christmas season.


  • Bild Skull Glitzer, Klein, 25x20cm - Dekoratives Funkelndes Kunstwerk TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Picture Skull Glitter, Small, 25x20cm - Decorative Sparkling Artwork

    Glittering skull artwork for decoration, small format Eye-catching design: skull motif decorated with glitter. Compact size: Measures approx. 25x20cm. High-quality print: detailed and sparkling. Versatile use: Ideal for home, office or parties. Unique flair: enriches every room with a statement wall. The "Skull Glitter" picture in small (25x20cm) is an eye-catching work of art that attracts everyone's attention with its skull design and glitter elements. It gives the decoration a bold and edgy touch, perfect for lovers of the special. Thanks to its compact size, the image is ideal for different spaces such as home, office or theme parties. The high-quality print provides sparkling details that enhance any room and give it a unique flair. This artwork is perfect for creating a statement wall and giving any room an individual touch.


  • Mittelgroße Buddha Statue Silber, Sitzend, 12cmH - Dekorative Zen-Figur TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Medium Buddha Statue Silver, Sitting, 12cmH - Decorative Zen Figure

    Exquisite Buddha Statue in Silver, Sitting, 12cmH - Decorative Zen Figure Elegant silver design: The Buddha statue has an elegant silver design that adds a luxurious touch. Made from sturdy materials: Made from high quality and durable materials that ensure long-lasting use. Ideal for living or office spaces: This statue is perfect for decoration and creates a harmonious atmosphere in living or office areas. Creates a peaceful and calm atmosphere: With its presence, the statue creates a calming and relaxed mood in any room. Perfect Gift for Meditation Lovers: An ideal gift for people who practice meditation or are interested in Zen. The medium-sized Buddha statue in silver, sitting and 12cm high, is a beautiful decorative element that enriches any room with a calming presence. Its elegant design, high-quality workmanship and peaceful aura make it a unique decorative piece for your home or office. This Zen figure is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also helps to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. A perfect gift for friends or family who value relaxation and spiritual harmony.


  • Set von 3 Spardosen in Skalenform, je ca. 14,5 cm TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Set of 3 money boxes in scale shape, each approx. 14.5 cm

    Set of 3 money boxes in scale shape Design : Each money box in the shape of a scale Quantity : 3 pieces included Size : Approx. 14.5 cm per piece Unique design : For an unusual look Versatile : Ideal for desks, shelves or counters The set of 3 scale-shaped money boxes is not only practical for storing coins, but also a pretty decorative piece. Each money box is approx. 14.5 cm tall and impresses with its unique scale design. The set is perfect for encouraging saving in a fun way and is suitable for both children and adults. Not only is it functional, but it also adds a playful and stylish touch to any room.


  • Spardose 'Urlaubskasse', ca. 14,5cm - Perfekt für Reiseliebhaber TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Money box 'Holiday Fund', approx. 14.5cm - Perfect for travel lovers

    Travel money box 'Holiday Fund', approx. 14.5cm - Ideal for travel lovers Size: Approx. 14.5 cm high, space-saving and practical. Motif: Ideal for saving for holidays or special trips. Material: Made of durable materials, safe for your savings. Design: Designed with attractive, travel-themed motifs that encourage saving. Usage: Perfect for putting money aside for your next vacation and visually tracking savings goals. The travel money box 'Holiday Fund' is a must-have for all travel lovers. With a height of around 14.5 cm, it is space-saving and practical, ideal for saving for your dream holidays or special trips. Made from robust materials, you can be sure that your savings are protected. The design features attractive, travel-themed motifs that will inspire you to save money for your next holiday. Use this money box to visually track your savings goals and prepare for your trips. Make saving for your next dream holiday an exciting adventure with this unique travel money box.


Affordable and quality products for wholesale

The TK Group's "Products up to 5.00 euros" category offers a wide selection of inexpensive but high-quality items that have been specially developed for B2B wholesale. Our range includes a variety of products that offer your customers great quality at extremely affordable prices.

Product range:

  • Office supplies and stationery:

    • Pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners
    • Notepads, sticky notes and simple folders
    • Desk organizer and tape dispenser
  • Kitchen and household:

    • Kitchen utensils such as spoons, forks, whisks and peelers
    • Sponges, tea towels and cleaning brushes
    • Small storage boxes and containers
  • Textiles & Clothing:

    • Socks, underwear and simple scarves
    • Basic clothing such as simple T-shirt
  • Toy:

    • Small stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons
    • Puzzles, mini-games and craft materials
  • Camping & Outdoors:

    • Compact flashlights, snap hooks and lighters
    • Small first aid kits and mini outdoor tools
  • Electronic accessories:

    • Charging cables, simple phone cases and headphones
    • Adapters and small electronic gadgets
  • Sports equipment:

    • Skipping ropes, resistance bands and water bottles
    • Small fitness accessories such as handles
  • Hardware store & DIY supplies:

    • Screwdrivers, tape measures and adhesive tape
    • Small tools and accessories

Benefits for your business:

  • Attractive prices: All products in this category cost up to 5.00 euros, which allows you to offer inexpensive solutions to your customers.
  • High quality: Despite the low prices, we guarantee the quality and durability of our products.
  • Diverse range: A wide range of products that cover different needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Fast and reliable delivery: Thanks to our optimized warehousing and fast delivery processes, we guarantee reliable and timely delivery of your orders.
  • Individual advice: Our experienced team supports you with comprehensive advice and tailor-made solutions to select the best products for your business.

Discover the wide range of TK Group products in the range up to 5.00 euros and benefit from our expertise and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.


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