22350 products

  • Tournament Kristall-Trophäe - Klar, Elegant für Wettbewerbe TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Tournament Kristall-Trophäe - Klar, Elegant für Wettbewerbe

    Tournament Kristall-Trophäe - Klar, Elegant für Wettbewerbe Entdecken Sie die Tournament Kristall-Trophäe, ein Meisterwerk aus hochwertigem Glas, das Eleganz und Luxus ausstrahlt. Diese Trophäe ist nicht nur ein Auszeichnung für Leistungsträger, sondern auch ein wahres Schmuckstück für jede Veranstaltung. Hauptmerkmale: Kristallklar: Hergestellt aus erstklassigem Glas, bietet diese Trophäe eine luxuriöse Optik, die das Licht perfekt reflektiert. Elegantes Design: Ideal für Turniere und offizielle Anlässe, macht sie jeden Gewinn zu etwas ganz Besonderem. Robuste Basis: Die Trophäe steht sicher auf jedem Untergrund und sorgt für eine optimale Präsentation. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ob im Sport, im Geschäftsleben oder im Bildungsbereich – diese Trophäe ist für jede Auszeichnung geeignet. Langlebig: Beständig gegen Kratzer und Brüche, bleibt die Trophäe auch nach vielen Jahren noch im besten Zustand. Setzen Sie ein Zeichen für Erfolg und Anerkennung mit der Tournament Kristall-Trophäe. Perfekt für die nächsten Wettbewerbe!


  • Lexington Klarer Glasblock - Elegante Präsentation und Vielseitigkeit TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lexington Klarer Glasblock - Elegante Präsentation und Vielseitigkeit

    Lexington Klarer Glasblock - Elegante Präsentation und Vielseitigkeit Entdecken Sie die zeitlose Schönheit des Lexington Klaren Glasblocks, der Ihre Ausstellungsstücke auf beeindruckende Weise zur Geltung bringt. Produktmerkmale: Premium-Glas: Genießen Sie perfekte Transparenz, die Ihren Objekten einen eleganten Rahmen verleiht. Schlichtes Design: Das minimalistische Design lenkt nicht von den ausgestellten Objekten ab, sondern hebt deren Schönheit hervor. Multifunktional: Ideal für Büros, Wohnräume oder sogar als durchdachtes Geschenk für Freunde und Familie. Stabile Basis: Der Glasblock bietet sichere Standfestigkeit, sodass verschiedene Objekte problemlos präsentiert werden können. Leicht zu kombinieren: Passt mühelos in jede Umgebung und ergänzt jede Einrichtung mit seiner eleganten Präsenz. Vervollständigen Sie Ihre Dekoration mit dem Lexington Klaren Glasblock und erleben Sie, wie Ihre Lieblingsstücke auf eine neue Art und Weise erstrahlen.


  • Jetsetter Plus Universaladapter für Globetrotter - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jetsetter Plus Universaladapter für Globetrotter - Weiß

    Jetsetter Plus Universaladapter für Globetrotter - Weiß Der Jetsetter Plus Universaladapter ist der ideale Reisebegleiter für alle Globetrotter, die weltweit unterwegs sind. Mit seiner eleganten weißen Farbgebung fügt er sich nahtlos in jede Reiseausstattung ein und bietet eine Reihe von herausragenden Funktionen: Global einsetzbar: Kompatibel mit Steckdosen in über 150 Ländern, sodass Sie überall auf der Welt Ihre elektronischen Geräte sicher aufladen können. Sofort nutzbar: Die einfache Bedienung ermöglicht eine unkomplizierte Nutzung, ohne dass eine komplizierte Installation erforderlich ist. Sicherheitsfeatures: Ausgestattet mit Schutzmechanismen, die Ihre Geräte vor Überladung und Kurzschlüssen schützen, damit Sie sorgenfrei reisen können. Leicht und kompakt: Das schlanke Design macht ihn zum perfekten Reiseaccessoire, das mühelos in jede Hand- oder Reisetasche passt. Verlieren Sie keine Zeit mit der Suche nach kompatiblen Steckdosen – der Jetsetter Plus Universaladapter ist Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für unvergessliche Reisen!


  • Jetsetter Universaler Reiseadapter - Weltweit Nutzbar - Elegant Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Jetsetter Universaler Reiseadapter - Weltweit Nutzbar - Elegant Weiß

    Jetsetter Universaler Reiseadapter - Weltweit Nutzbar - Elegant Weiß Erleben Sie die Freiheit des Reisens mit dem Jetsetter Universalen Reiseadapter. Dieser elegante, weiße Adapter ist Ihr idealer Begleiter für Abenteuer in über 150 Ländern. Hauptmerkmale: Weltweite Kompatibilität: Nutzen Sie Ihre elektronischen Geräte sorgenfrei in mehr als 150 Ländern. Schickes Design: Das klassische Weiß passt perfekt zu all Ihren Reiseaccessoires und verleiht Ihrem Gepäck einen stilvollen Touch. Einfach zu bedienen: Plug-and-Play-Funktionalität sorgt dafür, dass keine komplizierten Einstellungen erforderlich sind – einfach anschließen und loslegen! Zuverlässiger Schutz: Ausgestattet mit Sicherheitsmechanismen gegen Überspannung und Kurzschlüsse für Ihre Geräte. Kompakt & tragbar: Leicht und platzsparend, passt mühelos in Ihr Handgepäck oder Ihren Rucksack. Mit dem Jetsetter Universalen Reiseadapter sind Sie für jede Reise bestens gerüstet. Machen Sie sich bereit, die Welt zu erkunden!


  • Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät/Smartphone-Halter - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät/Smartphone-Halter - Weiß

    Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät/Smartphone-Halter - Weiß Entdecken Sie das Rewolt RABS Kabellose Ladegerät, das nicht nur durch seine Funktionalität, sondern auch durch sein elegantes Design besticht. Dieses innovative Ladegerät bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen, die es zu einem unverzichtbaren Accessoire für Ihr Smartphone machen. Hauptmerkmale: Kabelloses Laden: Genießen Sie schnelles und effizientes Aufladen Ihrer Geräte ohne lästige Kabel. Handyhalter: Der integrierte Halter sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Smartphone sicher und in einem optimalen Betrachtungswinkel platziert ist. Elegantes Weiß: Das stilvolle Design in Weiß fügt sich nahtlos in jede moderne oder klassische Einrichtung ein. Kompaktes Design: Mit seiner platzsparenden Bauweise hilft es, Ihren Arbeitsbereich ordentlich und organisiert zu halten. Universelle Kompatibilität: Dieses Ladegerät ist mit allen Qi-fähigen Geräten kompatibel, sodass Sie es mit Leichtigkeit nutzen können. Erleben Sie die Zukunft des Aufladens mit dem Rewolt RABS Kabellosen Ladegerät und genießen Sie den Komfort, den es Ihnen bietet!


  • Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät & Smartphone-Ständer - Purweiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät & Smartphone-Ständer - Purweiß

    Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät & Smartphone-Ständer - Purweiß Erleben Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Funktionalität und Stil mit dem Rewolt RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät und Smartphone-Ständer. Dieses 2-in-1-Gerät ist die ideale Lösung für alle, die ihr Smartphone effizient aufladen und gleichzeitig stilvoll präsentieren möchten. Hauptmerkmale: 2-in-1 Funktion: Genießen Sie die Vorteile des kabellosen Ladens, während Ihr Handy sicher steht. Schnelles Aufladen: Profitieren Sie von einer effizienten Energieübertragung, die Ihre Ladezeiten erheblich verkürzt. Elegantes Weiß: Das moderne und minimalistische Design fügt sich nahtlos in jede Einrichtung ein und wertet Ihren Arbeitsplatz auf. Universelle Kompatibilität: Unterstützt alle Qi-fähigen Geräte, sodass Sie die Flexibilität haben, Ihr Smartphone unabhängig von der Marke zu laden. Stabile und sichere Basis: Der robuste Stand sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Gerät während des Ladevorgangs sicher bleibt. Das Rewolt RABS Ladegerät ist nicht nur ein funktionales Gadget, sondern auch ein stilvolles Accessoire, das in jedem Raum einen Platz findet. Gönnen Sie sich das Beste aus beiden Welten und genießen Sie kabelloses Laden in elegantem Design!


  • Takai Tischuhr in Natur-Optik - Eleganter Zeitmesser für jeden Raum TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Takai Tischuhr in Natur-Optik - Eleganter Zeitmesser für jeden Raum

    Takai Tischuhr in Natur-Optik - Eleganter Zeitmesser für jeden Raum Entdecken Sie die perfekte Mischung aus Funktionalität und Ästhetik mit der Takai Tischuhr in Natur-Optik. Diese Uhr ist nicht nur ein Zeitmesser, sondern auch ein stilvolles Dekorationselement, das in jedem Raum zur Geltung kommt. Besondere Merkmale: Natürliches Design: Gefertigt aus umweltfreundlichen Materialien mit einem naturbelassenen Finish, das die Schönheit der Natur in Ihr Zuhause bringt. Kompakte Größe: Die ideale Größe für Schreibtische, Regale oder Nachttische, ohne dabei Platz zu beanspruchen. Klare Zeitangabe: Das einfache Zifferblatt gewährleistet ein müheloses Ablesen der Uhrzeit, egal in welchem Raum Sie sich befinden. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt für den Einsatz im Büro, Wohnzimmer oder Schlafzimmer – diese Uhr passt sich Ihrem Lebensstil an. Stilvolle Dekoration: Ihre schlichte Eleganz fügt sich harmonisch in jede Einrichtung ein und verleiht jedem Raum einen Hauch von Raffinesse. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Zuhause mit der Takai Tischuhr in Natur-Optik einen eleganten Akzent und genießen Sie die Kombination aus stilvollem Design und praktischer Funktionalität.


  • Lightbeat Bluetooth-Lautsprecher - Natürliches Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lightbeat Bluetooth-Lautsprecher - Natürliches Design

    Lightbeat Bluetooth-Lautsprecher - Natürliches Design Erleben Sie Musik auf eine ganz neue Art mit dem Lightbeat Bluetooth-Lautsprecher, der nicht nur durch seine exzellente Klangqualität beeindruckt, sondern auch durch sein nachhaltiges Design. Produkteigenschaften: Nachhaltige Materialien: Hergestellt aus umweltfreundlichen, natürlichen Materialien, die nicht nur gut für die Umwelt sind, sondern auch eine stilvolle Optik bieten. Kabellose Bluetooth-Verbindung: Genießen Sie eine einfache und schnelle Kopplung mit allen Bluetooth-fähigen Geräten für ununterbrochenen Musikgenuss. Kompakt und tragbar: Perfekt für den Einsatz zuhause oder unterwegs – nehmen Sie Ihre Musik überall hin mit. Exzellente Klangqualität: Erleben Sie klaren und kraftvollen Sound, der Ihnen ein beeindruckendes Hörerlebnis bietet. Modernes, natürliches Design: Der Lautsprecher fügt sich stilvoll in jede Einrichtung ein und wird zum echten Blickfang. Lange Akkulaufzeit: Genießen Sie stundenlange Musikwiedergabe ohne Unterbrechung – ideal für lange Tage und Nächte. Der Lightbeat Bluetooth-Lautsprecher vereint Funktionalität und Ästhetik in einem kompakten Gerät. Machen Sie jede Aufnahme zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis!


  • Crompe Kabelloses Ladegerät in Naturtönen - Eleganz und Funktionalität TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Crompe Kabelloses Ladegerät in Naturtönen - Eleganz und Funktionalität

    Crompe Kabelloses Ladegerät in Naturtönen - Eleganz und Funktionalität Entdecken Sie das Crompe Kabellose Ladegerät, das nicht nur durch sein stilvolles, natürliches Design besticht, sondern auch durch seine herausragenden Funktionen: Natürliches Design: Die harmonische Farbgebung in Naturtönen fügt sich perfekt in jede Umgebung ein und ist eine stilvolle Ergänzung für Ihr Zuhause oder Büro. Schnellladefunktion: Genießen Sie die Vorteile der effizienten Schnellladefunktion, die alle Qi-fähigen Geräte in kürzester Zeit auflädt. Breite Kompatibilität: Dieses Ladegerät ist ideal für eine Vielzahl von Smartphones und Gadgets, sodass Sie Ihre Geräte problemlos aufladen können. Sicherheitsmerkmale: Der integrierte Schutz vor Überladung und Überhitzung sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Geräte stets sicher und geschützt sind. Platzsparend: Mit seiner kompakten Größe ist es perfekt für Schreibtische, Nachttische oder jede andere Fläche geeignet. Benutzerfreundlich: Einfaches Auflegen des Geräts startet den Ladevorgang – so leicht war Laden noch nie! Wählen Sie das Crompe Kabellose Ladegerät für eine perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität!


  • Leistungsstarke Energie: RaluWir Powerbank – Stilvolles Design in Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Leistungsstarke Energie: RaluWir Powerbank – Stilvolles Design in Rot

    Leistungsstarke Energie: RaluWir Powerbank – Stilvolles Design in Rot Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Funktionalität mit der RaluWir Powerbank. Diese leistungsstarke Powerbank ist nicht nur ein Blickfang, sondern auch ein unverzichtbares Gadget für alle, die unterwegs sind. Hauptmerkmale: Hohe Kapazität: Ideal für mehrfaches Aufladen Ihrer Geräte, damit Sie immer verbunden bleiben. Stilvolles Design: Das auffällige rote Finish verleiht Ihrem Zubehör einen modernen Look. Kompakt und tragbar: Leicht und einfach zu transportieren, passt perfekt in jede Tasche. Universelle Kompatibilität: Funktioniert mit den meisten USB-Geräten, egal ob Smartphone, Tablet oder andere Gadgets. Sicher: Integrierter Schutz vor Überladung und Kurzschluss sorgt für eine sichere Nutzung. Schnelles Aufladen: Effizientes Laden Ihrer Geräte in kürzester Zeit. Robust: Langlebiges Gehäuse für dauerhaften Einsatz, auch bei intensiver Nutzung. Mit der RaluWir Powerbank sind Sie bestens ausgestattet, um Ihre Geräte jederzeit und überall aufzuladen. Verpassen Sie nie wieder einen wichtigen Moment – investieren Sie in die Zuverlässigkeit und Eleganz dieser Powerbank.


  • RaluHold Magnetisches Kabelloses Ladegerät - Silber TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    RaluHold Magnetisches Kabelloses Ladegerät - Silber

    RaluHold Magnetisches Kabelloses Ladegerät - Silber Entdecken Sie das RaluHold Magnetische Kabellose Ladegerät, das nicht nur durch sein modernes Design besticht, sondern auch durch seine herausragende Funktionalität. Hauptmerkmale: Magnetisches Laden: Dank der integrierten Magnettechnologie dockt Ihr Gerät sicher und präzise an, sodass Sie jederzeit eine stabile Verbindung haben. Kabellose Technologie: Genießen Sie ein effizientes Aufladen ohne störenden Kabelsalat – einfach ablegen und aufladen! Elegantes Silberdesign: Mit seinem stilvollen und modernen Look fügt sich das Ladegerät nahtlos in jede Umgebung ein, sei es im Büro oder im Schlafzimmer. Kompakte Größe: Das platzsparende Design eignet sich perfekt für Ihren Schreibtisch oder Nachttisch, ohne viel Platz in Anspruch zu nehmen. Universelle Kompatibilität: Kompatibel mit allen Qi-fähigen und magnetischen Geräten, ist es die ideale Lösung für verschiedene Smartphone-Modelle und Zubehör. Erleben Sie die Vorteile des RaluHold Magnetischen Kabellosen Ladegeräts und bringen Sie Ihr Ladeerlebnis auf das nächste Level!


  • Komono Vielseitige Tischleuchte in Naturfarbe - Flexibel & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Komono Versatile table lamp in natural color - Flexible & Stylish

    Komono Versatile table lamp in natural color - Flexible & Stylish Discover the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics with the Komono table lamp . This lamp is not only a light source, but also a stylish decorative object that gives any room a warm and inviting atmosphere. Product features: Natural design: The natural color of the lamp blends harmoniously into any interior and creates a cozy ambience. Multiple functions: Whether in the living room, bedroom or office – this lamp effectively illuminates and decorates every room. Energy efficient: Thanks to the environmentally friendly LED technology, you not only contribute to sustainability, but also save on electricity costs. User-friendly: The intuitive touch control enables easy operation – tailored to your needs. Flexibly adjustable: Ideal for reading, working or relaxing – adjust the light intensity according to your needs. Bring not only light but also style into your home with the Komono table lamp!


  • Komono Natur Multifunktions-Tischlampe - Ökologisch, Elegant und Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Komono Nature Multifunctional Table Lamp - Ecological, Elegant and Practical

    Komono Nature Multifunctional Table Lamp - Ecological, Elegant and Practical Discover the Komono Nature multifunctional table lamp , which offers the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality. This lamp is not only a light source, but a stylish accessory for every home. Unique features: Natural design: Made from sustainable materials, the table lamp blends harmoniously into any environment. Integrated features: Enjoy the added benefits of a clock, calendar and temperature display, all in one device. Energy-efficient LED: Save energy with powerful LED technology that provides pleasant lighting. Touch-sensitive switch: The simple operation allows you to quickly switch on and off with just one touch. Versatile use: Perfect for the workplace, living room or bedroom as a stylish bedside lamp. The Komono Nature multifunctional table lamp combines elegance with practical functions and adapts to your lifestyle. Pamper yourself with this multifunctional lamp that not only provides light but also brings a touch of nature into your home.


  • Komono Multifunktionale Tischlampe - Natürliche Optik, Stilvoll & Praktisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Komono Multifunctional Table Lamp - Natural Look, Stylish & Practical

    Komono Multifunctional Table Lamp - Natural Look, Stylish & Practical Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Komono Multifunctional Table Lamp. This innovative lamp is not only a light source, but also a practical companion for your modern life. Main features: Multifunctional: Built-in wireless charger and USB ports for convenient charging of your devices. Natural look: Elegant design in soft, natural colors that blends seamlessly into any interior. Adjustable brightness: Choose from several brightness levels to find the perfect lighting for every situation. Efficient charging: Supports Qi-enabled devices as well as additional USB devices for maximum flexibility. High-quality materials: Durable and stylish, ideal for use in the office or home. Space-saving: The compact design combines lighting and charging functions and saves your space. The Komono Multifunctional Table Lamp is the ideal solution for those who value modern design and practical use. Add a touch of elegance to your room while enjoying the benefits of an intelligent charging system.


  • Chatom RPET Kabelloses Ladegerät & Notizbuch - Tiefblau TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Chatom RPET Wireless Charger & Notebook - Deep Blue

    Chatom RPET Wireless Charger & Notebook - Deep Blue Discover the perfect combination of functionality and style with the Chatom RPET Wireless Charger & Notebook . This innovative product is not only a charger, but also a practical notebook that makes your everyday work easier. Product features: Dual Use: Combines a wireless charger with an integrated notebook to give you maximum efficiency. Environmentally friendly: Made from recycled PET (RPET), this product is sustainable and robust, ideal for environmentally conscious users. Dark blue finish: With its elegant, deep blue design, it will be an eye-catcher in any office or home. Universal Compatibility: Works with all Qi-enabled devices, so you can charge your devices anytime, anywhere. Ideal for busy people: Charge your device while you schedule meetings or take notes - all in one place. Compact and portable: Easy to carry, perfect for on the go or as a stylish accessory on your desk. Experience the ideal solution for modern working with the Chatom RPET Wireless Charger & Notebook . Make every working day more efficient and environmentally friendly!


  • Trance RABS Durchsichtige Bluetooth Earbuds - Kabellos, Schneeweiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Trance RABS Clear Bluetooth Earbuds - Wireless, Snow White

    Trance RABS Clear Bluetooth Earbuds - Wireless, Snow White Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Trance RABS Clear Bluetooth Earbuds . These wireless earbuds are not only a technical masterpiece, but also a fashion accessory that complements any look. Main features: Clear sound: Enjoy high-quality audio thanks to Trance RABS's advanced Bluetooth technology. Transparent design: The stylish and transparent earphones combine technology and aesthetics to give you a unique listening experience. Easy connection: Easily pair the earbuds with all Bluetooth-enabled devices – quickly and without complications. Long battery life: Enjoy up to 8 hours of continuous music playback or phone calls, no matter where you are. Modern white: The elegant, snow-white finish creates a timeless look that goes with any outfit. Choose the Trance RABS Clear Bluetooth Earbuds and take your listening experience to the next level. Perfect for music lovers and technology enthusiasts who value design and quality.


  • Renergy RABS Kabelloses Ladegerät - Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Renergy RABS Wireless Charger - White

    Renergy RABS Wireless Charger - White Experience the future of charging with the Renergy RABS wireless charger in elegant white. This innovative charger combines modern design with outstanding functionality and offers a variety of advantages: Wireless charging: Enjoy fast and efficient charging of your devices without the hassle of cables. Elegant white: The stylish design fits perfectly into any modern interior and adds a touch of elegance to your room. Compact size: Ideal for your desk or bedside table, the charger takes up little space and keeps your environment tidy. High compatibility: Works with all Qi-enabled smartphones and devices, so you have no restrictions on use. Fast charging function: Benefit from fast charging times to quickly charge your devices and always be ready for use. Rely on modern design and practical functionality with the Renergy RABS wireless charger – the perfect solution for your mobile life!


  • Nihon USB-Ladekabel - Naturfarben TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Nihon USB Charging Cable - Natural

    Nihon USB Charging Cable - Natural Discover the Nihon USB charging cable , the perfect accessory for your mobile devices! This cable combines functionality with a stylish, natural design, offering you an environmentally friendly solution for all your charging needs. Special features: Sustainable Material: Made from eco-friendly resources that not only protect the environment but also preserve your devices. Universal Compatibility: This charger supports all popular ports, including USB-C, Lightning and Micro-USB, so you can use it with almost any device. Natural look: With its stylish design in natural colors, it blends harmoniously into your surroundings and is a real eye-catcher. Compact and portable: Ideal for everyday use, traveling or in the office - the lightweight and space-saving design fits easily into any bag. Durable and robust: Designed for continuous use, this cable offers reliability and a long service life. Choose the Nihon USB charging cable for a sustainable, stylish and practical solution to your charging needs!


  • Walger Kabellose Ladestation - Leuchtend Rot TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Walger Wireless Charging Station - Bright Red

    Walger Wireless Charging Station - Bright Red Discover the Walger Wireless Charging Station , the perfect solution for modern charging without the hassle of cables. This innovative charging station combines functionality with an eye-catching design and offers you everything you need for a smooth charging experience. Main features: Wireless charging: Experience the freedom to charge your devices easily and without cables. Eye-catching red: The stylish design makes the charging station a real eye-catcher in any room. Fast charging performance: Benefit from efficient energy transfer for fast charging of your devices. Compact and portable: Ideal for on the go - fits perfectly on any desk or nightstand. Universal compatibility: Suitable for all Qi-enabled smartphones and devices. The Walger wireless charging station combines practically all the advantages you would want from a modern charging station. Make charging a stylish experience!


  • Wirbo Plus Kabellose Ladestation - Natürliches Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Wirbo Plus Wireless Charging Station - Natural Design

    Wirbo Plus Wireless Charging Station - Natural Design Experience the freedom of wireless charging with the Wirbo Plus Wireless Charging Station . This innovative charging station simplifies your charging experience while blending harmoniously into your surroundings. Special features: Wireless charging: Simply place your device on the station and enjoy the benefits of wireless charging. Natural design: The environmentally friendly look ensures that the charging station fits into any interior and is both stylish and functional. Fast charging technology: Benefit from efficient charging without long waiting times – perfect for hectic everyday life. Space-saving: Thanks to its compact design, the charging station is ideal for small spaces such as bedside tables or desks. Versatile: The Wirbo Plus charging station is compatible with all Qi-enabled smartphones, so you can easily charge numerous devices. Add a touch of elegance and functionality to your charging experience with the Wirbo Plus Wireless Charging Station – the perfect solution for modern and environmentally conscious charging.


  • Klarer Stil: SeeBank transparente Powerbank – natürlich und leistungsstark TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Clear style: SeeBank transparent power bank – natural and powerful

    Clear style: SeeBank transparent power bank – natural and powerful Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the SeeBank transparent power bank. This innovative power bank impresses not only with its modern design, but also with its powerful functions. Unique design The transparent case gives the power bank a modern and natural look that stands out from other devices. Show your individual style while charging your devices. High capacity With a high capacity, this power bank is ideal for charging your devices multiple times on the go. Whether it's a smartphone, tablet or other USB device, you'll always stay connected. Compact and portable Lightweight and easy to carry, the SeeBank power bank fits easily into your bag or backpack. Perfect for travel, the office or everyday use. Universal Compatibility The power bank works with most USB devices, so you don't have to worry about compatibility. Charge everything you need with ease. Safety first Thanks to the integrated protection against overcharging and short circuiting, you can charge without worry. Your devices are always safe and protected. Fast charging Enjoy efficient charging of your devices so you can be up and running again quickly. No more long waiting times! longevity The power bank's robust casing ensures long-lasting use so you can rely on your technology whenever you need it. Treat yourself to the clarity and performance of the SeeBank transparent power bank and stay connected to the world!


  • SeeMag Magnetisches Kabelloses Ladegerät - Natur TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SeeMag Magnetic Wireless Charger - Natural

    SeeMag Magnetic Wireless Charger - Natural Discover the SeeMag Magnetic Wireless Charger that will revolutionize the way you charge your devices. This charger combines innovative technology with a stylish, natural design to give you an unparalleled charging experience. Unique features: Magnetic attachment: Enjoy secure and precise alignment of your device thanks to the integrated magnets. No more slipping - just place it on and charge! Wireless charging: Say goodbye to cables! With our charger you can charge your devices efficiently and conveniently without cables. Natural design: The elegant appearance blends harmoniously into any environment and gives your room a modern touch. Compact design: This charger saves space and is therefore ideal for your desk or bedside table. Universal Compatibility: The SeeMag charger is compatible with all Qi-enabled devices, so you can use it for a variety of smartphones and accessories. Upgrade your charging experience and enjoy the benefits of faster and more beautiful charging with the SeeMag Magnetic Wireless Charger . Ideal for home or office - you won't want to be without it!


  • RalooBeat kabelloser Bluetooth-Speaker - rot - leistungsstark und stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    RalooBeat wireless Bluetooth speaker - red - powerful and stylish

    RalooBeat wireless Bluetooth speaker - red - powerful and stylish Discover the RalooBeat wireless Bluetooth speaker , a must-have for music lovers who value style and sound quality. This portable speaker combines functionality and modern design to give you an unparalleled listening experience. Main features: Wireless connection: Enjoy the freedom of Bluetooth technology, which allows effortless pairing with your devices. Powerful sound: Experience clear and dynamic sound that brings your music to life and provides an intense listening experience. Portable design: With its lightweight and compact format, this speaker is the perfect companion for on the go. Eye-catching color: The stylish red design sets a modern accent and makes the speaker a real eye-catcher. Long battery life: Enjoy hours of uninterrupted music enjoyment - ideal for parties, trips or relaxing evenings at home. Easy to use: The user-friendly buttons allow for straightforward control so you can concentrate on the music. Give your music more expression and style with the RalooBeat wireless Bluetooth speaker . Get powerful sound in a contemporary design!


  • Kabelloser Lumifi Lautsprecher mit Ladefunktion - Grau, Bluetooth-kompatibel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Lumifi Wireless Speaker with Charging Function - Gray, Bluetooth Compatible

    Lumifi Wireless Speaker with Charging Function - Gray, Bluetooth Compatible Discover the ultimate music enjoyment with our Lumifi wireless speaker. This innovative speaker combines high-quality audio with a convenient charging function to give you the best listening experience. Main features: High-quality sound: Enjoy impressive audio quality that brings your music to life. Built-in charger: Conveniently charge your devices while immersing yourself in your favorite music. Modern design: The elegant grey finish fits perfectly into any interior and sets stylish accents. Bluetooth connection: Easy and quick pairing with smartphones, tablets and other Bluetooth-enabled devices. Compact and portable: Ideal for on the go - lightweight and easy to transport for music enjoyment anywhere. Whether at home or on the go, the wireless Lumifi speaker is the perfect companion for all music lovers. Get the ultimate sound and functionality in an elegant design!


  • SeeCharge Durchsichtiges Kabelloses Ladegerät - Natur Transparent TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    SeeCharge Clear Wireless Charger - Natural Transparent

    Transparent design: Elegant, transparent finish that combines modern technology with natural aesthetics. Wireless charging: Provides a simple and efficient way to charge your devices without the hassle of cables. Environmentally friendly material: Made from sustainable, nature-based components. Universal Compatibility: Supports all Qi-enabled devices for versatile use. Easy to use: Simply place the device on the charger and start charging.


  • WheaCharge Kabellose Ladematte - Natürliches Design TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    WheaCharge Wireless Charging Mat - Natural Design

    Wireless technology: Enables easy and fast charging without a cable connection. Natural finish: Stylish, eco-friendly design that suits any decor. Efficient charging: Fast charging of your devices with safe energy transfer. Compact and handy: Ideal for on the go, lightweight and easy to store. Wide compatibility: Works with all Qi-enabled smartphones and devices.


  • Koruku USB Ladekabel - Natur Nachhaltiges und Schnellladendes Kabel für alle Geräte TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Koruku USB Charging Cable - Natural Sustainable and Fast Charging Cable for all Devices

    Sustainable materials: environmentally friendly and durable Fast charging function: Efficient charging for smartphones, tablets and more Natural look: Stylish design in natural colors Universal compatibility: Works with all USB-enabled devices Robust and durable: Withstands intensive use Lightweight and flexible: perfect for home, office and on the go Safety features: protection against overvoltage and short circuit


  • Komugo USB Ladekabel - Natur Umweltfreundliches und Hochwertiges Ladezubehör TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Komugo USB Charging Cable - Natural Environmentally friendly and high-quality charging accessories

    Environmentally friendly materials: Sustainable and durable, gentle on the environment Fast charging: Efficient charging speed for different devices Natural look: Attractive design in natural color Universal compatibility: Suitable for all USB-enabled devices Robust and durable: Withstands daily use Flexible and lightweight: ideal for on the go, at home and in the office Safety features: protection against overvoltage and short circuit


  • Recharge USB-Ladegerät - Weiß Effizientes, Schnellladendes USB-Netzteil für Alle Ihre Geräte TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Recharge USB Charger - White Efficient, fast-charging USB power supply for all your devices

    Recharge USB Charger - White Experience the future of charging with our efficient, fast-charging USB power adapter that is suitable for all your devices. This charger combines the latest technology with a sleek design and offers you an optimal charging solution for on the go. Product features: Fast charging function: Enjoy lightning-fast and efficient charging for smartphones, tablets and other USB-enabled devices. Compact design: The space-saving and lightweight design makes it ideal for on the go and fits easily into any bag. Universal Compatibility: Works with all USB-enabled devices so you'll never be left without power again. Elegant white: The stylish and timeless design blends harmoniously into any interior and always looks good. Robust and durable: Made of high-quality materials, it ensures long-lasting use that will convince you. Safety features: Equipped with protection mechanisms against overcharging, overheating and short circuit for your safety. User-friendly: Easy to connect and ready to use – perfect convenience for every user. Choose the Recharge USB charger and experience a new dimension of charging that is not only efficient but also stylish.


  • Tenkebo Wetterstation - Natürliches Holz Thermometer, Hygrometer und Uhr TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Tenkebo Weather Station - Natural Wooden Thermometer, Hygrometer and Clock

    Material: Made of natural wood, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Multifunctional: Combines thermometer, hygrometer and clock in one elegant device. Design: Classic, minimalist design that complements any decor. Thermometer: Precise indoor temperature measurements. Hygrometer: Measures current humidity. Clock: Clear, easy-to-read clock for accurate time display. Dimensions: Compact, ideal for desks, shelves and bedside tables. Gift idea: Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Enjoy the perfect blend of functionality and natural beauty with this versatile weather station.


  • Galaxy RABS Multitask-Schreibtischleuchte in Weiß - Modern & Flexibel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Galaxy RABS Multitask Desk Lamp in White - Modern & Flexible

    Flexible settings: Adjustable brightness and multiple light modes for every situation. Modern design: Stylish in white, matches any office or home decor. Energy efficient: LED technology saves electricity and protects the environment. Touch control: Easy operation via touch sensors. Durable and reliable: Built for durability and consistent performance.


  • Galaxy RABS Multifunktionale Schreibtischleuchte - Weiß, Vielseitig und Modern TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Galaxy RABS Multifunctional Desk Lamp - White, Versatile and Modern

    Modern LED technology: energy-saving and bright. Adjustable design: Flexible for optimal light direction. Touch operation: Easy control of brightness. Sleek white: fits perfectly in any office or home. Multiple functions: With additional features such as USB charging port.


  • Horubo Vielseitiger Stiftehalter aus Naturmaterialien - Ordnung mit Stil TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Horubo Versatile pen holder made of natural materials - order with style

    Material: Made from high-quality, environmentally friendly natural materials. Design: Simple and stylish, fits harmoniously into any office or home. Function: Provides enough space for pens, scissors and other office supplies. Durability: Robust and durable, ideal for everyday use. Eco-friendly: Supports a sustainable living environment through natural material choices.


  • Chronos Sanduhr in Naturfarben - Zeitlos, Elegant & Ökologisch TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Chronos Hourglass in Natural Colors - Timeless, Elegant & Ecological

    Natural aesthetics: Simple design in natural tones, fits into any interior. Versatile application: Ideal for time management at home, school or in the office. Environmentally friendly: No batteries required, completely mechanical. Practical time measure: Perfect for measuring short periods of time. Decorative element: Functions both as a useful tool and as a stylish decor.


  • Bombra Bambus Notizhalter - Naturfarben, Öko-Freundlich & Stilvoll TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Bombra Bamboo Note Holder - Natural Colors, Eco-Friendly & Stylish

    Bombra Bamboo Note Holder - Natural Colors, Eco-Friendly & Stylish Discover the Bombra bamboo note holder , which is not only functional but also a real eye-catcher for your office. Made from environmentally friendly bamboo , this note holder combines sustainability with modern design. Natural material: Enjoy the benefits of an eco-friendly product made from 100% natural bamboo. Simple design: The elegant natural color blends harmoniously into any office interior and creates a stylish atmosphere. Durable: Thanks to its robust construction, this note holder is designed for long-term use and can withstand daily demands. Versatile: Whether for notes, letters or as a practical bookend – the Bombra bamboo note holder is a true all-rounder. Easy care: It is easy to clean and maintain so that it always remains in top condition. Enrich your office with the Bombra bamboo note holder and focus on style and sustainability!


  • Wlick Drahtlose Maus - Klassisches Weiß TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Wlick Wireless Mouse - Classic White

    Seamless connection: Provides interference-free 2.4 GHz wireless operation. Simple white: elegant and modern, ideal for any workplace. Plug & Play: Easy to set up without additional software. Compact design: Ideal for mobile use and space-saving work environments. Comfortable use: Ergonomic design for hours of work without fatigue.


  • Eleganter Zring Schlüsselanhänger in Silber - Stilvolles und Robustes Accessoire für Ihre Schlüssel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Elegant Zring keychain in silver - stylish and robust accessory for your keys

    Elegant Zring keychain in silver - stylish and robust accessory for your keys Discover the elegant Zring keychain in silver , a must-have for anyone who values ​​style and functionality. This keychain combines elegant design with practical features and is the ideal accessory for every day. Main features: Elegant design: The elegant and timeless look of the Zring keychain gives your keys a touch of luxury. Robust material: Made of high-quality metal, this keychain guarantees durability and resistance - perfect for everyday use. Practical and versatile, it's great for safely storing keys, pendants, and small accessories so you have everything in one place. Compact and lightweight: The keychain fits easily into any pocket or handbag without taking up valuable space. Secure attachment: The sturdy closure ensures that your keys are always safe and within reach - ideal for on the go. Choose the elegant Zring keychain in silver and combine style with functionality. An indispensable accessory for anyone who values ​​quality.


  • Loggy Schlüsselanhänger in Naturtönen - Öko-Chic Accessoire TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Loggy keychain in natural tones - eco-chic accessory

    Natural design: Aesthetics in earth tones, ideal for nature lovers. Environmentally friendly material: Made from sustainable, natural resources. Versatile: Perfect for keys, backpacks or as a stylish bag decoration. Lightweight and compact: easy to carry without adding bulk. Ideal gift: A lovely present for environmentally conscious friends and family.


  • Slidy Lineal mit integriertem Schiebe-Puzzle in Weiß – Spaßig & Funktional TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Slidy Ruler with Integrated Sliding Puzzle in White – Fun & Functional

    Built-in sliding puzzle: Provides entertainment and promotes creativity while working. Simple white: a stylish addition to any desk. 30 cm length: Ideal for precise measurements in school and office. Robust material: Durable and resistant to daily wear and tear. Versatile: Perfect for students and office workers who value fun in their workplace.


  • Hopfanatic Untersetzer - Weiß: Stilvoll, langlebig, rutschfest, hitzebeständig, vielseitig TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Hopfanatic Coasters - White: Stylish, durable, non-slip, heat-resistant, versatile

    Hopfanatic Coasters - White: Stylish, durable, non-slip, heat-resistant, versatile Discover the Hopfanatic coaster in elegant white, which is not only a functional accessory but also a stylish element for your interior. This coaster combines modern design with exceptional functionality and is the perfect choice for any table. Main features: Modern design: The simple and elegant look blends harmoniously into any ambience and enhances your table decoration. Durable and sturdy: Made from high-quality materials, this coaster is ideal for everyday use and will give you years of enjoyment. Non-slip: The special surface ensures a secure hold for glasses and cups, so spills and slipping are a thing of the past. Heat resistant: Protect your furniture from the effects of hot cups and jugs - perfect for both hot and cold drinks. Versatile: Whether at home, in the office or at special occasions and parties - this coaster is versatile and easy to clean. Choose the Hopfanatic coaster for a stylish, practical and easy-care companion that not only protects your tables but also visually enhances them.


  • Typica Cappuccino-Set in Reinweiß - Stilvoll & Modern TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Typica Cappuccino Set in Pure White - Stylish & Modern

    Typica Cappuccino Set in Pure White - Stylish & Modern Experience the perfect coffee enjoyment with our Typica Cappuccino set , which comes in elegant pure white. This set is not only functional, but also a real eye-catcher in your kitchen. Complete set The set includes: A stylish cappuccino cup A matching saucer Ideal for coffee enjoyment Enjoy your frothy cappuccino in the perfect cup, specially designed for this moment of enjoyment. Timeless design The simple and modern design blends harmoniously into any interior and gives your coffee table a touch of elegance. High-quality material Made from robust porcelain, the material stores heat optimally and ensures long-lasting coffee enjoyment. Easy-care The cappuccino set is dishwasher safe, making cleaning effortless and time-saving. Add a stylish touch to your coffee experience with the Typica Cappuccino Set in pure white!


  • Mocca Espresso-Set in Schneeweiß - Klassisch & Elegant TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Mocca Espresso Set in Snow White - Classic & Elegant

    Mocca Espresso Set in Snow White - Classic & Elegant Discover the perfect set for true espresso lovers! Our Mocca espresso set in brilliant snow white combines functionality and aesthetics in one. Product features: Complete set: Includes a stylish espresso cup and matching saucer. Perfect for enjoyment: Enjoy your authentic Mocca Espresso in an elegant ambience. Elegant design: The classic shape blends harmoniously into any table decoration. High-quality workmanship: Made from fine porcelain, guarantees durability and timeless elegance. Easy to maintain: Dishwasher safe, ensures effortless cleaning after each use. Treat yourself or your guests to a touch of luxury with our Mocca Espresso Set – the perfect choice for stylish coffee breaks and social gatherings!


  • Revery Keramiktasse für farbige Gravur, 350 ml - Weiß-Gelb, Hochwertiger Becher, Personalisierbar TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Revery ceramic mug for colored engraving, 350 ml - white-yellow, high-quality mug, personalizable

    Revery ceramic mug for colored engraving, 350 ml - white-yellow, high-quality mug, personalizable Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Revery ceramic mug. This exquisite mug not only offers an attractive design but also versatile uses. Product features: High-quality material: Made of durable ceramic, which ensures a long service life. Capacity: With 350 ml, the cup is ideal for your daily coffee, tea or other drinks. Elegant design: The stylish white and yellow color combination makes it a real eye-catcher and is ideal for personal engravings. Personalizable: Customize your mug with colorful engravings - perfect for expressing your personality. Ergonomic handle: The comfortable handle allows for a pleasant hold, making every cup a pleasure. Easy to clean: The cup is dishwasher safe, making cleaning effortless. Versatile use: Ideal for everyday use at home or in the office - enjoy your drinks in style. Perfect gift idea: Whether for special occasions or just because, the Revery mug makes a great personalized gift for friends and family. Add a touch of elegance to your everyday life with the Revery ceramic mug – your new favorite mug!


  • Angama RPET Picknickdecke in Schwarz - Nachhaltig & Komfortabel TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Angama RPET Picnic Blanket in Black - Sustainable & Comfortable

    Angama RPET Picnic Blanket in Black - Sustainable & Comfortable Experience unforgettable moments outdoors with the Angama RPET picnic blanket , which is not only functional but also environmentally friendly. This blanket is perfect for those who appreciate style and sustainability. Unique features: Eco-friendly RPET: Made from recycled plastic bottles, this blanket ensures a smaller ecological footprint. Elegant black: The stylish color is dirt-resistant and is ideal for all outdoor activities. Lightweight and portable: Easy to fold and carry, ideal for picnics, camping and outings with friends and family. Water-repellent: Protects against moisture and is easy to clean, so you don't have to worry about the surface. Generous size: Provides enough space for your family and friends so that everyone has a comfortable place. Enjoy nature to the fullest with the Angama RPET picnic blanket – the perfect choice for environmentally conscious adventurers!


  • Vantaa RPET Flanelldecke - Umweltfreundliche naturfarbene Decke für ultimativen Komfort TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Vantaa RPET Flannel Blanket - Eco-friendly natural colored blanket for ultimate comfort

    Vantaa RPET Flannel Blanket - Eco-friendly natural colored blanket for ultimate comfort Discover the perfect combination of comfort and sustainability with the Vantaa RPET flannel blanket. Made from recycled PET (rPET), this eco-friendly blanket not only offers you warmth but also a clear conscience. Product features: Sustainable material: Made from recycled PET, this blanket provides environmentally friendly warmth. Elegant colors: The natural-colored design blends harmoniously into any living environment and gives your room an elegant touch. Cozy comfort: The soft flannel material offers you unforgettable, warm moments of relaxation. Versatile use: Ideal for your sofa, bed, travel or outdoor activities - this blanket is always the perfect companion. Easy care: Machine washable and durable, the blanket remains soft and dimensionally stable even after many washes. Treat yourself or your loved ones to this excellent flannel blanket and experience how sustainability and comfort go hand in hand.


  • Foglio RPET Decke - Naturfarbene nachhaltige Decke für umweltbewusste Gemütlichkeit TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Foglio RPET Blanket - Natural-colored sustainable blanket for environmentally conscious coziness

    Foglio RPET Blanket - Natural-colored sustainable blanket for environmentally conscious coziness Discover the perfect combination of style, comfort and environmental awareness with the Foglio RPET blanket. This natural blanket is not only an asset to your home, but also an eco-friendly choice for those who value sustainability. Product features: Material: Made from recycled PET (rPET), this blanket provides sustainable warmth and protects the environment. Color: The calming natural tones add an elegant touch to any room and create a pleasant atmosphere. Comfort: With its soft and fluffy texture, the blanket provides ultimate comfort - ideal for relaxing evenings at home. Sustainable: An eco-friendly choice for conscious consumers who want to make a positive contribution to the environment. Versatile: Perfect for use at home, while traveling or during outdoor activities - the Foglio RPET blanket is your reliable companion. Choose the Foglio RPET blanket and enjoy not only comfort but also a clear conscience. Make a difference with every warm moment!


  • Espoo Flannel-Decke - Beige, weiche und stilvolle Decke für jede Jahreszeit TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Espoo Flannel Blanket - Beige, soft and stylish blanket for every season

    Espoo Flannel Blanket - Beige, soft and stylish blanket for every season Discover the perfect combination of comfort and style with the Espoo Flannel Blanket . This blanket is not only a practical accessory but also an elegant element for your home. Product features: Material: Soft flannel that provides cozy warmth and ultimate comfort. Color: Subtle beige that adds an elegant touch to any room. Size: Ideal for cozy evenings at home or on the go, perfect for every situation. Versatile: Whether on the sofa, in bed, while traveling or during outdoor activities - this blanket always fits. Easy care: Machine washable and durable, the blanket retains its softness even after many washes. Treat yourself to the Espoo Flannel Blanket and experience the difference that quality and style can make in your everyday life. Ideal for any season - your new favorite blanket is waiting for you!


  • Sammia Korallen-Fleecedecke - Blau-Weiße Decke für kuschelige Gemütlichkeit TK Gruppe® Grosshandel 

    Sammia Coral Fleece Blanket - Blue and White Blanket for Cozy Comfort

    Sammia Coral Fleece Blanket - Blue and White Blanket for Cozy Comfort Experience ultimate comfort and warmth with the Sammia Coral Fleece Blanket . This blanket is designed to provide you with a sense of security on cold days and cozy evenings. Product features: Material: Made of soft coral fleece, known for its pleasant warmth and comfort. Color: The harmonious combination of blue and white gives any room a fresh and inviting look. Size: Ideal for sofa, bed, camping or simply for relaxing evenings on the couch. Design: Featuring a stylish pattern that is both modern and timeless and fits perfectly into any decor. Easy care: This blanket is machine washable and remains soft and dimensionally stable even after many washes. Treat yourself to the Sammia coral fleece blanket and transform your home into an oasis of coziness. Ideal for relaxing evenings with a book or watching a film!



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