Statten Sie Ihre Küche mit praktischen Helfern und hochwertigen Produkten aus. Von Aufbewahrungslösungen über Kochutensilien bis hin zu Reinigungsprodukten – alles, was Sie für einen gut organisierten und sauberen Küchenalltag benötigen. Unsere Küchenartikel erleichtern nicht nur das Kochen, sondern sorgen auch für hygienische Sauberkeit und optimale Funktionalität.
BANGKOK Thermobecher – Stilvoller 350ml in Silber
BANGKOK Thermobecher – Stilvoller 350ml in Silber Entdecken Sie den BANGKOK Thermobecher, der nicht nur durch sein elegantes Design besticht, sondern auch durch seine Funktionalität. Dieser stilvolle Becher ist der perfekte Begleiter für Büro und Freizeit. Produkteigenschaften: Elegantes Silber: Ein zeitloses Design, das überall einen guten Eindruck hinterlässt. Thermofunktion: Genießen Sie Ihre heißen oder kalten Getränke stundenlang in perfekter Temperatur. 350ml Kapazität: Ideal für eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee – genau die richtige Größe für den täglichen Genuss. Dichter Verschluss: Verhindert Auslaufen während des Transports, sodass Sie Ihren Becher überallhin mitnehmen können. Leicht zu reinigen: Spülmaschinenfest für eine mühelose Pflege und Handhabung. Setzen Sie auf Stil und Funktionalität mit dem BANGKOK Thermobecher – der ideale Begleiter für jeden Tag!
CALIFORNIA Edelstahl-Strohhalm in Silber: Langlebig & Stilvoll
CALIFORNIA Edelstahl-Strohhalm in Silber: Langlebig & Stilvoll Entdecken Sie den CALIFORNIA Edelstahl-Strohhalm, der nicht nur durch seine elegante Ästhetik besticht, sondern auch eine umweltfreundliche Wahl für Ihren Alltag darstellt. Produktmerkmale: Elegante Ästhetik: Der Premium-Edelstahlstrohhalm in glänzendem Silber ergänzt jedes Getränk stilvoll. Umweltfreundliche Alternative: Mit diesem wiederverwendbaren Strohhalm reduzieren Sie den Verbrauch von Einwegplastik und schonen die Umwelt. Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus rostfreiem Stahl, bietet er eine außergewöhnliche Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Verfärbungen und Korrosion. Pflegeleicht: Die Reinigung gestaltet sich unkompliziert – im Geschirrspüler oder mit der beiliegenden speziellen Bürste. Vielseitig nutzbar: Ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch, in der Gastronomie oder bei besonderen Anlässen. Wählen Sie den CALIFORNIA Edelstahl-Strohhalm und setzen Sie auf Qualität, Stil und Nachhaltigkeit!
REEVES-FLIPSOCKET II Handyständer - Weiß - Vielseitige Nutzung
REEVES-FLIPSOCKET II Handyständer - Weiß - Vielseitige Nutzung Entdecken Sie die perfekte Lösung für Ihre mobilen Bedürfnisse mit dem REEVES-FLIPSOCKET II Handyständer. Dieses praktische Zubehör bietet Ihnen nicht nur Stabilität, sondern auch vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten, die Ihren Alltag erleichtern. Hauptmerkmale: Stabil und sicher: Ideal für das Ansehen von Videos und für Videotelefonate. Kompaktes Design: In elegantem Weiß, passend zu jedem Smartphone und Stil. Einfache Anwendung: Kann sowohl als praktischer Ständer als auch als Griff genutzt werden. Verbesserter Griff: Reduziert die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Ihr Handy herunterfällt. Leicht anzubringen: Kann einfach ohne Rückstände entfernt werden. Kompatibilität: Funktioniert mit den meisten Smartphone-Modellen. Perfekt für unterwegs: Dank seiner faltbaren Konstruktion ist er der ideale Begleiter auf Reisen. Erleben Sie die Freiheit, Ihr Smartphone überall und jederzeit bequem zu nutzen. Mit dem REEVES-FLIPSOCKET II Handyständer haben Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr Gerät und genießen maximale Flexibilität.
Thermobecher FOLKSTONE – Eleganter schwarzer Thermobecher für den täglichen Gebrauch
Thermobecher FOLKSTONE – Eleganter schwarzer Thermobecher für den täglichen Gebrauch Entdecken Sie den FOLKSTONE Thermobecher – der perfekte Begleiter für Ihren hektischen Alltag. Mit seinem zeitlosen und stilvollen Design in elegantem Schwarz ist dieser Thermobecher nicht nur funktional, sondern auch ein modisches Accessoire. Einige herausragende Merkmale: Effektive Isolierung: Genießen Sie Ihre Lieblingsgetränke zu jeder Zeit. Der FOLKSTONE hält Getränke länger heiß oder kalt – ideal für den Arbeitsweg, Reisen oder Outdoor-Aktivitäten. Hochwertige Materialien: Dieser Thermobecher ist aus langlebigen und widerstandsfähigen Materialien gefertigt, die ihm eine lange Lebensdauer verleihen und ihn zum idealen Begleiter für den täglichen Gebrauch machen. Einfach zu transportieren: Leicht und kompakt, passt der FOLKSTONE Thermobecher problemlos in die meisten Becherhalter, sodass Sie ihn jederzeit und überall mitnehmen können. Leicht zu reinigen: Der Thermobecher ist spülmaschinenfest, was eine mühelose Reinigung und Pflege ermöglicht – für mehr Zeit, die Sie genießen können. Wählen Sie den FOLKSTONE Thermobecher und genießen Sie Funktionalität und Stil in einem!
FOLKSTONE Thermobecher – Modern & Minimalistisch in Schwarz
FOLKSTONE Thermobecher – Modern & Minimalistisch in Schwarz Entdecken Sie den FOLKSTONE Thermobecher, der mit seinem schlichten und eleganten Design perfekt für das moderne Leben geeignet ist. Dieser Becher vereint Funktionalität und Stil auf einzigartige Weise. Merkmale und Vorteile: Schlichtes Design: Der minimalistische Look passt zu jedem Lifestyle und macht ihn zum idealen Begleiter für unterwegs. Thermoisolierung: Genießen Sie Ihre Getränke in der gewünschten Temperatur, denn dieser Becher hält sie effektiv warm oder kalt. Kompakt & Leicht: Der FOLKSTONE Thermobecher ist so konzipiert, dass er in fast alle Becherhalter passt, egal ob im Auto oder im Fahrrad. Dauerhaft: Hergestellt für den täglichen Gebrauch, ist er strapazierfähig und widerstandsfähig gegen die Herausforderungen des Alltags. Einfache Handhabung: Der Becher ist spülmaschinenfest und somit leicht zu reinigen, was Ihnen Zeit und Mühe spart. Wählen Sie den FOLKSTONE Thermobecher für eine stilvolle und praktische Lösung, die Sie überall hin begleitet!
Brauner Lunchbag RE98-DIEST - Klassisch & Funktionell
Brauner Lunchbag RE98-DIEST - Klassisch & Funktionell Entdecken Sie den Braunen Lunchbag RE98-DIEST, der die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität bietet. Dieser Lunchbag ist nicht nur ein praktischer Begleiter für den Alltag, sondern auch ein modisches Accessoire. Besondere Merkmale: Hochwertiges Material: Der Lunchbag besteht aus langlebigem, strapazierfähigem Material, das für eine lange Lebensdauer sorgt. Stilvolle Farbe: Das tiefbraune Design verleiht ihm eine elegante und zeitlose Ausstrahlung. Effektive Isolierung: Dank der speziellen Isolierung bleiben Ihre Mahlzeiten mehrere Stunden kühl, ideal für den Genuss später am Tag. Modernes Design: Mit seinem durchdachten Design lässt sich der Lunchbag einfach tragen und passt perfekt zu jedem Look. Vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten: Ob im Büro, in der Schule oder bei Ausflügen – dieser Lunchbag ist Ihr idealer Begleiter. Wählen Sie den Braunen Lunchbag RE98-DIEST und bringen Sie Ihre Mahlzeiten stilvoll und funktionell überall hin mit!
LYON Trinkflasche, 650 ml, Transparent mit Grau, Modern & Vielseitig
LYON Trinkflasche, 650 ml, Transparent mit Grau, Modern & Vielseitig Die LYON Trinkflasche kombiniert Funktionalität mit modernem Design und ist der perfekte Begleiter für Ihren Alltag. Mit einer Kapazität von 650 ml ist sie ideal für Büro, Fitness und all Ihre täglichen Aktivitäten. Produktmerkmale: Hochwertiges Material: Die Trinkflasche besteht aus langlebigem, sicherem Kunststoff, der eine klare Sicht auf den Inhalt bietet. Schlichtes Design: Das elegante, transparente Finish mit grauen Akzenten sorgt für eine stilvolle Optik. Auslaufsicherer Verschluss: Der praktische Verschluss verhindert das Auslaufen und macht die Flasche ideal für unterwegs. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Egal ob beim Sport, im Büro oder in der Freizeit – die LYON Trinkflasche ist Ihr perfekter Partner, um hydratisiert zu bleiben und gleichzeitig modern auszusehen.
REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher, Transparent mit Weiß-Schwarz, 750ml
REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher, Transparent mit Weiß-Schwarz, 750ml Entdecken Sie den REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher, die ideale Lösung für all Ihre Salatbedürfnisse! Mit einer großzügigen Kapazität von 750 ml ist dieser Becher perfekt für üppige Salatportionen, die sowohl im Alltag als auch bei besonderen Anlässen beeindrucken. Produktmerkmale: Stilvolles Design: Die elegante Kombination aus transparentem Kunststoff mit weißen und schwarzen Akzenten sorgt für einen modernen Look. Hochwertiges Material: Der Salatbecher besteht aus widerstandsfähigem, pflegeleichtem Kunststoff, der Langlebigkeit und Qualität verspricht. Transparente Struktur: Die durchsichtige Bauweise ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Inhalt jederzeit zu sehen und die Frische Ihrer Lebensmittel zu prüfen. Praktisches Zubehör: Inklusive separatem Dressingbehälter, damit Ihre Salate immer frisch und knackig bleiben. Einfache Reinigung: Spülmaschinenfest und bequem zu reinigen, für eine mühelose Handhabung in der Küche. Ob für ein Picknick, eine Grillparty oder die tägliche Mahlzeit, der REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher ist die perfekte Wahl, um Ihre Salate stilvoll zu präsentieren. Machen Sie Schluss mit langweiligen Behältern und genießen Sie Ihre Speisen in einem ansprechenden Design!
REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher – Transparent mit schwarz-weißen Akzenten
REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher – Transparent mit schwarz-weißen Akzenten Entdecken Sie den REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch stilvoll ist. Dieser Becher verbindet modernes Design mit vielseitiger Anwendbarkeit und ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für Ihre Mahlzeiten. Produktmerkmale: Transparentes Design: Genießen Sie die Sichtbarkeit des Inhalts, die sowohl ansprechend als auch praktisch ist. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Salate, Snacks oder als Aufbewahrungsbecher – der perfekte Partner für jede Gelegenheit. Leichte Reinigung: Dank der Spülmaschinenfestigkeit ist die Pflege dieses Bechers unkompliziert und zeitsparend. Robustes Material: Hergestellt aus langlebigen Materialien, eignet sich der Becher perfekt für den täglichen Gebrauch. Stilvolle Farbgebung: Die modernen weiß-schwarzen Akzente verleihen dem Becher ein elegantes Erscheinungsbild. Praktisch für Unterwegs: Der mitgelieferte Deckel sorgt für sicheren Transport ohne Auslaufen – ideal für unterwegs. Der REFLECTS-TOPINABEE Salatbecher ist die perfekte Lösung, um Ihre Speisen stilvoll zu präsentieren und einfach zu transportieren. Holen Sie sich diesen praktischen und eleganten Becher in Ihre Küche!
Thermobecher SUDBURY – Schicker weißer Thermobecher für den stilvollen Genuss
Thermobecher SUDBURY – Schicker weißer Thermobecher für den stilvollen Genuss Entdecken Sie den Thermobecher SUDBURY, der nicht nur durch sein elegantes Design besticht, sondern auch durch seine herausragenden Funktionen überzeugt. Perfekt für alle, die stilvoll genießen wollen! Hauptmerkmale: Elegantes Design: Der schicke weiße Thermobecher fügt sich nahtlos in jedes Ambiente ein und ist ideal für die Arbeit, das Büro oder unterwegs. Effektive Isolierung: Genießen Sie Ihre Getränke länger heiß oder kalt – perfekt, um den ganzen Tag über erfrischt zu bleiben. Langlebige Bauweise: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien, bietet der SUDBURY Thermobecher eine dauerhafte Nutzung ohne Kompromisse. Komfortable Handhabung: Die ergonomische Form ermöglicht ein angenehmes Trinken und einen einfachen Transport, egal wo Sie sind. Einfache Pflege: Spülmaschinenfest und somit leicht zu reinigen – für mehr Zeit, um das Leben zu genießen! Wählen Sie den Thermobecher SUDBURY für einen stilvollen und funktionalen Begleiter in Ihrem Alltag!
SUDBURY Thermobecher in Reinweiß – Minimalistisch & Elegant
SUDBURY Thermobecher in Reinweiß – Minimalistisch & Elegant Entdecken Sie den SUDBURY Thermobecher, der mit seinem puristischen und eleganten Design überzeugt. Der klare Weißton sorgt für ein sauberes und ansprechendes Äußeres, das in jeder Umgebung stilvoll wirkt. Besonderheiten des SUDBURY Thermobechers: Thermofunktion: Hält Ihre Getränke stundenlang warm, ideal für kalte Tage oder unterwegs. Leicht zu tragen: Perfekt für die Nutzung unterwegs. Egal ob im Büro, beim Sport oder auf Reisen. Spülmaschinengeeignet: Genießen Sie eine mühelose Reinigung – einfach in die Spülmaschine geben und fertig! Nachhaltige Wahl: Unterstützen Sie umweltfreundliche Gewohnheiten mit einem wiederverwendbaren Becher. Wählen Sie den SUDBURY Thermobecher für eine stilvolle und praktische Trinklösung, die sowohl Funktionalität als auch Eleganz vereint.
RIYAN Sportflasche in Anthrazit-Dunkelgrau, 750 ml, Elegant & Robust
RIYAN Sportflasche in Anthrazit-Dunkelgrau, 750 ml, Elegant & Robust Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Eleganz und Funktionalität mit der RIYAN Sportflasche. Diese stilvolle Flasche bietet nicht nur ein modernes Design, sondern auch eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen, die sie zum idealen Begleiter für Ihre Aktivitäten machen. Produktmerkmale: Kapazität: 750 ml – ideal für längere Aktivitäten, damit Sie immer ausreichend hydriert bleiben. Farbe: Anthrazit mit eleganten dunkelgrauen Akzenten, die jedem Outfit einen Hauch von Stil verleihen. Material: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem, langlebigem Kunststoff, der BPA-frei ist und Ihre Gesundheit schützt. Design: Schlankes und ergonomisches Design für eine bequeme Handhabung, egal ob beim Sport oder im Alltag. Verschluss: Sicherer Schraubverschluss, der auslaufsicher ist, sodass Sie Ihre Flasche bedenkenlos überallhin mitnehmen können. Ideal für: Sport und Fitness – bleibt immer an Ihrer Seite beim Training. Outdoor-Abenteuer – perfekt für Wanderungen und Ausflüge in die Natur. Tägliche Hydration – für Schule, Arbeit oder unterwegs, um ausreichend Flüssigkeit zu sich zu nehmen. Mit der RIYAN Sportflasche in Anthrazit-Dunkelgrau entscheiden Sie sich für einen stilvollen und funktionalen Begleiter, der Ihre Hydration auf die nächste Stufe hebt!
RE98-CORRIENTES Lunch Set in White-Grey - Stylish, Comprehensive, Durable Meal Kit
RE98-CORRIENTES Mittagessen Set in Weiß-Grau - Stylisches, Umfassendes, Langlebiges Essgeschirr Entdecken Sie das elegante RE98-CORRIENTES Mittagessen Set, das durch seine stilvolle Kombination aus Weiß und Grau besticht und jedem Tisch einen Hauch von Raffinesse verleiht. Produktmerkmale: Elegantes Farbschema: Die harmonische Verbindung von Weiß und Grau sorgt für ein ansprechendes und modernes Design. Vollständiges Set: Enthält alle wesentlichen Utensilien für eine komplette Mahlzeit, was die Zubereitung und den Transport erleichtert. Langlebige Materialien: Hergestellt aus widerstandsfähigen Materialien, die täglichen Gebrauch problemlos standhalten. Kompakt & Tragbar: Ideal für den Transport zur Schule oder zur Arbeit, damit Sie Ihr Essen überall genießen können. Einfache Pflege: Spülmaschinenfest für eine mühelose Reinigung nach dem Essen. Das RE98-CORRIENTES Mittagessen Set ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch ein stilvolles Accessoire für jeden Tag. Machen Sie Ihre Mahlzeiten zu einem besonderen Erlebnis!
Weißer Flaschenöffner RE98-SAKUMONO – Schlicht und Effektiv
Weißer Flaschenöffner RE98-SAKUMONO – Schlicht und Effektiv Entdecken Sie den Weißer Flaschenöffner RE98-SAKUMONO, der durch sein minimalistisches Design besticht und gleichzeitig höchste Funktionalität bietet. Dieser Flaschenöffner ist die perfekte Ergänzung für jede moderne Küche. Produktmerkmale: Minimalistisches Design: Fügt sich harmonisch in jede Kücheneinrichtung ein. Hohe Funktionalität: Öffnet mühelos jede Flasche mit Kronkorken. Leicht zu reinigen: Einfach abwaschbar – für eine mühelose Pflege. Klein und handlich: Ideal für den Einsatz zu Hause oder unterwegs, passt in jede Tasche. Langlebiges Material: Widerstandsfähig gegen Abnutzung und Korrosion – für eine lange Lebensdauer. Universell: Eignet sich für alle Flaschen mit Kronkorken und ist somit vielseitig einsetzbar. Mit dem Weißer Flaschenöffner RE98-SAKUMONO entscheiden Sie sich für ein Produkt, das Stil und Praktikabilität vereint. Genießen Sie Ihre Getränke ohne Mühe!
RE98-SAKUMONO RFID Protection Card Case - Elegant & Safe in Black
RE98-SAKUMONO RFID Protection Card Case - Elegant & Safe in Black Discover the RE98-SAKUMONO RFID protection card holder, the perfect accessory for those who value style and security. This elegant case not only offers an attractive design but also effective protection for your cards. Main features: RFID Protection: Protect your sensitive data with state-of-the-art RFID blocking technology that effectively prevents data theft. Simple design: Compact and stylish, ideal for busy everyday life and perfect for any occasion. Elegant black: The timeless black fits seamlessly into any wardrobe and adds an elegant touch to any outfit. High-quality material: Made from durable and resilient materials, this card case offers reliable protection for your cards. Quick Access: Enjoy effortless access to your cards, perfect for quick use in any situation. With the RE98-SAKUMONO RFID protection card case you can rely on security, style and functionality. Ideal for the modern lifestyle, this case is an indispensable accessory for anyone who wants to store their cards elegantly and securely.
RE98-SAKUMONO card holder in black with RFID protection - Safe & Stylish
RE98-SAKUMONO card holder in black with RFID protection - Safe & Stylish Discover the RE98-SAKUMONO card holder, which not only impresses with its elegant black color, but also with its outstanding features: High-quality material: Made of durable material known for its robustness. RFID Protection: Protect your sensitive data with cutting-edge technology that blocks unwanted RFID scans. Slim design: The modern and slim design fits perfectly in any pocket or handbag without adding bulk. Large Capacity: Holds multiple cards plus some cash so you can keep essentials close at hand. High security: Guaranteed protection of your personal and financial information from unauthorized access. Versatility: Ideal for everyday use, travel or work - always ready when you are. Compact and practical: easy to carry, perfect for on the go. Experience the combination of style and security with the RE98-SAKUMONO card holder. Your perfect companion for every day!
Modern Thermo Mug MACERATA - Green Insulated Mug for Hot and Cold Drinks
Modern Thermo Mug MACERATA - Green Insulated Mug for Hot and Cold Drinks Discover the modern MACERATA thermal mug , which not only impresses with its stylish design, but also with its functionality and environmental friendliness. This insulated mug is your ideal companion for every occasion! Main features: Environmentally friendly material: Made from sustainable raw materials, this mug helps protect our environment. Fresh design: The attractive green color creates a modern look that will attract attention everywhere. Practical for on the go: Perfect for travel, the office or just for everyday use - enjoy your drinks anytime, anywhere. Optimal insulation: Keep your hot drinks hot and your cold drinks cold – the long insulation ensures perfect enjoyment. Ergonomically shaped: The comfortable handle and sophisticated design make drinking a pleasure. Easy care: Easy to clean and reusable – an environmentally friendly product for every day. Experience the combination of style and functionality with the modern MACERATA thermal mug . Ideal for anyone who values sustainability and practical use!
Thermo Mug MACERATA - Vibrant Green - Environmentally friendly insulated mug
Thermo Mug MACERATA - Vibrant Green - Environmentally friendly insulated mug Discover the MACERATA thermal mug , which not only impresses with its fresh, vibrant green tone, but also offers practical use for every day. Outstanding features: Fresh Green Design: The bright, appealing color makes this mug an eye-catcher in any environment. Excellent insulation: Enjoy your drinks, whether hot or cold, thanks to the excellent insulation that maintains the temperature for a long time. Lightweight and durable: Ideal for everyday use, whether in the office or on an outdoor adventure – the MACERATA is always there! Environmentally conscious choice: This cup supports a sustainable lifestyle and reduces the use of single-use plastic. Easy to clean: The thermo mug is dishwasher safe, which allows for quick and convenient care. Opt for style and functionality with the MACERATA thermal mug and enjoy your drinks wherever you are!
REFLECTS-PARANA L Storage Container - Washable Paper, Brown
REFLECTS-PARANA L Storage Container - Washable Paper, Brown Discover the REFLECTS-PARANA L storage container , which not only impresses with its stylish design, but also with its functionality and environmental friendliness. Product features: Environmentally friendly material: Made of washable paper, environmentally conscious and sustainable. Elegant brown: The stylish color blends harmoniously into any interior design. Spacious: With generous space, this container is suitable for a variety of storage purposes. Water-repellent: Easy cleaning and easy-care handling make it particularly practical. Versatile uses: Ideal for use in the office, living room or even as a decorative plant container. Add a touch of elegance and order to your living space with the REFLECTS-PARANA L storage container . Perfect for those looking for style and functionality in one product!
White pocket mirror RE98-HADANO – Stylish hand mirror for on the go
White pocket mirror RE98-HADANO – Stylish hand mirror for on the go Discover the perfect companion for your daily adventures with the white RE98-HADANO pocket mirror . This stylish hand mirror combines elegance and functionality and is a must-have for every bag. Unique features: Elegant design: Simple and practical, ideal for on the go and adds a touch of class to your look. Compact: Lightweight and handy, fits easily into any bag without taking up extra space. High quality: Made from durable, scratch-resistant material designed for long-term use. Practical: Easy cleaning ensures that your mirror is always in perfect condition. Whether you need to quickly freshen up your make-up or take a quick look in the mirror, the RE98-HADANO is always there. Treat yourself to this practical accessory and experience the combination of style and utility!
White Pocket Mirror RE98-ENSENADA – Compact hand mirror for on the go
White Pocket Mirror RE98-ENSENADA – Compact hand mirror for on the go Discover the perfect companion for every occasion with the white RE98-ENSENADA pocket mirror. This compact hand mirror combines style and functionality and is ideal for use on the go. Special features: Stylish design: Elegant and modern, fits perfectly with any outfit. Compact size: The mirror is designed to fit easily into any handbag so you always have it at hand. High-quality materials: Made of sturdy and durable material that is scratch-resistant and guarantees a long service life. Ease of use: The mirror is easy to clean and maintain so you always have a clear view. Whether for quick adjustments in the office, on the go or for special occasions - the RE98-ENSENADA pocket mirror is the ideal choice for all those who value functionality and style.
REFLECTS-GRENOBLE white ice scraper - High-quality car scraper for winter days
REFLECTS-GRENOBLE white ice scraper - High-quality car scraper for winter days The REFLECTS-GRENOBLE ice scraper is the perfect companion for frosty winter days. With its stylish white design, it fits harmoniously into any vehicle and combines elegance with functionality. Product features: Elegance: The simple and stylish design blends seamlessly into the appearance of your car. Efficiency: The sharp edge of the scraper effortlessly removes ice and snow so you can get back on the road quickly. Durable: Made of sturdy material, this ice scraper is designed to last a long time. Ergonomic: The comfortable handle ensures easy handling, even in extreme weather conditions. Compact: With its small space requirement, the ice scraper can be easily stored in the glove compartment or trunk. Rely on the REFLECTS-GRENOBLE ice scraper to get through the winter safely and efficiently. With this high-quality car scraper, you are well equipped to remove ice and snow at any time.
Ice scraper REFLECTS-GRENOBLE: REFLECTS-GRENOBLE White ice scraper - Efficient & Elegant
Ice scraper REFLECTS-GRENOBLE: REFLECTS-GRENOBLE White ice scraper - Efficient & Elegant Experience the perfect companion for frosty winter days with the REFLECTS-GRENOBLE ice scraper! This elegant, white ice scraper combines functionality and style. Here are some of its outstanding features: Simple design: The simple white color fits harmoniously with any vehicle equipment and ensures a modern look. Sturdy material: Made of high quality durable plastic, this ice scraper is designed for long-term use. Classic and functional design: With a sophisticated, classic design, the ice scraper enables effective de-icing, even in the harshest frost conditions. Ergonomic handle: The ergonomically designed handle ensures comfortable handling, making removing ice and snow effortless. Indispensable in winter: Perfect for cold nights and frosty days, this ice scraper is a must-have for every driver. With the REFLECTS-GRENOBLE ice scraper you bring elegance and efficiency to your winter preparations!
RE98-HOBART Salt & Pepper Mill in Brown – Rustic & Versatile
RE98-HOBART Salt & Pepper Mill in Brown – Rustic & Versatile Discover the perfect combination of functionality and rustic charm with the RE98-HOBART salt and pepper mill in warm brown. This timeless kitchen accessory will not only be an eye-catcher, but also an indispensable tool in your kitchen. Unique selling points: Warm and inviting: The warm brown shade blends harmoniously into any kitchen decor and creates a cozy atmosphere. Dual Use: This grinder is ideal for grinding salt and pepper, allowing you to combine all spices in one convenient device. Durable material: Made of sturdy wood, the mill guarantees a long service life and will remain faithful to you for years to come. Adjustable grinder: Adjust the grain size according to your preferences - from fine to coarse, for the perfect flavor in your dishes. Easy to use: The user-friendly design allows for effortless grinding and refilling, allowing you to work quickly and efficiently. Bring a touch of rustic elegance to your kitchen with the RE98-HOBART salt and pepper mill and enjoy the versatility and ease of use it brings.
Thermal drinking bottle OSORNO – Black and white, versatile thermal bottle for on the go
Thermal drinking bottle OSORNO – Black and white, versatile thermal bottle for on the go Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle . This versatile thermal bottle is not only a fashionable accessory, but also a practical companion for every occasion. Special features of the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle: Modern design: The elegant color combination in black and white ensures that the bottle matches any outfit. Efficient insulation: Enjoy your drinks hot or cold for hours – ideal for everyday use and on the go. High-quality materials: The robust construction guarantees durability and resistance for everyday use. Versatile use: Perfect for outdoor activities, in the gym or in the office - the OSORNO bottle can be used anywhere. Easy to clean: Dishwasher safe for effortless care and uncomplicated use. Improve your drinking experience with the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle – the ideal companion for those who value quality and style!
OSORNO Thermo Drinking Bottle – Stylish in Black and White
OSORNO Thermo Drinking Bottle – Stylish in Black and White Discover the perfect combination of elegance and functionality with the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle. This bottle is not only a practical companion for on the go, but also a stylish accessory that always keeps your drinks at the perfect temperature. Special features: Two-tone design: The elegant black with white accents creates a modern look that impresses in any environment. Insulation: Enjoy your drinks anytime - the bottle keeps hot things hot and cold things cold so you always have the perfect sip. Robust & Durable: Made from high-quality materials, the OSORNO bottle is ideal for everyday use, whether in the office, during sports or when traveling. Easy to clean: The bottle's ease of care makes it a practical choice for anyone who values ease of use. Perfect for on the go: Carry your drinks with you in style and comfort, no matter where you are - the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle is the ideal companion for every occasion. Rely on style and functionality with the OSORNO thermal drinking bottle – your new favorite companion for hot and cold drinks!
Hand trainer REFLECTS-IVALO in blue – effectively strengthen your grip
Hand trainer REFLECTS-IVALO in blue – effectively strengthen your grip Developed for all fitness levels, the REFLECTS-IVALO hand trainer offers an optimal solution to effectively increase your grip strength. Experience the benefits of a well-thought-out design and strong performance: Ergonomic Design: Enjoy the comfort of a hand-friendly trainer that makes hand training both comfortable and effective. Adjustable resistance: Customize the resistance to your needs to get the most out of every workout. Compact and portable: Perfect for use at home, in the office or on the go – your hand trainer is always at hand. Durable material: Made of high-quality materials that guarantee long-lasting use and will faithfully support you. Dynamic Blue: The appealing color stimulates your senses and maintains motivation during training. Use the REFLECTS-IVALO hand trainer to improve your performance and achieve your training goals. Ideal for athletes, rehabilitation and anyone who wants to specifically increase their grip strength!
RE98-BIENNE bottle opener in pure white – minimalist and functional
RE98-BIENNE bottle opener in pure white – minimalist and functional Discover the RE98-BIENNE bottle opener , which is not only practical but also a stylish accessory for your kitchen. With its simple and elegant design, this bottle opener blends seamlessly into any kitchen environment, offering both functionality and aesthetics. Special features: Simple design: The pure white bottle opener fits perfectly with any kitchen decor and adds a modern touch to your room. Easy to use: Open bottles effortlessly and quickly - ideal for social evenings or relaxed moments. Small and handy: Thanks to its compact size, it is the perfect companion for on the go, whether at a picnic or when travelling. Durable material: Made of high-quality plastic, this bottle opener guarantees a long service life and robustness. Ideal for everyday use: an indispensable helper in every kitchen that makes your life easier. The RE98-BIENNE bottle opener is more than just a tool - it's a stylish and functional item that takes your cooking and entertaining to a new level. Get this handy helper and enjoy the ease of opening your favorite drinks!
Coaster with bottle opener RE98-ALGECIRAS - White: Practical, stylish, durable, versatile, non-slip
Coaster with bottle opener RE98-ALGECIRAS - White Discover the RE98-ALGECIRAS coaster that combines functionality with elegant design. Product features: Multifunctional: This coaster not only serves as a stylish accessory, but also as a practical bottle opener. Elegant design: In a timeless white, this coaster blends harmoniously into any interior while setting a modern accent. Durable and robust: Made of high-quality materials, it guarantees high resistance and is ideal for everyday use. Non-slip: The non-slip base ensures a secure hold of glasses and cups and prevents unpleasant slipping and spills while protecting your surfaces from scratches. Versatile: Whether at home, in the office, at parties or special occasions - this coaster is the perfect addition. It is also easy to clean and maintain. Make the RE98-ALGECIRAS coaster an indispensable part of your everyday life and enjoy style and functionality in one!
Silver grill tongs RE98-ALTEMERA, stainless steel BBQ tongs, robust grill tool
Silver grill tongs RE98-ALTEMERA, stainless steel BBQ tongs, robust grill tool Discover the perfect grill tongs that are not only functional but also stylish! The silver grill tongs RE98-ALTEMERA are the ideal tool for every grill lover. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable, rust-proof stainless steel that is heat-resistant and can withstand even the highest grilling requirements. Ergonomic design: The comfortable handle ensures precise and effortless gripping of meat, vegetables and other grilled foods. Versatile: Whether for turning juicy steaks or serving grilled vegetables, these tongs are your perfect partner. Easy to Clean: Dishwasher safe and easy to clean so you can spend more time grilling and less time cleaning up. Robust and durable: These grill tongs are designed for long-term use at every barbecue party and can withstand intensive use. Elegant appearance: The stylish, silver design blends harmoniously into any barbecue accessory and makes it a real eye-catcher. Treat yourself to the silver grill tongs RE98-ALTEMERA and experience how grilling becomes a pleasure! Ideal for those who value quality and style.
Premium Grill Tongs RE98-ALTEMERA - High-quality silver BBQ tool
Premium Grill Tongs RE98-ALTEMERA - High-quality silver BBQ tool Discover the exquisite RE98-ALTEMERA grill tongs , which not only impresses with their elegant silver design, but also with their superior functionality. Main features: Elegant design: The attractive silver surface gives your barbecue equipment a touch of luxury. High-quality material: Made of durable stainless steel, these pliers guarantee a long service life and robust use. Precision grip: With the RE98-ALTEMERA you can safely turn and serve your grilled dishes without damaging them. Heat Resistant: Perfect for use in high temperatures, so you don't have to worry about overheating. Easy to clean: Thanks to the dishwasher safety, cleaning after grilling is child's play. Versatile: Ideal for BBQs, in the kitchen or for outdoor activities - an indispensable tool for every barbecue lover. Treat yourself to the premium RE98-ALTEMERA grill tongs and enhance your grilling experience with a tool that is both functional and stylish.
REEVES-FORLI Robust LED flashlight in black - Strong & Durable
REEVES-FORLI Robust LED flashlight in black - Strong & Durable Discover the perfect combination of performance and style with the REEVES-FORLI LED flashlight. This flashlight is not just a tool, but an indispensable companion for every situation. Main features: Powerful LED: Enjoy bright and clear lighting that gives you the best overview even in dark environments. Elegant design: The simple black look matches any equipment and style, whether camping or everyday use. Compact and handy: With its compact size, the flashlight is ideal for use on the go and can be easily stored in any bag. Shockproof housing: The robust construction ensures resistance to shocks and drops, so you can take it anywhere. Easy to use: A practical on/off switch ensures that you can use the lamp in no time. Wide range of applications: Perfect for household, outdoor activities, emergency situations and much more. Trust the REEVES-FORLI LED flashlight to reliably bring light into the darkness – be it in everyday life or in extraordinary situations.
REFLECTS-NASSAU bottle opener – Classic in silver with light brown
REFLECTS-NASSAU bottle opener – Classic in silver with light brown Discover the REFLECTS-NASSAU bottle opener , which is not only functional but also an elegant design element for your bar. This bottle opener combines style and practicality in perfect harmony. Main features: Elegant finish: The attractive combination of silver and light brown gives this bottle opener a timeless and elegant look. Ergonomically designed: The well-thought-out design ensures comfortable and safe use, so you can open bottles effortlessly. Robust and reliable: Ideal for frequent use – this bottle opener is well equipped for the challenges of everyday life. Design element: Fits perfectly into upscale bar sets and is a real eye-catcher at any event. Versatile Application: Works with a variety of bottles so you are always ready to serve your guests a refreshing drink. The REFLECTS-NASSAU bottle opener is not only a practical tool, but also a statement for anyone who values style and quality. Get this classic and enrich your bar with a touch of elegance!
REFLECTS-AMADORA black ice scraper - High-quality and elegant car scraper
REFLECTS-AMADORA black ice scraper - High-quality and elegant car scraper The REFLECTS-AMADORA ice scraper combines functionality with a stylish design that looks great in any vehicle. Perfect for cold winter days, this elegant car scraper ensures that your car is cleared of ice quickly and effectively. Main features: Stylish design: The elegant black design gives your car a classy look that stands out from the crowd. Effective ice removal: The sharp edge of the scraper allows for quick and thorough removal of ice, so you can get back on the road quickly. Durability: Made from sturdy material, this ice scraper is designed to last a long time, making it a reliable companion. Ergonomic Handle: The comfortable, ergonomic handle ensures that you can operate the scratcher comfortably and with ease. Compact Size: Ideal for storage in glove compartments or trunks, this ice scraper takes up minimal space in your vehicle. Choose the REFLECTS-AMADORA black ice scraper for a combination of elegance and efficiency – the perfect helper for every winter!
Ice scraper REFLECTS-AMADORA: REFLECTS-AMADORA ice scraper in black - Elegant & Reliable
Ice scraper REFLECTS-AMADORA: REFLECTS-AMADORA ice scraper in black - Elegant & Reliable The REFLECTS-AMADORA ice scraper perfectly combines elegance and functionality. With its simple black design, it blends seamlessly into the look of any vehicle, while at the same time offering you the support you need on frosty days. Special features: Elegant design: In stylish black, ideal for any car. Strong material: ensures a long service life and high resistance. Comfortable handle: Provides excellent grip, even with wet hands. Effective scraping: Removes ice and snow effortlessly without leaving scratches. Essential winter equipment: An essential tool for all frosty days. Trust the REFLECTS-AMADORA ice scraper and get ready for winter – stylishly and efficiently!
Stylish kitchen utensil set REFLECTS-CUBA - Brown, Complete set for your kitchen
Stylish kitchen utensil set REFLECTS-CUBA - Brown, Complete set for your kitchen Discover the REFLECTS-CUBA kitchen utensil set , the perfect accessory for any modern kitchen. Made from high-quality, durable wood, this elegant set brings not only functionality but also style to your cooking environment. Product features: High-quality material: Made of sturdy wood, known for its durability. Elegant design: Timeless aesthetics in a warm brown, ideal for any kitchen decor. Complete set: Includes everything you need – wooden spoon, spatula, whisk and tongs. Ergonomic handles: For comfortable and safe handling while cooking. Easy care: Simply clean with warm water and mild detergent. Versatile: Perfect for cooking, baking and serving dishes. Robust construction: Guarantees long-lasting use and reliability in your kitchen. Compact size: Fits easily into any kitchen drawer and is always at hand. Aesthetic addition: The natural wood look adds a touch of elegance and warmth to your kitchen. The REFLECTS-CUBA kitchen utensil set is the ideal choice for everyday use and a must-have for any cooking enthusiast. Add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen with this stylish set!
REFLECTS-GETXO Bamboo Tray with Two Serving Bowls in White-Brown – Elegant & Practical
REFLECTS-GETXO Bamboo Tray with Two Serving Bowls in White-Brown – Elegant & Practical Discover the perfect combination of elegance and functionality with the REFLECTS-GETXO bamboo tray. This stylish tray not only impresses with its attractive design, but also with its versatile uses. Stylish design The harmonious combination of the natural brown of the bamboo with the simple, white bowls makes this tray a real eye-catcher. It fits seamlessly into any ambience and gives your occasions a special touch. Two bowls included Equipped with two separate bowls, the tray is ideal for: snacks dips side dishes Present your delicacies in a stylish and appealing way! Sustainable bamboo material Made from environmentally friendly bamboo, this tray not only offers durability and sturdiness, but also an aesthetic appeal that appeals to environmentally conscious households. Versatile use Whether at parties, family meals or as a tasteful decorative piece – the REFLECTS-GETXO bamboo tray is the perfect choice for every occasion. Easy to clean The bowls are dishwasher safe and the tray can be easily wiped down with a damp cloth, making cleaning a breeze. Bring style and functionality to your home with the REFLECTS-GETXO bamboo tray – an essential piece for every household!
RE98-NINORE Waiter's Knife – Elegant Brown for Professionals
RE98-NINORE Waiter's Knife – Elegant Brown for Professionals Discover the RE98-NINORE waiter's corkscrew , the perfect tool for every wine lover and sommelier. This elegant waiter's corkscrew combines functionality and style in an impressive design. Product features: Elegant brown: The stylish design fits perfectly into any bar and makes it a real eye-catcher. Durable Material: Made of sturdy materials, it is strong enough for daily use and can withstand even the most intense demands. Multifunctional: With an integrated corkscrew, bottle opener and foil cutter, this waiter's knife meets all your needs in a single, compact solution. Compact & handy: Thanks to its practical size, it can be easily transported and stored, perfect for use on the go. Ideal for sommeliers: An indispensable tool for every wine lover to help you enjoy the perfect tipple. Add a touch of elegance and functionality to your bar or home with the RE98-NINORE waiter's knife . Ideal for professionals and hobbyists alike!
RE98-PUT Wine Set - Brown & Silver, Elegant for Wine Lovers
RE98-PUT Wine Set - Brown & Silver, Elegant for Wine Lovers Discover the RE98-PUT wine set , the perfect accessory for any wine lover. This elegant set combines functionality and style in an exceptional way. Chic two-tone design The harmonious interplay of brown wood and silver accents makes this wine set a real eye-catcher that fits seamlessly into any interior. Comprehensive tools Corkscrew: Effortlessly open your wines. Wine closure: preserve freshness and aromas. Pourer: Precise and elegant pouring. Elegant presentation Ideal for stylish wine evenings, this set ensures that every moment becomes special. Impress your guests with perfect service. High-quality workmanship Each element is carefully crafted, which guarantees durability and reliability . Trust in quality that stands the test of time. Luxurious gift Whether for a special occasion or as a token of appreciation for a wine lover, this set is the perfect gift that will be remembered.
REEVES-PELOTAS multifunctional LED flashlight in gray-black
REEVES-PELOTAS multifunctional LED flashlight in gray-black Discover the REEVES-PELOTAS Multifunction LED Flashlight that exceeds your expectations of a flashlight in every aspect. This high-quality lighting tool offers you more than just simple illumination! Highlights of the REEVES-PELOTAS flashlight: Multifunctional: Equipped with a variety of safety features to assist you in critical situations. Stylish design: The chic gray-black finish ensures that the flashlight looks good in any environment. Compact & lightweight: Your ideal companion on the go – fits in any bag and is always at hand. Robust construction: Made from durable materials, it remains reliable even in shocks and difficult weather conditions. High luminosity: Enjoy strong lighting that gives you clear vision even in the dark. Versatile: Perfect for outdoor activities, emergencies and many other applications – the possibilities are endless! Rely on the REEVES-PELOTAS multi-function LED flashlight to provide you with not only light, but also safety and style. Ideal for the adventurous and safety-conscious alike!
Multifunctional flashlight REEVES-PELOTAS - Grey/Black - Versatile, Robust and Powerful
Multifunctional flashlight REEVES-PELOTAS - Grey/Black - Versatile, Robust and Powerful Discover the REEVES-PELOTAS multifunction flashlight , the ideal solution for every situation! This impressive device combines several functions in a compact design, making it an essential accessory for outdoor enthusiasts and safety conscious people. Main features: Versatile functions: This flashlight not only serves as lighting, but also functions as an emergency hammer and seat belt cutter, perfect for unexpected situations. Robust design: Made of durable gray and black plastic, the flashlight can withstand the challenges of everyday life and is ideal for outdoor use. Bright lighting: Equipped with powerful LEDs, the REEVES-PELOTAS ensures clear visibility in the dark and guarantees safety in any environment. Compact size: Its lightweight and handy design makes it easy to take the flashlight anywhere - perfect for camping, hiking or emergencies. Ideal for outdoor use: Whether camping, hiking or in the event of an emergency, this multifunctional flashlight will quickly become your best friend. With the REEVES-PELOTAS multifunctional flashlight you are always well equipped. Trust in quality and functionality and make it a part of your outdoor equipment!
Lunch Set REFLECTS-SILLIAN L - Light Green Practical & Stylish Optimal meal storage
Lunch Set REFLECTS-SILLIAN L - Light Green Practical & Stylish Optimal meal storage Experience the perfect combination of functionality and style with our REFLECTS-SILLIAN L lunch set in a vibrant light green. This set is not only a real eye-catcher, but also extremely practical for every occasion. Comprehensive set Our set contains everything you need for a complete meal on the go. Whether for school, the office or a trip - everything is perfectly stored. Vibrant light green The fresh light green color brings joy to your everyday life and ensures that your lunch set always stands out. Robust and durable Made from high-quality, BPA-free material, this set is not only safe for your food but also extremely durable and resilient. Easy to clean Enjoy the convenience of a lunch set that is dishwasher safe, making care effortless and uncomplicated. Compact design With its compact design, the set fits easily into bags and backpacks, making it a perfect companion for on the go. Versatile use No matter where you are, our lunch set is ideal for any type of meal and brings style and organization to your everyday life.
REFLECTS-SILLIAN L Lunch Set – Light green for stylish meals on the go
REFLECTS-SILLIAN L Lunch Set – Light green for stylish meals on the go Discover the REFLECTS-SILLIAN L Lunch Set that will take your meals to the next level! With a vibrant light green , this set brings not only style but also joy to every break. A large set for all needs Our lunch set contains everything you need for a complete lunch : lunch box Cutlery beverage bottle Perfectly organized and ready to accompany you everywhere! High-quality materials for your safety The set is made of durable and food-safe materials that ensure your food stays fresh and safe. Enjoy your meals without worry! Ideal companion for on the go Whether at school , in the office or on trips , the REFLECTS-SILLIAN L Lunch Set is easy to carry and makes every meal a stylish experience. Easy to clean After enjoying your meals, cleanup is a breeze as the set is dishwasher safe , saving you time and effort! Experience the difference with the REFLECTS-SILLIAN L Lunch Set – the perfect combination of functionality and design for your meals on the go!
Lunch Set REFLECTS-SILLIAN M - Light Green Practical and stylish meal set for on the go
Lunch Set REFLECTS-SILLIAN M - Light green Discover the perfect lunch set that is both practical and stylish - ideal for meals on the go! Important features: Complete set: Contains everything you need for your meals. High-quality materials: Durable and safe for daily use. Stylish design: The striking light green color creates a fresh look. Compact Size: M size, perfect for lunch and snacks. Easy to clean: Dishwasher safe for effortless care. Microwave safe: Ideal for quickly heating up your food. Versatile: Perfect for work, school, picnics or trips. Enjoy your meals on the go with the REFLECTS-SILLIAN M lunch set and bring style and functionality to your everyday life!
REFLECTS-SILLIAN M Lunch Set in Light Green – Compact and functional
REFLECTS-SILLIAN M Lunch Set in Light Green – Compact and functional The REFLECTS-SILLIAN M Lunch Set in a vibrant light green offers a perfect combination of style and functionality for your meals on the go. Product features: Medium set: Contains everything you need for a complete meal. Refreshing design: The vibrant light green puts you in a good mood and brings color to your everyday life. Cutlery included: Practical set with matching spoon and fork for comfortable eating. Microwave friendly: Ideal for heating up your food wherever you are. Tightly sealed: Protects against leaks and keeps your food fresh and delicious. Easy to carry: The compact design makes it perfect for work, school or on the go. Discover the combination of practical design and appealing aesthetics with the REFLECTS-SILLIAN M Lunch Set – your ideal choice for every meal!
CASAN Sports Drinking Bottle in Blue - Ergonomic & Practical, 500ml
CASAN Sports Drinking Bottle in Blue - Ergonomic & Practical, 500ml Discover the perfect companion for your training with the CASAN sports water bottle! This stylish and functional bottle combines modern design with high comfort. Bright blue: An eye-catcher that is not only visible but also fashionable. Ergonomic shape: The specially designed shape fits comfortably in the hand and makes it easy to carry, whether jogging, cycling or in the gym. 500ml volume: Enough space for your hydration during your workout – stay optimally supplied! Leak-proof: Don't let fluid loss distract you - with this bottle everything stays in place, no matter how intense your workout. BPA-free: Enjoy your drink with a clear conscience, because this bottle is safe and harmless to your health. Enhance your training experience with the CASAN sports water bottle – the ideal choice for active people!
REFLECTS-FALLON desk set in black and gunmetal
REFLECTS-FALLON desk set in black and gunmetal Discover the REFLECTS-FALLON desk set , which combines elegant design and practical functionality. This set is the ideal addition to any workspace and will add a modern touch to your office, home office or study space. Main features: Elegant design: The interplay of black and gunmetal tones creates a contemporary and stylish look. Complete set: Includes all the essential office supplies you need for your daily use and makes organization a breeze. Robust material: High-quality workmanship guarantees long-lasting use that can withstand even intensive demands. Versatile: Perfect for the office, home office or as a stylish study space. Stylish accessory: Add a touch of elegance and professionalism to any workplace. Choose the REFLECTS-FALLON desk set and transform your workplace into a place of inspiration and efficiency.
ARACUJA Glasses Set with Straws - 4-piece, Multi-colored Transparent, Stylish Drinking Glasses
ARACUJA Glasses Set with Straws - 4-piece, Multi-colored Transparent, Stylish Drinking Glasses Discover the ARACUJA glasses set that will take your drinking habits to a new level. This stylish set includes four colorful and transparent glasses that are suitable for every occasion. Product features: Complete set: Four glasses with matching straws for a harmonious drinking experience. Vibrant design: The multi-colored and transparent glasses bring color and joy to every drink. High-quality material: Made of sturdy plastic that ensures durability and is ideal for everyday use. Versatile: Perfect for cold drinks, refreshing smoothies and creative cocktails. Easy to clean: The glasses are dishwasher safe and easy to maintain. Ideal for parties: The stylish design makes them the perfect choice for special occasions and celebrations. Give your drinks the ultimate style with the ARACUJA glass set and enjoy unforgettable moments with family and friends!