Entdecken Sie hochwertige Geschenksets und stilvolle Accessoires, perfekt für jeden Anlass. Von Pflege- und Parfümsets bis hin zu Kosmetikaccessoires – ideal als Geschenk oder für die eigene Verwöhnung. Unsere Auswahl bietet exklusive Sets, die durch Qualität und Design überzeugen. Machen Sie Ihren Liebsten oder sich selbst eine Freude.
Geschenksets & Accessoires
Plüschtiere mit Herz assortiert 25 cm
Entdecken Sie die bezaubernden Plüschtiere mit Herz! Unsere assortierten Plüschtiere sind nicht nur kuschelig weich, sondern auch mit einem liebevollen Herz gestaltet, das jeden zum Schmelzen bringt. Mit einer Größe von 25 cm sind sie die perfekten Begleiter für Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen. Kuschelweich: Ideal zum Umarmen und Liebhaben. Vielseitige Auswahl: Jedes Tier bringt seinen eigenen Charme mit. Perfektes Geschenk: Eine wunderbare Überraschung für jeden Anlass. Bringen Sie Freude in Ihr Zuhause mit unseren Plüschtiere mit Herz – ein Must-Have für jeden Plüschliebhaber!
Spin Master Cool Maker Go Glam Nagelüberraschung Press ON Mani Set 15x28cm
Entdecke den Spin Master Cool Maker Go Glam Nagelüberraschung Press ON Mani Set! Dieses aufregende Kit mit den Maßen 15x28cm bietet dir die Möglichkeit, deine Nägel auf kreative Art und Weise zu gestalten. Einfaches Auftragen: Die Press ON Nägel lassen sich schnell und mühelos anbringen. Vielfältige Designs: Kreiere einzigartige Nageldesigns für jeden Anlass. Ideal für kreative Köpfe: Perfekt für alle, die Spaß an Nagelkunst haben. Verwandle deine Nägel in ein modisches Statement mit dem Go Glam Nagelüberraschung Set!
Retro Geldbörse mit Pailletten 9x9cm, 6 Stück assortiert in Display (24)
Entdecken Sie die charmante Retro Geldbörse mit Pailletten in einer kompakten Größe von 9x9 cm! Diese stilvollen und auffälligen Geldbörsen kommen in einem Set von 6 verschiedenen Designs und werden in einem praktischen Display geliefert. Produkteigenschaften: Retro-Design: Bringen Sie einen Hauch von Nostalgie in Ihren Alltag. Pailletten-Applikation: Funkelnde Details sorgen für einen besonderen Glanz. Kompakte Größe: Ideal für kleine Taschen oder als modisches Accessoire. Assortiertes Set: Sechs verschiedene Designs bieten Vielfalt und Auswahl. Praktisches Display: Perfekt für den Verkauf oder die Präsentation. Perfekt für jeden Anlass, seien es Geschenke oder persönliche Nutzung – die Retro Geldbörse mit Pailletten ist eine stilvolle Wahl!
Playboy Notizbuch und Adressbuch A6 11x15cm
Entdecken Sie das Playboy Notizbuch und Adressbuch im praktischen A6 Format (11x15 cm), das nicht nur stilvoll ist, sondern auch Funktionalität bietet. Praktische Größe: Ideal für unterwegs, passt in jede Tasche. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt für Notizen, Adressen und persönliche Gedanken. Elegantes Design: Verleiht Ihrem Alltag einen Hauch von Glamour. Ein Must-Have für alle, die Stil und Praktikabilität schätzen!
Disney Lilo & Stitch Plüsch Taschenclip 3 assortiert 14cm
Entdecken Sie die bezaubernden Disney Lilo & Stitch Plüsch Taschenclips, die in drei verschiedenen Designs erhältlich sind und jeweils 14 cm groß sind. Diese niedlichen Clips sind nicht nur ein Blickfang, sondern auch praktisch! Perfekt zum Anbringen an Taschen, Rucksäcken oder Schlüsselringen, bringen sie einen Hauch von Disney-Magie in Ihren Alltag. Vielseitig: Ideal zum Dekorieren Ihrer Taschen oder als Schlüsselanhänger. Niedliches Design: Jedes Clip-Design bringt die liebenswerten Charaktere aus Lilo & Stitch zum Leben. Hochwertige Materialien: Weicher Plüsch sorgt für ein angenehmes Gefühl und lange Haltbarkeit. Hol dir diese charmanten Plüsch Taschenclips und bringe den Spaß von Lilo & Stitch überall mit hin!
Bella Make-up Set 3 Sorten 18x30cm
Entdecken Sie das Bella Make-up Set! Dieses einzigartige Set umfasst drei verschiedene Sorten, jeweils in der praktischen Größe von 18x30cm. Perfekt für alle Make-up-Liebhaber, die Vielfalt schätzen und ihre Beauty-Routine aufpeppen möchten. Drei verschiedene Sorten: Für jeden Stil und Anlass geeignet. Kompakte Größe: Ideal für unterwegs oder zu Hause. Hochwertige Materialien: Sorgfältig ausgewählt für ein perfektes Finish. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Look mit dem Bella Make-up Set einen Hauch von Eleganz und Abwechslung!
Bella Make-up Set im Regal 6 assortierte Stücke 8x12cm
Entdecken Sie das Bella Make-up Set im Regal! Dieses attraktive Set bietet Ihnen: 6 assortierte Stücke für eine vielseitige Make-up-Anwendung Praktische Größe von 8x12cm – ideal für unterwegs oder im Badezimmer Ein stilvolles Display, das Ihre Make-up-Sammlung elegant präsentiert Perfekt für Make-up-Liebhaber, die Qualität und Design schätzen. Holen Sie sich das Bella Make-up Set und verleihen Sie Ihrem Look den letzten Schliff!
Mädchen geheimes Tagebuch mit Schloss und Stift 13x20cm
Entdecken Sie das perfekte Tagebuch für junge Mädchen! Dieses geheime Tagebuch kommt mit einem praktischen Schloss und einem Stift, um all ihre Geheimnisse sicher aufzubewahren. Mit den Maßen von 13x20cm bietet es ausreichend Platz für Gedanken, Träume und Abenteuer. Geheimnisvoll: Das Schloss schützt ihre persönlichen Gedanken. Inklusive Stift: Sofort bereit zum Schreiben! Ideale Größe: Perfekt für Zuhause oder unterwegs. Ein ideales Geschenk für kreative und vertrauensvolle Mädchen, die ihre Fantasie ausleben möchten!
Baby Rose Wickeltasche mit Zubehör 16,5x19cm
Entdecken Sie die süße und praktische Baby Rose Wickeltasche, perfekt für alle frischgebackenen Eltern. Mit einer kompakten Größe von 16,5x19cm bietet diese Tasche ausreichend Platz für alle wichtigen Dinge Ihres Babys. Stylisches Design: Die Baby Rose Wickeltasche vereint Funktionalität mit einem ansprechenden Look. Vielseitiges Zubehör: Kommt mit praktischem Zubehör, um Ihre Bedürfnisse unterwegs zu erfüllen. Komfortabel und leicht: Ideal zum Mitnehmen, ohne dabei an Stil zu verlieren. Perfekt für Ausflüge oder den täglichen Gebrauch – die Baby Rose Wickeltasche ist ein Muss für jeden Elternteil!
Garfield Plüschfigur mit Herz 30cm
Entdecken Sie die zauberhafte Garfield Plüschfigur mit Herz, die mit einer Höhe von 30 cm jedem Raum Leben einhaucht. Diese süße Garfield-Plüschfigur vereint Komfort und Freude, und ist das perfekte Geschenk für jeden Fan! Hochwertiges Plüschmaterial: Weich und kuschelig für maximalen Komfort. Herz-Design: Verleiht der Figur eine besondere Note und macht sie zu einem idealen Begleiter. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt zum Kuscheln, Dekorieren oder als Geschenk. Bereichern Sie Ihr Zuhause oder das Leben eines geliebten Menschen mit dieser charmanten Garfield-Plüschfigur!
Isabella Make-up Set in runder Box 16x24cm
Entdecken Sie das Isabella Make-up Set in einer eleganten runden Box (16x24cm), das Ihre Schönheitsroutine revolutioniert. Praktische Größe: Ideal für Zuhause und auf Reisen Elegantes Design: Stilvolle runde Box, die Ihre Kosmetikartikel perfekt präsentiert Vielfalt: Enthält alles, was Sie für ein perfektes Make-up benötigen Verleihen Sie Ihrer Schönheit den letzten Schliff mit diesem charmanten Set!
Isabella Nagellackset in Box, 12-teilig, 21x21cm
Entdecken Sie das Isabella Nagellackset in Box, 12-teilig! Perfekt für die Nagelpflege und kreative Gestaltung, bietet dieses Set eine umfassende Auswahl an Farben für jeden Anlass. 12 verschiedene Nagellacke: Vielfältige Farbauswahl für individuelle Styles. Kompakte Boxgröße: Mit 21x21cm ideal für die Aufbewahrung und den Transport. Hochwertige Formulierung: Langanhaltender Glanz und brillante Farben. Perfekt für Geschenke: Eine wunderschöne Box, die jede Nagellackliebhaberin begeistern wird. Verleihen Sie Ihren Nägeln das perfekte Finish mit dem Isabella Nagellackset!
Isabella Kosmetikkoffer auf Karte 17,5x32,5cm
Entdecken Sie den eleganten Isabella Kosmetikkoffer auf Karte mit den Maßen 17,5x32,5cm. Dieser stilvolle Kosmetikkoffer vereint Funktionalität und Design, perfekt für die Aufbewahrung Ihrer Make-up-Artikel. Kompakte Größe: Ideal für Reisen oder den täglichen Gebrauch. Robustes Material: Langlebig und pflegeleicht. Elegantes Design: Passt zu jedem Ambiente und persönlichem Stil. Erleben Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Stil und Nutzen mit dem Isabella Kosmetikkoffer!
Haarkreide-Farbset in Fensterbox 19x27cm
Verleihen Sie Ihrem Haar einen lebendigen Farbwechsel mit unserem Haarkreide-Farbset! Dieses hochwertige Set kommt in einer praktischen Fensterbox (19x27cm) und bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, kreative und temporäre Farblooks zu kreieren. Ideal für besondere Anlässe, Partys oder einfach nur, um einen neuen Stil auszuprobieren. Vielseitige Anwendung: Perfekt für jeden Haartyp und -farbe. Einfach aufzutragen: Leicht zu handhaben und sofortige Ergebnisse. Temporäre Farben: Lässt sich einfach auswaschen, ohne das Haar zu schädigen. Holen Sie sich das Haarkreide-Farbset und bringen Sie Farbe in Ihr Leben!
Bella Make-up Kosmetiktäschchen im Display 15x4x16cm
Das Bella Make-up Kosmetiktäschchen ist die perfekte Aufbewahrungslösung für Ihre Schönheitsprodukte. Mit kompakten Maßen von 15x4x16cm bietet es ausreichend Platz für alles Wichtige und passt problemlos in jede Handtasche. Praktisches Design: Ideal für unterwegs, um Ihre Kosmetikartikel sicher und organisiert aufzubewahren. Stylisch: Ein elegantes Aussehen, das Ihrem Beauty-Setup einen Hauch von Klasse verleiht. Kompakte Größe: Perfekt für Reisen oder den täglichen Gebrauch, ohne Platz zu beanspruchen. Erleben Sie die Kombination aus Funktionalität und Stil mit dem Bella Make-up Kosmetiktäschchen im Display.
Isabella Nagellackset mit Nageltrockner in Box 26x33cm
Entdecken Sie das Isabella Nagellackset mit Nageltrockner in einer eleganten Box! Dieses hochwertige Set bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie für perfekte Nägel benötigen. Die Box in der praktischen Größe von 26x33cm enthält: Vielseitige Nagellacke: Verschiedene Farben für jede Gelegenheit. Nageldroger: Trocknen Sie Ihre Nägel schnell und effizient, um zeitaufwändiges Warten zu vermeiden. Verleihen Sie Ihren Nägeln einen professionellen Look bequem von zu Hause aus und genießen Sie die Vorteile eines kompletten Nagelpflege-Sets!
Cuddly animal mix "Sweetheart", 60 cm.
Cozy plush animal mix "Sweetheart", 60 cm Available in various grades Beautiful workmanship and high quality True to detail with embroidered eyes Versatile for cuddling, playing or as a gift With practical hanger for hanging The cozy plush animal mix "Sweetheart" is an adorable cuddly toy that is available in different variations. With a size of approx. 60 cm, it is perfect for cuddling, playing or as a gift. The loving workmanship and high quality make it a very special companion. Detailed design The animal mix is designed with great attention to detail and has cute embroidered eyes that give it a lively appearance. This makes the cuddly toy not only visually appealing, but also particularly safe for children. Versatile uses In addition to cuddling, the animal mix is also ideal for playing and as a gift for young and old. Thanks to the practical hanger, it can also be easily hung up anywhere, which makes it even more decorative. CE-tested for your safety To give you peace of mind, the "Sweetheart" plush animal mix is CE-tested and therefore meets all required safety standards, especially for use with children.
Plush bear "Milki", 40 cm
Plush bear "Milki", 40 cm Discover the enchanting plush bear "Milki" , which is an ideal cuddly toy for children of all ages. This sweet companion will delight you with its unique features: Cute design: With sparkling glitter eyes and a charming appearance, "Milki" makes children's eyes shine. Excellent workmanship: Made from high-quality, velvety soft material, it ensures cozy cuddling hours. Versatile uses: Whether for cuddling, playing or as a gift – this plush bear is always the perfect choice. First-class quality: "Milki" is CE-certified and therefore guarantees safety and harmlessness in use. Practical size: With a size of approx. 40 cm, the plush bear is easy to carry and ideal for any child's room. Practical hanger: The integrated hanger allows decorative placement in the children's room. The plush bear "Milki" is not only a loyal playmate, but will also become your child's favorite cuddly toy. Surprise your child with this unique gift and experience the joy that "Milki" brings to your home!
Plush toy mix called "XOXO", 25 cm tall
Plush toy mix called "XOXO", 25 cm tall Discover the enchanting "XOXO" plush toy mix, which will put a smile on everyone's face with its warm design and high-quality workmanship. These cute cuddly toys are not only ideal for cuddling, but also perfect for playing and giving as a gift. Special features: 3-way assorted: Each plush friend has its own charm and features a unique heart design. Exquisite workmanship: The lovingly embroidered eyes give each animal a special expression. High-quality material: Carefully selected to guarantee detailed figures and provide an especially soft feel. Versatile: Ideal for cuddling, playing or as a loving gift for special occasions. Practical size: With a height of approx. 25 cm, the plush toys are handy and can be taken anywhere. Decorative Hanger: Each animal can also be hung decoratively to add a charming touch to your room. Safety tested: CE tested to ensure that the plush figures are both high quality and safe for children. Add a dose of love to your home with the "XOXO" plush toy mix. Bring these charming companions home now and enjoy the variety of uses!
Plush bear "Honey" 102 cm
Plush bear "Honey" 102 cm - cuddly toy for all ages Includes a cute honey pot and a busy bee Manufactured with first-class workmanship Made from high quality materials Versatile: for cuddling, playing or as a gift With a height of approx. 76 cm when sitting The plush bear "Honey" is the ideal cuddly toy for all ages. With its cute honey pot and busy bee, it is a loving companion for children and adults. The bear's workmanship is first-class, which speaks for its high quality. It is perfect for cuddling, playing or giving as a gift. High quality The plush bear "Honey" was made with great care and impresses with its high-quality workmanship. Every detail, from the seams to the design of the honey pot and the bee, is lovingly implemented. Versatile The cuddly toy offers a wide range of uses. Whether for cozy cuddling on the couch, for imaginative games or as a gift idea - the plush bear "Honey" delights young and old alike. Perfect gift With its impressive size of approx. 76 cm when sitting and its cute design, the "Honey" plush bear is an ideal gift for any occasion. Thanks to the hanger, it can also be easily placed anywhere to spread joy. CE test available The "Honey" plush bear meets the required safety standards and has a CE test. So you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality and safe product.
Plush rabbit "Schnuffel", 40 cm
Plush bunny "Schniffel", 40 cm Discover the cute cuddly rabbit "Schnuffel" who will make every child's heart beat faster with his floppy ears and sparkling glitter eyes . This enchanting rabbit is not just a toy, but also a loyal companion for the little ones. Unique features: Excellent workmanship: Made of velvety soft material that invites you to cuddle. Versatile use: Ideal for hugging, playing or as a gift for special occasions. Variety: Available in three different versions to suit every taste. Practical size: With a seat height of about 40 cm, it is the perfect cuddle partner. Decoration option: Equipped with a hanger for a charming decoration. Safety standards: Conforms to CE standards and has been thoroughly tested. The cuddly bunny "Schnuffel" not only offers hours of fun, but also a high level of durability thanks to its premium quality . Make children happy and give them this cuddly friend who is always there for them!
Plush hamster "Glitzi" with heart, 60 cm
Plush hamster "Glitzi" with heart, 60 cm Discover the magical plush hamster "Glitzi" , a perfect gift for young and old! This cute hamster with a heart is not only an eye-catcher, but also a loyal cuddle partner. Highlight features: Cute design: With its glittery eyes and charming heart, "Glitzi" attracts everyone's attention. Cuddly softness: The plush hamster offers a pleasant feeling when cuddling and playing. Versatile: Ideal for cuddling, playing or as a decorative element in any room. High-quality workmanship: Made from high-quality materials, this hamster will give you long-lasting enjoyment. Double-sided sorted: Available in grey and brown, perfect for individual preferences. Practical hanger: Ideal for hanging, therefore also suitable as a gift. An ideal gift for any occasion: Whether for a birthday, for Christmas or simply as a small gift - the plush hamster "Glitzi" brings joy and a smile to every home.
Stuffed cow "Lovely", 20 cm
stuffed cow "Lovely", 20 cm Discover the charming stuffed cow "Lovely", available in two attractive variants. This enchanting toy is characterized by: Exquisite workmanship: Each cow is carefully crafted to ensure the highest standards. Premium quality: Made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and safety. Versatile use: Ideal for cuddling, playing or as a loving gift for special occasions. Practical size: With a seat height of about 20 cm, it is perfect for children's hands. Safety certification: The stuffed cow is CE certified, which underlines its safety and quality. The "Lovely" stuffed cow even comes with a practical loop for hanging, so it's always within reach. Get this elegant stuffed cow and experience the joy it can bring to both children and adults!
Marvel Avengers Reversible Plush Figures, 24 cm
Marvel Avengers Reversible Plush Figures, 24 cm Discover the amazing world of the Marvel Avengers with our reversible plush figures! These unique collectibles offer you not one, but two beloved characters in one figure. Product features: Two characters in one figure: Choose between Spiderman & Miles Morales, Hulk & Thor or Iron Man & Captain America. Ideal for cuddling: Perfect for cozy hours or as a thoughtful gift for your loved ones. High-quality workmanship: Made from the best soft plush material, these figures are incredibly soft and pleasant to touch. Six-way sorted selection: Find your favorite pair and expand your collection! Standing height: Approx. 24 cm – ideal for children and adult collectors alike. Official Marvel / Disney branded merchandise: Guaranteed authenticity and high quality for which these brands are known. The Marvel Avengers reversible plush figures are not only extremely cuddly, but also a real eye-catcher in any room. The attention to detail is evident in every stitch and seam, making these figures an indispensable part of your collection. Bring the action and adventure of the Avengers into your home and get your reversible plush figures today!
Rubber duck "Get well soon", 5 cm
Rubber duck "Get well soon", 5 cm Duck in "get well soon" look Sorted in 4 variants About 5 cm tall Made from vinyl (rubber) The Get Well Soon Rubber Duck, measuring 5 cm, is the perfect gift to send someone a speedy recovery wish. Here are some features that make this cute duck a special gift: Duck in "get well soon" look The duck is specially designed to convey a message of recovery and comfort. With a friendly facial expression and loving details, it is a symbol of get well soon. Sorted in 4 variants The duck comes in 4 different variants, which ensures variety and surprise. Each variant has its own unique design, which makes the duck even more special. About 5 cm tall With a size of about 5 cm, the rubber duck is handy and can easily be taken anywhere. It fits perfectly on desks, shelves or bedside tables to bring daily joy to the recipient. Made from vinyl (rubber) The duck is made of high-quality vinyl, which makes it durable and hard-wearing. The material ensures that the duck will last for a long time and remain present as a symbol of recovery. Surprise your loved ones with this adorable "Get Well Soon" rubber duck and send warm wishes for a speedy recovery in a unique and loving way.
Rubber duck "Nurse", 5 cm
Properties of the rubber duck "Nurse", 5 cm Duck in nurse design Sorted four times Length: approx. 5 cm Made from vinyl (rubber) CE-approved The rubber duck with nurse design is a cute and original product that can be used both as a toy and as a decoration. Here are some of the features that make this duck special: Duck in nurse design The duck is lovingly designed and wears a classic nurse outfit, complete with cap and gown. These details give the duck a unique and fun look. Sorted four times The rubber duck "Nurse" comes in four different variations, which offers great variety for collectors or as a gift for children. Each version has its own charming design. Length: approx. 5 cm With a size of around 5 cm, the duck is handy and can easily be taken anywhere. Perfect for playing or to bring a touch of fun into everyday life. Made from vinyl (rubber) The rubber duck is made from high-quality vinyl, which is known for its durability and flexibility. This makes the duck both sturdy and easy to clean. CE-approved The duck complies with the strict EU safety standards and is marked with the CE mark. Parents can rest assured that this product meets safety requirements.
Hawaiian style rubber duck, 5 cm tall
Adorable Hawaiian style rubber duck Duck in Hawaiian design, approx. 5 cm tall 4-way sorted for more choice Made from vinyl (rubber) for durability CE approved for safety The adorable Hawaiian-style rubber duck is a charming accessory that will add a touch of exoticism to your collection. Measuring approximately 5 cm, it is handy and can be taken anywhere. Quadruple sorting for more fun The ducks are sorted in 4 different designs, making them a fun element of surprise. Each duck shines with its individual Hawaiian design. Durable material for long-lasting enjoyment Made of high-quality vinyl (rubber), the duck is robust and durable. It retains its cheerful appearance even after long periods of play and ensures lasting joy. CE approved for safety The rubber duck complies with CE safety standards, which means it is safe for children. Parents can rest assured when their little ones play with this cute toy.
Crown "Gold King", 21 cm
Crown "Gold King", 21 cm Add a majestic touch to your look with the Gold King crown! This stunning golden crown is the ideal accessory for any festive occasion and will make your costume shine. Why the "Gold King" crown is an absolute must-have: Elegant golden shine: Perfect for carnival, theme parties, bachelor parties or simply as a stylish fashion accessory - the crown attracts everyone's attention. Comfortable fit: With its one size and integrated padding, the crown ensures a comfortable fit so you can celebrate without worry. High-quality workmanship: Robust materials guarantee long-lasting use, so you can enjoy many celebrations with this crown. Perfect dimensions: With a diameter of approx. 21 cm, the crown fits securely on head circumferences of up to 60 cm without causing uncomfortably tight pressure. The "Gold King" crown is not just an accessory, but a statement - a sparkling highlight that takes your costume to the next level. Discover the possibilities now and crown your appearance!
Chef's hat "Chef"
chef's hat "Chef" Discover the elegant Chef's Hat, the ultimate accessory for aspiring chefs who value style and functionality. Main features: Stylish design: The white chef's hat with the striking "Chef" print is not only practical, but also a fashion statement in every kitchen. High-quality workmanship: Durable and long-lasting – this chef's hat remains in top condition even after frequent use. One size fits all adults: With a head circumference of up to 60 cm, it offers a comfortable fit for most men and women. Perfect dimensions: width of 29 cm and height of 25 cm provide enough space and keep your hair clean while cooking. Get the stylish "Chef" chef's hat now and show your passion for cooking in style!
Golden crown for children
Golden Crown for Children Add a touch of royal sparkle to your little one with our glittery children's crown . Richly decorated with vibrant plastic gems, this gorgeous crown is perfect for a variety of festive occasions. Special features: High-quality workmanship: Each crown is manufactured with the utmost care to ensure a long service life. One size fits all: Ideal for children with a head circumference of approx. 56 cm, suitable for every little kingdom. Versatile use: Perfect for carnivals, theme parties, birthday parties or bachelorette parties. Glittering details: The sparkling plastic gems give the crown an enchanting look that stimulates the imagination. Dimensions: length approx. 56 cm, height approx. 12 cm, diameter approx. 16 cm – ideal for every little head. With this glittering children's crown, every child will be the highlight of the event and can feel like a real prince or princess. Make every special moment unforgettable!
High-quality trophy, 25 cm tall
Elegant gold cup with 25 cm size Gold-colored cup with handle Placed on a stand base Height approx. 25 cm Made of plastic CE approved for safety The elegant gold trophy measuring 25 cm is the perfect award for special achievements. With its shiny gold tone and classic design, this trophy is an eye-catcher at every event. Features of the Gold Cup: Unique design: The trophy is equipped with an elegant handle and placed on a stable base, which gives it a noble appearance. Excellent quality: Made of high-quality plastic, the trophy is durable and robust. Safety tested: CE tested to ensure the highest safety standards. Practical packaging: The gold cup is delivered individually packaged, which allows for easy handling and transport. Various applications: Ideal for sporting events, competitions, corporate celebrations or as a gift for outstanding achievements.
Plastic gold cup, 10 cm
Gold-coloured plastic cup, 10 cm With handle and stand base Height: approx. 100 mm (including base) Width: approx. 55 mm (including handle) Made from CE-approved plastic Individually packaged for safe transport Gold-colored plastic trophy for various occasions The gold-colored plastic trophy with a height of approx. 10 cm is an ideal award for various events and competitions. With its elegant design and solid workmanship, it is a symbol of success and achievement. With practical handle and stand base The trophy is equipped with a handle for easy holding and a sturdy stand base that gives it additional stability. This allows the trophy to be effortlessly presented and admired. High quality material and CE tested The plastic trophy is made of high-quality material that gives it durability and a shiny gold color. It is also CE approved, which ensures its safety and quality. Individually packaged for safe transport Each trophy is individually packaged to ensure it is protected from damage during transit, so your trophy will arrive in perfect condition. Versatile uses The gold-colored plastic cup is perfect for sporting events, school competitions, company celebrations or as a gift for special achievements. It is a symbolic trophy for winners and deserving people.
Drinking game "Schnaps Roulette"
drinking game "Schnaps-Roulette" Experience the exciting world of drinking with our drinking game "Schnaps Roulette" ! This captivating party game ensures unforgettable moments and brings excitement to any celebration. Ideal for New Year's Eve, Father's Day and Carnival - make your next event a real highlight! Product features: Complete set: Includes a roulette wheel, 16 high-quality glass shot glasses and a ball, everything you need for a successful party. High-quality materials: The robust and durable glasses ensure a luxurious gaming experience and can withstand even intense celebrations. Perfect for any occasion: Whether it's New Year's Eve, Father's Day or Carnival - this game brings fun and joy to every round. Attractive Gift Packaging: Comes in stylish packaging making it an ideal gift for friends and family. Optimal size: With a diameter of approx. 31 cm and a height of approx. 5 cm, the roulette wheel fits perfectly on any table. Compact packaging: The packaging dimensions are approx. 30 x 30 x 7 cm, ideal for storage and transport. Turn any celebration into an unforgettable experience with the "Schnaps Roulette" drinking game. It's not only perfect for your own use, but also makes a great gift for anyone who likes to celebrate and have fun together. Get the game now and liven up your next celebrations!
Puschel Mausi, 10 cm tall
Puschel Mausi, 10 cm tall Discover the elegant Puschel-Mausi , a charming accessory that not only impresses with its cute design, but also with its many possible uses. With a size of 10 cm, it is the perfect highlight for your handbag or key chain. Product features: Exquisite design: The Puschel-Mausi comes in an attractive Mausi design and is equipped with a gold-colored SK/carabiner. Versatile: Ideal for attaching to handbags, keychains and many other items. High-quality workmanship: Each Puschel-Mausi is carefully crafted and offers first-class quality. Realistic appearance: Thanks to its lifelike design and pleasant softness, the Puschel-Mausi is not only decorative, but also cuddly. Practical and safe: The robust carabiner clasp ensures secure fastening. CE-certified: The Puschel-Mausi complies with EU safety standards and thus offers additional safety. Treat yourself or your loved ones to this charming fluffy mouse and bring a touch of elegance into your everyday life!
PVC panda "Pebbles", 7.5 cm, with keyring
PVC panda "Pebbles", 7.5 cm, with keychain Discover the charming PVC panda "Pebbles", which not only serves as a keychain but also adds a playful accent to your everyday life. Here are the outstanding features of this unique product: Detailed design: The panda is designed with great attention to detail and shows off its cute charisma perfectly. Compact size: With a height of approx. 7.5 cm, this pendant is ideal to take with you anywhere. Practical plastic carabiner: The included carabiner allows you to easily attach it to handbags, keychains or other items. Safety certification: The PVC panda is CE-certified, which stands for the highest safety and quality and complies with European standards. The PVC panda "Pebbles" is not only a practical companion for organizing your keys, but also an adorable accessory that expresses your personal style. Make every day a little more beautiful with this adorable panda!
Heart shaped keychain
heart-shaped keychain Discover the charming heart-shaped keychain that is both stylish and functional. This exquisite keychain is the perfect accessory for anyone who wants to keep their keys safe and stylish. design and materials The keychain impresses with: Eye-catching design: The transparent, red heart has a height of approx. 4.0 cm and attracts everyone's attention. Robust key ring: The sturdy metal ring makes the total size approx. 9.0 cm and provides additional security. High-quality plastic: Made from CE-tested plastic, it offers quality and safety in one. Versatile use Thanks to its romantic design, this keychain is ideal: As a gift for your partner. As a symbol of connection with friends and family. To give your bag a personal touch . Practical accessory The heart-shaped keychain not only offers a stylish design, but also practical advantages: Safe storage: Your keys are always at hand. Easy to find: The eye-catching design helps you quickly find your keys in your bag. Conclusion The heart-shaped keychain is more than just a practical accessory - it brings a romantic touch to your everyday life. With its high-quality material, tested quality and versatile uses, it is the ideal gift for special people in your life.
Neon Squishy Ball Wobble 6cm 40g
Neon Stress Ball Wobble 6cm 40g The perfect fun for squeezing and squeezing Approx. 6 cm diameter, approx. 40 g High-quality workmanship and CE-tested Sorted in 4 parts and individually packed 12 pieces in sales display (dimensions: 25 x 19 x 6) The Neon Stress Ball Wobble is the ideal companion for daily stress relief and fun. With a diameter of approx. 6 cm and a weight of approx. 40 g, it is perfect for squeezing and squeezing. This stress ball is of high quality and CE-tested, which stands for safety and quality. Features of the Neon Stressball Wobble: The perfect fun to squish and squeeze: The stress ball offers a pleasant feel and is ideal for relieving stress. Compact size and weight: With a diameter of approx. 6 cm and a weight of approx. 40 g, the stress ball fits comfortably in the hand and is easy to transport. High-quality workmanship and CE testing: This stress ball is carefully crafted and meets the strict safety standards of CE certification. 4-way assortment and individually packaged: The Neon Stressball Wobble is available in 4 different colors and individually packaged to ensure freshness and quality. Practical sales display: 12 neon stress balls are presented in a sales display measuring 25 x 19 x 6, ideal for retail or as a gift set. Discover the Neon Stress Ball Wobble and enjoy hours of fun and relaxation. Perfect as a gift for children, teenagers and adults who need a break from everyday stress.
Squeeze ball llama, pink, with glitter, 6.5 cm
Squishy ball Lama in pink with glitter, 6.5 cm Perfect squishing and squeezing fun Ideal for squeezing and pressing Lama squeeze ball with high-quality workmanship CE approved for safety Individually packaged, approx. 6.5 cm diameter More details: The pink llama squeeze ball with glitter is not only a toy, but also a great stress management tool. Here are some of the things that make this squeeze ball stand out: Perfect squishing and squeezing fun: The Lama squeeze ball offers a unique tactile experience and is ideal for squeezing and squeezing. Whether for stress relief, to increase concentration or just for fun - this ball can be used in many different ways. High-quality workmanship and CE testing: The Lama squeeze ball is characterized by its high-quality workmanship, which guarantees durability. It is also CE-tested, which means that it meets safety standards. Individually packaged and ideal as a gift: Each squeeze ball is individually wrapped and has a diameter of approximately 6.5 cm. This also makes it a perfect gift for children, friends or colleagues. Sales display with 12 pieces: The product is delivered in an attractive sales display that contains 12 squeeze balls. The display measures 28.5 x 21.5 x 7 cm and is therefore space-saving and attractively presented.
Concierge reception bell
concierge reception bell The Concierge reception bell is the perfect solution for any reception desk and impresses with its elegant design that can be seamlessly integrated into any reception area. It not only ensures a professional appearance, but also a welcoming atmosphere. Main features: Elegant design: The reception bell fits stylishly into modern reception areas. Manual operation: Simply press the bell button to draw attention to arriving guests. Bright and long-lasting ringtone: Guaranteed that your guests will not be overlooked. High-quality workmanship: Made of stainless steel for maximum durability and an attractive appearance. Stable base: Made of black stainless steel, which provides a safe and stable base. Handy and space-saving: With a height of 6 cm and a diameter of 8.5 cm, the bell is easy to place. Professional packaging: Each bell is delivered individually in a box, ensuring safe storage and an attractive appearance. The concierge reception bell is not only functional, but also an aesthetic element that signals professionalism and attention to your customers and visitors. Choose this high-quality reception bell and take the service of your establishment to a new level.
12x XXL Christmas bags Christmas gift bags Christmas bag gift bags for gifts (12x gift bags
12x XXL Christmas bags Christmas gift bags Christmas bag gift bags for gifts Discover the 12x XXL Christmas bags that will revolutionize your gift wrapping! Here are 12 convincing reasons why you should choose these practical gift bags: Spacious size: With a generous dimension of 30x30 cm, these bags offer enough space for even the largest gifts. No more stress of having to squeeze gifts into small boxes! Festive designs: The Christmas bags come in a variety of creative and festive patterns. Whether classic Christmas motifs or cute designs - there is something for every taste! Time-saving wrapping: Wrap gifts quickly and easily. Just place the gift in the bag, add some tissue paper and you're done - no scissors or tape needed! Sustainable materials: Our gift bags are made of high-quality, durable and reusable materials. Make an active contribution to reducing waste and protecting our planet! Set of 12 bags: With this set you always have enough gift bags on hand - ideal for large family celebrations or for giving gifts to friends! In summary, the 12x XXL Christmas bags are the perfect solution for all your Christmas gifts! With their practical handling and attractive designs, these gift bags turn wrapping into a happy experience. Choose these environmentally friendly bags to stand out in style while protecting the environment!
KEY INDICATOR SET: Optimize your business analytics: Comprehensive metrics package for a key indicator set
KEY INDICATOR SET: Optimize your business analytics: Comprehensive metrics package for a key indicator set Increase the effectiveness of your business analytics with our set of key indicators! This comprehensive toolkit is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and provides you with a holistic view of your organization's performance. Why choose our key pointer set? Identify trends and patterns: Through thorough analysis of key performance indicators, you can identify areas for improvement and transform your business results. Promote collaboration: Get real-time access to key KPIs to make informed decisions and strengthen teamwork. Actionable insights: Our metrics package provides strategic information to help you take the right actions. Benefits for your business Optimize business analytics: Improve your organization’s efficiency and profitability through carefully curated metrics. Sustainable success: Long-term strategies based on data-driven insights secure your competitive advantage. Adaptability: The toolkit grows with your business and adapts to dynamic market conditions and needs. With our set of key indicators, you get not just a collection of performance metrics, but a powerful tool that helps you improve transparency and accountability within your organization. Transform your business analytics and reach new heights!
KEY SET: Comprehensive Performance Indicator Toolkit: Advanced Performance Indicator Bundle for Optimal Business Analytics
KEY SET: Comprehensive Performance Indicator Toolkit: Advanced Performance Indicator Bundle for Optimal Business Analytics Discover the ultimate performance indicator toolkit , specifically designed to help you take your business analytics to the next level. Our comprehensive key indicator set (KIS) provides you with valuable insights to help you make strategic decisions and manage your business sustainably. Action-oriented insights for maximum efficiency Seamless tracking and analysis: Track key metrics across departments and optimize them for better operational efficiency. Identify trends: Recognize patterns and opportunities early to gain a decisive competitive advantage. Real-time data: Get instant insights into key KPIs to make proactive decisions. Adaptable toolkit for your success Our powerful toolkit includes: Financial performance indicators operational key figures Customer-oriented indicators Strategic performance measures By clearly defining goals and metrics, you improve accountability and transparency in your organization, resulting in maximum ROI on your investments. Tangible results and strategic added value Use the Performance Indicator Toolkit to improve your company's performance levels and drive sustainable growth and profitability. With the actionable insights from our key indicator set, you can achieve your business goals and create significant strategic value.
Costume Bunny set, consisting of 3 parts
Costume Bunny Set, consisting of 3 parts Add a touch of cuteness to any celebration with our Bunny Costume Set . This 3-piece set is the perfect accessory for anyone looking to delve into the world of fancy dress! Product features: Versatile set: Includes bunny ears, an elegant bow tie and a fluffy tail for the perfect bunny look. High-quality workmanship: Made from robust materials, the costume guarantees durability and multiple use without loss of quality. Ideal outfit: Perfect for Mardi Gras, theme parties or bachelor parties – you will be an absolute eye-catcher! Practical packaging: With Euro holes for easy hanging and optimal presentation on the shelf. Gift idea: Each set is individually packaged and comes with a header card that provides all the important information – ideal as a gift! The compact dimensions of approx. 22 x 36 cm make the bunny set handy and uncomplicated. Immerse yourself in the world of costumes and transform yourself into a cute bunny with this charming 3-piece set. Bring joy and good cheer to every event!
Gift bag in metallic look
gift bag in metallic look Add a touch of elegance to your gifts with our stylish metallic gift bag . Not only is this bag eye-catching, it's also extremely functional and practical for special occasions. Special features: Handle and greeting card included: The practical handle makes it easy to carry, while the included greeting card is ideal for adding your personal words. Stable base for secure standing: Thanks to the stable base, the bag stays securely in place and your gifts are always perfectly placed. Wide range of colours: Choose from 6 different colours to perfectly match the bag to the occasion or the recipient's preferences. Perfect size: With the dimensions (height: approx. 34 cm, length: approx. 25 cm, width: approx. 9 cm), the bag offers enough space for a variety of gifts and ensures an attractive presentation. Excellent quality: Our gift bag impresses with its high-quality workmanship and material quality, making it a durable and attractive packaging option. Whether for birthdays, holidays or special occasions, the metallic gift bag is the perfect choice for wrapping gifts in style and spreading joy.
Children's Lunchbox Zoo 23x23x12cm: Cute and practical lunchbox with zoo motif for school and on the go. Ideal for children
Children's Lunchbox Zoo 23x23x12cm: Cute and practical lunchbox with zoo motif for school and on the go. Ideal for children Discover the children's lunch box Zoo 23x23x12cm , the perfect solution for little adventurers! With its charming zoo motif, this lunch box will not only stimulate your children's imagination, but also make eating a special experience. Features of the children's lunch box: Cute zoo motif: The colorful design with cute animals brings joy and makes every meal special. Practical size: With a compact dimension of 23x23x12cm, the lunch box offers enough space for your children's favorite snacks and meals. Sturdy Construction: Made of high quality, durable material, the lunch box can withstand daily demands while still being easy to carry. Easy to clean: Hygienic and practical, the lunch box is easy to clean and ideal for everyday use. Safety lock: A secure lock ensures that the lunch box remains closed during transport and no unpleasant surprises occur. Versatile: This lunch box is not only suitable for school, but also perfect for: excursions picnics Other outdoor activities Ideal for children: The children's lunch box Zoo 23x23x12cm makes eating on the go a fun experience for children of all ages. Parents can be sure that their children have a healthy and delicious meal with them while they admire the exciting animals on the box. Bring joy and functionality into your children's everyday life with the Zoo children's lunchbox and turn every break into a little adventure!
Children's Lunch Box Sea 23x23x12cm: Cute and practical lunch box with a sea motif for school and on the go. Ideal for little adventurers
Children's Lunch Box Sea 23x23x12cm: Cute and practical lunch box with a sea motif for school and on the go. Ideal for little adventurers The children's lunch box sea is the perfect companion for little explorers and adventurers. With its unique sea motif, it not only puts children in a good mood, but also stimulates their imagination. Features of the children's lunch box: Cute sea motif: The lovingly designed motifs from the sea make every meal a pleasure. Practical size: With dimensions of 23x23x12cm, the lunch box offers enough space for snacks and meals without taking up too much space in your bag. Sturdy Construction: Made of high quality material, the lunch box is not only durable but also lightweight enough for kids to carry easily. Easy to clean: The hygienic surface of the lunch box is very easy to clean, ideal for everyday use at school or on the go. Safety lock: The reliable lock ensures that the lunch box remains closed during transport so that no accidents happen. The children's lunch box sea 23x23x12cm is more than just a practical place to store food - it is a real eye-catcher! Perfect for parents who want to give their children healthy and delicious meals to take with them. Turn eating on the go into an exciting underwater adventure with this adorable lunch box!
Discover our magical children's lunch box unicorn, 23x23x12cm in size. Perfect for school and trips. Robust, practical and full of imagination. Order now
Discover our magical children's lunchbox unicorn, 23x23x12cm in size. Perfect for school and trips. Robust, practical and full of imagination. Order now Experience the magical world of our magical children's lunch box in the enchanting unicorn design. This extraordinary lunch box not only brings color into everyday life, but also makes every meal an unforgettable experience for your child. Product features: Enchanting unicorn design: The colorful motif inspires children and stimulates their imagination. Large capacity: With dimensions of 23x23x12 cm, the lunch box offers enough space for a full lunch and snacks. Robust construction: Made from durable materials, the lunch box is resistant to daily wear and tear and optimally protects the food. Easy to clean: The smooth interior surfaces allow for easy cleaning, keeping the lunch box hygienic and easy to maintain. Practical features: A tight closure keeps meals fresh and safe, while integrated dividers ensure neat food separation. Our magical children's lunch box in unicorn design is specially designed for little adventurers who want to enjoy their meals with a pinch of magic. Whether at school, on a trip or at home - this lunch box inspires new, magical adventures every day. Order now to give your child an enchanting way to enjoy their meals and experience every school day or trip with joy!
XXL Valentine's Day Decoration Set - Marriage Proposal Wedding with Heart Balloons, Garland, LOVE Foil Balloon, Rose Petals Red - For Him & Her - Fre
XXL Valentine's Day Decoration Set - Marriage Proposal Wedding with Heart Balloons, Garland, LOVE Foil Balloon, Rose Petals Red - For Her & Him - Free Celebrate love with our XXL Valentine's Day decoration set , which provides the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments. Whether it's a marriage proposal, wedding celebration or romantic Valentine's Day surprise - this set makes every occasion very special. Magical atmosphere for special occasions Transform any room into a romantic paradise with: Heart-shaped balloons – the classic symbol of love Beautiful garland – for a festive touch LOVE foil balloon – perfect for impressive photos Red rose petals – to underline the mood Versatile all-inclusive package This decoration set is suitable for both him and her and offers everything you need to make your celebration effortless. Easy-to-follow instructions ensure that the decoration can be set up quickly and easily. Budget-friendly and convenient solution With the XXL Valentine's Day decoration set you get a cost-effective solution that saves you time and money. All decorations are included in one package so you can concentrate on what's important: creating an unforgettable experience. Creates lasting memories Enjoy romantic moments and create a magical atmosphere that is not only unforgettable but also leaves memories that will last a lifetime. Let love blossom in a beautifully decorated room. Order now! Why wait? Order the XXL Valentine's Day decoration set now and make your Valentine's Day something very special. Shipping is free!