Für ein produktives Arbeitsumfeld: Unsere Büroartikel umfassen Notizbücher, Ordner, Schreibtischzubehör und mehr. Ob für das Homeoffice oder den Arbeitsplatz – hochwertige und funktionale Produkte sorgen für Effizienz und Ordnung. Mit moderner Ausstattung gelingt jede Aufgabe. Ideal für professionelle Anforderungen oder kreative Ideen.
Individueller CreaStick Kühlschrankmagnet – Personalisierbar, Weiß
Individueller CreaStick Kühlschrankmagnet – Personalisierbar, Weiß Entdecken Sie den perfekten Kühlschrankmagneten, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch stilvoll ist! Der Individuelle CreaStick Kühlschrankmagnet in schlichtem Weiß bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kreativität auszuleben. Hauptmerkmale: Personalisierbar: Gestalten Sie Ihren Magneten ganz nach Ihren Wünschen mit Fotos oder Text, um einzigartige Erinnerungen festzuhalten. Elegantes Design: Das schlichte Weiß fügt sich nahtlos in jede Kücheneinrichtung ein und sorgt für eine stilvolle Note. Starker Halt: Dank seiner robusten Verarbeitung hält der Magnet sicher Notizen, Kinderzeichnungen oder wichtige Erinnerungen. Vielseitige Nutzung: Perfekt für den heimischen Kühlschrank oder als individuelles Geschenk für Freunde und Familie. Robust und langlebig: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien, die eine dauerhafte Nutzung garantieren. Bringen Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit in Ihre Küche und nutzen Sie den Individuellen CreaStick Kühlschrankmagnet als stilvolle Ergänzung oder kreatives Geschenk!
CreaStick Fridge Plus - Personalisierter Weißer Magnet für Kühlschränke
CreaStick Fridge Plus - Personalisierter Weißer Magnet für Kühlschränke Entdecken Sie den CreaStick Fridge Plus, den perfekten Magneten, um Ihren Kühlschrank in eine persönliche Galerie zu verwandeln. Dieser hochwertige, weiße Magnet bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kreativität auszuleben und einzigartige Dekorationen zu gestalten. Eigenschaften: Individuell gestaltbar: Verleihen Sie Ihrem Magneten eine persönliche Note mit eigenen Designs, Bildern oder Texten. Starke Haftung: Dank der robusten Materialbeschaffenheit haftet der Magnet fest an sämtlichen metallischen Oberflächen. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für den Einsatz in Haushalten, Büros oder als kreatives Geschenk für Freunde und Familie. Einfache Anwendung: Einfach anbringen und bei Bedarf rückstandslos entfernen, ohne die Oberfläche zu beschädigen. Verwandeln Sie alltägliche Momente in Kunstwerke mit dem CreaStick Fridge Plus. Egal, ob Sie eine Erinnerung festhalten oder einfach nur einen Farbtupfer in Ihre Küche bringen möchten – dieser Magnet ist die ideale Wahl!
CreaStick Fridge Plus – Personalisierbarer Premium Kühlschrankmagnet, Weiß
CreaStick Fridge Plus – Personalisierbarer Premium Kühlschrankmagnet, Weiß Entdecken Sie den CreaStick Fridge Plus, den ultimativen Kühlschrankmagneten, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch stilvoll ist. Dieser personalisierbare Magnet bringt Ihre Kreativität zum Ausdruck und verleiht jeder Küche eine persönliche Note. Hauptmerkmale: Hochgradig personalisierbar: Fügen Sie ganz einfach Ihre eigenen Bilder oder Texte hinzu und gestalten Sie Ihren Kühlschrankmagneten nach Ihren Vorstellungen. Elegantes Weiß: Das zeitlose Design in Weiß fügt sich mühelos in jede moderne oder klassische Kücheneinrichtung ein. Extra starker Magnet: Dank der kräftigen Magnetkraft hält der CreaStick Fridge Plus selbst mehrere Blätter sicher und fest auf Ihrer Kühlschrankoberfläche. Vielseitig und praktisch: Ob für den eigenen Haushalt oder als individuelles Geschenk – dieser Magnet ist die perfekte Wahl für jeden Anlass. Langlebige Qualität: Die robuste Verarbeitung sorgt für eine dauerhafte Nutzung, sodass Sie lange Freude an Ihrem personalisierten Magneten haben. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Kühlschrank mit dem CreaStick Fridge Plus eine persönliche Note und genießen Sie die Kombination aus Funktionalität und Stil. Ideal für jeden, der Wert auf Individualität legt!
CreaStick Mark B Öko-Lesezeichen – Personalisierbar, Umweltfreundlich, Natürlich
CreaStick Mark B Öko-Lesezeichen – Personalisierbar, Umweltfreundlich, Natürlich Entdecken Sie das CreaStick Mark B Öko-Lesezeichen, das nicht nur funktional, sondern auch umweltfreundlich ist. Jedes Lesezeichen wird aus nachhaltigen und natürlichen Materialien hergestellt, was es zu einer perfekten Wahl für umweltbewusste Leser macht. Besondere Merkmale: Ökologisches Design: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen, umweltfreundlichen Materialien. Personalisierungsoption: Gestalten Sie Ihr Lesezeichen ganz nach Ihren Wünschen mit Ihrem Namen oder einem einzigartigen Muster. Robuste Qualität: Langlebig und widerstandsfähig, ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt für Bücher, Zeitschriften oder als stilvolles, persönliches Geschenk. Umweltbewusst: Unterstützen Sie die Umwelt mit einem Produkt, das biologisch abbaubar und recyclebar ist. Mit dem CreaStick Mark B Öko-Lesezeichen kombinieren Sie stilvolles Design mit praktischer Funktionalität und tragen gleichzeitig zur Erhaltung unserer Umwelt bei. Machen Sie das Lesen noch persönlicher und umweltfreundlicher!
CreaStick Mark B Personalisiertes Lesezeichen – Elegant Weiß
CreaStick Mark B Personalisiertes Lesezeichen – Elegant Weiß Entdecken Sie das CreaStick Mark B Personalisiertes Lesezeichen, ein unverzichtbares Accessoire für jeden Bücherliebhaber. Dieses Lesezeichen vereint Eleganz und Funktionalität auf einzigartige Weise. Hauptmerkmale: Individuelle Gestaltung: Personalisieren Sie Ihr Lesezeichen mit eigenen Texten oder Designs, um es zu einem echten Unikat zu machen. Elegante Farbgebung: Die klassische weiße Farbe ergänzt jedes Buch und jeden Stil, wodurch es zu einem stilvollen Begleiter wird. Hochwertiges Material: Hergestellt aus robustem und langlebigem Material, garantiert es eine langanhaltende Nutzung ohne Abnutzung. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal als persönliches Geschenk für Freunde und Familie, die das Lesen lieben. Leicht und kompakt: Praktisch für unterwegs, passt es mühelos in jedes Buch und jede Tasche, sodass Sie immer ein Lesezeichen zur Hand haben. Mit dem CreaStick Mark B Lesezeichen bringen Sie nicht nur Stil in Ihre Leseerfahrung, sondern auch eine persönliche Note. Machen Sie es zu Ihrem eigenen oder verschenken Sie es an jemanden, der die Kunst des Lesens schätzt.
CreaSneeze Eco Natural Paper Tissues - Eco-Friendly Choice
CreaSneeze Eco Natural Paper Tissues - Umweltfreundliche Wahl Entdecken Sie die CreaSneeze Eco Natural Paper Tissues, die perfekte Wahl für umweltbewusste Verbraucher. Diese hochwertigen Papiertücher bieten nicht nur außergewöhnlichen Komfort, sondern sind auch eine nachhaltige Lösung für Ihren Alltag. Produktmerkmale: Material: Hergestellt aus weichem, nachhaltig produziertem Papier, das sanft zur Haut ist. Design: Ein natürliches, umweltfreundliches Aussehen, das in jedes Zuhause passt. Komfort: Hypoallergen und sanft zur Haut – ideal für die ganze Familie. Nachhaltigkeit: Biologisch abbaubar und recycelbar, um die Umwelt zu schonen. Verpackung: Plastikfreie, recycelbare Verpackung für eine noch umweltfreundlichere Nutzung. Vielseitigkeit: Perfekt geeignet für Allergiker, bei Erkältungen oder einfach für den täglichen Gebrauch. Wählen Sie die CreaSneeze Eco Natural Paper Tissues und leisten Sie Ihren Beitrag zur Umwelt, ohne auf Komfort zu verzichten. Ideal für umweltbewusste Haushalte, die Wert auf Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit legen.
CreaSneeze Eco Papiertaschentücher in Natur – Weich & Umweltfreundlich
CreaSneeze Eco Papiertaschentücher in Natur – Weich & Umweltfreundlich Entdecken Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Komfort und Umweltbewusstsein mit den CreaSneeze Eco Papiertaschentüchern. Diese Taschentücher sind nicht nur sanft zur Haut, sondern auch eine umweltfreundliche Wahl für den Alltag. Besondere Merkmale: Umweltfreundlich: Hergestellt aus nachhaltigen, recycelten Materialien, die die Umwelt schützen. Sanft zur Haut: Ideal für empfindliche Nasen – weich genug, um auch bei häufigem Gebrauch keine Irritationen zu verursachen. Stark und Saugfähig: Perfekt geeignet für die Bewältigung von Allergien und Erkältungen, ohne Kompromisse bei der Leistung einzugehen. Natürliches Design: Frei von schädlichen Chemikalien und ohne Bleiche, um Ihre Gesundheit zu schützen. Biologisch abbaubar: Diese Taschentücher sind sicher für die Umwelt und tragen zu einem nachhaltigen Lebensstil bei. Wählen Sie die CreaSneeze Eco Papiertaschentücher für eine sanfte, zuverlässige und umweltfreundliche Lösung, die sowohl Ihre Bedürfnisse als auch die der Erde respektiert.
CreaSneeze White Paper Tissues - Soft & Hygienic
CreaSneeze Weiße Papiertaschentücher - Weich & Hygienisch Entdecken Sie die perfekte Lösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse in puncto Hygiene und Komfort mit unseren CreaSneeze Weißen Papiertaschentüchern. Diese Taschentücher wurden speziell entwickelt, um Ihnen ein sanftes und angenehmes Gefühl zu bieten, während Sie gleichzeitig höchste Sauberkeit garantieren. Besondere Merkmale: Hochwertiges Material: Gefertigt aus weichem Papier, das besonders sanft zur Haut ist. Klassisches Design: Erhältlich in einem sauberen und eleganten Weiß, das für jeden Anlass geeignet ist. Komfort: Ideal für empfindliche Nasen, bieten diese Taschentücher maximalen Komfort. Hygiene: Einweggebrauch sorgt für höchste Hygiene und Reinlichkeit. Kompakte Verpackung: Leicht und handlich, perfekt für Unterwegs, im Büro oder Zuhause. Vielseitigkeit: Ob beim Niesen, Schnupfen oder einfach zur Auffrischung - diese Taschentücher sind immer zur Hand. Mit CreaSneeze Weißen Papiertaschentüchern investieren Sie in Qualität, die sowohl Funktionalität als auch Stil vereint. Schützen Sie sich und Ihre Lieben mit diesen praktischen und hygienischen Begleitern für jeden Tag!
CreaSneeze Weiche Papiertaschentücher in Weiß – Hypoallergen & Saugstark
CreaSneeze Weiche Papiertaschentücher in Weiß – Hypoallergen & Saugstark Entdecken Sie die CreaSneeze Papiertaschentücher, die perfekte Lösung für alle, die Wert auf Qualität und Komfort legen. Diese Taschentücher bieten eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die sie von anderen abheben: Extra Weich: Unsere Taschentücher sind speziell für empfindliche Haut entwickelt, sodass sie auch bei häufigem Gebrauch angenehm sind. Hoch Absorbierend: Sie sind perfekt geeignet, um Erkältungen und kleine Verschmutzungen effektiv zu bewältigen. Hypoallergen: Ideal für Allergiker, da sie keine Reizungen verursachen und somit Sicherheit bieten. Hygienisch Verpackt: Jedes Taschentuch ist einzeln verpackt, was optimale Sauberkeit und Komfort gewährleistet. Umweltfreundliche Produktion: Unsere Taschentücher werden unter umweltbewussten Bedingungen hergestellt, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren. Wählen Sie die CreaSneeze Papiertaschentücher für eine sanfte und effektive Lösung, die sowohl Ihren Bedürfnissen als auch der Umwelt gerecht wird.
CreaPic Eco Customizable Natural Photo Frame - Eco Elegance
CreaPic Eco Customizable Nature Photo Frame - Eco Elegance Discover the CreaPic Eco Customizable Nature Photo Frame that not only displays your most precious memories in style, but is also environmentally friendly. This photo frame combines simplicity and elegance in a thoughtful design that will fit perfectly into any home or office. Unique selling points: Sustainable material: Made from natural, eco-friendly resources, this photo frame helps protect our environment. Fully customizable: Design the photo frame as you wish and show your personality. Ideal for standard photo sizes: This frame is perfect for common photo formats, making sharing your favorite pictures a breeze. Easy maintenance: Maintaining and cleaning the frame is straightforward, giving you more time for the finer things in life. Versatile uses: Whether in the living room, office or any other room – this photo frame complements any interior in style. Showcase your memories and do something good for the planet at the same time with the CreaPic Eco Customizable Nature Photo Frame . Make your home more beautiful and environmentally conscious!
CreaPic Eco Natural Photo Frame - Individual and Environmentally Friendly
CreaPic Eco Natural Photo Frame - Individual and Environmentally Friendly Discover the CreaPic Eco Natural Photo Frame that not only presents your precious memories in style but is also environmentally friendly. This special photo frame combines functionality with sustainability and is the perfect choice for anyone who values environmental awareness. Main features: Sustainable material: Made from natural resources that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Customizable: Give your frame a personal touch with individual engraving or creative painting. Eco-friendly: An ideal photo frame for environmentally conscious buyers who want to minimize their carbon footprint. Unique design: Each frame is unique and impresses with its individual grain and texture. Versatile uses: Perfect for photos, artwork or special memorabilia that you want to showcase. Set an example for sustainability and individuality with the CreaPic Eco Natural Photo Frame . Let your creativity run wild and present your favorite moments in a stylish and environmentally friendly way!
CreaPic Custom White Picture Frame - Sleek and Modern
CreaPic Individual White Picture Frame - Elegant and Modern The CreaPic individual picture frame combines contemporary design with excellent functionality. This frame is not only an eye-catcher, but also a practical accessory for your home or office. Product features: High-quality material: The sturdy frame ensures durability and protection of your precious memories. Modern design: The clean, white surface adds a stylish touch to any room and integrates effortlessly into any decor. Customize: Customize the frame to your liking – perfect for personal photos, artwork or certificates. Easy to use: The uncomplicated exchange of images allows you to update your decoration at any time. Versatile: Whether in the living room, in the office or as a gift – this frame is suitable for every occasion. Easy to clean: The smooth surface is easy to clean and therefore always remains in an attractive condition. Showcase your memories in style with the CreaPic Individual White Picture Frame – the perfect choice for anyone who values design and functionality.
CreaPic Personalizable Photo Frame - White, Modern and Elegant
CreaPic Personalizable Photo Frame - White, Modern and Elegant Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with our CreaPic photo frame. This modern and elegant frame is not only an eye-catcher, but also extremely versatile. Simple white: The timeless white color blends harmoniously into any interior design and complements your decoration perfectly. Customizable: Design your photo frame exactly as you wish! Whether with names, special dates or individual designs - your creativity knows no limits. Modern aesthetics: Ideal for contemporary interiors, the frame will add a fresh, elegant accent to your home. Easy to insert pictures: The practical mechanism allows you to change your pictures effortlessly so that you can present new memories at any time. Ideal gift: Whether for weddings, birthday parties or as a personal gift – the CreaPic photo frame is the perfect choice to capture special moments. Make any room special and give your pictures a stylish place with the CreaPic Personalizable Photo Frame!
CreaBeauty Square L Custom Makeup Bag - White, 100 Characters
CreaBeauty Square L Custom Makeup Bag - White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty square L tailored makeup bag. This elegant cosmetic bag in brilliant white is not only an eye-catcher but also extremely practical for your daily needs. Spacious design: The square shape offers enough space for all your cosmetic items, from makeup to care products. Versatile design: Personalize the bag according to your wishes - perfect for individual gifts or for your own use. Practical organization: With well-thought-out compartments, the bag ensures that everything has its place and is quickly at hand. Durability: Made from high-quality materials, the bag is not only stylish, but also easy to care for and suitable for long-term use. Perfect for any occasion, the CreaBeauty makeup bag is your ideal companion on the go or at home. Add a touch of elegance to your beauty essentials!
CreaFelt Pen B Custom Ballpoint Pen Case - Plain Grey
CreaFelt Pen B Custom Ballpoint Pen Case - Plain Grey Discover the CreaFelt Pen B , an elegant and tailor-made ballpoint pen case that not only looks stylish but is also environmentally friendly. This simple grey case is the perfect companion for those who value functionality and sustainability. Special features: Sustainable material: Made from RPET felt made from recycled PET bottles, this case offers an environmentally friendly solution for your writing needs. Elegant design: The neutral gray gives the case a modern touch that can be easily adapted to different styles and offers room for customization. Optimal protection: Your writing instruments are safe and protected from scratches, so you are always ready to capture your thoughts. Generous capacity: With enough space for several pens and pencils, you always have everything at hand, whether in the office or on the go. Ideal Portability: The compact design makes it easy to carry the case in bags or backpacks, making it a practical accessory for everyday use. Easy to care for: The robust and durable felt is easy to clean and is therefore ideal for everyday use. Choose the CreaFelt Pen B ballpoint pen case for a stylish and environmentally conscious lifestyle. Perfect for those who are looking for something special but still don't want to sacrifice functionality.
Premium Gray CreaFelt Pen B Pen Case Stylish & Durable Pencil Holder Sleek Gray Stationery Pouch
Premium Grey CreaFelt Pen B Pen Case - Stylish & Robust Pencil Holder Discover the Premium Grey CreaFelt Pen B Pen Case that not only stores your pens in style, but is also known for its durability and functionality. This elegant case is the perfect combination of modern design and practical use. Outstanding features: High-quality material: Made of durable CreaFelt, this case guarantees long-lasting use. Stylish design: The modern grey design ensures that your stationery always looks good. Convenient Size: Compact and lightweight, it fits easily into bags, backpacks or desk drawers. Protective Storage: Provides safe protection for your pens and keeps them safe from damage. Versatile use: Ideal for school, office or on the go - always ready to meet your writing needs. Robust and durable: The high-quality workmanship ensures that the case has a long service life. Ideal Gift: A practical and stylish gift for all stationery lovers. Choose the Premium Gray CreaFelt Pen B Pen Case for stylish and reliable storage of your pens and enjoy the combination of functionality and aesthetics.
CreaStick Page A Custom Page Marker – Elegant White
CreaStick Page A Custom Page Marker – Elegant White Discover the CreaStick Page A Custom page marker in elegant white – the perfect companion for all book lovers and style-conscious bookworms. Main features: Customizable: Personalize your page markers with unique designs or text to add your personal touch. Stylish white: The timeless shade goes perfectly with any book and complements any decor in your home or office. Robust quality: Made of durable material that guarantees long-lasting use. Ideal for bookworms: Mark important pages in books, magazines or documents effortlessly and efficiently. Easy handling: Practical and easy to use without leaving any marks - ideal for everyday use. With the CreaStick Page A page marker, you not only set accents in your reading habits, but also bring style and elegance to your personal library. Perfect for everyone who values quality and design!
CreaStick Page A Customizable Page Markers - Pure White
CreaStick Page A Customizable Page Markers - Pure White Discover the world of individuality with the CreaStick Page , your customizable page marker in elegant pure white. Perfect for anyone who wants to label their books in style! Unique features: Individually customizable: Design your side marker exactly as you wish - simply with your own logo or design. Durable material: Made from sturdy, durable fabrics that ensure a long service life. Simple white: The elegant white design blends seamlessly into any book and adds a stylish touch to your pages. Versatile: Ideal for bookworms, as a promotional item or for students who want to organize their notes. Perfect gift: An excellent choice for literature lovers and avid readers who value individuality. Make reading a personal experience with the CreaStick Page and show your style and creativity!
CreaStick Mark A – Personalized Bookmark in White, Stylish & Practical
CreaStick Mark A – Personalized Bookmark in White, Stylish & Practical Discover the CreaStick Mark A , the perfect bookmark for any book lover! This customizable bookmark in brilliant white combines style and functionality and is an ideal gift for yourself or your friends. Special features of the CreaStick Mark A: Customizable: Design your bookmark according to your wishes and make it a unique companion in your literary adventures. High-quality materials: Made of durable, sturdy material that ensures long-term use. Compact size: The slim design fits any book format, from paperbacks to hardcover editions. Elegant appearance: With its stylish appearance, it complements any book collection and makes reading even more enjoyable. Whether for your own use or as a thoughtful, personal gift - the CreaStick Mark A is the perfect choice for anyone who loves books and values style. Make reading an experience!
CreaStick Mark A Personalised Bookmark - Elegant White
CreaStick Mark A customizable bookmark - Elegant White Discover the CreaStick Mark , a unique and elegant bookmark that is not only functional but also carries your personal touch. Special features: Customize: Customize your bookmark with your own logo or design and make it truly unique. High-quality material: Made of durable and robust components that guarantee a long service life. Classic White: The timeless and elegant white blends harmoniously into any book collection and adds a touch of style to your reading experience. Versatile: Ideal for all book lovers, as a promotional gift or as a special souvenir for special occasions. Perfect as a gift: Surprise bookworms and literature lovers with a unique present that is both practical and personal. Design your bookmark today and enjoy the combination of elegance and individuality!
CreaStick Combo C Custom Sticky Notes - Crisp White
CreaStick Combo C Custom Sticky Notes - Crisp White Discover the versatility of the CreaStick Combo C Custom Sticky Notes in classic white! These sticky notes are not only functional but also perfectly customizable to meet your individual needs. Main features: High-quality paper: For optimal adhesion and durability. Customizable: Design the notes with your own logo or text for a special touch. Strong adhesion: The notes stick firmly, can be removed without leaving residue and are reusable. Versatile: Ideal for notes, to-do lists or as a practical bookmark. Adaptability: Perfect for use in the office, school or home. Package variations: Contains different sizes for various uses. Take your notes to the next level with the CreaStick Combo C Custom Sticky Notes . Whether for personal projects or in a professional environment, these sticky notes offer the perfect solution for keeping things organized and capturing creative ideas.
CreaStick Note S - Personalized sticky notes in white - Practical & tailor-made
CreaStick Note S - Personalized sticky notes in white - Practical & tailor-made Discover the versatility of the CreaStick Note S - your perfect, customizable sticky notes! These notes are not only practical, but also a valuable tool for your organization. Why choose CreaStick Note S? Customizable: Personalize your sticky notes with company logos or personal messages to leave a lasting impression. Strong adhesion: Our notes adhere reliably to all smooth surfaces and can be removed effortlessly and without leaving any residue. Premium Paper: Made from high quality white paper that ensures excellent visibility of your notes. Multifunctional: Ideal for use in the office, school or home - help yourself and others stay organized. User-friendly: Easy to use and a valuable tool for increasing productivity and organization. The CreaStick Note S sticky notes are the key to a structured and efficient everyday life. Get your tailor-made solution now and take your notes to the next level!
CreaStick Small: Customizable White Sticky Notes
CreaStick Small: Customizable White Sticky Notes Discover the CreaStick Small , your perfect companion for notes, reminders and creative design! These customizable sticky notes not only offer a great way to personalize, but are also ideal for company branding. Classic White: Provides clear and distinct visibility for your notes so no important information is lost. Reliable adhesive power: Adheres firmly to various surfaces without leaving any residue - ideal for everyday use. Versatile use: Perfect for quick messages, reminders or markings, whether in the office or at home. Compact and practical: The handy format fits in any bag and is therefore the ideal companion for on the go or on your desk. Make your notes unique and add a personal touch to your work environment with CreaStick Small sticky notes !
CreaStick Note M - Personalized sticky notes in white - Practical & customizable
CreaStick Note M - Personalized sticky notes in white - Practical & customizable Discover the versatile CreaStick sticky notes that not only help you stay organized but also add your personal touch. Special features: Custom design: Personalize your notes with your logo or your own messages to make a lasting impression. Strong adhesive power: Thanks to the reliable adhesive, the notes stick to almost all surfaces without leaving any residue. High-quality paper: Enjoy durable, tear-resistant white sheets that ensure clear and crisp writing. Versatile: Whether in the office, at school or at home - perfect for organization and as a reminder. Environmentally conscious: Our sticky notes are made from sustainable sources and support environmentally friendly practices. Give your notes a personal touch while remaining environmentally conscious with CreaStick sticky notes!
CreaStick Medium: Customizable White Sticky Notes
CreaStick Medium: Customizable White Sticky Notes Discover the CreaStick Medium sticky notes , the perfect solution for your notes and reminders. These unique sticky notes are not only practical, but also customizable. Special features: Customizable: Add your own designs or company logos to add a personal touch. Classic white: Provides clear visibility and fits perfectly into any office environment without distracting. Strong adhesive: Adheres reliably to many surfaces and leaves no residue when removed. Versatile use: Ideal for meetings, reminders or quick notes - an indispensable office supply. Practical format: The optimal size for short messages and everyday use. Customize your sticky notes to suit your needs and use their versatility for any occasion. CreaStick Medium sticky notes are the ideal choice for anyone who values functionality and style.
CreaStick Note L - Personalized sticky notes in white - Creative and versatile notes
CreaStick Note L - Personalized sticky notes in white - Creative and versatile notes Discover the CreaStick Note L , your perfect solution for individual notes that shine in both personal and professional environments! Product features: Design: Design your sticky notes according to your wishes and needs! Color: Bright white for clear and easy-to-read notes – ideal for any occasion. Material: Made of high quality durable paper which is reliable. Brand: CreaStick stands for innovation and quality – trust a proven manufacturer. Packaging: Compact block that is easy to transport and store. Versatile application: Perfect for: offices schools Home Creative Projects Special advantage: CreaStick sticky notes adhere securely to various surfaces and can be removed without leaving any residue, making them ideal for any note-taking and organizational task. Make your notes creative and functional with the CreaStick Note L sticky notes!
CreaStick Large Sticky Notes L: Customizable - White
CreaStick Large Sticky Notes L: Customizable - White Discover the CreaStick Large Sticky Notes that are not only functional but can also add a personal touch! Main features: Customizable: Add your own designs or company logos to make your notes unique. Classic white: These sticky notes fit perfectly into any office environment and ensure optimal visibility of your thoughts. Strong adhesive power: Trusted adhesion to various surfaces without leaving residue. Versatile: Ideal for meetings, short notes or as a practical reminder. Practical format: Large enough for detailed messages, but still remains compact for easy transport. Add more creativity and organization to your office life with the CreaStick Large Sticky Notes ! Perfect for those who value both functionality and style.
CreaStick Combo B Custom Sticky Notes - Pristine White
CreaStick Combo B Individual Sticky Notes - Flawless White Discover the CreaStick Combo B, your ideal solution for efficient note-taking and organization. Not only do these sticky notes offer a crisp, pristine white finish, but they are also fully customizable to meet your individual needs. Product features: Material: Made of high quality paper for comfortable to read notes. Design: Timelessly simple white that can be easily customized with your logo or text. Adhesion: Reliable adhesion that allows notes to be repositioned multiple times. Versatility: Perfect for notes, reminders or effectively organizing your tasks. Practical: Available in different sheet sizes to suit different applications. Areas of application: Ideal for use in the office, at school or at home. With the CreaStick Combo B sticky notes you can increase your productivity and add a personal touch to your work environment. Your ideas deserve to be recorded and presented - do so with style and functionality!
CreaStick Combo A Custom Sticky Notes - Clean White
CreaStick Combo A Custom Sticky Notes - Clean White Discover the versatility and functionality of the CreaStick Combo A sticky notes in brilliant pure white. These tailor-made notes are not only practical, but also a real eye-catcher in any environment. High-quality materials Made from high-quality paper , these sticky notes guarantee clear and precise notes. A perfect companion for all your written thoughts. Customizable Design your sticky notes however you want! You can personalize them with your logo or individual designs to give them a very personal touch. Reliable adhesion The reliable adhesive strength allows you to use the notes multiple times without them losing their adhesion. Ideal for frequent changes and adjustments. Versatile application Whether as notes, reminders or creative bookmarks – the CreaStick sticky notes are suitable for many applications and support you in the office, at school or at home. Practical sizes Available in a variety of sizes, the sticky notes adapt to your needs and offer flexibility for any type of note or reminder. Ideal for any environment CreaStick sticky notes are an ideal tool for organization in any area, be it in the office, at school or in everyday life. Record your thoughts and keep track of things!
CreaNote Plus A6 Eco Custom Pad - Natural Appeal
CreaNote Plus A6 Eco Custom Pad - Natural Charm Discover the CreaNote Plus A6 Eco Custom Pad , the perfect combination of sustainability and functionality. This handy notebook is not only environmentally friendly, but can also be customized so you can let your creativity run wild. Main features: Material: Made from eco-recycled paper that supports environmentally friendly practices. Design: Soothing natural tones that create a relaxing writing environment while also being able to be personalized. Size: The practical A6 format fits comfortably in any bag, ideal for on the go. Versatility: Perfect for notes, to-do lists or as a small journal for your thoughts and ideas. Binding: Equipped with a spiral binding, it allows effortless opening and note-taking. The CreaNote Plus A6 Eco Custom Pad combines environmentally conscious choices with everyday utility, making it the ideal choice for those who value sustainability without sacrificing style and functionality.
Felty Custom Keychain, Circle Shape – White, Modern & Practical
Felty Custom Keychain, Circle Shape – White, Modern & Practical Discover the Felty Custom Keychain that is not only functional but also a stylish everyday accessory. Here are the outstanding features that make this keychain very special: Personal design: Customize your keychain with individual graphics or initials to express your personality. Simple elegance: The classic white color ensures that the pendant matches any keychain and any style, whether modern or traditional. Robust material: Made of high-quality, durable felt, the keychain is resistant to daily use and will last for a long time. Lightweight and eye-catching: Thanks to the bright color, the keychain is easy to find in your bag, so you always have your keys quickly at hand. Versatile Gift: Ideal for car, house or office keys, this keychain is the perfect little gift for friends and family. The Felty Custom keychain combines individuality and practical elegance and makes it an indispensable companion in everyday life.
Individual Felty Keychain, Circle Shape - Pure White
Individual Felty Keychain, Circle Shape - Pure White Discover the perfect companion for your keys with our individual Felty keychain in elegant pure white. This keychain combines style and functionality in a unique way. Outstanding features: Personal design: Design your pendant according to your wishes - an individual accessory that reflects your personality. Classic white: The simple and elegant color scheme suits any style and makes this keychain a timeless favorite. Lightweight and practical: With its low weight, this keychain is ideal for everyday use - it doesn't get in the way in your pocket and is always at hand. High-quality material: Made of durable felt, this pendant guarantees durability and style at the same time, perfect for everyday use. Versatile: Whether as a personal gift for friends and family or for your own keys - this pendant is the ideal choice for many occasions. Enrich your everyday life with this stylish and functional keychain that is not only practical but also an expression of your individuality!
CreaBeauty Trapez L Personalized Beauty Bag - White, 100 Characters
CreaBeauty Trapez L Personalized Beauty Bag - White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty Trapez L beauty bag. This generously sized, trapezoid-shaped cosmetic bag not only offers enough space for all your beauty products, but also gives you an elegant look. Special features: Stylish design: The timeless white of the bag blends seamlessly into any outfit and makes it an indispensable accessory. Individually customizable: Ideal as a personal gift, the bag can be designed according to your wishes. Thoughtful organization: With an intelligent layout, the bag ensures effortless and clear arrangement of your cosmetic items. Durable and easy to clean: Made of durable material, the beauty bag is ideal for everyday use and is easy to clean. Add a touch of elegance and functionality to your beauty routine with the CreaBeauty Trapez L beauty bag – the perfect choice for those who value style and practicality.
CreaBeauty Trapez Cosmetic Bag L - Adjustable, White
CreaBeauty Trapez Cosmetic Bag L - Adjustable, White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty trapeze cosmetic bag . This bag is not only a practical companion, but also an expression of your personal taste. Special features: Individual design: Design your bag according to your taste and give it a personal touch. Large volume: With plenty of space for all your beauty products – from make-up to care products to accessories. High-quality workmanship: Durable and easy to care for so that your bag always stays in top shape. Multifunctional: Ideal for long trips or as a stylish storage solution at home. Perfect Gift Idea: Elegant and practical, makes a great gift for friends and family. Choose the CreaBeauty trapeze cosmetic bag to optimize your beauty routine while adding a touch of elegance to your life.
CreaBeauty Trapez M Custom-Made Makeup Bag - White, 100 Characters
CreaBeauty Trapez M Tailored Makeup Bag - White Discover the perfect blend of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty Trapez M makeup bag. This elegant, trapezoid-shaped bag in chic white is the ideal companion for every occasion and offers you numerous advantages: Versatile use: Ideal for travel, everyday use or special occasions, this bag suits any lifestyle. Personalizable: Customize your bag and make it a unique gift for friends and family. Structured design: The well-thought-out interior layout allows you to quickly find your makeup utensils so you are always well organized. Robust and easy to clean: Made from high-quality materials, this bag is ideal for everyday use and is easy to clean. Set accents with the CreaBeauty Trapez M make-up bag and enjoy the perfect combination of elegance and practicality!
CreaBeauty Trapezoidal Cosmetic Bag M - Individual, White
CreaBeauty Trapezoidal Cosmetic Bag M - Individual, White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty trapezoidal cosmetic bag M. This bag is not only a practical accessory, but also a canvas for your creativity! Main features: Personalization possible: Design your cosmetic bag according to your wishes and make a statement. Medium size: Provides enough space for all your cosmetics without being too bulky. Easy care: Made from a material that is easy to clean - ideal for everyday use. Versatile: Perfect for on the go, on vacation or just for everyday use. Unique gift: An excellent choice for fashion and beauty fans - surprise your loved ones! Add a personal touch to your beauty range with the CreaBeauty trapezoidal cosmetic bag M and experience how practical and stylish cosmetic storage can be!
CreaBeauty Trapez S Personalized Makeup Bag - White, 100 Characters
CreaBeauty Trapez S Personalized Makeup Bag - White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty Trapez S make-up bag . This elegant bag is not only a practical companion for everyday use, but also an individual gift that carries your personal touch. Product features: Compact shape: The trapezoidal bag offers enough space for your favorite make-up products and is designed so that you have everything quickly at hand. Elegant design: In classic white, the bag fits seamlessly into any wardrobe and gives your look that certain something. Personalizable: Design the bag according to your wishes and make it a unique gift for friends and family. Practical and easy to care for: The durable materials allow for easy cleaning so that you can always keep your bag in perfect condition - perfect for on the go. Choose the CreaBeauty Trapez S Make-Up Bag for a stylish, functional accessory that will revolutionize your beauty routine!
CreaBeauty Small Trapezoid Cosmetic Bag - Personalized, White
CreaBeauty Small Trapezoid Cosmetic Bag - Personalized, White Discover the perfect combination of style and functionality with the CreaBeauty Small Trapezoid Cosmetic Bag . This customizable bag gives you the opportunity to choose your own personal design, making it truly unique. Why you should choose this cosmetic bag: Individually customizable: Design your bag according to your wishes. Small size: Ideal for your handbag – takes up hardly any space. Durable material: Provides optimal protection for your cosmetic products. For on the go: Perfect as a travel companion for your beauty products. Nice Gift: Practical and fashionable - an ideal gift for friends and family. Whether in everyday life or when travelling, the CreaBeauty Small Trapezoid Cosmetic Bag combines functionality with a touch of elegance. Make it your personal companion!
CreaStick Page A Eco Page Marker – Personalized, Natural
CreaStick Page A Eco Page Marker – Personalized, Natural Discover the CreaStick Page A eco page marker that is not only functional but also environmentally friendly! Eco-friendly: Made from environmentally friendly materials that respect nature. Tailor-made: Give your page markers a personal touch with individual motifs or texts that reflect your creativity. Durable quality: Robust and durable – perfect for everyday use at school, office or home. Versatile: Ideal for books, magazines and notebooks to quickly mark important passages. Natural look: The simple, natural design blends harmoniously into any type of book and is aesthetically pleasing. With the CreaStick Page A eco page marker, you are not only focusing on quality, but also on sustainability. Perfect for environmentally conscious customers who value individuality and functionality!
CreaStick Mark A Eco – Sustainable, customizable bookmark in natural color
CreaStick Mark A Eco – Sustainable, customizable bookmark in natural color Discover the CreaStick Mark A Eco, the perfect bookmark for environmentally conscious readers who value individuality and style. Main features: Environmentally friendly: Made from natural and sustainable materials, ideal for those who want to protect the environment. Customizable: Give your bookmark a personal touch! Personalize it with your name, inspirational quotes or unique designs. Durable and robust: Designed for everyday use, it remains in perfect condition even after prolonged use - without signs of wear. Multi-purpose: Perfect for books, magazines and even as an ideal gift for the book lover in your life. Stylish design: The elegant natural color blends harmoniously into the aesthetics of each book and makes it a real eye-catcher. Choose the CreaStick Mark A Eco and enjoy an eco-friendly, elegant and personalized reading experience!
Elegant Grace ballpoint pen set - black - stylish gift for professionals and students
Elegant Grace ballpoint pen set - black - stylish gift for professionals and students Discover the Elegant Grace ballpoint pen set , which not only impresses with its elegant design, but also with its functionality: High-quality design: The elegant black finish makes this set the perfect accessory for any occasion. Comfortable grip: Thanks to the ergonomic design, you will experience a pleasant writing experience, even when writing for longer periods of time. Durability: Made from robust materials, this set guarantees exceptional durability and reliable performance. Versatile applications: Ideal for the office, school or home desk - perfect for professionals and students. Gift Ready: The attractive packaging makes this ballpoint pen set a stylish gift for colleagues, friends and family. Add a touch of class and functionality to your writing style with the elegant Grace ballpoint pen set!
Grace Elegant Ballpoint Pen Set in Deep Black
Grace Elegant Ballpoint Pen Set in Deep Black Discover the exclusive Grace ballpoint pen set, which impresses with its classic and elegant design in deep black . This set combines style and functionality and is the perfect companion for every writing occasion. Main features: Elegant design: The slim and timeless design ensures a professional appearance and sits comfortably in the hand. High-quality ink: Enjoy smooth and clean lines that make every writing session a pleasure. Versatile: Ideal for everyday use in the office, at home or on special occasions. Perfect Gift: This stylish ballpoint pen set makes a great gift for friends, family or colleagues. Whether for personal use or as a thoughtful gift, the Grace ballpoint pen set offers a combination of elegance and practicality that enhances every writing moment.
Silver metal ruler – Robust and precise measuring instrument for professionals and students
Silver metal ruler – Robust and precise measuring instrument for professionals and students Discover the perfect measuring instrument suitable for both professionals and students. Our silver metal ruler combines functionality with stylish design: Durable material: Made of high-quality metal, it guarantees high durability and stability that will give you long-lasting enjoyment. Elegant silver look: The stylish design blends seamlessly into any office or classroom and enhances any environment. Precise scaling: With clear, corrosion-resistant markings, it enables precise measurements for all your projects. Versatile: Whether for technical drawings, creative art projects or general office work - this ruler is your ideal companion. Compact size: It is easy to handle and fits easily into any drawer or bag - perfect for everyday use. Easy care: The material is easy to clean and resistant to fingerprints and stains, so it always looks good. Trust our silver metal ruler to achieve precise results while maintaining style!
Matt Silver Keyring Open - Stylish & Practical, Robust Design
Matt Silver Keyring Open - Stylish & Practical, Robust Design Discover the perfect mix of elegance and functionality with our matt silver Open keychain. This keychain is not only a practical accessory, but also a stylish statement that enriches your everyday life. Main features: Elegant finish: The matte silver design gives a modern and appealing look that suits any style. Durability Guaranteed: Made from high-quality materials, this keychain offers long-lasting use that can withstand daily demands. Light & compact: With its handy format, the keychain is ideal for everyday use and fits easily on any keychain. Versatile: Whether for opening doors, drawers or other objects – this keychain is a true all-rounder. Practical accessory: A stylish companion for work and leisure that harmoniously combines functionality and design. Choose the matt silver Open keychain and bring style and practicality into your everyday life. Your perfect partner for all occasions!
Captain's armband Nations Germany – leadership symbol in national colors
Captain's armband Nations Germany – leadership symbol in national colors Show your team spirit and unity with the Nations Germany captain's armband . This armband is not only a practical sports accessory, but also a symbol of responsibility and solidarity. Product features: Recognizable Germany colors: Inspires team spirit and shows your national affiliation. Elastic material: Guarantees a comfortable and non-slip fit so you can concentrate fully on the game. Easy to put on: The quick change allows for flexible use, ideal for any game or training. High-quality fabric: Resists stretching and sweat so the bandage retains its shape even during intense play. Symbol of responsibility: Perfect for school, club and recreational sports – an indispensable accessory for every captain. Show your leadership on the pitch with the Nations Germany captain’s armband – the ideal companion for sporting challenges!
Brown Cork Pencil Case - Stylish & Eco-Friendly
Brown Cork Pencil Case - Stylish & Eco-Friendly Discover the perfect combination of style and sustainability with our brown cork pencil case. This exceptional accessory is not only environmentally friendly, but also offers numerous advantages for everyday use. Sustainable material Made from natural cork, this pencil case is an environmentally conscious choice. Cork is a renewable resource that is both robust and durable. Robust & Durable This pencil case is ideal for use at school and in the office. It can withstand the challenges of everyday life and ensures that your writing utensils are always well protected. Easy to clean Stains and dirt? No problem! Thanks to its smooth surface, the pencil case is easy to wipe clean so it always stays clean and tidy. Stylish design The sleek brown finish gives the pencil case a stylish touch that will perfectly complement any backpack or desk. You'll be amazed at how well it blends in with your existing decor. Versatile With enough space for pens, erasers and other supplies, this pencil case is the ideal solution for students and professionals. Keep your stationery neat and within easy reach. Focus on style and sustainability with our brown cork pencil case and make a difference – for yourself and the environment!
CORK A5 Notebook, Checkered Pages - Chocolate Brown, Ideal for Notes & Sketches
CORK A5 Notebook, Checkered Pages - Chocolate Brown, Ideal for Notes & Sketches Discover the KORK A5 notebook, a perfect combination of functionality and stylish design. This notebook is not only a practical companion for your ideas and sketches, but also an environmentally friendly product that is produced sustainably. High-quality material: Made from robust and sustainable cork, it offers durability and a pleasant feel. Practical size: The handy A5 format makes it ideal for on the go and fits easily into any bag. Checkered inside pages: The checkered pages allow for organized notes and precise drawing – ideal for creative minds. Elegant design: In a timeless chocolate brown, the notebook blends harmoniously into any work environment. Robust binding: The durable thread binding ensures that the notebook can withstand frequent use. Versatile: Perfect for students, professionals and creatives who value quality. Environmentally friendly: Made from natural materials and recyclable, this notebook is an excellent choice for environmentally conscious users. The KORK A5 notebook is the ideal companion for anyone who wants to record, sketch or organize their thoughts. Treat yourself to a notebook that is not only functional, but also contributes to a more sustainable world.
Large Blue Miami Beach Beach Bag – Spacious & Stylish
Large Blue Miami Beach Beach Bag – Spacious & Stylish Discover the perfect companion for your summer adventures with our Large Blue Miami Beach Beach Bag . This bag combines style and functionality in an impressive way. Main features: Vibrant blue: Brings freshness and color to the beach and makes you an eye-catcher. Large Capacity: Provides ample space for towels, sunscreen, books and more - everything you need for a perfect day by the water. Durable Material: Made from high quality materials designed for durability and frequent outdoor use. Easy to carry: The comfortable handles ensure that you can easily transport the bag no matter how full it is. Versatile use: Ideal not only for the beach, but also for the pool or as a practical shopping bag. With this beach bag you are perfectly equipped for sunny days and unforgettable moments by the water. Experience the perfect mix of style and functionality!